Chp 1


“!” Nayeon cursed at her own inability to keep her balance. She tripped on her own feet and fleeing her books everywhere. She quickly got up and dusted off her uniform before kneeling down again to get her notes.

“Thank yo—“ The longhaired girl’s breath hitched when she saw the one who helped her, gathered her scattering books on the floor. She swore that cute dimple smile on the person crouching in front of her would be her death.

“Your welcome, Sunbaenim.”

The brunette thought the title calling should be dropped since they were in the same grade. But her notion cut short when she felt her books being nudged to her hands. She tried to show her perfect smile but failing miserably when she caught the stares of the person facing her.

Nayeon didn’t know how and why she suddenly developed a strong feeling towards her, Yoo Jungyeon, the smart transferred student. She could explain the when factor on that matter in a heartbeat.

When she started to have a crush on a boyish girl named Jungyeon?

The answer was on the day Jungyeon transferred into her school. That morning she was busy chatting with her bestfriend on her phone, Park Jihyo, she didn’t even paid her attention to the path she was taking until a hand—this is a drama cliché action worthy to read—pulled her upper arm into a warm embrace, saving her from being hit by a car.

And that soft voice. Oh God, the caring soft voice asking whether she was okay or not…

And that soft gentle stares on the brown orbs that she could never forget…

And how close their faces were…

The girl with the bunny teeth learned that the transferred student’s name when her other best friend, Myoui Mina, pointed out the boyish girl in the cafeteria and told her whole gang about the Yoo Jungyeon that was assigned to her class. After she found out her name, Nayeon moved on to observe Jungyeon’s behaviors. The shorthaired girl was polite and kind towards other people, and that just added more good point on Im Nayeon’s scoreboard.

Up to the point where Jungyeon was Nayeon’s official crush.

“EARTH TO NAYEON UNNIE!” Jihyo shouted, snapping her fingers in front of Nayeon’s face several time.

Nayeon woke up from her trance when she heard the booming voice of her best friend. “Ears, Jihyo-yah!” She slapped the younger girls.

“We’ve been talking about the girls day out on the weekend while you here, lusting over Yoo—“ Jihyo couldn’t finished her sentence when a hand violently smacked shut . The girl with round big eyes groaned something sounded like ‘sorry’ before the hand removed from her face. “But I’m not wrong, aren’t I? You were daydreaming about her, weren’t you Unnie?”

“No!” Nayeon quickly denied, unsuccessfully covering her lies.

“You so are, Nayeon Unnie.” That time Mina commented with her soft yet sharp tone. “Did you finally have the courage to talk to her?” She excitedly asked.

Nayeon lowered her head and weakly shook her head. “She helped me with my books earlier though.” She smiled when she remembered Jungyeon’s action earlier that day. She sighed in content.

“Oh my God, just make a move already! I’m tired and actually pretty annoyed when you did that.” Jihyo whined.

“Did what?”

“That! What you just did! The sighing, the looking at nothing but the ceiling but so feel desperately in love that!” The young girl with the loud voice explained.

“You know she can’t, Jihyo-yah.” Mina replied. She turned her attention to the older girl. “Tell us Unnie what happened earlier with Jungyeon.”

Nayeon excitedly blabbered about the eventful fall today near the library and how her knight in shining armor came to the rescue of her fallen books. How she could smell the intoxicating scent Jungyeon had. How her stomach did several somersaults when Jungyeon showed her perfect charming smile. And how perfect the wind flew by when Jungyeon passed her to continue on her path.

“Wind? PERFECT WIND?” Jihyo facepalmed herself when she heard how stupid that thing sounded.

“Volume, Jihyo-yah.” Mina warned.

“Oh my God. You’re so whipped Nayeon Unnie. I can’t even—sigh.” Jihyo paused. “Do you need me to properly set you up on a eventful lunch so that the two of you can talk and you finally can make a move?”

“No! Please don’t!”


“I wouldn’t know what to say to her!”

“Then don’t overthink, Unnie. Just say whatever comes in your mind.” Mina wisely suggested.

“Come to think of it, she can’t Minari. Her brain only filled with ‘I love you’s’ whenever that charming girl went into her peripheral view.” Jihyo rolled her eyes when she said the word ‘charming’

“Yah! I did not.”

“I’m sorry, but I agree with Jihyo this time.” Mina spoke.


The three were inside the crowded elevator to go to their class, the door was closing before someone shouted, “Wait!” Thanks for Jihyo’s quick reflexes, the door was held opened and glided inside the charming Yoo Jungyeon. She smiled to the three and especially to the door holder. “Thanks, Jihyo-yah.”

“No biggies, Unnie.” Since Jungyeon was standing in front of the three, Jihyo now has the ability to nudge the frozen Nayeon with her elbow, gesturing her to say something.

Nayeon shook her head repeatedly and shot several death glares to Jihyo and stopped when Jungyeon turned her head. She suddenly couldn’t breathe when she glanced at the boyish girl’s perfect jawline.

“Oh Minari…” Jungyeon called. “Do we still have that damn pop up quiz today?”

“I think so, the bald professor did not announced changes about his plans. Why? You haven’t studied, Jungyeonnie?”

Jungyeonnie? Nayeon shot another death glare to Mina, asking slash protesting why she could call her Jungyeon with that closeness of a nickname. She heard Jungyeon heaved a deep sigh and felt wetness pooled in her . Her sigh is damn y.

“Not really.” Jungyeon pouted. She unlocked the tablet on her hand. “What chapter is it again?”

“Chapter ten, Jungyeonnie.”

“Math pop quiz will be the death of me.” The tall girl mumbled.

The elevator dinged, Jungyeon, Nayeon, and Mina got off before accepting Jihyo’s cute cheers.

“W-well…” Nayeon cleared . “I’ll see you at lunch, Mina-yah.” She looked at Mina and ready to leave because she didn’t dare to bid goodbye with Jungyeon. Not when her heart was beating erratically and her cheeks blushed madly.

“Have a nice day, Sunbaenim!” Jungyeon exclaimed when Nayeon already several steps away from them.


“What are you working on, Unnie? It’s lunchtime. Stop working and eat.” Mina commented when she saw the older girl scribbling on her notes.

“Unlike you, smarty pants, I have to rewind the chapter with this.” Nayeon replied, eyes were still glued on the notebook. “Kids nowadays are so smart I don’t even know why. What did you and Jungyeon eat so that you can accelerate class a year higher?” She complained.

Yes, Jungyeon and Mina were smart enough to skip a grade.

Mina just chuckled when she heard the grumble. “What subject, Unnie?”

“English. Ugh.” Nayeon stopped and massaged her head. She then resumed reviewing the subject.

“Unnie!” Jihyo happily greeted, startling the oldest, making her jumped on her seat, dropping her pen to the floor.

Nayeon was about to burst in anger but then stopped when she saw the one who handed back the pen.

“Your pen, Sunbaenim.” Jungyeon was once again smiling to the dazed Nayeon.

“T-T-Thanks.” Nayeon awkwardly grinned and nervously took her pen from her crush. She saw the tall girl smiling once again and her eyes were not leaving Jungyeon when the girl walked away, joking with a junior she recalled named Chaeyoung. God her smile…

“Unnie! Look at me!” Jihyo disturbed her senior slash best friend’s attention from the boyish girl.

“What Jihyo-yah?!” Nayeon snapped.

Jihyo jutted her lower lip. “I just wanted to thank you for helping me with cramming with Chems yesterday. I got ninety.”

“Whoa! Good job, Jihyo-yah!” Mina applauded.

The oldest then showed her motherly smiled. “Your welcome you big baby. And congrats!” She ruffled the youngest’ hair. “But next time, let me stare her a minute longer.” Nayeon shifted her eyes towards Jungyeon. She then continued to adore the younger girl from afar, watching her flawlessly laughing with Chaeyoung and other junior named Dahyun.

“Stop staring Unnie. Go back to your English or eat.” Mina reminded.



i will still resume my other story. so don't worry!

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Jy_ny13 #1
Chapter 7: Update please author nim
Hype_11 #2
Chapter 7: Ugghh pleassee updatee:((
Chapter 7: I really love this story pls pls update huhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 7: I enjoyed this a lot....
Please update again.... and your gf?wife?mother? XD
vinthar31 #5
Chapter 7: why not continue
Heyboiii #6
Chapter 7: Yowww ure backkk
Ty for the update
Pls update soon omhayghadddddd
Chapter 7: Getting there~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Job author-ssi~!!
NaJeong #8
Chapter 7: Ahhh 2yeon will conquer all..