Chp 4


“D-do you want to go to a real date with me?”


Nayeon now basically has adequate information about Jungyeon, though she still deemed the tall girl to be mysterious, especially about her family background. But one thing that she didn’t know that this crush of her was actually shared the same feeling for her.

The first time they met, the first time Jungyeon locked her eyes with Nayeon was the first time Jungyeon’s heart beat for someone else. She was so mesmerized with Nayeon’s brown eyes and beautiful face. Lucky for her, she was transferred into the same school with the older girl.

The shorthaired girl was also observing Nayeon on daily basis and learned that her classmate was in her crush’s close friendship circle. That was why the first reason she close to Mina was to dig about Nayeon without giving the stalker vibes. Then their friendship grown into a close one too with her fully knowing that Mina liked Chaeyoung. So she tried to return the favor.

Jungyeon had learned that Nayeon was on the dean’s list of top student three years in a row, hence she tried to be close by going to the library. She had met Nayeon several times, but apparently her bravery gone in a snap every time she was only a few steps away to greet the girl.

The tall girl had stop trying and just went on with her own self. She liked helping people around her. So she helped Nayeon a lot. Again, lucky for her, Nayeon was a bit sloppy, which means opportunities for her to do the helping part and made the senpai noticed her.

The Senpai did notice her.

But then again, Jungyeon was really aware that she shouldn’t have had feelings for Nayeon, moreover to build a relationship with the older girl. Not when she had a deadline. A deadline when she has to go back to her real life as a real Princess of South Korea.

Yes, a princess. Though she may not be a crown princess, she’s still a princess that her life has certain strict guidelines to follow. For example, not being able to marry the commoners among other things.

How she could live a “normal” life like now?

She had begged her mother to let her taste to live and have schooled like a normal teenager with a promise that she would comeback and started to take her responsibility as a princess should be to her nation.

So far her life only revolved around the palace. She rarely went outside and showed her face to the public therefore it was easier for her to do a disguise as a normal, a tad bit smarter student.

But Jungyeon only has a year to spend as a “normal” citizen and it was a little over three months mark when she realized she had fallen deeper to a girl named Nayeon. Though all the logic said to not probe further, but her heart won the battle and went on to ask the older girl on a proper date and she even planned to have a relationship with the latter.

“D-do you want to go to a real date with me?”

Nayeon blinked several times. “W-What?” Never in her mind thought that Jungyeon would ask first about this.

The younger girl breathed in and collected her confidence before repeating her question without stutter. “Do you want to go to a real date with me?” She looked at Nayeon with her sharp eyes.

The older girl gulped and blushed really hard. She couldn’t voice her answer out so she just nodded.


Nayeon nodded again.

If their hearts could spark a firework, that moment could turn into a firework party like in New Year’s Eve celebration. Jungyeon was very happy Nayeon accepted her offer while Nayeon was in absolute joy having to realize that she might have a chance to be Yoo Jungyeon’s girlfriend.


Yoo Jungyeon’s girlfriend.

That thought sent million of cheerfulness jolts to Nayeon’s body. She foolishly grinned as she tried on her clothes, choosing what to wear on her real date with Jungyeon.

“Seriously Unnie. Stop grinning. You scare the out of me.” Jihyo commented. She and Mina have been appointed to be Nayeon’s outfit judge of the day.

The oldest stopped grinning and started sending her deadly glares towards the commentator. “How about this?”

“Are you trying to have a proper dinner with her or are you trying to get laid with her?” Jihyo asked. Nayeon has shown a very revealing dress. It has low cut on the chest area and the length stopped at her mid thigh, not to mention it was too tight.


“Sorry, but I’m agree with Jihyo, Unnie.” Mina stated.

Several minutes later, Nayeon reappeared with another set of clothes. A white long sleeved button down and a black skirt. “Guys?”

“Are you going to have a job interview?” This one came out from Mina.

Jihyo snickered.

“You both are dead after this.”

“We’re helping you, Unnie.” The youngest defended.

“Exactly, so more helping less bullying, yes?”

“Why don’t you wear your purple knitted long sleeve shirt over your gray satin spaghetti straps dress? Not too casual not too formal.” Mina advised.

“Plus, you’ll look super pretty she’d be in love with you.” Jihyo added.

Nayeon shyly slapped her best friend. “I’ll try, but one question. How do you know my clothes down to its detail?”

“Because we bought it with you.” Mina replied.

“Right. I’ll be back.”


Jungyeon stood outside the café she and Nayeon had agreed to meet at. She didn’t want to go inside first until her date arrived. So there she was, stood outside while playing on a game in her phone. She dressed in a white t-shirt covered with gray coat, since it was a bit chill, and completed her outfit with jeans and a pair of white sneakers. Several minutes later she heard footsteps coming to her way.

The tall girl blinked a couple of times while recording her date in her mind. Nayeon was too mesmerizing for her that day with the dress and all.

“Hi~” Nayeon smiled.

“H-hi…” Jungyeon turned to be nervous, seeing how beautiful her date was. “You’re… beautiful.”

“T-Thank you.” The older girl shyly put her hair behind her ear. “Umm… Did you wait long?”

“Ah no. I just got here. So umm, shall we get inside?”


They started their date awkwardly but as time went by they talked like they used to. Even Nayeon’s slappy hands made a comeback. By the end of the dinner they got even closer than before.

“Jungyeon-ah, can I ask you something?”


“Why did you ask me out on a real date?”

Jungyeon smiled. “Isn’t it obvious, Unnie?” She played with the straw of her drink.


“That I like you.” The boyish girl stated, looking straight at Nayeon’s eyes. “Uhh… I don’t know if you like me back or not, but I’m not forcing you to be my girlfriend right at this second… We can spend more dates to get to know each other better.”

The older girl broke the eye contact and bit her straw. “I like that.” She timidly replied.

After their dinner, Jungyeon insisted that she wanted to walk Nayeon home since she didn’t able to pick the girl up earlier that day. She had set their meeting place close to Nayeon’s home so she could do that, walking her date home, one of her fantasy. She watched the older girl rubbed her upper arms a few times before deciding to take her coat off and draped it around her date’s body.


“No problem.” Jungyeon warmly beamed. “How’s your exam prep, Unnie?”

“Usual. Why?”

“Can I cram up with you after school? I need to discipline myself to study, because my dumb luck is not going to stay forever and grant me good grades.”

Nayeon chuckled. “I’m not sure it’s a dumb luck. I’m sure that you’re that smart, Jungyeon-ah. But I always welcome a company.” Her steps went to a stop. “Well, this is my house. You want to come inside?”

Jungyeon looked at her watch. “I think it’s better for you to rest, it’s almost eleven.”

The older girl gasped. “Really?” She checked the time on her phone. “How are you going home this late?”

“Uhmm… My sister is nearby. I’ll call her to pick me up.”

“Do you want to wait inside?”

“It’s okay. I’ll wait in the minimart down the road. I don’t want to bother your family.” Jungyeon grinned. “Go inside, it’s getting cold. I don’t want you to get a cold.”

“Ah right.” Nayeon took off her crush’s coat and put it on the owner. “I don’t want you to get a cold too.” She said as she tidied up the collar. “Text me when you get home, okay?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“I’ll get inside now.” The older girl waved her hand.

“I’ll see you on Monday.” The younger girl waited until Nayeon was really inside her house before calling her driver to come and pick her up.

“Your Highness…” One of her bodyguards bowed and opened the car door for her.

Jungyeon looked up. “Yes? Oh. Thanks.” She got inside her car and left.


“How’s the date? Are you guys official now? Did she kiss you? Did you kiss her?” Jihyo bombarded the question once Nayeon sat in front of her. The three had promised to meet up at Jihyo’s house a day after Nayeon’s official date with Jungyeon.

“It was great. No, we’re not official yet. No, she did not kiss me nor I did kiss her.”


“She told me and I quote ‘I don’t know if you like me back or not, but I’m not forcing you to be my girlfriend right this second… We can spend more dates to get to know each other better.’ And I agreed to that idea.”

“Oh my God, Yoo Jungyeon is such a gentlewoman.” Mina applauded to Jungyeon’s good manners. “Any other romantic moments you forgot to mention to us?”

“She walked me home and realized that I was a bit freezing, she draped her coat on my shoulder.” Nayeon dreamily smiled as she replayed that event in her mind.

“Kyaaaaaa~ Jungyeon Unnie is my favorite person in the world now!” Jihyo complimented. “How many more dates until you guys are official?”


“I want to open school’s new OTP fanbase.”

“What?” Nayeon was lost at Jihyo’s ramble.

“Don’t mind her Unnie.” Mina dismissed Jihyo’s babbles. “When is your next date?”

“We uhh… we haven’t talked about it and it’s nearing final exams so I think we need to focus on our studies first?”

“Ooohhh! Library dates! You can always study with her and then have a make out session in the library’s hidden isle!” Jihyo recommended

“Why are you so erted, Jihyo-yah?”


Jungyeon did a little jog to where Nayeon was waiting. She had just finished changing her clothes and meeting with her team. “How was the match?” She asked her.

“Why didn’t you play?”

“They didn’t need me to win, so I stayed on the bench.”

“I was there to cheer for you.” Nayeon jutted her lower lip, gesturing that she was disappointed that her crush was not included in the match.

“There’s a game after the exams right before our winter break. Maybe I’ll play.” Jungyeon grinned. “Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving.”

They settled on a jjigae restaurant near Nayeon’s home. “Does this count as our official date?” The older girl asked after they’re done ordering.


“Second official date.” Nayeon nodded. “When are we going to have the third date?”

Jungyeon chuckled. “Anytime you want.”


“Are you sure?”

“I was just kidding. Let me be the one who set the date and the place this time?”

“Of course.”

“So uhh… you’re transferred to our school this year, where was your school before?”

“I was home schooled since I was a kid.”

“Why changed?”

“I need to step up my social skill…?”

“Social skill?”

“Yeah. I mean my world before only revolved around my family and my house. I didn’t really socialized with anyone other than that circle. But now, I have… you.” The handsome girl showed her most charming smile.

And that made Nayeon’s heart skipped several beats faster. Red spread across her face. “Uhm… thanks?”

“I should be the one who thanked you, since you want to befriend with me.”

“You’re most welcome.” Nayeon beamed. “Can I ask another question?”

“Sure. Shoot away.” Jungyeon leaned her back against the backrest.

“You said you liked me. Why and how? There are a lot more… prettier and smarter and more attractive girl than me.”

“You said that as if you didn’t like the idea of me liking you.”

“No I didn’t mean that. I was just curious.”

The shorthaired girl giggled. She then took a deep breath while staring at Nayeon. “For me you’re the prettiest, smartest, and most attractive girl in school. That’s the first reason. The second reason is because it’s you. I don’t need other reason to like you. My heart just chose you, I guess that’s the right explanation.”

“…” Nayeon’s cheeks were now redder than before. She was flattered up to the point where she just wanted to kiss this charming girl sitting across her.

Jungyeon smiled at her crush’s reaction and decided to change the topic. “How are you going to spend your winter break?”

“Uhmmm… I’m planning to take classes at a hagwon near my house.”

The younger girl teased by pretending to fall asleep because for her the idea was boring as hell.

The brunette playfully slapped her crush, protested. “Yah! What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s winter break! You should break from your study. Oh my God.”

“You do know what my plans after high school right?”

“I know. But your brain needs its rest too, Unnie.” Jungyeon softly said, showing her concern to Nayeon who was really spending most of her time cramming.

“Are you always like this around other girls?”

“What do you mean?” The younger girl tilted her head.

“This caring?”

“No… why?”

“Because it might be a problem once we’re in a relationship.” Nayeon gasped and covered with her palm. She didn’t mean to be that frank and accidentally and unofficially confessed to her crush.

Jungyeon was now grinning. “Does that mean that you like me back?”

The longhaired girl bit her lower lip and nodded. “… I do. I like you, Yoo Jungyeon.”

The athlete sighed in content. “Wow, that feels good, to hear you saying those three words.” She paused to hold an eye contact with Nayeon. “I like you too, Im Nayeon. I like you very much.”


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Jy_ny13 #1
Chapter 7: Update please author nim
Hype_11 #2
Chapter 7: Ugghh pleassee updatee:((
Chapter 7: I really love this story pls pls update huhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 7: I enjoyed this a lot....
Please update again.... and your gf?wife?mother? XD
vinthar31 #5
Chapter 7: why not continue
Heyboiii #6
Chapter 7: Yowww ure backkk
Ty for the update
Pls update soon omhayghadddddd
Chapter 7: Getting there~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Job author-ssi~!!
NaJeong #8
Chapter 7: Ahhh 2yeon will conquer all..