

Kyungie yawned as she opened up the salon. Thirty more minutes and then they would be open for business. She was always there first, that’s probably why her boss gave her the keys to the salon. Ten minutes into her usual cleaning and preparation for the day, her boss and his nephew Hakyeon. Hakyeon was also her coworker, and she actually used to have a huge crush on him until she found out he was dating a guy. Now, things were always a bit awkward when they worked together. He was working ever since the salon opened, alongside her boss. Kyungie greeted both of them a good morning.

It was really rare for her boss to actually work at the salon with her; he only came once in a while. Truth be told, Kyungie didn’t really like her boss; he was a bit unfair and clearly played favorites whenever his nephew was around. But, she had to be a bit grateful that he appointed her as the manager of the salon.

            Business picked up an hour into the shift; a lot of people wanted highlights or coloring. A whole row of girls came in, to Kyungie’s surprise. On the list, you could write your name and even the stylist’s name if you specifically wanted them to work on your hair. Kyungie had just finished putting someone under a dryer chair. Kyungie scuttled over and greeted the girls while taking a look at the list; they had all written Kyungie’s name. She gulped to herself. There were at least eight of them there. That would take ages… Kyungie figured she had to talk to them.

“Hello, I’m sorry, but in order to ensure all of you can get your hair done in a timely fashion, I would need the other stylists to help some of you.” The girls exchanged nervous glances.

“Oh, but our friend Nayeon recommended you! So we thought we could all get our hair done by you,” A girl with dull red hair piped up. The stylist was surprised that literally eight of Nayeon’s friends were here the very next day.

“But we see it’s clearly busy right now,” A girl with short hair added. Kyungie half-wondered why a girl with short hair like that would need to see a stylist. So the girls obliged to be divided amongst the other stylists. Kyungie sighed in relief as she could take one of the girls right now while her previous customer was under the dryer chair. She sat the girl down and asked what kind of hairstyle she wanted.

“Actually, I would like to get my hair dyed a nice color for a change. What would you recommend?” The girl asked with a slight accent. Kyungie studied the girl’s beautiful complexion in the mirror, her chestnut brown hair not really popping out. Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in her head.

“How about blonde? I think blonde would complement your fair skin and make you look even brighter,” Kyungie suggested. The girl, who Kyungie found out was named Momo, seemed very excited at the thought and the stylist got to work immediately, because bleaching would take quite a while…


            Whew. Together with her boss and Hakyeon, Kyungie got through the rush and all eight girls were overjoyed at their service. They tipped well too. They said they would come back when they could. Now, it was a little break period from the influx of customers, and Kyungie could take a breather.

“Good job everyone,” Her manager announced. They cheered for a bit as they swept and emptied the trash. It was officially the slow hour of the day; no new appointments by phone, no signs of customers. Kyungie had been working here long enough to know designated lull hours in her daily routine.

“I’m starving, all of those customers wore me out a bit,” Hakyeon started; he complained often. Kyungie’s boss snapped his fingers and suggested they go out and get food. Well, there was his unfair side… Knowing he would take his nephew, that left Kyungie to tend to the salon by herself. She preferred staying there anyway, but the idea of it just ticked her off a little.

“We’ll go and grab some pizza. Kyungsoon-ssi, we’ll get you something too,” Her manager spoke, and Kyungie politely declined. However, Hakyeon insisted and she gave in. Maybe she would enjoy some alone time anyway. There wasn’t a chance for the salon to get really busy in the timeframe too. Her manager said they would be back in half an hour, and Kyungie bid them goodbye.

“God damn, some coworkers y’all are,” Kyungie griped to herself when they were gone, as she padded over to her phone and put in her earphones. She cranked up the volume and played Stellar’s “Sting”, knowing what a bop that song was. She grabbed a broom too.

            She bobbed her head to the tune and even danced a little, she could afford to loosen up a bit. Just because she couldn’t attend dance classes didn’t stop her from learning some choreography on her own. Her volume was so loud that she didn’t even hear the faint tinkle of the door chime, her back facing the entrance as she swished her hips while sweeping the floor of excess hair.

            As the song died down, she finished sweeping and went to the trashcan to empty her dustpan. Kyungie finally noticed a figure standing a few feet away from her, and she flinched. It was Eunwoo. He wasn’t wearing a uniform but was wearing casual clothing, and he smiled brightly while bowing his head a bit. Kyungie felt herself flush scarlet out of embarrassment as she yanked an earphone out.

“I didn’t need to interrupt your private party,” Eunwoo said lightly, chuckling. Kyungie was so embarrassed she almost couldn’t manage a reply.

“W-What are you doing here again, Eunwoo-ssi?” She questioned, curious as she was ashamed. The boy grinned and started browsing the shelves of various hair products.

“Well, since I got my haircut…I was wondering what products would be good for my hair. I don’t really use gel or any extra products, but I’m interested.” Kyungie cleared and joined his side to look at the goods too.

“Hmm, well judging from when I washed your hair yesterday… I say your hair is pretty oily. Do you shampoo your hair every day?” Eunwoo looked baffled and chortled at Kyungie’s comment.

“Oily? Well, I guess I don’t use conditioner every day, but I do shampoo. Is that bad?” The stylist replied with a heck yeah that made them both laugh. She browsed the various sized bottles and started picking some out.

“Well, there’s this normalizing shampoo that is full of body and cleans hair well. It won’t over-dry it either. For hair products, I’d suggest this hair wax over gel. Gel is good once in a while, but if you want to style your hair often, this wax is light and won’t worsen the oiliness.” Eunwoo nodded along at her advice, though his eyes were drawn to her. Kyungie faced him and became nervous at his seemingly intense eye contact.

“So have you decided on anything?” She asked, holding up several bottles of aforementioned products. Eunwoo took them all with a bright grin and said he’d buy them. She took him to the register and completed the transaction. Eunwoo asked why she was by herself today and she said her boss and coworker went out to get food. Kyungie sworn she saw Eunwoo’s expression darken for a second, but he spoke rather crisply.

“That’s not very nice of them to go out without you… Well, someone has to watch the store I suppose. Hmm, next time, I can eat with you and they can stay here.”

“I don’t know if my boss will let me… wait, did you just…?” Kyungie’s eyes widened at Eunwoo’s cool smile, taking the bag from her.

“Just a suggestion. Let me know… I told you I’d see you soon,” Eunwoo replied softly, sifting through the goods just to take a look. Kyungie’s realization set in and she opened the compartment to grab her business card for him. This time he will have my number. She practically the card into his bag, catching him off-guard. She shyly told him it was her business card, and Eunwoo managed a very smug expression.

“Okay, I’ll keep this number for business.” He said with a wink. Kyungie was looking forward to chatting with him more now that she had a second chance, but right on cue, her boss and Hakyeon burst through the door, carrying pizza boxes and soda bottles.

“We’re back~” Hakyeon sang, laughing with his uncle as they came in. Suddenly, gasps filled the room. Kyungie looked over at Eunwoo and noticed he was staring intensely at her boss. An uncomfortable silence pursued until her boss finally spoke up.

“…Son?” Kyungie’s breath hitched at that single word. Wait, what?

            Eunwoo was dead silent, and Kyungie saw that he was shaking a little; he was gripping the bag rather tightly and he was firmly rooted in place as her boss and Hakyeon approached them. Only then did Eunwoo speak.

“Please, we’re blood-related, but you’re not my father.” The cold words ran down Kyungie’s spine; she never expected that sweet boy to have a blunt, spiteful side. Her manager and Hakyeon put down the food on the salon seating.

“That’s no way to talk to your father. We haven’t even seen each other for six years, you practically look the same,” Her manager spoke, his voice stern. Eunwoo scoffed.

“So aunty was right, you do own a salon. You seem to be doing well, and with Hakyeon-hyung here too,” The boy still spoke coldly. Kyungie could only watch mutely.

“Don’t be like this, Eunwoo. I missed you, too. You should’ve told me you were coming back,” Hakyeon walked forward to embrace his cousin, but Eunwoo shrugged him off.

“I’ll be leaving now,” were his last words before Eunwoo was gone. Kyungie’s manager tried to stride after him, but Hakyeon stopped him, saying they were still open for business. A customer came in right on time, and Hakyeon decided to take care of them. Kyungie went back to cleaning up the area, many questions left unanswered in her head.

            Needless to say, the rest of the shift was very awkward and uncomfortable. Hakyeon was trying his best to keep everything under control, but her boss was agitated and grumpy. Throughout the shift, though, she could hear him mutter things that got her mind racing.

“Hmph, saying he’s not my son… How ungrateful…”

“I tried to raise him, but he was a problematic child…”

            Kyungie could feel her own blood boiling at the comments her boss kept making. Something in her gut told her that it was her boss’ fault and he must’ve done something terrible to Eunwoo for him to purposely alienate and distance himself from his father. Closing time couldn’t have been more convenient; she packed up her things and was more than eager to leave this place. She heard her manager’s stern voice.

“Kyungsoon-ah, do you know why my son came here?”

“He was asking about the hair products, and he bought some.” She felt no reason to mention that Eunwoo had come yesterday and gotten a haircut here too. Kyungie bid them goodbye and left.

            Finally, she was free. She raced outside and spotted the car that Jinhyun owned; he was trying to park it on the side. There was no need for that. Kyungie sprinted to the car and got in, telling her friend to take them home.

“Wow, what’s with the rushing?” Jinhyun asked teasingly but he noticed his friend was a bit upset.

“Kyungie, what happened?”

            She explained everything on the ride home, and even continuing the conversation when they were inside. She didn’t know much, but she knew something was terribly wrong. Some things didn’t even add up to her either.

“I remember Eunwoo telling me he came here to visit his parents in the neighborhood, but it doesn’t make sense… Considering he pretty much hates his father.” Jinhyun pursed his lips while settling onto the couch.

“Hmm… Wait, so apparently your manager is this guy’s dad… Has he ever mentioned a wife in the time you’ve worked there? Because it seems that Eunwoo’s mother would be his wife, right?” Kyungie thought back, but couldn’t recall a single time. She shook her head.

“No, I don’t remember him mentioning a wife; I only knew that his nephew is Hakyeon.”

“That’s not good,” Jinhyun frowned.

Kyungie pondered it in her mind, but Jinhyun concluded that if anything, Eunwoo should text her or something to explain or apologize for what happened today. He does have my number. Kyungie didn’t want the mood to be brought down anymore, so she changed the subject, asking how dance class was today. She saw the boy smile mischievously to himself and bite his lower lip in smugness. Her impatience and curiosity flared as she lunged forward to assault the boy a little.

“Something happened, huh?! Tell me!” Jinhyun broke out in laughter.

“Never  mind~” He tried to dismiss it but once Kyungie was curious, she was relentless. Jinhyun was equally as stubborn and tried to switch the subject, which only annoyed her.

“Ya, go shower then. You must’ve danced a lot, you smell a little.” Jinhyun stuck a tongue at her and sauntered off to go shower. Kyungie figured they could just heat up leftover tofu stew from last night for dinner. She checked her phone and noticed a message from an unknown number.

Hi Kyungsoon. It’s me, Eunwoo.

            Kyungie was surprised he actually texted her. She was debating whether to wait a bit until replying, or if she should respond right away. There was so much she wanted to ask him, but of course she didn’t want to pry into his personal affairs. After much deliberation, she finally mustered up the courage to send a message back.

Hey Eunwoo-oppa~

She herself cringed when sending that text. She wasn’t sure how Eunwoo felt about honorifics, but to be safe she just followed Korean customs. Personally, calling older guys oppa was too weird for her, but it’s probably because her and Jinhyun came from America. That’s why she never called Rocky oppa. Sighing, she got up to heat up the tofu stew and such. When she finished preparing their leftover dinner, she frantically checked her phone and Eunwoo had replied.

I think it’s okay if you call me just Eunwoo ㅎㅎ Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for what happened today.


Why are you apologizing?! Kyungie demanded in her head, but she dared not to tell it to Eunwoo like that. The two went on texting; she said it was nothing, but secretly she held in her curiosity. She found it difficult to think of topics to text him about… All of a sudden, Jinhyun reappeared, all squeaky clean from his shower.

“Okay, your turn. Hurry up, I’m hungry but I’ll wait for you.”

            Kyungie cocked her head, feigning annoyance to her friend but went to shower anyway. Great, she could use this as an excuse to stop texting Eunwoo right now! She felt bad, but after what happened today, she thought it would be better to talk to him face to face. Texting was a bit awkward right now. She told him she needed to shower and sleep early tonight.

Good night Eunwoo~

Kyungie was too afraid of saying something like “See you later” or “Hope to run into you sometime”. Feeling a little dejected from the way things were going right now, she showered and rejoined Jinhyun at the table.


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