The Fae of Knowledge

Tooth Faerie


Yoongi stared at the square smile child in fright. 


Now that was two kids who knew of his existence. He was totally gonna get an earful when he returned to the Forest of the Fae. His Teacher was probably already notified that Yoongi had not returned from his duties last night.


Jungkook seemed to be equally as frightened by the newcomer.




The kid named Taehyung rushed up to his side, plopping himself down right in front of the pair of them.


"What's your name?" He asks Jungkook, all the while keeping the same bright smile on his face.


"I'm Jungkook," he answers shyly.


"Can I call you Kookie?" Taehyung pleads, "Please? You can call me TaeTae, huh?"


"O-Okay," Jungkook answers, his face turning red as he looks at Taehyung. Jungkook was obviously not used to getting such attention from random classmates.


"How did you manage to capture the Tooth Fairy?" the boy asks.


("Yeah, just keep talking about me like I'm not here guys," Yoongi mumbles to himself.)


"You must be very special! I've never known anyone who could capture a Faerie!"


'You must be really special to have such an important job.' Yoongi remembers coming out of the mouth of Jimin the Beautiful Water Spirit. For some reason, this new child, Taehyung, reminded Yoongi a lot of said Water Spirit. But of course, all this did was make Yoongi suddenly crave to see Jimin. To sit on the rocks and watch Jimin play, turning his entire body into water as he leaped out of the water and flipped backwards, crashing back down with a soft plop! and then rematerializing as if he hadn't just been in liquid form two second ago.


"What's your name, Tooth Fairy?" Taehyung asks him, finally turning away from his conversation with (the still slightly shy) Jungkook.


"It's not Tooth Fairy, that's for sure," Yoongi sasses back, not that it phased Taehyung at all, "My name is Yoongi. I am the Collector of Teeth. Not this 'Tooth Fairy' you humans call it."


"Whoooaaa," Taehyung claps wildly, turning back to Jungkook, "Kookie! Did you know he speaks Korean?"


Jungkook nods enthusiastically, "He can speak any and every human language!"


"Wow!" Taehyung gasps animatedly, "That's soooo cool!"


"Sorry for calling you the Tooth Fairy," Taehyung apologizes, "I thought it was your name. I will call you Yoongi from now on, ok? Friends?"




"We're friends now, right Kookie?" Taehyung asked, grasping ahold of Jungkook's hand in his. Jungkook just nods his head in a dazzed stupor. Yoongi grumbles.



"You guys don't want to be friends with me," Yoongi mutters, "I'm nothing special."


"What are you talking about?!" Jungkook gasps, "Yoongi, you're my best friend! You managed to make my wish come true! You say you don't have any magic but you made my wish come true all by yourself! I think you are very special!"


Yoongi was taken aback yet again by these little humans. They honestly considered him special? Him? Yoongi, who had no magic?


"Yeah!" Taehyung agrees, "You are the only Tooth Faerie on the planet! You are the only one who can do what you do! You are the most important Faerie in existence!" Taehyung adds with vigor.


Yoongi feels something in his chest move at the sincere words of the two little humans.


Then he realizes something.


"Taehyung, when did you lose your tooth?" Yoongi asks, pointing at the left front tooth Taehyung was missing.


"Last night!" Taehyung exclaims happily, gaspin with the realization "That means you must've visited me last night! Isn't that cool, Kookie? Did he visit you too?"


Jungkook nods, "He visited me three times."


"WHOA!" Taehyung gasps, "How did you get him to do that?!"


Jungkook looks down shyly, "I was purposely pulling my loose teeth out so he would come back...I really wanted him to be my friend."


Yoongi felt really overwhelmed at the words Jungkook had just said. He had thought it was weird that he had visited Jungkook so often but he didn't know it was because the boy just wanted to see him. He had told Yoongi that he wanted Yoongi to make his wish come true and bring him friends. He had no idea that when Jungkook said he wanted friends, he also meant he wanted Yoongi to be his friend.


It was a strange feeling, being wanted. But not entirely unwelcome. It made Yoongi feel light, like a weight that had been crushing his chest had finally been lifted. 



But that wasn't what was what he needed to tell the boys right now. Yoongi was the Collector of Teeth, but he was something else also. Something only the Beautiful Water Spirit had ever called him.


He was the Fae of Knowledge.


And there was some information these boys needed to know.


"Kookie," Yoongi starts, "TaeTae, do you guys want to know a secret that no other human knows about the Tooth Faerie?"


Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other in utter delight, squealing and clasping hands together. 


"Yes!" they both exclaim.


Yoongi chuckles. Okay, he could admit it. Sometimes humans could be cute.


"The rumor that the Tooth Faerie gives money in exchange for teeth is a complete lie," Yoongi says to start.


Taehyung and Jungkook gasp in unison.


"I knew it!" Taehyung cries, "I knew there had to be a reason why I never got any quarters under my pillow unless my Appa snuck it in!"


"Yoongi, is that true?" Jungkook asks, his wide like a baby bunny. Yoongi nodded.


"Unfortunately, it is true," he says, "but that doesn't mean I just steal your teeth. I do give you something in return for your teeth."


"What?" Jungkook and Taehyung ask with curiousity.


"Each tooth comes with a little tidbit of knowledge," Yoongi explains, "whenever you lose a tooth and I pick it up and put it into this here pouch--" Yoongi pats his pouch, "--I'm given a little glimpse of insight into your future."


"That's so cool!" Jungkook yells loudly and Yoongi has to shush him in order to not draw attention to themselves.


"Taehyung," Yoongi calls. Taehyung sits up straighter, ready to answer, "Did you wake up this morning with any strange thoughts? Like you knew something was going to happen today?"


Taehyung takes a moment to think. He brings his hand up to his chin, using his finger to tap on his cheek in concentration. Suddenly he gasps, turning his head back and forth from Yoongi to Jungkook.


"Yeah!" Taehyung exclaims, "I woke up this morning and I just knew I was going to make a new friend today!"


"And Jungkook," Yoongi says turning to the black haired boy who reminded him so much of a bunny, "I'm sorry I didn't manage to give you the knowledge that your teeth held but I'm sure that if I had seen what was held in store for you it would have been that you would have made a good friend today as well. I think your wish has been granted, right?"


Yoongi's heart warms at the smile that grows on Jungkook's face when he realizes that his wish had come true after all. In more ways than one.


"I made two new friends today," Jungkook says, turning to Yoongi.


"Me too!" Taehyung adds, clapping his hands together.


"Me too," Yoongi muses as he realizes just what had happened today.


Jungkook suddenly slumps over, "I guess I should probably free you out of the glass jar now, huh?"


"That would be ideal, yes," Yoongi agrees. Jungkook unscrews the lid and Yoongi flutters his wings once, then shoots out, flapping into the wind above Taehyung and Jungkook's heads. He let's his wings stretch and watches as the boys marvel at him.


"Your wings are so pretty!" Taehyung breathes in awe.


Yoongi smiles as he flutters his wings again, creating a small gust of wind that floated over to caress the sides of the boys' faces as they giggled.


"Do you have to go home now?" Jungkook asks sadly. Yoongi nods solemnly.


"I have a job to do and school to go to, just like you two," Yoongi says, "And I think...I think I'm finally ready to be the best Fae of Knowledge, Collector of Teeth, I can be."


Jungkook smiles, looking to Tae who was also smiling, before looking back at Yoongi.


"We'll always believe in you," they say.


Yoongi smiles, flapping his wings and picking up wind, "And I you."


And with that, Yoongi bids the boys farewell with the promise of seeing them the next time one of their teeth falls out (naturally, he scolded) before he takes off into the air, back to the Forest of the Fae.




As Yoongi stood in front of the Queen's court, he found that perhaps he should be nervous right now. Yet he wasn't. Not in the slightest. In fact he was ready to give any bit of information that the court wanted to hear.


Seated in front of him was the Queen herself, as well as four representatives of his peers. This was the way the law was run with the Fae. If a Fae was to be jugded, he would first answer some questions and give his testamony in front of the Queen and four representatives of his peers from each domain. To the right of the Queen, stood his Teacher. He was there to support him or reason with the Queen should the need arise. 


Seated around the Queen were the four representatives. To the right of the Queen, sat Jin, the representative for the Light Spirits. Directly to his right was Namjoon, the representative for the Earth Spirits. On the other side, to the Queen's right sat Taeyeon, the voted representative from the Water Spirits. And to her left sat Hoseok, the only Animal Spirit within their Queendom and also a part of the Queen's court regardless of peer representative status.


The Queen was absolutely gorgoreous. Her wings were that of a hundred butterflies and her face was youthful and a glowing warm bronze. She had long thick cascading black hair and a strong face. One that screamed of regality and honor. Yet her eyes were soft and full of compassion. She was every day as young as the moment she had been crowned queen 300 years ago. Faerie's lived long lives and their physically bodies usually stopped aging around the the time full maturity was reached. But for each Faerie, that time could differ. For some, full maturity could be reached when they started their position. For others, it was after they've finished their work and decided to settle down with their Other. For some, it was when they acsended as Queen of the Fae. 


The six of them watched Yoongi as he stood there in front of the Queen. His head was bowed with respect as he recited the Words of Nature. This was a sworn testament that everything you had done to cause the laws to break was done under the protection of the natural order of Life and that no harm had come to the Tree or to any other law of Nature. Fae could not tell lies, therefore the swearing was just a formality, but all the Fae still abided by it. After Yoongi had finished reciting he stood up and waited for the Queen to start asking questions.


"So you say that two human children saw you, is that correct?" she asks, her voice soft yet commanding.


"Yes," Yoongi answers, "My magic was not strong enough to create an illusion or to wipe their memories, therefore when I became trapped I had no way to escape for myself."


"Explain the rest of what happened," She commands of him. Yoongi wastes no time getting into it.


"There was one particular human child who had lost two teeth already before I could grant him his payment in return. When I went back to recieve the third tooth and finally grant him his payment, he captured me and asked instead if I could grant him a wish."


Yoongi let's himself remember the boys as he continues to explain.


"I could not help him you see, but I still owed him. His wish was to have a friend, a wish I could not grant him using magic. And when I told him this, he was saddened and instead tried to use me as a tool to make friends at his school. His plan backfired and therefore he became even more disheartened. His heart was pure and his intentions were honest and I could feel in my soul that this boy did not mean to cause any harm or expose me or our world. He just wanted to have someone to call a friend, someone to believe in him--something I know all too well."


Yoongi looked up at this point, making eye contact with Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok, who were listening attentitively. 


So Yoongi continued on.


"I felt a connection with the boy so strongly to the point where I agreed to be his friend. This is a notion I do not intend to take back. The boy is and will forever be, my friend. It turned out that earlier that night, I had collected a tooth from another young boy and his tooth had shown me that he was to make a new friend that day. At the time, I did not know what that meant as teeth do not provide any sort of specific context, but when the second boy came into the clearing where I was visible, I felt as if I could recognize him from somewhere. The two boys became instant friends themselves and the second boy became my friend as well. They are both two of the most lovely creatures I've ever met."


Yoongi smiles fondly at the thought of the little humans.


"In exchange for not being able to grant the boy's wish, I instead told him of how Taehyung was meant to be his friend and that although legends may call me the Tooth Fairy, I am more than that. You see, I am the Collector of Teeth, a most precious currency that has the power to bring the knowledge of happiness to come or a warning of future dangers or even bring people together. As a wise Water Spirit once told me--" Yoongi looked up at Taeyeon, the representative Water Spirit. She looked intrigued by what Yoongi had to say,"--I am the Fae of Knowledge and although I may not have any powerful emblems adorning my skin, and I may not be able to harness the power of the Light or of the Earth or of the Water, or even of the Animals, I am still a wielder of magic. A different kind of magic that is just as important."


The room was quiet as they stared at Yoongi. For a moment, Yoongi thought that he just might get in trouble for speaking too preteniously. But a moment later the Queen spoke again.


"And do you believe that either of these children should have their memories wiped?" she asked.


"No," Yoongi saidly strongly, shaking his head firmly, "I do not wish to take away the knowledge of what brought them together. That would be to take their happiness away and that is against the Laws of Harmony that the Fae have worked so hard to maintain. If the boys should grow up and forget about me and the Fae, then so be it. But for now, they are not a danger and the knowledge they have of me and the Fae will do nothing but foster a warmth in their hearts that they will hold within themselves forever."


The Queen looked at him with an amused look on her face, as if she knew something he didn't. He wanted to question it, but he knew some things were best left unasked.


"If the court has any objections please speak them now, otherwise I believe that no harm has been done here and Yoongi, the Fae of Knowledge, should be free to go. Anyone?" the Queen looks around to each of the respresentatives who each shook their heads with a smile.


"Good!" the Queen clapped, a warm smile also on her face, "the court is dismissed."


And with that the Queen left, accompanied by his Teacher and by Taeyeon the representative Water Spirit. Yoongi bowed his head as they exited and he in turn started to take his leave at the same time as the rest of his peers, the other representatives.


"That was very powerful what you just said," Hoseok the Animal Spirit says to him as they four of them walked out of the court. Yoongi turns to him with a bow.


"Thank you, Hoseok," Yoongi says. Hoseok raises a surprised eyebrow. 


"I didn't realize you knew my name," Hoseok says, "this was the first time I have ever heard you speak." 


Namjoon the Earth Spirit walks up behind them.


"True," he says, "I thought you were just that personality type like me, not one for talking. Although everyone else just seemed to call you rude and anti-social."


Yoongi tried not to let what Namjoon had heard from the others get to him too much. Instead he focused on the positive of what Namjoon had said. He was working on being less cynical.


"Yeah," he mumbled, "I just had a hard time surrounded by so many powerful Fae all at once."


"I always knew there was more to you, Yoongi," Jin the Light Spirit adds, "I knew it was just a matter of time before you finally opened up. And I'm glad that it took this experience with the humans for you to finally realize what you are worth."


"You have an amazing gift," Namjoon says, "What I wouldn't give to have the type of knowledge that you do. It would save me so much time that I spend studying."


Yoongi chuckles. His gift didn't work that way, but he wasn't about to burst Namjoon's bubble.


"You should come get something to eat with us," Hoseok says, "We are going to go to the little place down near Mystic Lake where they serve the special fruit dishes."


This was the first time Yoongi had ever been asked to eat with other students, people who could be considered friends and he really wanted to accept, but there was something else he had to do first.


"I appreciate the offer, but there is someone I have to go see before I do anything," Yoongi answers to them.


Jin smiles knowingly, "Is it that 'Wise Water Spirit' who means so much to you?"


Namjoon whoops, "Oh man, you lucked out. Water Spirits are the most gorgeous spirits of the Fae, even the Queen used to be a Water Spirit."


Jin elbows him. The pained wheeze he let's out was enough to make the whole group laugh.


"Go see your Water Spirit," Hoseok says, placing his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. It was strange how comforting Hoseok's touch was. He wondered if it was because Animal Spirits made all creatures feel instantly at ease around him or simply because it was just his vibe. "And then invite him to join us."




As Yoongi stuck his head out of the cave, he looked towards the sparkingly blue water of the falls. He couldn't see Jimin the beautiful Water Spirit from where he stood, but apparently he could see Yoongi for pretty soon, the same mesmerizing blue butterfly floated towards him out of nowhere and perched itself on Yoongi's nose.


Yoongi let out a chuckle, smiling large despite himself.


"You're back," a velvety voice calls from the water. A figure emerges from the water. The liquified silhouette of the Fae making it's way towards Yoongi before it finally materializes into the form of Jimin, except for his stunning wings of course, the running water always flowed into the back of the wings that the beautiful image of the Fae in front of him fit perfectly.


Yoongi smiles at him as the butterfly pops off his nose and flies away to flutter around the cave.


"I am."


"I heard about what happened in the Queen's court today," Jimin says, a teasing smile slowly forming on his face and in his eyes.


"You did?" Yoongi blanches, how had the news traveled so fast?


"Let's just say a certain Wise Water Spirit told me," Jimin tells him, a lift in his voice. Yoongi instantly knew who he was talking about as he stifled back a groan. The Water Fae were pretty gabby weren't they? He would have to learn to keep his mouth shut around them.


"Well," Yoongi starts, "I meant it."


Yoongi looks into Jimin's eyes, finding himself swimming deeper and deeper into the endless turquoise orbs.


"And I brought you something," Yoongi finishes, "as a thank you for the glass rose."


Jimin looks surprised. "You did?"


"Yes" Yoongi affirms as he reaches into his pouch pocket to grab ahold of what was now one of his three most prized possesions (the third being the beloved glass water rose that Jimin had made for him).


He takes the object out in his hand. Upon the touch of his fingers, the tooth turns into a crystal, a shining figure of the tooth of one of his two closest human friends.


"This tooth belonged to a little boy," Yoongi starts, "the one who taught me how to value myself and how to value friendship."




Yoongi touched the crystal tooth again and a length of rope grew through a little hole drilled at the top. It looped around to make a necklace.


"I want to give this to you because you were the first person to make me feel like I was worthy. That I had a important purpose in this life," Yoongi says, baring his soul for Jimin to see, "and because this tooth belonged to the human who taught me how to see that, I want to give it to you, the one who always saw that in me."


As Yoongi hands it to Jimin, it felt like he was handing the Fae his heart. Jimin cradles it in his palms, like a precious gem that he would forever love and take care of. Yoongi felt like the world had been given to him.


Jimin fastens the necklace around his neck and smiles wide, his beautiful eyes turning back into the same crescents Yoongi loved to look at that reflected the light of the moon.


Yoongi took the other tooth out of his pouch, Taehyung's tooth, and crystalized it as well. The same rope that he had used to make Jimin's necklace, he made for this one. And as he finsihed, he reached up and tied his own necklace around his neck.


He looked at Jimin with the necklace matching his water emblems surrounding his arms and chest.


"It suits you," Yoongi compliments as Jimin beams.


"As does yours," Jimin returns the compliment.


"So, Jimin..." Yoongi starts, "what do you say about going to get something to eat?"




A/N: I'm donnnneeeeee!!!! Oh my gosh you guys, this was so so fun to write. I absolutely love this universe I created and now that this story is over I feel really attached to it. I don't want to leave it! Nuuuuuuu!!!!!

This story was thought up between me and KyutiePies_EyeSmiles when we started talking about a little grumbly irritable minty haired Yoongi Tooth fairy and then I ended up running away with it and creating a whole universe and lore and all that . Damn. I hope you guys liked it! Thank you all for reading! 

Once again, none of the art that I showed you at the end of these chapters are mine. All rights and credit go to the original artist.


(1) What happens to Jimin's body when it turns into water. (2)The Queen's wings (but her skin is darker). (3). The ethereal Yoongi face I envisioned the whole time.

(4) Headcanon that some hundred years in the future Yoongi becomes King of the Fae. A grumly, irritable little passive agressive but secretly a sweety king who loves his Jiminie the Beautiful Water Fae (and kinda his wifey/Queen but shh). Credit for the fan art to the owner. I can't read the name but it's like on the tip of the white of the chair a little to the left of Yoongi's crown. 

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Cutiepies1228 #1
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. For a moment there I felt like I went back to my childhood days when my mom used to tell me fairy tales. Thank you so much for writing this story and sharing this amazing piece of work with us. Keep up the good work.
SassySquirrel #2
Chapter 5: I've read this story so many times now, I love it, its just so cute! ^-^
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 5: It has been a long time since I read this and I'm still sobbing over this and JUST IDK HOW TO FREAKING DRAW WATER BUT I WANNA DRAW JIMIN EVEN IF I

I'M STILL NOT OVER THIS, it's still great and will forever be one of my yoonmin faves
Chapter 5: It's beautiful..the way you picture every character and every details..
I really love the story..
And Yoongi being the
rollingpie #5
Chapter 5: this story is good :') just like how bangtan's trilogy had taught me a lot of lessons in life, this fic also taught something in me. not often do i found fic with good storylines and teach lessons besides that :') thank you for writing this!
Chapter 5: That was adorable omg
Clouds22 #7
Ize_Kevin #8
Chapter 5: Mah harteu. Its so.... oh mahy gahd.
Chapter 5: Holy flower mother of jams-
The taekook, the yoonmin and even the yoonkook, this is a masterpiece :')
Now, you need to think of a sequel or im gonna haunt you at night