
Race to your heart

Mina is known as the dark racer. She seldom talks on racing grounds and never gives mercy to her opponents. Her skills on the track were greatly admired by many who someday wish to be as good as her. Despite hailing from a well-off family, she decided to step into the world of racing not for the prize money, but to feed her insatiable hunger for speed. If she had to choose one thing that she liked the most about street racing, it would be the adrenaline coursing through her veins and the freedom of being able to tear down the roads at ridiculous speeds without the fear of being caught up with the law. 


Jihyo is the opposite of Mina in terms of personality. Being the representative of the crew, its only natural that she would interact more with the fans and wouldn't hesitate to snap a few pictures and selfies with them for keepsake. Although having a friendly and approachable personality, on the track, she turns into another merciless racer like Mina. With skills almost on par with their leader, she strives to be at her best for every race.


Nayeon is Jihyo's girlfriend and apprentice. She is a aspiring racer and with each race she gains more confidence and improves her skills. Jihyo was initially against Nayeon becoming a street racer since Jihyo was more than familiar with the dangers of being in this trade like crashing and getting caught by law enforcement but after much protesting and begging, she gave in and took Nayeon under her wing as a racer. 


Jeongyeon is the crew's mechanic. Having a interest in automotives from a young age, she decided to go down the path of a engineer, majoring in mechanical engineering and graduating with a nice certificate to go with her outstanding skills. Agile and fast hands help her to disassemble and reassemble parts and components in just a few minutes. Although being more of a mechanical person, she ocassionally races for the team even though she knows she won't win. 


Chaeyoung is Jeongyeon's apprentice. Despite her young age, her skills in the trade blooms under Jeongyeon's supervision. Much like Nayeon and Jihyo, Jeongyeon had opposed to the idea of taking a underaged kid as a apprentice because one; it's a bad influence and two; it's still a bad influence. Nevertheless she proposed a challenge. If Chaeyoung can take apart and reassemble a laptop in two hourse, Jeongyeon would take her. The younger girl shocked the mechanic by completing the challenge in an hour and a half which leaves the mechanic no room for argument.


Dahyun is Chaeyoung's girlfriend. She has a easy going personality and is usually very hyperactive and cheerful. With the skills of both racing and mechanics, she is one of the crew's most valuable member. Her attitude on the race track is the same as her attitude off the race track; fun-loving and carefree. However, she is no pushover when it comes to racing. All while keeping a bright smile on her face she could trash someone without second thoughts, making her gain a spot on the list of racers to fear for rookies.


Momo is a car enthusiast and she has always wanted to attend street races but fears that she might not be up to standard. Hence she practices regularly on a dirt track she found while on a drive to her relative's house. Self practice for a year has to be enough and with Sana's encouragement, she goes to search for a street race and also with a hopeful heart, find a crew that she could join or some people who would join her to form a crew. 


Sana is Momo's best friend. Spending a alot of time on a daily basis with someone who is interested in automobiles is bound to influence her and thus she finds herself getting hooked to flashy cars and roaring engines. Sana decided that simply seeing these flashy cars drive down the road and hearing them rev with the main purpose of flaunting the car isn't enough. She needs more. What she wants is to see these cars rev their engines for a better reason: racing. She has tried it once when Momo excitedly brought Sana out one day to show off the skills she had learnt and made the younger girl try it too. It was then Sana realized she wasn't a street racing person but more of a drag racing person. Regardless, the thrill and excitement that ran through her veins when racing is incomparable to any other thing she has done before. This is also the reason why she did not hesitate to join Momo in search of a race crew or members.


Tzuyu is the youngest member, although her height says otherwise. Her entrance to the crew was plagued with problems as they thought that having one underaged kid is more than enough. It was even worst if they were to take in another because not only was street racing illegal, it is also pretty much considered a bad influence as racers are thought to be about the same calibre as gangsters; hanging around late at night and making a racket everywhere they go. Besides, it would be real bad if her parents found out that she's been hanging with a bunch of friends that in typical parent's books are absolute no-nos. In the end, Tzuyu managed to convince them that it's fine because her parents were back in Taiwan and she was a transfer student here and with a little more bargaining –specifically, bribing the crew with their favourite food– , she was taken in as a member of the crew.

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jingelbells #2
Chapter 6: Read this in 2019.Wish there was a backstory how Jeongyeon proposed lols and some steamy scenes hehe
Chapter 6: Came for the Street Racing stayed for the gay, was not disappointed. HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Gawd I need a sequel!! This is soooo good
Chapter 6: 2na gave me life <3

And tzuyu~ your savageness.. damn girl.. haha
Minaaa15 #6
Chapter 6: Omg this is Gold! Why is 2na so cute!!! Great story man! More 2na story plssss!!!! This is awesome!!
Chapter 6: wow hehehe who wouldnt love cars ,
Chapter 6: omg yesh this is what i have been waiting for!!! gaah this stories is amazing i love the idea of cars esp cos i love cars. the subaru/nissan gtr are one of my dream cars <333 i love how the events turn out for them. tuna is lyfe <3 my bbys :DDD they're so <3333 i can totally see them like that and jungmo! the whole twice crew helping them. gaaah tysm for writing such an amazing story!!! i hope u write more in the future <333
Chapter 6: Found this amazing story recently and I read it in one sitting because I was just dying to know what would happen next and when will the confession come.

I love the characters and the plot. It's something new for me. Honestly not a big fan of cars so I barely know anything about them but after reading your detailed descriptions (and with the help of google images), picturing them in my head wasn't that difficult.

Hope to read more from you in the future! :D