Butterfly Falls

Tooth Faerie



As Yoongi flew out of the city, he looked down at the lavish castles built within the trees. His home was truly beautiful. Too bad he didn't belong there. He flew past the gardens and the classrooms where Earth studies were taught, buried in little burrowed holes in the ground, in order to be closer to the dirt which was the source of earth.


He flew past every area where he knew other Fae were bound to be gathering or working. He flew past the guardians of the Tree, he flew past the gateways towards exiting Fae territory and crossing over into the land overseen by the animals (a place where Hoseok frequently visited). He flew as far as his irridescent white wings could take him. The colors of the trees turned his wings the color of his hair as they rushed forward almost envolping his face before flying back, propelling himself forward with the help of the wind.


He flew until he reached the place he was looking for.


Roots Pass. 


The largest tree in the forest (aside from the Tree) grew there, it's trunk stretching farther into the sky than Yoongi had ever flown. Yoongi landed on one of the overgrown roots that had popped out of the ground and looked out over the pass.


There was a stream running directly underneathe the roots. It connected to Mystic Lake, where many of the Water Spirits worked. However, Yoongi didn't want to go to Mystic Lake, he wanted to go the other way. In the other direction was a place no one else knew existed. A place of beauty that was hidden away by a cave. It was Yoongi's solace.


In order to not draw attention to the Water Spirits, Yoongi could not fly over the roots. Instead he would have to walk. It was not a difficult pass to cross, just long and winding. He set out on foot, his bare feat brushing over the bark of the root. It was a bit of a steep walk down but Yoongi quickly accomplished it without any problems. On the low end of the root, the dip barely kissed the stream. The water was shimmering, a luminous blue and green, reflecting his image off the water. Yoongi gave a small smile. He always did like the water. 


But he walked on by, walking back up the other side of the root and turning past the miniature branch, that was almost like a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. It was the perfect size for a Fae of his stature. He walked past, up and over as many roots as possible, until he was finally over Roots Pass and back onto dry forest ground, no longer connected to any trees.


It was then that Yoongi could pick up flying again. He flew until he found the entrance to the cave. It wasn't an obvious entrance for it was covered with a weaved entanglement of vines in front of it. Yoongi had stumbled across this place by accident and he only found out that these vines weren't connected to a boulder by accidentally falling through it. 


After he surpased the vine wall of entrance, he had to walk through the cave. If anybody had found this place they would have thought to turn back, since the cave shown no light through the other end. It was just darkness. There was bound to be a dead end, anybody else would have thought. But not Yoongi.


Yoongi was reckless and could give a damn about consequences, so instead of turning back, he had continued forward, through the darkness of the cave until he reached a fork. There were two tunnels one could take. The one going to the right or the one to the left. 


Yoongi went left. He traveled through the tunnel until he came across another set of wall-like vines. He ran his hand through it and moved it aside, stepping out into the clearing. There in front of him was a waterfall. Hidden away from the rest of the Fae, this was outside their territory. It was free territory meaning it was not guarded by Fae or animal. It was completely solitary. Untouched. Pure. 


Yoongi crawled over the rocks, ducking deeper into the sides of the cave where he knew he could hide himself from view. He didn't know if he was here today. He usually came here around this time but Yoongi had only been able to get away at certain times recently to check.


And every time, the Water Spirit had been here. Slapshing about in the water, creating waves and dragging the water into the air to make shapes and objects. Yoongi had known who the boy was the moment he laid eyes on him. He was a Fae from his school, but a younger one, not one he had ever gotten to interact with as of yet.


Today was no different it seemed. In the corner, right near the spray of the water from the falls, popped up the Water Fae he had been looking for. He spun around in circles, winding the water around him, crystalizing it and then turning it back into liquid before dropping back into the water, letting his wings, the most striking shade of blue made of pure running water shutter and fluff in the waves he made for himself.


He was beautiful.


Jimin was his name. 


His chest was bare as he played in the water. He had blue and white crystalized emblems adoning his skin, circling up from his lower stomach all the way to his pectorals, where they swirled in tantilizing patterns. The patterns looked like cascading water, droplets that were permanetly etched into his back and over his arms that were very muscular yet thin and soft looking at the same time. 


The water touched his skin like a kiss, glistening and delicate and it made the boy glow with the aquamarine essence of the water. His hair was pitch black, a bit on the longer side, but still well kept. It, too, had a blue tint to it that brought out his eyes. Not that his eyes needed help in standing out.


They were the most beautiful shade of sparkling turquoise. A rare color, even for Water Fae whose eyes were usually a darker blue.  Other Fae's eyes usually shone with a deep golden amber. They were nothing special. But this boy. He was beyond special.


He was mesmerizing. 


Yoongi sat down on the rock, convientently hidden from view as he watched the boy continue to lounge around in the water. He watched the boy float and swirl around and just get lost in himself. It was easy to do that here.


The waterfall wasn't grand by any scale, in fact it was rather small compared to the one connected to Mystic Lake, but the waterfall here dripped steadily, letting the drops echo off the cave walls and resound throughout the entire area like music played on the harp. 


Yoongi enjoyed music. And this waterfall made the most beautiful kind. The sways of the gentle waves, the drips of the water from one rock landing to another, the splashes of the fish as they jumped in the air and back into the pool. All of it made the most beautiful, mellifluous music Yoongi's ear had ever heard and he couldn't help but close his eyes and let himself drown in the melodies of the water.


His eyes stayed closed for a blessed minute of absolute peace, but when he opened his eyes a striking blue water butterfly was right in front of his face. Yoongi couldn't help but let out a high pitched screech as he pitched sideways off the side the rock he was perched on, falling straight into the water below.


Yoongi thought There was no way Jimin the beautiful Water Spirit didn't see that. I've been caught! Abort mission! Run away! Run away!


When Yoongi finally popped his head above the surface, he heard the tinkle of bells in his ears. The Water Spirit. He was...giggling at him? Yoongi's face turns red as he continues to just sit in the pool of water unable to move any further. 


The water butterfly flutters it's wing until it's right in front of Yoongi. It was stunning. Dripping it's shimmering droplets onto Yoongi's already soaking body, yet never seeming to run out of water to stay in it's ethereal form.


Yoongi jerks slightly when the butterfly lands on his nose. It felt like the touch of wet sweet kiss, and Yoongi felt a strange sort of happiness, crossing his eyes to look more closely at the beautiful creature.


The giggles start up again, almost as musical as the water. Yoongi finally turns to look at the beautiful Water Spirit.


"I think she likes you," he says with a bright smile on his face. His eyes crinkle into moon crescents and Yoongi was pretty sure the entire moon sparkled in his eyes.


"Didn't you make her?" Yoongi finds himself asking. Was this really the right question to be asking at this moment in time? He had just been caught peeping on this boy for God's sake.


Jimin smiles again, nodding, "I did. But once she takes form, she takes on an essence of her own and I am no longer in control of her. She must see something special in you."


Right as he says this, his voice the most beautiful song Yoongi's ears had ever heard, the butterfly flies off of his nose and into the air again. It moves away from the pair, flying off into the waves crashing down from the waterfall, disappering altogether.


"Maybe not," Yoongi grumbles, Figures. Nothing ever thinks I am special.


"What is your name?" Jimin the Water Spirit asks.


Yoongi finally realizes the situation he was in, his ears burning impossibly hot despite being drenched in cool water, "Yoongi."


"Yoongi..." Jimin rolls the name over on his tongue. Yoongi tries not to shiver too much at the sound of his name on this Fae's lips.


"Your name is beautiful," he says. Yoongi almost scoffs. His name? Beautiful? Yeah right.


"Uh, thanks...I guess," Yoongi finally finds it in him to stand up.


"I'm glad to finally put a name to a face," Jimin says softly. Yoongi halts in place. Finally?


Jimin must have noticed the look on his face for he giggles again. Not for the first time, Yoongi wishes he was a Fae of another element so that he could transform his body into fire and physically combust.


"I've known you've been coming here since the first day," Jimin smiles shyly, swirling his fingers in the water playfully, "You didn't seem to mean me or the water any harm, so I let you stay."


"I'm sorry," Yoongi finds himself blurting for no apparent reason.


"Don't be," Jimin blurts just as fast, "I enjoyed your company. It's been a while since I've talked to a Fae who wasn't a Water Spirit. What is your domain?"


Yoongi looks down, instantly ashamed. He didn't want this beautiful boy to know his stupid position. He would laugh and think less of him, Yoongi just knew it. 


But alas, he couldn't lie to the boy. Literally. Fae could not tell lies as it was against their nature. 


"I do not have an element. I am a collector of teeth in exchange for knowledge," Yoongi says, then mumbles, "You know...the 'tooth fairy'."


Yoongi braces himself for the condescending laughter or the sudden desire to not see him anymore but all he is met with is silence.


Yoongi looks up into the shimmering iridesecent turquoise eyes of the most beautiful Fae, nay creature he had ever known in his entire existence.


"You must be really special to have such an important job," Jimin says, his voice firm and unyeilding, yet soft and understanding like this was what he had expected Yoongi to say. How could this boy believe him to be special if he had no domain? He had no emblems as markers of his position and no one took him seriously. If this were the human world, they would have already downsized and cut his job and fired him a long time ago.


Yoongi doesn't say a word in response and neither does Jimin say anything further.


"I'm Jimin," he introduces instead. Yoongi nods his head.


"I know."


Jimin's lips twitch into an amused smile, obviously content with Yoongi's answer.


"Well, Yoongi, the Fae of Knowledge," Jimin says in a low voice, walking towards him slowly with his hand outstretched and palm up and open, as if asking for his hand.


"Care for a swim?"



(1) Roots pass. (2) Jimin's eye color (not the face, just the eye color). (3) Yoongi's wings (ignore the girl)

(4). Jimin's wings/the water Butterfly


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Cutiepies1228 #1
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. For a moment there I felt like I went back to my childhood days when my mom used to tell me fairy tales. Thank you so much for writing this story and sharing this amazing piece of work with us. Keep up the good work.
SassySquirrel #2
Chapter 5: I've read this story so many times now, I love it, its just so cute! ^-^
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 5: It has been a long time since I read this and I'm still sobbing over this and JUST IDK HOW TO FREAKING DRAW WATER BUT I WANNA DRAW JIMIN EVEN IF I

I'M STILL NOT OVER THIS, it's still great and will forever be one of my yoonmin faves
Chapter 5: It's beautiful..the way you picture every character and every details..
I really love the story..
And Yoongi being the king...whoa...cool
rollingpie #5
Chapter 5: this story is good :') just like how bangtan's trilogy had taught me a lot of lessons in life, this fic also taught something in me. not often do i found fic with good storylines and teach lessons besides that :') thank you for writing this!
Chapter 5: That was adorable omg
Clouds22 #7
Ize_Kevin #8
Chapter 5: Mah harteu. Its so.... oh mahy gahd.
Chapter 5: Holy flower mother of jams-
The taekook, the yoonmin and even the yoonkook, this is a masterpiece :')
Now, you need to think of a sequel or im gonna haunt you at night