The Queendom of the Fae

Tooth Faerie



Yoongi fluttered his wings with a quick shiver as he let them soar through the sky, quickly making his way towards the inner city. His class started in 20 minutes but he was still quite a ways away from where he needed to be. Damn these stupdi dress codes for the City! Couldn't Yoongi just wear his normal tunic and trousers? Why did he have to dress in the traditional garb whenever he had to fly to the City for class? He hated having to wear that itchy vest made of vines and dried plants. Not only did it expose too much unneccesary skin but it broadcasted to the entire Queendom of the Fae that Yoongi didn't have the standard runes inked onto his skin like everyone else.


Every member of the Fae was supposed to have the designs symbolizing their craft and the powerful magic they held within their bodies. Light Spirits had rays of sun shining down their entire body, white and yellow and the color of a fire. They burned with the intensity of forest fires and reflected brightly off any clear surface. 


The Earth Spirits had strong patterns. The marks of the Tree starting from the small of their lower back, pushing up to cover the entirety of their back and blossoming with the intracite leaf designs that covers the length of their shoulders, coming up and caressing their neck. All down their arms and shoulders were runes symbolizing their eternal promise to the Tree and to the Earth--to protect it, to nurture it, to allow it to continue to provide the Fae with it's natural produces.


But Yoongi's favorite emblem designs had to be that of the Water Spirits. They had the mark of the water droplets cascading down their bodies like crytalized molecules. The delicate patterns created the vision of swirling water upon their arms and chest. These were the marks of healers and the protectors of the water, one of the most gentle and nimble substances on the earth yet swift and powerful; capable of defending itself against those who wished to pollute it with evil.


There were many more different types of symbols that varied with each type of Fae who roamed the Queendom. And when the young and upcoming Fae all gathered within the hallowed halls of the academy, they wore their traditional vests made of vine that highlighted their runes for the world to see.


All of them...except Yoongi.


Yoongi had no emblems of his own. No, because he did not posses the same powers as the rest of the Fae in his world. Instead, Yoongi did the job no other Fae in the Queendom had to do. He collected that which every creature possesed and lost at least once within a lifetime and exhanged it with the blessings of the Fae. If it was that of an animals, Yoongi collected his dues and bestowed upon the creatures the gifts which no other faerie could provide, the currency of knowledge. Left behind the knowledge of where to find food or shelter, or warning signs of misfortunate weather to come. A gift of knowledge to all creatures that allowed them to grow and continue to live peacefully with their own kind.


For humans however, it was a different situation entirely.


They didn't want the currency of knowledge.


They wanted money.


Physical possesions which no faerie had ever manifested in their existence.


Yoongi had no idea how they humans came up with that one. Them and their stupid legends about him and the ones who did his job before him. He wasn't some god damn mythical creature who came to their houses and left them money. His job was important but because the humans were dumb and decided to make their legends known throughout every land on earth, even his own kind had taken to calling him that stupid pet name.


The ing Tooth Fairy for christ's sake.


And not only that, but it planted the seed of doubt in his peers minds. It grew and grew into a full sickly tree that spread it's poisonous pollen throughout the Queendom. To everyone else, Yoongi was a lesser class. One who was to be made fun of, rather than treated with respect like every other Fae in existence who had an important role to play.


Not only that, but Yoongi's position meant that he never bore any marks of spiritual power. Of magic. 


Every time he came to the academy and saw the beautiful marks adorned on the bodies of his peers, he cursed the skies for giving him this stupid position. He was looked down upon by everyone and had no friends.


He was the only one of his kind, therefore most of his classes were taught one on one. But for general magic classes, he had to attend regular classes at the academy in the City. 


The classes were held at the crack of ing dawn! Even the ing Tooth Fairy needed his damn beauty sleep! But no, the Fae were strict that classes be taught at the prime times of the day. When the sun, the most powerful force in existence next to the moon, was first awakening, when it was directly above their heads casting down brilliant beams, and when it was closing it's eyes in order to lay it's head down to sleep upon an oynx pillow dotted with stars. 


So Yoongi was (unfortunately) awake and currently rushing as fast as his thin white wings could take him.


Jesus it was cold! Couldn't the Fae have invented some sort of traditional fabric that was resistant to the cold? If the humans could do it without magic then why the hell couldn't they?


Yoongi rushed with all his might past the entrance to the City and would hopefully find the entrance to the academy soon. The sky was still dark which meant he had some time before the sun was to rise but if he was even a moment late, he would probably get into a lot of trouble. He rushed past the brush of the leaves hanging low from the trees, not stopping even once to smell the intoxicating scents that came off the flowers that were sure to bloom later that day. 


Yoongi rejoiced (as much as his little black heart could) at the sight of the entrance to the academy. He was going to make it!


Just as he thought that, the slightest peaks of purple started to pop up from the east of the sky. 


Mothering ! He was late!


He flew with all his strength in his body, even running in the air, waddling his arms madly like a mad duck so that he moved faster. Did it work? He didn't really know. Did he care? Not really.


Soon enough he was flying straight into the open entrance a little past the midway point of the length of the tree trunk.


In hindsight, he could've tried to make his landing a little smoother.


He ended up tumbling face first into the brush that made up the floor on the inside of the hollowed tree. He let out a yelp as he slid to a stop. He was sure there was bound to be twigs and leaves stuck in his already mint green hair and he probably looked like a bird had decided to make his head it's home and his face and body it's scratching post. 


The sounds of laughter filtered through the air and into Yoongi's ears. 


He grunted. " my life so hard," he mumbled so quietly he was sure only he could hear himself.


He turned his body into an upright sitting position, readying himself to stand up when a hand stuck out in front of him. Yoongi probably stared at it for too long before glancing up to see the yellow, white and fiery red emblems marking up the length of the arm before his eyes settled upon the face of the Fae in front of him.


Jin. A Light Spirit. With the control over the light of the sun, how it bounced off the surfaces of the earth and to where the light rays were directed, Jin was a powerful Fae. Light Spirits could produce light in and of themselves, even turning themselves into fire and were stunningly beautiful as were many of the Fae. Jin, however, was abnormally good looking, even to the point where it was hard to look at him directly.


He had dark brown hair with the lightest tint of red that seemed to glow on top of his head with the rest of his body and right now he was obviously reaching his hand out to assist Yoongi. If Yoongi could bring himself to care he probably would have accepted. Instead he ignored the hand and stood up himself, catching a glimpse of Jin's blazing golden wings in the process.


Jin drew his hand back awkwardly. Yoongi almost felt bad for a moment before he remembered that the Fae never felt bad for him, so why should he feel bad for them?


"Well, now that Yoongi has arrived we can finally start our lesson," their professor started. Yoongi looks over lazly. Professor Hae. The teacher of the study of light.


Yoongi had to learn general educaiton magic even though it wasn't his place to ever harness any of the power of light in order to do his job. Learning magic was necessary for all Fae, regardless of position or element. As Professor Hae brought the class over to the edge of the hollowed tree in order to witness the sunrise and learn to harness the power of a newborn day break, Yoongi looked around the room at the rest of the students who had gathered around. There were plenty of Light Fae all around, Jin and others.


There were a few Earth Fae like Namjoon, with his light brown hair, almost yellow in color. His wings that almost looked they were made from whistful leaves in the wind if it were not for the brown twigs and the dark red flowers blossoming out from right in the center of the wings. From just one look, it would look like it should be impossible for these types of wings to even fly,  yet Namjoon's wings fluttered in the air with all the grace and ease of any other type of wings. Namjoon was a talented Earth Spirit. He often helped in the court of the Queen and best of all, he kept to himself. Not once did he ever bother Yoongi and boy did he appreciate it. 


Also in the room was another face he recognized well. Hoseok, the Animal Spirit. Like Yoongi, Hoseok was a rare Fae. Not many Animal Fae existed within this part of the world. Animal Fae had the ability to communicate with all of the animals of the world, excluding humans seen as Fae could speak any human language. Normal Fae could communicate with animals to some extent but none had the ability to know exactly what they were saying and communicate with them directly in turn. If an animal were to say, become aggresive, normal Fae could not do much to protect themselves. They could try their best to calm the creature but it would not bring about any guarentees.


With Animal Fae, it was almost too easy. They could calm down the wildest beast and find it's way to the heart of the creature in no time, effectively solving any problems there could be. Hoseok's wings were beautiful, even Yoongi had to admit. Pure black at the top like that of a crow, then abruptly cutting with white spindles slicing down each fold of his wings making it look like the fur of an animal or even the wings of a butterfly. Animal Fae were extremely important to the ecosystem, therefore Fae like Hoseok were highly coveted. Unlike Yoongi.


Yoongi didn't talk to any of them. Not Jin, not Namjoon and not Hoseok. And neither did he try to communicate with any of the other students in the class. They were just a bunch of sentry Fae who would eventually go to work under the more powerful overseers depending on what type of abilities they possesed. Yoongi was sure half of the class would eventually go on to work under Jin, seeing as he was the top of the class when it came to his power over the light. 


Namjoon already worked directly under the Queen with service to the Tree, making sure it stayed alive and flourished. And maybe making a flower or two bloom every now and then to make it look pretty. Like Jin, many of the other Earth Fae would probably go to work under Namjoon. Hoseok on the other hand was a different matter entirely. Seeing as he too was the only one of his kind, he would most likely work by himself for the majority of his lifetime, under the service of the Queen's court and the Holy Scripture of Life that bound every Fae to a life of duty to the protection of nature on planet Earth. 


And Yoongi would collect teeth. Go figure.


He always knew his life would go to .


The one thing that did surprise Yoongi was that there were no Water Fae present in the room. Usually there were one or two, having just come from pre-dawn duty down by the Mystic Lake. And yet, there were none here. Not that Yoongi was looking for anybody in particular or anything. And of course there were no female Fae in the room. Male and female Fae were taught separately for the purpose of practicality. Fae were very fertile creatures, wanting to pollenate and reproduce often. Young Fae more than any were like this therefore the Queendom found it best to separate the studies, however they did meet every now and then during exams. The female Fae were just as important if not more so than the male Fae. Female Fae could do what male Fae could not. And that was the power to create life in other beings.


But that did not mean that the Fae could only mate female to male. Fae did not believe in gender or uality norms like most humans did, therefore whoever a Fae chose to be their Other did not matter. Fae were generous and unselfish. If two male Fae wanted to procreate they could simply ask a female Fae for her services and they would be provided a baby Fae shortly after. 


Fae were kind, giving and above all warm-hearted. All of which Yoongi didn't really consider himself.


Yoongi knew what his job was and it didn't require sitting through a boring lesson on light taught by the professor as he waited for the sun to reach midpoint to the center of the sky, signalling the end of their morning class.


Yoongi could not have gotten out of that room fast enough. 


Today was his free day. He only had one class in the morning and then he had the rest of the day to himself before it reached twilight and Yoongi had to report to his direct Teacher to learn more about his own specific Fae mission. He had been training for a little over a decade for this and now it seemed it was finally his chance to go out for a test run. And not just any test run. A test run with the humans.


Yoongi had collected the teeth of the animals before. He had collected teeth of the Fae and teeth of every other creature on the planet that had teeth before now. His last test before he could graduate unto his bestowed calling was to collect the teeth of a human. Well. Multiple humans. He covered every human that lived in the area surrounding the Forest of the Fae. Of course, the humans didn't call it that. They just called it "The Forest". How very clever.


He was looking forward to that night, but he was also nervous. Humans had a strange habit (thanks a lot legend) to put their teeth under their pillow whilst they sleep in the middle of the night. They expected him, a tiny faerie (even by normal Fae standards), to find away into their houses, into their rooms and under their pillows just so that he could collect their teeth? no. Why the hell did humans have to make everything so god damn complicated? Yoongi should just be able to approach the human in sleeping form, take the teeth and bestow upon them a tidbit of knowledge in exchange and then get the out. He didn't come here to play some sort of game! He wasn't a god damn baby!


How was he supposed to complete this obstacle course of ery without waking the humans up?


"Fae are talented with the natural gift of silence and camoflauge," his teacher had told him again and again. Yoongi wanted to scoff. No matter what, if it looked like the human was going to wake up, he was booking it the out of there. He wasn't about to get squashed by some giant, no matter how small they were to humans.


Needing to unwind from his nerves, Yoongi thought about what he could do to relax.


That was when he had an idea.


Shout out to those who know what 'Hae' means in Korean!

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Should be updated periodically within the next five days.

(1). Light emblems that Jin has. (2) Namjoon's wings. (3). Jin's wings.

(4). Hoseok's wings

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Cutiepies1228 #1
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. For a moment there I felt like I went back to my childhood days when my mom used to tell me fairy tales. Thank you so much for writing this story and sharing this amazing piece of work with us. Keep up the good work.
SassySquirrel #2
Chapter 5: I've read this story so many times now, I love it, its just so cute! ^-^
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 5: It has been a long time since I read this and I'm still sobbing over this and JUST IDK HOW TO FREAKING DRAW WATER BUT I WANNA DRAW JIMIN EVEN IF I

I'M STILL NOT OVER THIS, it's still great and will forever be one of my yoonmin faves
Chapter 5: It's beautiful..the way you picture every character and every details..
I really love the story..
And Yoongi being the
rollingpie #5
Chapter 5: this story is good :') just like how bangtan's trilogy had taught me a lot of lessons in life, this fic also taught something in me. not often do i found fic with good storylines and teach lessons besides that :') thank you for writing this!
Chapter 5: That was adorable omg
Clouds22 #7
Ize_Kevin #8
Chapter 5: Mah harteu. Its so.... oh mahy gahd.
Chapter 5: Holy flower mother of jams-
The taekook, the yoonmin and even the yoonkook, this is a masterpiece :')
Now, you need to think of a sequel or im gonna haunt you at night