
Race to your heart

A sleek black Lamborghini pulled up at the pick up point of Tzuyu's school. The students who were around the pick up point were starting to turn their attention to the flashy car but that didn't bother the driver. 

Mina took out her phone and did a time check. Five minutes after three in the afternoon. She opened her messages and quickly typed up a message to the beloved maknae.

To: Tzuyoda

Hey I'm at already at the pick up point and I can't wait too long. Where are you?

Mina didn't have to wait long for a reply. 

From: Tzuyoda

I'm coming.

Mina could see a the guard frowning at her car that was probably taking too much time at the pick up point despite there not being any cars behind. The guard was about to stand up when Mina heard the car door open.

'Hey unnie. Sorry, I had to wipe the board before I could leave.' Tzuyu said as she closed the door and put the seatbelt on.

'No worries. You saved me from the guard though. I think he was about to come over and chase me away.' Mina joked and drove out of school. 

'I wasn't expecting you to pick me up though.' 

'Who were you expecting? Do you not like this unnie?' Mina said, feigning a hurt expression and the younger girl laughed. 

'No no, I like this unnie. I just thought that maybe it would be Jihyo unnie or Nayeon unnie.' 

'Well.. I lost at scissors paper stone so..' Mina sighed.

'Oh.. So our resident gamer is actually bad at scissors paper stone.' Tzuyu said and nodded her head as if she made a brilliant discovery. 

'I'm just bad at one game, let me off will you.' Mina sulked. 'Oh yea, we'll drop by the convinience store for a sec. Gotta pick up some snacks for movie night tomorrow.' 

'Yay mart!' Tzuyu clapped excitedly and Mina rolled her eyes as she turned the wheel in one fluid motion and the car swerved perfectly into the parking lot. 

'Could you teach me to park like that unnie?' Tzuyu asked and blinked cutely at Mina. They both got out of the carand walked to the entrance of the small store.

'I could teach you but it's more of something that needs to be practiced.' Mina said. 'Go get the snacks, I'll get the drinks. Don't take too long.' 

Tzuyu flashed a toothy smile and walked off towards the snack isle while the older girl proceeded to the drink section. The two met back at the cashier and checked out their items. Mina took the bags and waited while Tzuyu got into the car and buckled up before she handed the girl the bags and walked over to the other side of the car and got in.

'It's a little funny, unnie.' Tzuyu said, hugging the plastic bags while Mina reversed out of the lot and turned back onto the road. 

'What's funny?' 

'Maybe it's just me but I suddenly had this thought. This Lamborghini parked outside a convinience store buying cheap snacks when the owner can probably afford snacks that have gold dust on it. I wonder that the passerbys think, and I like that we just walked in and out so naturally in casual clothes like this car is the common car on the streets when it's like a supercar.' Tzuyu said with a smile. Mina was quiet for a few seconds as she processed the other girl's words.

'Sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head of yours.. But yea.. It is kinda funny now that you mentioned it.' Mina said and shook her head, a small smile on her face.

'Hey unnie.' Tzuyu said with this suspicious smile on her face.


'How are things between you and Sana unnie?' the school girl asked and wiggled her eyebrows which made Mina let out a cross between a groan and a sigh. 

'We said a thousand times; we're just friends.' Mina deadpanned but Tzuyu wasn't going to back down today.

'Deny all you want unnie, even the other members said it. Love is in the air~' Tzuyu sang. 'Even a blind person can see the love between you and Sana unnie.' 

Mina was about to argue and defend herself but decided to just accept her fate of being teased regardless of whether she chooses to deny or accept it.

'Fine. I like Sana. Okay?' Mina said and slumped her shoulders.

'Oh my god I should have recorded that. Now that you have passed the stage of denial and entered the stage of acceptance, why not confess?' Tzuyu pressed on.

'It's not the right time okay? It's only been like what? Four months?' Mina furrowed her eyebrows.

'Jeongyeon unnie confessed to Momo unnie like one month ago. Now everyone thinks it's about time either you or Sana make the first move and confess to each other too.' Tzuyu said.

'It's Jeongyeon. I'm not Jeongyeon. She's like some chick magnet.' Mina said and let out a laugh.

'Ah.. You are chic unnie. You need more time to think of a cool proposal. I understand now.' Tzuyu grinned and Mina could only let out a agonising sigh. 

They pulled into the garage and the sound of the V-10 engine echoed as Mina drove in and parked the car. She cut the engine and got out first, walking to the other side to help carry the bag of drinks while Tzuyu carried the chips. Mina took the bags from Tzuyu and chased the other girl up to her room to freshen up and change while she went to the kitchen to unpack the food. 

The house was mostly quiet since half of its occupants were still working at the cafe. After Sana and Momo took up the job offer from Jihyo, they decided to split the nine of them into two groups of four and five members each which would work alternate days at the cafe. Today was the smaller group's turn so with the four most rowdy people gone, the house was pretty tranquil needless to say.

Mina placed all the bags on the countertop and took out the drinks to place in the fridge. She was in the midst of taking out the bags of chips when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and a warm body press against her back. A head rested on the shorter girl's shoulders and the warm breath tickled Mina's neck. Mina didn't have to turn around to know who it was, lips automatically curving into a smile. 

'Did you miss me?' the copper hair girl asked as she took the last bag of chips out of the plastic bag and began to fold the plastic bags up into neat triangles. 

'Yes.. It was boring when you left. Chaeyoung and Dahyun are in their room sleeping so I had no one to talk to or play with.' a sweet voice replied.

'Poor thing. I'll have to entertain you since I'm back now huh.' Mina asked and raised a hand behind to pat the blonde's head.

'Yes please.' 

'After I pack these up. What do you want to do?' 

'Play Mario Kart.' 

'Go set it up then, I'll join you when I'm done here.' Mina felt the head on her shoulder nod and she patted the arms around her waist. The arms unwrapped themselves as the girl walked out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to their shared room.


It's been almost four months after Sana and Momo moved in with the crew. Jeongyeon had confessed to Momo in the second month and got together. Now everyone's attention was focused on the other two Japanese girls. They were all waiting for either Mina or Sana to make the first move and confess to the other but the two had been playing dumb and avoiding the teases, insisting that they are just friends and the crew just goes along with what they say. 

'Yeah yeah, if that's what you say~' they would sing everytime the two denied their teasings. 

The blonde walked in and sat Japanese style on the floor infront of the game console. They had recently bought a Wii console and a wall mounted flatscreen TV which was positioned at the once empty wall infront of the bed. Now they could play the games from the comfort of their bed in their room without having to go to the living room which also had a game console. 

The blonde ran her finger across the spines of the disc cases that were stacked on a wall mounted shelf and smiled as her finger stopped on the game she was looking for. She pulled out the red case and took the disc out and slid it into the console. The girl then hopped onto the bed and switched on the television screen. While the screen was loading, she got up and walked to the desk, opened the drawer and pulled out two wii wheel controllers and attatched the remotes onto the wheel. When everything was set up and ready, the door slowly gently swung open and her roommate slipped in, closing the door behind her. 

'Hey Sa-dang.' Mina said with a smile. 

'Just in time.' Sana said with a smile. 

Mina hopped onto the bed and tackled her blonde friend onto the bed and the two went down with a squeal. Mina had her arms on both sides of Sana's head and she was now hovering over the other girl. 

'Ya, want to kiss me?' Sana said with a laugh. She had slowly became bolder as the time went by and was starting to become as much of a tease as Mina. 

'Do you want me to?' Mina asked with a smirk.

'Would you dare to?' Sana reached up and curled her fingers around the neckline of Mina's shirt.

'I would.' 

'Oh yea?'


'Do it then.'

Mina just relaxed her arms and flopped ontop of Sana instead.

'You're squishing me..' Sana whined as she wiggled around trying to get Mina off her. The younger moved her arms down to Sana's stomach and began tickling the girl, making Sana laugh and squirm around even more. With her last ounce of strength, Sana shoved Mina off and the other girl landed beside her in a laughing mess. Sana slapped the steering wheel onto Mina's stomach and poked the laughing girl's stomach.

'Stop laughing.. Such a bully.' Sana pouted and Mina sat up, trying to contain her laughter. 

'Alright alright, let's start.' 


'Okay, quick they're busy.' Dahyun whispered and waved her hand rapidly at Chaeyoung and Tzuyu who were behind her to signal that the coast was clear. She was laying stomach down on the floor, commando style and peeping through the gap in the door of Mina's room. The other two girls walked briskly past their room and Dahyun rolled to the stairs before getting up and walking down. 

'Unnie, why are you in like, commando mode?' Tzuyu whispered after seeing Dahyun roll to the stairs.

'This is a mission.' Dahyun whispered back with the most determined face that Chaeyoung and Tzuyu has ever seen. 'Now, do you have the package?' 

'It's just a note though.' Chaeyoung muttered under her breath and Dahyun nodded, pretending she didn't hear what the other girl just said.

'Okay, we will proceed to the kitchen and leave the note on the counter then try to leave the house as quietly as possible to let tuna have their date. We will meet with the rest of the unnies at the cafe.' Dahyun whispered and then stopped and placed a hand on her chest to catch her breath which made the other two girls almost burst out in laughter after seeing how the girl had actually ran out of breath just by whispering. 

'Stop laughing.' Dahyun whispered sharply and placed a finger to her lip who were also slightly curled up at the tips in a smile and herded the two to the kitchen where they placed the note before going back down the stairs to the garage. 

'Wouldn't they hear the engine though?' Chaeyoung asked as they walked to their cars. 

'I'll start up really quietly and drive slowly out of the house.' Dahyun said.

'Won't the shutters rattle?' Tzuyu asked.

'I already prepared for that.' the oldest of the three said and proudly pointed to a bottle of lubricant beside the garage door. 'I oiled it eariler so it should make no sound at all. Trust me you guys, I got it all covered.' and with that, they all got into Dahyun's car. The girl lightly jabbed the engine button and the car started up, even though they were in the car, no one said anything as the other two held their breath as Dahyun slowly drove out of the lot, taking extra care to not make sharp turns incase the tires squeaked. They made it up the hill and now it was the big test of the oiled shutters.

'Please work please work.' Tzuyu chanted under her breath as the shutters raised. It was absolutely soundless and the blue car drove out and away without an issue.

'Told you to trust me.' Dahyun said smugly as they cruised down the road. 

'Dubu is the best hmm?' Chaeyoung cooed and pinched the driver's cheek, scratched under her chin and patted her thigh, all while the driver had a proud look on her face. Tzuyu who was in the backseat, knocked her head on the headrest behind and looked out of the window.

'I'm gonna get diabetes at this rate.' the youngest girl mumbled to herself. 

The drive to the cafe was uneventful as the two girls who were left behind at the house were probably still immersed in their game. 

The blue Subaru pulled up next to a Chevrolet Corvette and the passengers got out. The trio pushed open the door which jingled the little bell above it as they made their entrance. It was just past afternoon tea so the cafe was only filled with a handful of people who were mostly on their laptops or reading a book. 

A girl whose short hair was tucked nicely into her cap was in the middle of wiping the counter top when she heard the bell ring. She looked up to greet the new customer with a smile but the smile turned into a beam when she saw the trio who had just entered. 

'Hey! You guys made it! Were they suspicious when you guys left?' the girl greeted as the youngest members made their way towards the counter.

'Nope, not at all. Dahyun unnie was in her commando mode when we were sneaking past their room.' Tzuyu said and Dahyun shot her a look.

'She also oiled the garage shutters so they became smoother and noiseless which is also how we managed to escape.' Chaeyoung added and Dahyun wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's neck with a smile.

'Not bad. We're closing up soon anyway so you three can either make yourselves useful and help Momo arrange the chairs and tables or help Jihyo and Nayeon arrange the stock in the back.' the girl said and the trio looked around to realize that Momo was actually hanging around the seating area behind them.

'We'll help Momo unnie.' the shorted pair said at the same time and skipped off.

'I guess I'll help the other two at the back. Do you need help here Jeongyeon unnie?' Tzuyu offered and Jeongyeon shook her head.

'I've been wiping the counters for the past fifteen minutes. I'm sure they can't get any cleaner than this. Go help those two. They probably need help putting the boxes onto the upper shelves.' Jeongyeon said with a snigger and Tzuyu laughed before walking to the back. 


'Aw why are you so good at this..' Sana whined, dropping the wheel onto her stomach and leaned back onto the bed. 

'I can't help it. I'm the gamer penguin afterall.' Mina grinned and leaned back, supporting her weight on her elbows. 

'I demand a rematch!' Sana said and sat up immediately. 

'We've had about five rematches already. Maybe tomorrow hmm? It's almost 4:30 now. I wonder why the rest aren't back yet.' Mina said as she looked at the clock. Usually the other members would be home by now and the sound of laughter would echo around the house to mark their arrival but seeing that she didn't hear a single squeak from downstairs or outside their room, something was a little weird. 

'I'll be right back.' Mina said and left the room, leaving a puzzled squirrel alone on the bed.

Mina checked the rooms but they were all empty so she went downstairs where she was greeted by the empty living room as compared to what would usually be full of laughter and chattering at this hour. 

'Hmm.. That's strange..' Mina said to herself and furrowed her eyebrows.

'What's strange?' Sana asked and walked up behind Mina who jumped a little at her voice.

'Oh you scared me for a second. Thought you were still upstairs. I was saying how strange that the others are not back yet when its already past 4:30 pm. Chaeng, Dubu and Tzuyu are also not around the house.' Mina said and scratched her head.

'They're not? Aren't they in their room?' Sana asked, feeling a little confused. 

'I checked, all the rooms are empty. I think they left without us knowing.' the younger girl narrowed her eyes.

'Try calling them.' Sana suggested.

Mina took out her phone from her pocket and dialled Tzuyu's number since the girl always picks up no matter what she was doing. Mina furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to the dial tone ring.

'What's wrong?' Sana asked as she looked at Mina's troubled expression. 

'Tzuyu isn't picking up. She always picks up.' Mina said as the call timed out. 

'Maybe they left a note somewhere.' Sana said and the pair looked around the living room. Mina then caught sight of a piece of paper on the counter in the kitchen. 

'Found it.' she said as she walked closer to the note.

Mina picked it up and Sana peered over her shoulder. 

Sorry to ditch you two at home alone but this is the only way.. You two have been taking too long (I'm sure you know what I mean) so we have decided to give you two some alone time to finish up what is long overdue ;)

'The hell? You can't be serious.' Mina deadpanned and Sana blushed. 

'Well.. I guess this means we're going on a date.' Sana said and patted the other girl's shoulder before going back to the room. 

Mina frowned at the note. How was she suppose to 'finish up what it long overdue' if she doesn't have the things needed in a confession? She looked at the note again and saw that there were some indents of words on the paper. She flipped the paper to the other side and there was another note.

Mina unnie, it has to be you since you're the best at looking for clues. I know you're probably thinking how to get the date done and confess if you don't have a ring or flowers. Which is why we decided to give you a helping hand. Money is not a issue so we're not worried about your food expense. We have bought a little bouquet of flowers and a set of couple rings and left it at the florist just down the road from the cafe. Now go get your girl! ;) 

'These kids..' Mina grinned and folded the note befre placing it in her pocket before going upstairs.

The younger girl pushed open the door which was ajar and saw Sana looking through their closet. 

'What are you doing?' Mina asked as the blonde flipped through her side of the clothes. 

'Picking a nice outfit to look good for our date.' the blonde responded without looking.

'Well.. Alright. I'll go get changed too.' Mina said and walked up to look through the clothes. She thought for a moment about which restaurant she should bring Sana to for dinner. Casual? Formal? Maybe smart casual will do, Mina thought and reached out for a pair of black jeans and a short sleeved button up with white collars. 

'Dress smart casual.' Mina said and walked out of the room. She went to the bathroom to change and sprayed some cologne. When she was done, she poked her head out and looked at the room door which was just across the hall; Sana was still inside. Mina then walked briskly down the stairs and sat down on the couch to wait. Just like a real date, Mina smiled to herself.

'I'm done, are we ready to go?' Sana asked as she came down the stairs while putting on her earrings. She almost slipped at the last step which made Mina shoot up from her seat but grabbed on to the handrail just in time.

'Oh my gosh Sana be careful for once.' Mina sighed and patted her chest.

'Heh, my bad~' Sana grinned and slipped her hand into Mina's. 

The shorter girl looked at her date for the day; a light blue dress with white collars that ended just above the knees matched with a white coat.

'How beautiful.' Mina cooed as the pair walked down to the basement.

'I'm always beautiful.' Sana said playfully and flipped her hair. 

They strolled to Mina's car and Mina opened the door for Sana.

'Why thank you.' Sana said and did a small bow as she got into the car. Mina rolled her eyes and shut the car door before jogging over to the other side and hopped in. 

'Now, we'll have dinner. Or do you want to walk around first?' Mina asked as she started the car. 

'We'll have dinner first since its almost 5. Where are we going?' Sana asked as Mina drove up the slope and out of the house.

'Somewhere just down the road of the cafe.' 

Sana nodded and looked out of the window. She wasn't showing it but deep down she was feeling jittery. Sure, she's went out with Mina to the mall and other places but this was a real date. She twiddled with her fingers and tugged at the loose thread on the sleeve of her coat. Mina was focused on the road but she could see Sana being a little fidgety so she reached over and patted the girl's thigh. 

'Relax, treat it like any other outing with me.' Mina said with a gentle smile which instantly eased the blonde's restlessness. 

Mina opted to take the route that would take them past the cafe to see if the rest of the members were camping out in there while the two went for a date. 

'Do you think the rest are at the cafe?' Mina asked and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel while waiting for the light to turn green.

'Probably yes. Unless they decided to go have dinner on their own somewhere else.' Sana said and looked at Mina. For some reason, Sana felt that the other girl looked oddly attractive today. Maybe it was the scent of cologne that Sana particularly liked or maybe just how the girl's hair had grew long enough to fall nicely across her shoulders. Sana didn't know but she needed to control her feelings. Don't act weird, Sana mentally reminded herself.

'Cafe is just round the corner.' Mina announced and pulled the blonde out of her thoughts. Two pairs of eyes scanned the cafe as they drove by slowly. The lights were off and the sign was flipped to state that they're closed for the day. 

'That's weird.. Where could they be then..' Mina thought aloud and sped up a little before they cause a pile up behind them on this two way road. 

'Probably went for dinner.. Or waited at a distance till we left before going home.' Sana suggested.

'Oh well.. Let's go grab dinner. You hungry?' Mina asked as she turned into a road. She caught sight of the florist where her flowers and rings were waiting for pick up.

'Yea.. What are we having? Western, Japanese, Korean..'

'What do you feel like having?' Mina asked as she found a lot amongst the row of parked cars. Why is she so damn attractive doing that, Sana thought as she watched her friend turn the wheel with her tongue poking out from between her lips while trying to parallel park. 

'Oh my god..' Sana sighed.

'What? What happened?' Mina asked and say up straight to look at the car infront before turning around to look behind. 'Did I hit something?' the girl's eyebrows knitted together in worry.

'What?' Sana asked as she heard Mina panicking, then she processed what Mina had just said. 'Oh no no, it's nothing. You didn't hit anything, I was just thinking about something.' 

'Geez you scared me for a second I thought I knocked something.' Mina said as she pressed the ignition button.

'Nah, you're such a great driver how can you knock into something.' 

'You never know. I only got my official license this year mind you.' Mina said and pressed the button on the buckle to release the straps which recoiled into place.

'Yea yea, but you been racing illegally for years so that's fine. I'm surprised your parent's didn't say anything about their child going out racing with a gang of other underaged people.' Sana joked and Mina laughed.

'They're cool like that, that's why. So, have you made up your mind?' Mina asked and the girl looked out of the window at the shops that lined the road.

'Let's walk down and see what we got.' 

'Good idea.' Mina said and the two turned to open the doors at the same time. The younger hurriedly shut her door and walked over to the other side where Sana was still getting out. The blonde was about to push herself from the seat after placing a wobbly high heeled foot out on the tarmac when she saw a hand extended towards her. She traced the hand up to a smiling face which made her break out into a grin too. 

'Why thank you again, how gentlemanly. Or should I say gentlewomanly.' Sana giggled as she placed her hand into the awaiting palm and got a boost out of the car. She closed the car door and Mina pressed the key in her pocket before walking side by side down the stretch of restaurants. 

Sana who was wobbling around on her heels every few meters was trying not to fall flat on her face. Her balance wasn't the best in the world. Mixing high heels and a clumsy trait would no doubt produce disaster, which is why Mina decided to intervene and take the unsteady girl's hand into her own, interlocking their fingers.

'Thanks.' Sana said gratefully now that she had a pillar of support.

'Why did you wear heels if you have trouble balancing in them anyway? Go with the trusty flats.' Mina chuckled.

'Well.. Sneakers wouldn't match this dress and neither would platforms so..' Sana explained with a sheepish look on her face.

'At least you look great, and I think that's all that counts.' Mina shook her head and stopped walking.


'You up for Italian?' Mina asked and looked at a little italian restaurant that was infront of them.

'Sure. I've hadn't had pasta in quite a while.' Sana shrugged and they walked into the restaurant. The waiter by the entrance gave them a warm smile and led them to a small table for two near the back of the restaurant which was lit by a ambient orange lamp hanging from above. He handed the pair a menu and walked off.

'What would you like?' Mina asked as she eyed the menu. 

'Maybe.. Chicken and gorgonzola pasta. Looks nice. You?' Sana nodded at her choice and closed the menu.

'I'll just go with the classic spaghetti with chicken bolognese.' 

The waiter came back with two glasses of water and placed them on the table. They placed their orders and he nodded.

'Coming right up.' he smiled and walked off.

The two looked around their seat and the restaurant, taking in their environment. There were paintings in a dusted down gold frame with accents on each corner hanging around the walls of the restaurant. Coupled with the mahogany furnishing, stone patterned walls, red curtains and a chandelier which hung at the middle of the restaurant, it made the pair seem as if they stepped into a portal which took them to Italy itself. 

'Feels like I'm in Italy or something.' Sana said as she looked around.

'Yea, it does.' Mina said while looking at the painting of a fruit basket that was hung on the wall beside their table.

Their food were promptly served despite the restaurant being almost filled up. They were talking about whatever that came to mind and Mina managed to finish her food first. Great, now I just need to find a excuse to get away, she thought and looked around to see if anything could give her inspiration. Her eyes lighted up when she saw her phone that was on the table. She grabbed it and shoved it into her pocket.

'Hey, my phone is dying, I'll go to the car and get the battery pack real quick.' Mina said and stood up.

'Okay, don't take too long.' the unsuspecting blonde said and smiled as she watched her friend leave the restaurant. After walking out of sight, Mina immediately sprinted to the flower shop just a few stores down. She slowed down to steady her breathing as she rounded the corner to the entrance. There were many colorful flowers on the racks outside for display. I wonder what they chose, Mina thought as she pushed the door open and walked in. There was a young lady behind the counter that didn't seem more than twenty years old.

'Welcome. How may I help you?' she greeted in a soft voice.

'Hello, uh, I'm here to pick up a little bouquet of flowers and a set of rings?' Mina asked.

'Ah yes those.' the girl said and bent down to open a drawer where she took out a small black box before going into a room behind the counter and reappearing with a small bouquet of white hydrangea.

'Here you go.' the girl said and handed Mina thhe bouquet. 

'Er what exactly are these?' Mina said and squinted at the flowers, she had never seen these flowers before. 

'They're called hydrangeas from Japan. They represent a lot of things from good to bad but the simplest to remember is that they are usually given to represent a heartfelt emotion and show gratitude.' the girl said as she took out a small blue chit. 'Here, just sign on the line.' 

Mina took the pen and gave her signature. She noted that Jihyo's name was on the paper as well so it must have been her who placed the reservations. Thank you god Jihyo, Mina smiled. She then took the small box and opened the lid to look at the rings. She took a ring out from the cushion and examined it. 


They looked like plain stainless steel rings but there were their initials carve on the inside. Mina arced and eyebrow and nodded her head, placing the ring carefully back in the case. 

'You guys must have really planned this out for a long time..' Mina muttered to herself as she kept the box in her pocket and took the flowers. 

'Thank you.' Mina said and bowed to the girl.

'No problem, good luck.' the girl said with a smile and Mina bowed again before leaving the shop. She quickly ran back to the restaurant before Sana could start to wonder what was taking her so long. 

'Hey I'm back.' Mina sat down with her hand behind her back to hide the flowers. It was small but it wasn't that small. 

'What's behind your back?' Sana asked when she saw the girl's hand not moving even after she say down. 

'Well..' Mina said and brought the bouquet out. Their plates had been cleared while Mina was gone so the girl rested her arms on the table with the bouquet in her hands. 

'This is for you. Simple but pure, just like you.' Mina said with a smile and Sana took the bouquet. 

'Thank you..' the blonde said as she looked at the bouquet. 

'Wanna know some fun facts about this flower?' Mina asked as she planned out the confession in her head. Her quick thinking sure comes in handy at times like this.

'Go on.' Sana smiled and took a whiff of the flowers.

'They're called hydrangeas. Originally found in Japan, our country.' Mina smiled and paused. 'They are usually used to represent many things from good to bad but they are usually used to represent heartfelt emotions and to show gratitude.' Mina recited perfectly as the florist had said. Sana nodded, clearly impressed by what Mina had just said.

'I'm giving these to you to represent a heartfelt emotion and gratitude.' Mina said. 'I'm using these to represent my love for you and my gratitude for you, who has always been by my side. You've let me see every side of you and you have let me comfortably show you every side of me. From your clumsiness to my anger.' Mina said and Sana let out a soft laugh. 'Since they gave us some time alone today, I might as well use it well.' Mina reached into her pocket for the small box. She pulled it out and opened the box to face the rings towards the other girl who had a surprised expression on her face. 

'Minatozaki Sana, will you be my girlfriend?' Mina asked with all her heart.

'Of course. I've been waiting to say yes since the day I met you.' Sana said and Mina laughed. 

'Creep.' the copper haired girl joked and took out the ring which had the initials MN on it. 'May I?' Mina asked and Sana stretched her hand out across the table. Mina slipped the ring onto the blonde's left ring finger. 

'Ooh, my turn.' the blonde said and took the other ring out of the box. She took Mina's hand and slipped it onto her right ring finger. 'This way the rings would touch when we hold hands.' the girl said with such contentment that Mina couldn't help but smile.

'Shall we walk around now?' Mina asked as she kept the box. Sana shook her head. 

'How about we go get some drinks instead?' Sana suggested and Mina shrugged.

'Anything for princess here.' the younger said with a grin. They got up from their seats and walked to the counter. They approached the cashier counter and Sana hooked her arm through Mina's which made the girl look at her and smile. Mina gently tapped the bell and the waiter which served them quickly walked over.

'Hope you two lovely ladies enjoyed your meal.' he said with a smile as he took Mina's credit card with both hands.

'Yes we did. The food was very nice and the interior is very plesant.' Mina returned the smile. The waiter processed their payment and handed Mina's card back to her with a receipt.

'Here you go. Thank you and do come again.' he said and bowed before going off to serve another customer. 

The two walked out of the restaurant and the sky was now a beautiful hue of a mixture of red and orange. 

'Woah.. It's so beautiful..' Sana said as she looked up to the sky like a child which made Mina chuckle.

'Come on, I'll take you somewhere before we go get some drinks.' Mina said and held Sana's hand, pulling the girl back to the car. They got in and Mina quickly started the car and drove off.

'Where are we going?' Sana said and fastened her seatbelts.

'You'll see.' Mina grinned at her as she turned into a narrow alley.

'Look out! The car is gonna grt scratched!' Sana squealed as the car turned in and Mina only laughed. 

'Nah it won't, it will extend into a two way road right about... Here.' Mina said and turned right which did land them on a two lane road. Mina drove the car to park it's left side up on the kerb so that it wouldn't cause much of an obstruction to traffic even though there weren't many cars here since it was mainly houses and there were stairs that led down to the streets where they came from.

'Let's go~' Mina sang and got out to go to the other side and assist Sana. The pair walked to the opposite side of the road and leaned against the metal railings.

'Wow.' Sana was awestruck. From up here, they had a good view of the sun that was slowly setting and also the streets and buildings below. They could see the vehicles and people bustling around on the streets below as people made their way home or out for dinner. The sun had washed all the buildings in a warm orange glow and streaks of red reflected in the sky and clouds, making the view absolutely breathtaking. 

'Let's take a picture.' Mina said and took out her phone. She turned her back to face the scenery behind her and Sana wrapped her arms around Mina's waist and rested her head on the girl's shoulder. They took serveral shots with a few different poses before going back to admiring the view. 

'Could we watch the sunset before going?' Sana asked with her puppy eyes and Mina nodded. The taler girl was looking out at the horizon while Mina looked at her. The orange glow shone perfectly on the girl beside her, making her blonde hair seem orange and her brown pupils to appear a even lighter shade of brown. To Mina, it was a breathtaking view enjoying another breathtaking view. She couldn't help but lean in and place a chaste kiss on her girlfriend's cheek. 

'What was that for?' Sana giggled.

'You were just too irresistible.' Mina said with a wink.

'Greasy.' Sana laughed and lightly slapped the shorter girl's shoulder. Sana rested her head on the girl's shoulder and the pair watched the sun slowly dip below the horizon. The street lights flickered on as the sun disappeared and the orange glow faded.

'Shall we go get some drinks now?' Mina asked as the last of the sun disappeared. Sana hummed and they crossed back to the side where they came from. Mina led the way into a little cafe up some steps. It was a very traditional looking cafe with stone walls on the outside with wooden flooring and walls. There was a big stone in the middle of a small pond at the centre of the cafe and there were several low tables positioned on the woven mat around the pond.

'Hello, welcome.' a lady welcomed them and they bowed in greetings. The lady led them to a small room nearest to the entrance. There was a table for six in the room but since the cafe was at a quieter location, they guessed it wouldn't be a hassle. 

The pair entered the room which had a medium height ceiling with two lamps that lighted up the room. The window by the table was open which gave them a view of the road just beside it. Unlike the seats they saw outside, the room had a set of wooden table and chairs; three chairs on one side and two benches on the other. 

They took their shoes off before entering the room and sat opposite of one another with Sana on the chair and Mina on the bench. 

'What do you want to drink?' Mina asked.

'Let's see..' Sana hummed as she looked through the menu. 'I think.. I'll get a cup of lemon tea. You?' 

'A cup of latte would be good.' 

'Excuse me~' Sana called out in a soft and cute whine which made Mina smile. 

'I don't think they can hear you..' Mina said but a knock was heard and the wooden door opened. The lady that welcomed them stepped inside.

'May I take your order?' the lady asked.

'We'll have one lemon tea and one latte.' Sana said and the lady nodded before leaving the two to their privacy.

'How...' Mina asked still wondering how the lady heard her. 

'That's my charm.' Sana winked and Mina made a face. 'Nah, probably just lucky.' 

'Sounds more like it.' Mina stuck out her tongue and Sana pretended to hit her. Sana looked down at the ring on her finger and twisted it around.

'How did you manage to get the ring and the flower so quickly though?' Sana asked out of curiosity.

'Well, remember that note?' Sana nodded. 'There was another note behind that said these two items were at the florist so all I had to do was pick them up.' 

'Who got it?' 

'High chance it's Jihyo since the flowers were under her name. Then again maybe all of them pitched in a thought since they were all waiting for this day to come.' Mina said and looked at Sana playing with the ring.

'Do you like it?' Mina asked and Sana looked up.

'The ring?' 

'Yea, like the design. If you want we could always go make another one that suits us better.'

'Nope, this one is okay actually. Simplicity is best, not too eye catching.' 

Mina hummed and nodded. She reached out and took one of Sana's hand into her own and played with the girl's fingers and Sana only smiled. They waited in comfortable silence for their drinks to arrive. 

'Hope you two didn't wait long.' the lady said as the door of the room opened and their drinks arrived.

'No it's okay, thank you.' Mina said and helped the lady to remove the drinks from the tray with a slight tilt of her head. 

'Enjoy.' the lady smiled and exited the room.

'Mm this smells good.' Sana said as she bent down to have a whiff of her tea.

'Shall we head home after this?' Mina stirred her latte. 

'Yep. Unless you have something else up your sleeve?' Sana raised an eyebrow and sipped her tea. 

'Nope, I miss my bed.'

'Lazy bum.' 

The pair enjoyed their drinks over a light conversation. Mina noticed that Sana hadn't taken off her coat and her hands never left the warm cup of tea.

She must be cold, Mina thought and looked at the open window. She reached out to pull the little handle and closed both windows before sliding the wooden spoon into a little hole on the handle to lock it in place.

'You looked kind of cold there. Might as well since it's getting chilly. Wouldn't want you catching a cold now.' Mina said and Sana nodded.

'Yes mom~' the blonde joked. Sana finished up the rest of her drink and ate some lemon before the pair left the private room. Sana quickly pulled out her own credit card and handed it to the cashier before Mina could even get her wallet out of her pocket. 

'Since the food was on you, at least let me pay for the drinks.' Sana swayed left and right in a attenpt to be cute. Mina almost cooed at the girl's act but fought to retain her calm composture. 

'Alright.' Mina said and clenched her jaws. You won't lose your cool, not here, she told herself.

Finishing the transaction they walked with their arms linked back to the car. Mina helped Sana into the car once again before taking her own seat. 

'Wow it's already 8:05?.' Mina said as she saw the time on the dashboard.

'Time sure passes fast.. Probably because you're with me~' Sana sang and Mina hit the girl's arm lightly. 'Heyy..' 

'Fine fine, it passes fast when you're with me but it passes even faster when I'm with you.' Mina threw a wink and the girl laughed.

'Just drive already.' Sana giggled as Mina started the decent back to the main road. The first five minutes had some conversation but after a while, Mina realized that Sana had stopped replying her. She looked over to see the girl leaning against the window, sound asleep. The copper hair girl smiled at the sight and focused back on the road. She made the rest of the ride as smooth as possible so that her princess wouldn't have a rude awakening. They got home safely without any problem and Mina was now wondering how to get the girl out without waking her. She reached over and gently moved the sleeping girl's head to lean on the seat so that she wouldn't fall out when Mina opened the door. Mina quickly got out and jogged to the other side before Sana could lull back to her previous position. The younger kneeled down and unbuckled the seatbelt before slipping one arm under the girl's knees and the other behind the girl's neck. Mina slowly lifted her out, careful not to knock the girl's head on the frame of the car and used her leg to shut the door. Mina bounced the blonde up a little to reposition the girl in her arms before she slipped off Mina's arms. Sana's head was now resting on Mina's shoulder and the girl placed a kiss on her sleepyhead's crown. Mina slowly walked up the stairs, using her knee to nudge the door open and walked through. She was about to walk up the second flight of stairs when she saw Jihyo appear from the kitchen with a bowl of chips. Mina quickly shushed the older girl before she could let out a loud greeting. Jihyo noticed the sleeping squirrel in Mina's arms and nodded knowingly. 

'Need help?' Jihyo mouthed to Mina who nodded. The trio made their way up the stairs and Jihyo opened the door for Mina. The racer didn't enter but stood by the door as she watched the dark racer slowly set Sana down on the bed, removed her coat and accessories before covering the girl with the blanket. Mina then walked towards Jihyo and the two walked out to the corridor before closing the door softly behind them. 

'Thanks Jihyo. For everything.' Mina said and Jihyo gave a toothy grin.

'Don't mention it. I only placed the order but everyone else pitched in an idea or two. Especially Momo, she was the one that told us what kinda ring Sana fancies.' 

'You guys are really..' Mina didn't know how to describe how she felt at that moment but Jihyo patted her shoulder.

'I understand what you mean. Take this as a little gift from us all. For taking good care of all of us.' 

'This is the best gift I ever got from you guys.'


When Mina returned, Sana had just woken up and was looking around. 

'Uhm, hey.' Sana greeted, eyes still half open.

'You must be sleepy.' Mina said as she sat beside Sana's outstretched legs. 

'Yea.. Sorry you had to carry me up.' the blonde said with knitted eyebrows.

'It's okay, anything for princess, yes?' Mina said and leaned closed to Sana till their forhead was touching. 

'Of course, the prince must do anything for the princess.' the blonde said and raised her hand to curl her fingers around Mina's collar. It was almost like what happened this afternoon, just that this time the outcome would be what both of them had wished for for a long time. 

'What shall I do to make princess happy?' Mina asked, breath tickling Sana's lips. 

'Kiss me.' Sana whispered.

'Yes ma'am.' Mina whispered back and closed the almost inexistant gap between them, sealing their first kiss; the first out of many more to come.


Total word count: 22,130 

Hope you will enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing this :) 

Also, special thanks to my friend/ number one fan for giving me some ideas and opinions here and there ;) 

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jingelbells #2
Chapter 6: Read this in 2019.Wish there was a backstory how Jeongyeon proposed lols and some steamy scenes hehe
Chapter 6: Came for the Street Racing stayed for the gay, was not disappointed. HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Gawd I need a sequel!! This is soooo good
Chapter 6: 2na gave me life <3

And tzuyu~ your savageness.. damn girl.. haha
Minaaa15 #6
Chapter 6: Omg this is Gold! Why is 2na so cute!!! Great story man! More 2na story plssss!!!! This is awesome!!
Chapter 6: wow hehehe who wouldnt love cars ,
Chapter 6: omg yesh this is what i have been waiting for!!! gaah this stories is amazing i love the idea of cars esp cos i love cars. the subaru/nissan gtr are one of my dream cars <333 i love how the events turn out for them. tuna is lyfe <3 my bbys :DDD they're so <3333 i can totally see them like that and jungmo! the whole twice crew helping them. gaaah tysm for writing such an amazing story!!! i hope u write more in the future <333
Chapter 6: Found this amazing story recently and I read it in one sitting because I was just dying to know what would happen next and when will the confession come.

I love the characters and the plot. It's something new for me. Honestly not a big fan of cars so I barely know anything about them but after reading your detailed descriptions (and with the help of google images), picturing them in my head wasn't that difficult.

Hope to read more from you in the future! :D