He Who Sees

Tooth Faerie


Yoongi left the waterfalls feeling the best he had in years. The water had replenished his soul and he actually had a good time, swimming in the water under the falls with the beautiful Water Spirit. Jimin, was his name. A beautiful name to match a beautiful creature. Yoongi found himself not wanting to leave the falls but it was getting close to the time for Jimin to go back to his duties and for Yoongi to go back to his home, where he would meet his Teacher. Then, he would start to prepare himself for his final test before he truly ascended into his bestowed position. 


As he flew through the wind, his clothes had started to dry as well as his wings. He wasn't of Water descent so his wings weren't meant to stay in the water for too long. Jimin had lifted the water off his wings when they first left the pool, but instead of just taking off in separate directions and going their own ways, Jimin stopped him.


And he used his hand to whirl a ball of water up from the pool beneath them. He twirled his fingers, focusing on the sphere in front of him and Yoongi watched as many of the droplets fell away until there was only a single discernible shape in front of him. The reflections of the water Jimin's face, like a prism reflecting it's colors, making his face take the form of  beautiful water lilly blooming in the spring. Jimin floated the object over to him and only then did Yoongi realize what it was. 


A water rose. 


Yoongi didn't know why he felt compelled to touch it. His hand would go right through it. But he touched it; grasped it in his hand by the stem and as soon as he did, the water crystalized, turning to ice and then into glass.


Yoongi stared at the glass rose in his hand. It was so light and yet intracately designed to the point where Yoongi could see every dip of the petals and every groove the bend of the buds made. 


Yoongi looked up at Jimin who was just smiling softly.


"Until next time," Jimin the Water Spirit said slowly.


And then he flew away.


And Yoongi was still clutching the glass rose in his hand, crading it in his arms, protecting it from the wind as he quickly flew back to his home. He needed to stash his new possession somewhere in his chambers before his Teacher arrived, otherwise he would be asked questions. Questions that Yoongi would have to answer truthfully too. 


Finally, he flew into the small grove of trees that housed the bungalows where Yoongi and many other Light Spirits lived. The trees stretched up for miles and about half way to the sky was their dwellings. The branches stretched out, crisscrossing from one tree to another. The Fae had created stairwells out of them so that the Fae who could not fly for any reason or other, could still go to their homes and their neighbors homes without any problems. Or if they just felt like walking, to each his own.


Yoongi's wings fluttered as his feet touched down on of the wooden steps made in the branches. He took off in a run, ignoring the stares of his neighboring Fae as he quickly jumbled his way up into his personal bungalow. 


Yoongi lived alone. He was grateful for that. Usually Fae lived with their family or their Other and usually separated by elemental domain. Not that this was necessary, it was just that certain Fae liked to live in certain places where their domain was of easy access. Earth Spirits liked to live burrowed under the ground, Water Spirits liked to live as close to the water as possible, sometimes within it if the dwelling consisted of all Water Fae, so they tended to live rather close to Mystic Lake. Light spirits liked living high up in the trees, the closest to the light of the sun.


And of course there were the Fae that perfered to live in the City. Close to the palace in case the Queen was needed for any reason. Unspecified domain fae usually lived in the City as well. That was where Hoseok the Animal Spirit lived. Various other Fae who were important to the Queendom lived there as well, such as Jin the Light Spirit and Namjoon the Earth Spirit. 


Yoongi lived amongst the Light Spirits dwellings because his Teacher lived there. He was the great grandson of the last Fae who collected teeth. His Teacher hadn't been alive for very long before the man died and a new Fae was born to take his place--Yoongi. As Yoongi grew up, he had many mentors, including the man's son and grandson, his current Teacher's father. However, they had more important things to do and couldn't be bothered with the likes of a Tooth Fairy and instead passed off the teaching duties to his newest Teacher.


Yoongi marched into his room, gently placing the glass rose in a vase that he stashed beside his bed. Teacher didn't normally dwell into his room, so it was bound to be safe in here. Yoongi quickly then moved to the carving out in the wall, that housed his clothes that he wore on a daily basis. Usually he just wore his normal tunic and trousers but for classes in the City he had to wear his vine vest and proper pants. 


He had been wearing them still when he went to the waterfalls which meant that now he had to change into his work attire. His uniform, one could say. 


It consisted of a long sleeve form fitting, white tunic which he wore underneath a navy blue waistcoat. He wore his black trousers on his legs as well as his lace up animal skin tabi on his feet. One would think blue wouldn't go well with his unusual mint green hair, but it actually worked quite well in fact, the tint of his hair changed quiet easily depending on the way the light him.  And on top of everything, he threw his pouch, where he were to collect the teeth and store them for the night whilst he worked.


As Yoongi walked out of his room, into the main enclouser of his bungalow, his Teacher flew through the open entrance to his bungalow that he now realized he had forgotten to close. Damn.


"Ah, good," Teacher says, "It seems you are already ready for tonight."


Yoongi nods, "I am."


"Then come along," Teacher says swiftly as he heads back towards the door, "we have no time to waste."


His Teacher flapped his wings once, letting the wind pick up, then twice kicking off into the air. Yoongi followed shortly, easily picking up speed and catching up with his Teacher. When he was flying in time with his Teacher, the Fae finally spoke up.


"We will be going to the edge of the forest to wait until night fall," his Teacher starts, "As you know there is a large amount of children in this area the humans have built on the outskirts of the forest. They have built a whole community here, complete with a school and a playground. This means that many of these children will be losing teeth continuously."


Yoongi nods his head. He already knew all this information but his Teacher was repeating it as a reminder.


"Remember that--"


"Fae are talented with the natural gift of silence and camoflauge," Yoongi repeats monotonously. His Teacher nods his head once.


"Do not be afraid to use your magical abilities to escape or hide from the humans," his Teacher says sternly, "They are dangerous creatures who will not hesitate to harm us and expose our world. You must never let them see you."


Yoongi nodded his head again. He already knew all of this, but he wasn't about to get an attitude with his Teacher.


They discussed what he had to do and how to do it and they waited for night time to fall. When it did, Yoongi gathered up his gears and bid his Teacher goodbye.


He was ready for this. He had been training all his life.


He was the god damn Tooth Fairy and he was gonna do his job. 


But humans though.


Yoongi had never encountered humans up close so he didn't know what to expect.


As Yoongi flew into the black night, his eyes widened when he took in the view of the town. It was large and some lights were shining. It looked like a peaceful haven. No one was out and about, people were home in their houses, snug in their beds. Yoongi almost envied the easy lives of humans. They probably didn't have a care in the world.


Yoongi came upon the first house that night knowing the little girl inside had lost one of her canine teeth and had put it under her pillow. Yoongi flew up to her window glancing inside the house. It was dark and there was a small light coming from under the doorway, meaning her parents were probably awake somewhere else in the house. No matter, Yoongi just needed to get in and out of this room as fast as possible. 


So he used his magic to open the window silently, closing it gently behind him and flew over to the head resting on the pillow. The little girl looked peaceful, dreaming her childlike dreams of innocence. Yoongi huffed. Pretty soon that innocence would be crushed by the harsh realities of the world. Nothing worked out right and this girl would probably grow up to learn that lesson as well. 


Yoongi landed on the bedside near the pillow and used his magic to slowly lift the pillow (and the girls head) off the bed. He used his other hand to motion for the tooth to come to him and it did. Yoongi shrunk it and put it in his pouch. He then let the pillow down and saw the girl was still gently asleep. Good. That meant he hadn't failed at his first house of the night. 


But there was still a matter of payment. He couldn't leave without bestowing some knowledge upon the girl. But what was he to do? This little girl probably expected money. Yoongi could not give anyone money! So instead he bestowed upon her the knowledge that her parents were going to get her a kitten for her birthday. She would be really happy and love it forever. The girl sighed happily in her sleep, a smile breaking out on her sleeping face.


It was true after all. The second he collected her tooth and put it in his pouch, he had gained this knowledge about her life. Besides, humans were the ones who put this stupid fake legend in their kids heads, they could be the ones to put money under their kids pillows. Yoongi wasn't here for that . He was here to get a job done and leave. That was it. 


And so he left. He opened the window and closed it again and flew off in search of the next house that would have a child sleeping soundly, with a tooth under their pillow. 




Four more houses later and Yoongi was sure there was only one more house that night that had a child who had recently lost a tooth. Yoongi felt elated. As soon as he finished this house, he would have completed his final test.


He made his way to the final house and slipped inside easily. The inside of the room was pretty average for a child. There was a little boy asleep in his bed, snuggled into his Iron Man teddy. He was cute, even Yoongi had to admit.


Yoongi noticed there was a night light on in the corner as he made he his way to the boys bedside table. He stopped. The boy's breathing suddenly changed, a little quiver coming out, before turning back to the normal even breaths of the unconscious. Yoongi had frozen upon hearing the hitch but quickly relaxed when he realized the boy was still asleep.


He got into his position, using one hand to magic the pillow slightly into the air. He tried to wave the tooth over to him. Something was wrong. This tooth was in a small plastic bag. How was Yoongi supposed to get it out of there? He quickly dragged it out and let the pillow touch back down onto the bed. He held the plastic baggy in his hand, large and overbearing. Yoongi yanked it over onto the bedside table. 


In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have turned around to try and pry open the bag and get the tooth out.


As soon as the rip! sound of the plastic baggy opened, Yoongi heard a small almost inaudible gasp from behind him.


He whipped around only to look into the large eyes of a small, yet still massive, human.


"You're real," the little boy breathed as he looked at the frozen figure of Yoongi standing on his bedside table holding his tooth in his hand, "I knew it."


The boy's mouth split into a smile, revealing that he had lost one of his two front teeth. Before the boy could even shoot up in his bed in excitement, Yoongi had thrown his hand out to the side, opening the window swiftly and flying out of the room as fast he could, large tooth still in hand. His heart was beating fast as he flew as far away as he could. 


He had seen him.


The human had seen him.


Yoongi was in so much trouble.


ing !



(1) This is the water rose that Jimin gives Yoongi. Pretend it's in glass form. (2) portion of mystic lake 

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Cutiepies1228 #1
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. For a moment there I felt like I went back to my childhood days when my mom used to tell me fairy tales. Thank you so much for writing this story and sharing this amazing piece of work with us. Keep up the good work.
SassySquirrel #2
Chapter 5: I've read this story so many times now, I love it, its just so cute! ^-^
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 5: It has been a long time since I read this and I'm still sobbing over this and JUST IDK HOW TO FREAKING DRAW WATER BUT I WANNA DRAW JIMIN EVEN IF I

I'M STILL NOT OVER THIS, it's still great and will forever be one of my yoonmin faves
Chapter 5: It's beautiful..the way you picture every character and every details..
I really love the story..
And Yoongi being the king...whoa...cool
rollingpie #5
Chapter 5: this story is good :') just like how bangtan's trilogy had taught me a lot of lessons in life, this fic also taught something in me. not often do i found fic with good storylines and teach lessons besides that :') thank you for writing this!
Chapter 5: That was adorable omg
Clouds22 #7
Ize_Kevin #8
Chapter 5: Mah harteu. Its so.... oh mahy gahd.
Chapter 5: Holy flower mother of jams-
The taekook, the yoonmin and even the yoonkook, this is a masterpiece :')
Now, you need to think of a sequel or im gonna haunt you at night