
Race to your heart

2:45 pm

Momo and Sana were still sound asleep. By the time they reached home it was 6 in the morning. Being up since 7 am the day before, they were dead tired and instantly fell asleep the moment their heads touched the pillow. Usually by 10 am the television would be switched on and the pair would be watching cartoons or whatever that happen to interest them while having breakfast but today, they slept well past breakfast and lunch and would probably have slept through dinnertime if Jeongyeon hadn't called Momo. 

The older girl's pillow vibrated as Jeongyeon's call was waiting to be amswered. Her eyelids cracked open and stung as the sunlight creeping in through the gaps in the window blinds found their way into her eyes. She groggily ran her hand under her pillow searching for the source of disturbance to her beauty sleep. With only one half opened, she looked at the caller ID: Mechanic Yoo. She groaned and picked up the call.

'Hello?' Momo greeted, voice cracking a little as warmed up for the day.

'Hey.. Uh did I wake you up or something? I'm sorry.' Jeongyeon said sounding a little guilty.

'Don't worry about it. About time I woke up anyway.' 

'Alright. So uh I just called to ask if you and Sana would like to join us tonight.' 

'Tonight? Join you for what? Us?' the sleepy girl said, having problems comprehending the girl on the line in her somnolent state.

'Drag racing with the crew? I'm guessing you're not fully awake yet so..' 

'Oh right, sorry about that.' Momo said and pushed herself up to lean against the headboard. She rubbed her eyes and gave out a soft yawn and heard a laugh come from over the line. 


'Nothing, you just sound like a kid.' 

'Eesh.. So what time and where should we meet you guys?' 

'At our m- ah.. house. I'll text you the address. You can come by at around.. 8. 6 if you two are up for dinner with us.'

'Okay, we'll be there at 6, wouldn't want to miss our first meal with the crew.' 

'Alright, see you later! Sorry for waking you up again.' 

'Haha it's okay. Bye.'

Momo hung up and dropped her phone on her stomach. She rubbed her eyes and patted her cheeks before kicking off the covers. She bent down and picked up a blue plush doll in a grey hoodie from the floor. She held it infront of her like a baby before hugging it and patting its head, setting it on the bed. She decided to wash up before waking Sana to let the other girl sleep jjst a little more. 

Coming out of the toilet feeling refreshed, she walked down the hall to Sana's room and rapped her knuckles on the door three times before letting herself in. The blonde was sprawled out on the bed, half her blanket hanging off the bed and covering only her left leg and her precious squirrel plushy tucked snugly between her shoulder and her face. Momo smiled at the sight of her squirrel friend and approached the bed. She picked up the blanket and readjusted it to cover the sleeping girl's lower half. She then patted her arm to wake her. No response. 

'Sana-yah, time to get up.' No response. 

'Leaves me with no choice then..' the brown haired girl mumbles under her breath and begins to tickle the blonde's sides. Slowly but surely, the sleeping girl starts to squirm and the sound of laughter filled the room.

'Stop! My stomach hurts!' the blonde begged for mercy and Momo retracted her fingers and smacked her on the thigh.

'Get up lazy bum, we need to meet the crew at 6. I told them we're joining them for dinner.'

'The crew? You got their number?' Sana said as she got out of bed and arranged her clothes.

'Yea, while you were gone on that walk of yours Jeongyeon exchanged numbers with me.'

'Ooh.. Someone's interested in Momorin it seems.' Sana sang.

'Nonsense. Hurry and get ready its..' Momo glanced at the clock on Sana's bedside table. '3:50 already.'

'What's the hurry if it's at 6? Can't wait to meet your beloved mechanic?' Sana teased and Momo raised a fist, faking a punch which Sana deflected easily with a laugh.

'Alright alright I'll go get ready.' the laughing girl said and walked out of the room, leaving her friend shaking her head in the middle of her room.

'Am I really excited to see her? It can't be right? I mean I just met her yesterday.. And there's no way she can be interested in me.. Stupid Sana making me think of stupid things when I just woke up. Get ahold of yourself Hirai.' Momo ended her monologue and slapped herself on the cheeks. 


'Delicious as usual.' Sana said as she raised another spoon of rice and chicken into .

'Of course, I'm the great chef afterall.' Momo said with a smirk while chewing on her own masterpiece.

'Eesh.. Not as if I can't cook.' 

'I like your spring rolls. Organic.' Momo said sniggering and Sana tossed the pillow under her arm at Momo's head. 

The two found themselves feeling a little hungry since they slept through two meals and their dinner from the previous day was long digested. Hence, Momo decided to cook her speciality; Oyakodon. They were currently sharing a bowl of Oyakodon, not wanting to have a heavy meal since they would be having dinner in less than two hours. They were currently watching the reruns of the morning cartoons to past time. 

The cartoon ended and it was about time to go. The house was about a thirty minute drive but the rush hour might drag it to an hour so they decided to leave eariler so they would be on time. Momo had already changed into a comfortable  light blue camouflage hoodie and a pair of black jeans. She was now leaning against the door frame of Sana's doom, watching the younger girl fuss over what she was going to wear.

'Just go casual, and comfortable. Drag racing, not a date. Also, you probably are going to have to present your skills so all the more you should do with something not too restricting like a skirt or skinny jeans.' Momo offered from where she was standing
. Sana's bed looked like a warzone of clothes. 

'Casual? I need to drive today? Oh god I haven't practiced!' Sana moaned and ran both hands down her face, pulling her cheeks down and unknowingly made a really funny face.

'Relax, you'll be fine.. You can drive to their house later to get you back into the feel.' Momo said. She looked at her phone to check the time. 'Better hurry, we need to leave in 5 before the traffic gets bad.'

Sana looked at the clothes on her bed and the clothes in her cupboard. 

'Okay so.. Comfortable but enough to impress and not too restricting..' she mumbled to herself. She thought for a while before picking out a white hoodie, a light blue denim jacket and a pair of comfortable and slightly loose black jeans. Looking at herself in the mirror, she combed through her hair with her fingers and sprayed on some of her favourite perfume from her collection before walking out to the living room. Momo was waiting for her with her shoes already on. 

'Well you're fast today.' 

'I can be fast if I want to. You're rushing to meet your prince Yoo anyway so let's go~' Sana said and slipped on a pair of white shoes. The duo exited the house with Momo pouting at Sana's teasing and piled into the car. Sana started up the car and the engine roared to life. They headed out of the carpark and got out to the main road which was starting to show signs of heavy traffic from the peek hour. 

'So, how do we get there?' Sana asked as she made a U-turn. 

'Just go down this road and take the freeway to out of town. Then turn left at the first exit of the freeway and it's somewhere there. I'll text Jeongyeon when we're near.' Momo instructed and her friend nodded. The two drove in silence for most of the trip. Luckily, they were only caught in some minor traffic jams but managed to get to the freeway in less than thirty minutes.

'Looks like we'll be on time.' Sana said as she looked at the display screen on the instrument panel. 


Momo nodded and typed up a text to Jeongyeon and a reply came almost instantly. 

'Jihyo will be out to bring us in.. Whatever that means.' Momo said as she slid her phone back into her jean pocket. 

They saw the first exit and filtered lanes to make the turn out. Winding down a short road, they found themselves on the richer part of the outskirts of town. There were landed houses down the stretch of road that they landed on. 

'Uhm, just to check I did take the correct exit, right?' Sana asked as she cruised slowly down the road. 

'Yea. They must be a rich bunch.' Momo mumbled, looking around at the houses lining the sides of the road. Most were colonial and some were victorian styled, only a handful were more modern and there was one very modern house at the corner of a cross junction. They saw a familiar figure leaning against the wooden fence outside as they neared the house. The figure looked up and it was Jihyo. Her signature grin presented itself on her face after she saw the car and she waved at them and pointed at the downward slope. The japanese girls looked at each other and Sana the blinker, curving the car smoothly into the road that leads downwards into what seems to be a garage. Jihyo walked past the side of her car and scanned a white card on the card reader beside the garage shutters and it lifted up. She waved her hands to ask Sana to drive in first. They drove into the darkness till Jihyo the lights to show a medium sized garage with quite a few cars parked in designated lots which they recognized them to be the crew's cars. Jihyo signaled them over to a empty lot beside a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento which was very familiar to Sana and the said girl reversed into the lot before switching off the ignition. They got out of the car and Jihyo laughed at the awestruck look on both their faces. 

'Welcome to the crib! This is our private garage, directly connected to our house by that stairs over there. Come, let's go join the rest.' Jihyo chirped and led the two newcomers to a white door which revealed a flight of stairs. They climbed up and found themselves in the open stairwell of the house. They walked around the stairs and came into the living room. There were 5 other girls lying around the couch which had blankets and pillows strewn around. Sana's eyes flashed with recognition as she caught sight of a copper blonde haired laying down on a large, dark blue beanbag beside the couch with a bowl of popcorn on her stomach. They appeared to be very into a movie which was playing on their fourty inch wall mounted smart television. A medium sized glass chandelier hung from the ceiling and there was a glass sliding door and full length windows to the left of the couch which led out to the yard where the faint silhouette of a picnic bench could be made out in the dark. 

'You never told us its a mansion and not a house..' Momo whispered to Jihyo who only let out a small laugh.

'We didn't want to appear well.. snobby or too luxurious or anything so we just said house. This is a house anyway. Calling it a mansion would make it sound intimidating.' Jihyo reasoned to which Sana nodded, agreeing throughly with the shorter girl. They walked over to the other girls. There were only two of them that didn't look very familiar. One had dark green hair which wasn't very noticable and the other had bright colors dyed on her hair tips. 

'Tzuyu, Dahyun, this is Sana and Momo. Sana and Momo, this is Tzuyu and Dahyun.' Jihyo said and the two girls raised a hand at the japanese duo who slightly nodded their head. 'These two some of are our younger members who were sleeping back here yesterday night, unlike a certain someone who wanted to join in our midnight races.' the dark haired girl glanced at Chaeyoung who only shrugged her shoulders with a cheeky grin. 

'That over there on the beanbag is Mina. I think you two saw her briefly in the tent before the race but she disappeared after so yeah.' 

Mina gave a affable smile and waved at the two which made Sana feel butterflies in her stomach while Momo returned a bright smile. Sana was familiar with Mina after spending quite sometime in Mina's company the night before. Now that she got a better look at the younger girl's face in a brighter environment, Sana realized that she looked stunning compared to what she thought the girl looked like under the dim lighting yesterday. 

'I'll go help Nayeon in the kitchen. You two can settle down and watch the movie with them. Dinner will be ready soon.' Jihyo said and walked off. 

'Come sit Momorin.' Jeongyeon called and patted the spot between Chaeyoung and herself. Momo walked over and settled into the couch as Chaeyoung laid a half of her blanket over Momo's lap. Sana was still standing there, wondering where she should sit when her eyes met with Mina. The other girl raised her hand and wiggled her fingers, asking Sana to come over which the older girl did. Mina scooted over and nodded her head to the empty spot beside her, silently telling Sana to sit down on the beanbag with her. Everyone was surprised except for Momo who didn't know what was going on. No one knew that the two girls on the beanbag had spent some time chatting yesterday night, they all assumed that they just met so the crew was pretty surprised that their usually aloof leader is actually offering a 'stranger' a spot right beside her on the same piece of furniture. Momo saw Jeongyeon looking at the two oblivious girls on the beanbag with curious eyes and nudged her. 

'What's wrong?' Momo asked.

'Nothing important really.. It's just shocking that Mina who is usually cold to strangers is offering a spot for Sana to sit right beside her when she doesn't really fancy excessive contact with someone she just met.' Jeongyeon said and tore her gaze from Sana who awkwardly leaned back and now looked like a stiff piece of wood on the beanbag.

Sana's heart was palpitating as she leaned back to get comfortable on the beanbag; or so she thought she could get comfortable since she didn't move after she leaned back, feeling a little conscious of the small gap between the younger girl's shoulders and hers. Sana didn't think she was ready for any shoulder brushing or knee bumping  action just yet so she tried to maintain a distance between Mina and herself although the other girl wasn't moving much at all. 

'Want some?' a smooth voice asked and a bowl of popcorn was hovering under Sana's face. 

'Yea.. Thanks..' Sana said and grabbed some, not turning her head to face the other girl. There was a safe distance between their faces but Sana didn't trust her cheeks to not heat up if she made eye contact with Mina. 

'Are you scared of me or something? I didn't bite you yesterday did I?' Mina chuckled as she popped a popcorn into . 

'N-no you didn't.. Just uhm.. Awkward?' 

'You were pretty bold to come sit with me on my car yesterday..' Mina said with a teasing tone. Sana didn't reply but Mina could see the pink hue on her cheeks. 

Like Jihyo said, dinner was ready right as the movie credits played on the screen. 

'Kids! Dinner's ready!' Nayeon called out as she and Jihyo brought the dishes out to the dining table. The girls stood up and stretched before making their way over to the dining table where Jihyo had just set the cutlery. Sana picked a seat and only realized that she will be sitting beside Mina after the said girl sat down beside her.

Oh boy, Sana thought. 

'Dig in and help yourself. Don't be shy.' Jihyo said and smiled at the two new members. They began to eat as they talked about random things. From cars to the maknae lines' school issues to the silly things that they did in the past and basically anything that came to mind. Momo and Sana both liked that the conversation flowed so easily without a single bit of awkwardness and most importantly, they weren't left out one bit despite being new. They were filled in on everything and they were also warmly included to join in the conversation. It was like having dinner with a group of friends that have known each other for years. 

Sana and Momo offered to do the dishes and left no room for any arguements as they shooed the rest back to the living room where someone suggested that they played some games to pass time. The pair joined in while the rest were halfway through a game of Mafia. 

Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Tzuyu and Dahyun were sitting on the couch while Sana and Momo joined Mina, Nayeon and Chaeyoung on the floor. 

'Who's the mafia?' Jihyo asked.

'I think it's Mina and Chaeyoung..' Nayeon said which earned a loud protest from the little cub. 

'I'm the police so I asked if it was this person and they said I was right.' Nayeon said and looked at Jeongyeon. 

'It's Mina..' Chaeyoung argued. 

'She's definitely something here..' Sana said and pointed at Mina who only smiled. 

Going back and forth a few times they decided to kill Mina. Jeongyeon who decided to be cheeky, instigated another round to play with the remaining members. 

'Night has come.' Jeongyeon said and Jihyo covered her face with a pillow to hide her laughter. 

'What? It's not over?' Sana asked but placed her head in her arms and laid stomach down on the floor with the remaining players.

'Doctor please wake up.' 

Momo got up and mouthed to Jeongyeon 'I'm saving myself.' before returning to her position.

'Police please get up.' 

Nayeon looked up and pointed at Momo, mouthing to ask if she's the mafia and Jeongyeon nodded her head. Jihyo couldn't help hut burst out into laughter since Nayeon believed her and laid back down.

'Morning has came.'

'Nayeon you died.' Jihyo said.

'What? I did?' Nayeon said looking shocked. 

'It's Chaeyoung!' Momo and Sana said in unison and the little cub let out a exasperated sigh. 

'It's not me, I haven't even done anything up till now..' Chaeyoung whined and Sana got up on her knees, pointing at Momo. 

'It's Momo!' Sana wailed and the two argued back and forth before they decided to kill Sana. 

'Alright alright, if you're the mafia raise your hands. One, two, three!' Nayeon said and Jihyo and Mina raised their hands with a giant grin on their face. 

'I told you!' Sana screamed and hopped on the spot, making everyone fall over in laughter. 

'So when the four of us were playing there was no mafia at all?' Sana questioned.

'There wasn't but you guys kept going "It's her, It's her".' Jeongyeon squeezed out inbetween her fits of laughter. 

'Oh man..' Dahyun said and wiped the tears from her eyes. 

'Unnie, it's 9:30.' Tzuyu said, still giggling a little. 

'Guess it's time to get ready and go.' Dahyun said and stood up, almost falling over in laughter again. 

They told Sana and Momo to wait in the living room while they went to change before stumbling back to their rooms as quickly as they could in their laughing states. Mina was the first to return back to the living room in a simple white v-neck, a light pink chicago bulls jacket with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and a pair of dark blue jeans. The rest streamed in not long after in comfortable and casual clothes and once everyone was back, they walked back down to the garage. 

They each piled into their cars or shared cars. Jihyo and Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun, Momo and Sana, Mina, Jeongyeon and lastly Tzuyu. She was still underaged like Dahyun but the rest of the crew managed to help them buy cars under their name but used the prize money they saved up from racing to pay for their own respective cars. 

The sound of engine startup filled the garage as the cars prepared to leave. Mina was the first to disengage the brakes and drive to the slope, followed by Momo, Jihyo, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Jeongyeon tailing behind. The shutters lifted and the cars rolled out in single file, turning left to proceed to the freeway. They drove down the same small road that Sana and Momo came from and merged into the freeway. It was now completely dark and the roads were more or less empty since everyone would be home by now. Their side of the road leading out of town was especially empty since no one would be travelling out at this time on a Sunday night. Not when tomorrow was a working day at least. 

Soon, they had spread out across the width of the road into a V formation with Mina's car at the tip of the V with Momo and Jihyo flanking her sides. Dahyun and Jeongyeon's car was at the outer lanes of the formation and Tzuyu was in the middle, right behind Mina's car. They were in no hurry as they leisurely drove down the road. Some had rolled downnthe windows to enjoy the cool night breeze. Sana had wanted to catch a glimspe of Mina but her windows were up and it was tinted too dark to see the interior. 

Other than Momo's car, the rest had a modified walkie talkie with a excellent reception radius installed on the instrument panel of the car and communicated using that. They drove down the road and Mina suddenly rolled down her side window which caught Sana's eye. She turned her head to see Mina gesturing for her to lower the window so she did. 

'We'll go single file and turn off this freeway at the exit after this upcoming one.' Mina shouted over the wind and Sana nodded. She conveyed the message to Momo and Momo slowed down to filter into Mina's lane. Mina accelerated and they all closed in onto the lane behind Mina's car. The leader caught sight of the exit and turned the right blinker on, which caused a chain reaction to the cars behind. They turned out of the freeway and drove down the small ring road which led to a long, dimly lit stretch. As they proceeded on, they neared a place where they could hear the roar of engines and bright spotlights shined onto the tracks. They remained in single file and drove down a dirt track into their venue for the night. They drove through the metal gates and parked at a quiet spot, away from the crowd, not that they would be approached by anyone anyway. They didn't even need to sign up. 

The crew got out of the cars and Momo eyed the underglows on the other in envy. They all glowed in different colors; blue, purple, red, yellow and green. Dahyun saw Momo checking out the underglows and jogged around her car to Chaeyoung who just shut the door, interlaced their fingers and dragged her to Momo without saying a word. 

'Hey Momo, you want some underglows?' Dahyun asked and the brown haired girl nodded earnestly. 'Chaeng specializes in these, she could fix them up for you along with the walkie talkie.' 

'Really? But aren't the parts at the house?' Momo asked. 

'Nope, they're in Dahyun's car. I loaded them in since I'll be left with nothing to do when they go racing later. I meant to tell you eariler but I forgot..' Chaeyoung said with a little laugh.

'It's okay, thanks baby cub!' Momo said and ruffled Chaeyoung's hair, making the younger girl pout and Dahyun laughed.

'I'll go unload the stuff then join the rest.' Dahyun said and kissed Chaeyoung's temple before running off.

'Come, let's drive a little further behind. Incase they think we're up to something illegal. Not that their cars aren't already.' the shorter girl rambled and walked behind. She stood at a distance and signaled for Momo to reverse to a spot where they'll be hidden by the bushes and trees. Dahyun came back with a thick bundle of wire and a toolbox in one hand and a mini lift jack in the other. She set the box on the ground and gently placed the wire ontop and then set the lift jack beside the pile of stuff. 

'There you go. I'll go join the rest now. See you guys later.' the girl chirped, rubbed Chaeyoung's arm and waved at Momo before running off again.

'She's strong..' Momo said and Chaeyoung nodded with a proud look on her face. 

'She might be small but she's a tough one.' Chaeyoung shook her head with a light smile on her face. 'Alright, let's get started. I think these are white.. Which is all that's left. If you want another color I could order it and fix it in for you another day.' 

'White is okay. It goes well with the white car body.' Momo said and Chaeyoung nodded. 

Chaeyoung took the bundle of wire and gave one end with a little black box to Momo as she uncoiled it around the car. Where the wires met back where Momo was standing, she placed the now smaller bundle on the floor and got to work. Popping the hood open, she then took some mounting tape and mounted the small box in the space behind the engine. After that was done, the mechanic pressed a button on a small remote and the lights switched on and illuminated the bushes. 

'Cool..' Momo grinned and Chaeyoung felt proud. 

The mechanic first cut the wire from the bundle and spliced it to the other end of the wire before starting to install it from front bumper. She took the mini lift jack and slid it under the car and pumped it up to tilt the car up slightly. Kneeling down, she peered under the car and looked around before cutting some mounting tape and grabbing the lights. She laid down on the grass and wiggled a little under the car and started to stick the lights. Slowly working her way around the car with her fast and nimble hands, the lights were installed. She then tested them again just to make sure they worked perfectly and without a doubt, they lighted up, this time making the base of the car and the grass below glow brightly. 

'Thanks Chaeng, this looks really cool.' Momo said as she looked at her car. 

'Don't mention it. Now for the walkie talkie.' Chaeyoung said and got into the driver's seat. Momo sat in the passenger's seat and watched Chaeyoung attatch the underglow remote near the bottom of the dashboard and start working on the walkie talkie. 



'Yo ladies, here to watch the race?' a husky voice asked. A medium built guy in a tank top that exposed his dragon sleeve tattoo on the right arm and a flaming skull on the upper left arm. He was standing like a model beside what the crew assumes to be his Chevrolet Camaro. The hood was lifted for the unusually shiny V-8 engine to be showcased to all that was interested. There were other cars parked close to the Camaro, all of which had extra fittings only for aesthetic purposes. Large shiny exhaust pipes that stuck up from the sides of the car, large spoilers that had extended straight up and a bunch of other weird aesthetic modifications and vinyls.

'No..' Mina said and glanced at the engine before quickly shooting a gaze to Jeongyeon and looking back at the man. 'We're here to race.' she said and put on the most sickeningly sweet smile she could muster. Jeongyeon was now subtly looking into the engine, poking it and giving it a quick scan. 

'You ladies? Race? Well..' he looked over the crew and had a smug look that made Mina want to punch it off his face. 'Alright then. Race starts in 10. No rules and nitro is allowed. 5 rounds and the winner takes all.' he said and pointed to a case on a table guarded by two men with the same flaming skull. Must be a gang, Mina thought and looked around. Most had the same tattoo, though not all at the same spot, but it was there, visible on some part of them. 

They walked back to their cars to form a plan. 

'Jeongyeon, stats.' Mina asked the moment they were out of earshot of any gang members. 

'Bad. Real bad. Too bad its for him, not us.' Jeongyeon smirked. 'That shiny engine already says it all. Looks like he polishes that with Brasso or something.' 

'We'll have it easy then. 5 rounds, just nice one for each of us excluding Momo who's getting a upgrade. The prize is pretty big this time but seeing that they're from a gang.. We won't be laying a finger on that. Unless you want to take it during our getaway. Plan is, we'll make him feel happy by letting him win the first four rounds. Then I'll show him what's real power at the last, then get the hell out because they'll probably pull a dirty stunt on us. Got it?' everyone nodded. 'Be careful, especially Tzuyu. who knows what tricks he'll pull.' Mina said and Tzuyu nodded. 

Just then a horn blew signalling the start of the first round. Dahyun was up first. She pulled up silently to the starting line. The flag holder was already between them with a flashlight ready in his hand. The two cars revved and shot off when the light flashed. Dahyun was ahead of him by a good metre but maintained speed after changing gear, letting him overtake and winning the round with ease.

'You sure you ladies are up for this? I don't wanna look like a big bully here..' he said without sounding very sorry. 

The results of the next few round were just like the first, inflating the gang leader's ego to the size of a hot air balloon. 

'Alright, who's next?' he shouted and there were some whoops, probably from his own members. 

Mina said nothing but walked to the driver's side and opened the door when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Sana looking a bit worried. 

'Good luck.' the blonde said and gave a tight smile. 

'Thanks. You might wanna keep your eyes open and try not to blink for this race.' Mina said and smiled before getting into her car and drove to the starting line. 

'I want to spice things up a little. Rather than a drag race, how 'bout this last race be a normal race? This track here will wind around a few sharp bends and return over there.' the man said and pointed to the left where the spotlights flickered on and lit up another road which Mina didn't notice before. 'This was a old race track but I've been maintaining it pretty well. How does that sound?' 

'You're the host. You decide.' the girl said. She knew what the host was aiming for. He wanted to show off his skills and prove dominance over his gang and get the "best racer" title. I'll throw your title into the trash right now, Mina thought.

This will not end well for you, the Japanese girl thought and smirked. They got into their cars and prepared for the start signal. The host was revving his engine, trying to impress the crowd and Mina revved her engine as well.

Two can play that game, Mina smirked.

Sana, who was watching from the sides, was amazed by the low growl that the lamborghini was producing. A true predator on the road indeed. The crowd seemed to be more amazed at the Lamborghini than the Camaro and the host wasn't taking this very well. He had a scowl on his face now. The flag holder stood in between the two cars and had a reflective neon yellow flag in both hands. A rear wheel drive versus an all wheel drive. The results were pretty obvious but the host, and his over-inflated ego, wanted to try his luck anyway. Afterall, winning four rounds consecutively, he thought that Mina would just be all power and no skill. 

'You girls should have just stuck to showing off these flashy cars on the roads for people to ogle at you and the cars. Street racing isn't your thing at all it seems. Try harder next time!' he sneered but Mina ignored him, making him angry. 

'Oi, I'm talking to you!' he shouted. Mina only turned her head slightly to glance at him in her peripherals before turning back to look straight ahead. He growled and looked at the flag holder, getting ready for the 'go'.

Mina's hand rested on the shift flaps behind the steering wheel, revving her engine within the power band which would give her the best  launch. The flag holder raised the right, then left and the moment both flags were dropped, Mina skillfully released the clutch and slowly increased the throttle. She shot off the start line and left the host in the dust, mouth agape at how she managed to go a perfect launch. 

Smoothly changing from gear to gear as she picked up speed, she was already reaching the first bend of the track but the host himself wasn't far behind and was determined to not lose to a girl. They raced around the first bend, not daring to even bump the brakes incase the other took the opportunity to overtake. The host had activated the nitro and his car overtook Mina at the next bend but Mina was waiting for the right time to strike. They finally reached the last corner which was a sharp left turn. Mina decided to strike now and turned the wheel hard to the left, pushing the brakes at the same time to lock the wheels and made a smooth drift around the corner and managed to catch sight of the disbelief on the host's face as the front of the car faced the side of his car since he was doing the normal turn. When the bend began to straighten out to the finish line dead ahead, she floored the accelerator and tore down the track, leaving the host in the dust for the second time that night. Mina had a good five meter lead and his panic made him shift gears early, costing him some loss in precious speed and it was no surprise when the black car shot past the finish line and drifted to a stop, white smoke curling off the tires. 

Sana was throughly amazed. From the bleachers, they could see the entire track and damn Mina was right. Sana didn't even blink for the whole minute. She couldn't miss a single detail. The drift was so beautiful Sana felt like crying and the smoke curling off the tires made the car look absolutely stunning. The black Lamborghini was definitely worthy of the title 'The Dark Knight'.

The Camaro's brake disk screeched to a stop and the driver slammed his hands on the wheel. Now he was boiling mad. He flung the car door open and slammed it and marched up to Mina who calmly exited her vehicle. 

'You! I want to take a look at the engine! You must have modified something.' he snarled. 

'I didn't cheat. I played it fair and square. Besides, you said there weren't any rules so even if I did modify my engine, it still wouln't qualify as a valid excuse. You even used your nitro which I didn't so you better keep your mouth shut unless you have better evidence and reasons. Go comfort yourself and deflate that ego, it can't fit in the car.' Mina said expressionless. She then leaned closer to the host. 'Admit defeat.'

Mina drove back to the parking area and got out where Sana met with her.

'Where are the rest?' Mina asked and Sana pointed at the bushes.

'The rest are there and Jihyo and Dahyun are just messing around over there.' Sana then moved her arm to point at two small figures hopping around in the dark.

'Right, I want you to run back and tell them it's code red.' Mina said but before Sana could leave, they were approached by the gang leader and a right hand man. The leader jerked his head towards Sana and the man stepped up and grabed Sana's arms, holding both of her wrist together in a tight grip behind her back.

'Looking for your prize money? You can take it, if you can get through my men guarding it. Or you could always just exchange it for this lovely lady over here..' the gang leader threatened and reached out to Sana's head but Mina shoved it away.

'Don't be rude now or she might get hurt.' the leader said and Sana let out a small groan as the grip tightened and that was all Mina needed. She lunged forward and curled up her fist, using the momentum and landing a punch on the leader's face. Square on the nose and he fell onto the floor, holding his face. She then turned to the man holding Sana and smashed her elbow into his ribs and kneed his face when he bent over and he dropped to the floor.

Mina firmly held Sana's hand and pulled her towards her car. The gang members were starting to notice the commotion and were heading towards the gang leader to check on him. 

'Get in, hurry.' Mina said and opened the passenger door for Sana who hopped in instantly. She then got into the drivers seat and shut the door. She quickly started the car and turned the head towards the bushes and flickered her high beam which caught the attention of the crew. They knew something was wrong from the commotion going on behind them and quickly got into their cars. 

'What's going on?' someone's voice sounded from the walkie talkie. Mina patted Sana's arm and pointed at the device, asking her to get it while Mina focused on trying to find a way out. 

'Code Red.' Sana said as Mina instructed her to eariler on. 'Leader is knocked out and they're gonna come after us right about now.' 

True enough, the gang members had whipped out their extendable batons and were charging for the crew's cars. Jihyo and Dahyun who were at the corners, sped out and did a donut drift, scaring the charging gangsters who stopped, not wanting to get hit. This was more than enough time for Mina to maneuver her way out to the exit with the rest following close behind. The men were about the step forward and bring the batons that were over their heads down onto the two cars when it reversed and knocked some down and pushed the rest back before speeding off to join the crew. 

The cars ripped down the tarmac as they fled the scene. Mina's hand reached out and pressed the button on the walkie talkie.

'Is everyone out of that hellhole?' Mina asked and Sana looked at the device, expectant of the answer.

'Yea, all in one piece.' Jihyo's voice came through and Sana let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. 

Sana relaxed in her seat after hearing the good news and looked around at the interior. She realised that the stering wheel was a little square shaped, unlike normal cars and there wasn't a defined dashboard; only sleek narrow horizontal board. Good thing was that there was abundant leg room and the seats were actually not as hard as they looked, they were quite comfortable, like those arcade seats but way better. Then it hit her that she didn't have her seatbelt on and was speeding down the road and she frantically fumbled around for it. 

Mina chuckled when she saw Sana in panic so she she placed her hand on Sana's shoulder, pushing her forward slightly and pulled out one side of the seatbelt from behind her back. The blonde turned around to see that the seatbelts were coming from the seat itself and it wasn't like the normal seatbelts; it looked like the seatbelts for pilots. Sana was about to fasten her shoulder buckles when she looked over and saw Mina without a single buckle done. Instinctively, she leaned over and reached for the buckle on Mina's left to fasten the waist buckles together before pulling the shoulder straps over and fasteninh them. It was then when she realised how close she to Mina; so close that she could smell the other's shampoo. Sana's face heated up and she leaned back to her seat, buckling the shoulder straps and shrunk into her seat. Mina decided to and her hair, whispering a soft thanks, making sana feel like her heart would explode soon.

Guess I'll be dying from Mina-overdose, Sana thought and bumped her head against the window. It was going to be a long night. 

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jingelbells #2
Chapter 6: Read this in 2019.Wish there was a backstory how Jeongyeon proposed lols and some steamy scenes hehe
Chapter 6: Came for the Street Racing stayed for the gay, was not disappointed. HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Gawd I need a sequel!! This is soooo good
Chapter 6: 2na gave me life <3

And tzuyu~ your savageness.. damn girl.. haha
Minaaa15 #6
Chapter 6: Omg this is Gold! Why is 2na so cute!!! Great story man! More 2na story plssss!!!! This is awesome!!
Chapter 6: wow hehehe who wouldnt love cars ,
Chapter 6: omg yesh this is what i have been waiting for!!! gaah this stories is amazing i love the idea of cars esp cos i love cars. the subaru/nissan gtr are one of my dream cars <333 i love how the events turn out for them. tuna is lyfe <3 my bbys :DDD they're so <3333 i can totally see them like that and jungmo! the whole twice crew helping them. gaaah tysm for writing such an amazing story!!! i hope u write more in the future <333
Chapter 6: Found this amazing story recently and I read it in one sitting because I was just dying to know what would happen next and when will the confession come.

I love the characters and the plot. It's something new for me. Honestly not a big fan of cars so I barely know anything about them but after reading your detailed descriptions (and with the help of google images), picturing them in my head wasn't that difficult.

Hope to read more from you in the future! :D