Chp 5


Nayeon cheerfully her spoon that had bits of chocolate cake. As she and her crush made a deal before, the older girl set their date’s place and time. She took Jungyeon out to her favorite chocolate café. “How’s it?”

“Awesome!” The younger girl sipped her chocolate latte. “So you like chocolate?”

“And jellies. And ice creams. Basically any sweets.” The older girl grinned.

“Do you know what that means?”


“People who like to eat sweets mean that they’re stressed about something.”

“I’m not.”

“I think you’re stressed from all the studies you dd.”

Nayeon clicked her tongue when she heard the comment. “I think we might have another problem if we’re in a relationship.” She stated, pointing her spoon back and forth at her and her crush.


“You’ll ban me from studying and getting good grades.”

Jungyeon smiled and shook her head. “I’m not banning you, I’m just concern about your unbalanced life.”

“Unbalanced life?” The older girl tilted her head.

“You know… Work hard, play harder?”

Nayeon playfully pushed Jungyeon. “Hey! That’s unbalance too!”

“But really… I know this is too early and a bit selfish, but I want to come first in anything you do. Because I promise, you’ll be the first, the top priority in everything I do.”

“Well that’s tough.” The brunette commented, her spoon nonchalantly although her cheeks betrayed her.


“Because chocolate is my top priority.”

Jungyeon huffed.

“I was just kidding, Jungyeonnie.” She ruffled her crush’s hair.


Jungyeon groaned and massaged her temples. “My head really hurts…”

“It’s over Jungyeon-ah.” Nayeon patted the younger girl’s shoulder.

“What? Us???”

“The exams, Ms. Drama Queen. Let’s release our stress and have a date on a theme park! We can ride fast rides and scream our lungs out.”

Jungyeon was nodding, agreeing to the idea. “That’s actually a good idea. When do you want to do that?”

“First day of winter break?”

“Next week?”

Nayeon nodded. “How? It’s after your game too.”

“You remember.”

“I never forget about anything related to you. You should be the first in anything I do, right?”

“I like that. I like this.” Jungyeon emphasized on what they have right now. “And I like you.”

“I like you too, Jungyeonnie.”

“And I like you both.” Jihyo suddenly appeared, arms hovering the couple’s shoulder. “Is there any chance that I can crash in one of your dates?” She asked the two.

“Not a chance.” Nayeon quickly replied, pushing the youngest arm off of her shoulder. “How’s your exam?”

“I feel pretty confident thanks to you, Ms. Nerdy Teacher. Where’s Minari?”

“Mina finished her exam first… and Chaeyoung asked her out… Sooo, I’m pretty sure the two are on a date.” Jungyeon was the one who answered the question.

“How do you get that kind of info, Jungyeon Unnie?”

“Because I’m the one who set up the date, knowing Chaeyoung wouldn’t change her game plan.” The shorthaired girl was now chuckling, remembering how Chaeyoung was too afraid to even say hi to Mina.

“Then why are you two are not on a date?”

“I was about to ask her when you came.” Nayeon replied.

“I’m crashing your date today! Yay! We can be like, you know, perfect family. Jungyeon Unnie is the Dad, you’re the Mom, I’m the…”

“Unwanted child?” The oldest cut off.

“Ah! Unniiiiiiieeeeeee~~~”

The tall girl only laughed seeing the interaction between the two. “Alright, let’s get something for lunch, I’m starving.”


The princess had planned to confess to Nayeon today. She went all out and abused her access as a royal family member to close the biggest theme park in South Korea for a day so that she could have privacy and sort of make her confession remarkable.

The handsome girl fidgeted in front of Nayeon’s house. She was contemplating to ring the door bell, greet Nayeon’s parents and get the girl or just fish her phone out and tell her crush that she’s waiting outside. But she opted to do the first choice and be a good potential daughter-in-law.

The shorthaired girl smiled and respectfully bowed to Nayeon’s mother once the woman opened and welcomed her in. They exchanged basic introduction-al conversation while waiting for Nayeon to finish getting ready.

“Hey. Sorry you’re waiting long. Hopes my Mom doesn’t spill anything.”

“No. So uhh, are you ready?”

“Yep. Let’s go.” Nayeon walked to her mother. “See you Umma.”

“Take care of her, Jungyeonnie.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Jungyeon bowed once again and headed out.

“How are we going to get there? Train? Taxi?” Nayeon asked as they walked out to her house gate.

“Nope.” Jungyeon answered and stopped her track near her luxurious sedan. Her butler already opened the door. “After you, Nayeon Unnie.”

The older girl blinked several times not believing her eyes, though her best friend had said that this Jungyeon might come from a very wealthy family. “Whose car is this?” She asked as she getting into the car.

“Uhh, my parents.” Jungyeon still didn’t want to reveal who she really is.

“We’re still going to Everland, aren’t we?” Nayeon had to confirm. She was afraid that Jungyeon might have changed their plan and brought the underdress-herself to a some sort of fancy place.

The younger girl chuckled. “Of course, we need those scream releasing stress!”

“Your H—“

Jungyeon cleared , signaling her butler not to call her with ‘Your Highness’.

“—Miss Jungyeon, your… sister wanted to know whether you’re going to have dinner at home or outside.”

“I’ll have my dinner outside.”

“Noted, Your H—Miss Jungyeon.”


Nayeon quietly observed the interaction and took a note that her crush was really not that close to her family. She silently huffed and continued to watch the road. An hour later she began to realize that the usual street nearing the said theme park used to be packed around this time but she saw no cars near them so she looked at the calm Jungyeon that she thought might have something to do with this.

“What, Unnie?” The younger girl asked when she felt questioning eyes on her.

“There are supposed to be cars and buses. How come I didn’t see any?”

“Maybe they’re getting tired of Everland?” Eventually their car stopped at the main gate of Everland who was filled with no one but the workers. The younger girl was the first one to step out of the car. “Come on, Unnie.” She held out her hand to help the older girl got out.

“Where are the people?”

“Told you they’re getting tired of this.”

“No possible way.”

“Alright, I admit. I close the whole place for a day.” Jungyeon grinned.

“You what?!”

“Close the whole place for today.”

“Close? Who are you?”

“Yoo Jungyeon…?” The second princess of South Korea. How I wish I could tell you this. Maybe not now.


Jungyeon tried to steady her breath. “That’s awesome!” The two just rode the roller coaster. She looked at the girl walking beside her. “Are you okay?”

Nayeon nodded, unable to say anything. Not because she was scared, but because her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t catch her breath, not even to tidy her hair.

The younger girl chuckled before moving her hands to comb her crush’s hair. “There. Pretty.” She smiled, taking a last glance to Nayeon and gathering her bravery to hold the girl’s hand.

The brunette was blushing really hard when her hand was held by her crush. Her heart was beating so fast and she couldn’t control the happiness in that moment. “Uhh… Where are we going?” She tried to appear unaffected.

“To the garden.”


“Just wait and see.” As what the Princess had planned, she was going to confess and ask her crush to be her girlfriend right there. She had all the lights very dimmed.

“I don’t remember it’s being this dark.” Nayeon commented. Of course she had been there several times before and the led flowers were usually blinding.

The younger girl stopped their tracks and turned her body so that she could face her crush. “Really?” Jungyeon snapped her fingers once and all the lights . She smiled. “Like this?”

The older girl was in awed. She was standing right in the middle of the garden amongst the colorful illuminations.

“I think all of these flowers can’t beat your beauty.” The taller girl commented, hands were still holding her crush, eyes were glued on her crush. “Im Nayeon… please be my girlfriend?” She breathed out.

The brunette bit her lower lip and nodded. “Yes.”

The Princess pulled her now official girlfriend to a tight embrace. “Thank you.” She was beyond happy. “Now, girlfriend…” She cheekily grinned. “Look at the sky.”

Nayeon was surprised again when the sky was filled with sparkling fireworks. She tucked her head under her girlfriend’s chin. “Did you plan all of this?”

“For you, yes.”

“Thank you, girlfriend.” The older girl smiled. The word just came out naturally and it just felt right.


“That’s gotta be the most unforgettable and most expensive confession someone had ever done! Oh my God.” Jihyo commented. Nayeon’s so-called gang was gathered in her house, since the three had nothing to do in the midst on the first day of their winter break. “Did you she kiss you?”


“Did you kiss her Unnie?” Mina asked.

“No! What’s with you two and kisses?” Nayeon replied. “We just hugged. And I swear, her perfume is the best!”

Jihyo rolled her eyes. “Anything is the best when it comes to her.”

“That’s what we called falling in love, Jihyo-yah.” Mina commented.

“Just like you and Chaeng.” Jihyo turned her head to Nayeon again. “How does it feel, Unnie? Finally in a relationship with your dream girl?”

The oldest smiled. “I just can’t stop smiling and thinking about her.”


“The Crown Princess has arrived!” The guard announced and startled the dreamy Jungyeon.

“Unnie?” She said to herself and stood up, getting ready to greet her sister. She respectfully bowed when her sister appeared in her living room. “Your Highness…”

“Enough with the formal greeting, I’m here as your sister.” Seungyeon dismissed the bowed and took a seat on the nearest couch she found.

“And how may I help, dear Unnie?”

“Sit down.” Seungyeon ordered. “Why did you close Everland yesterday? Do you know how much chaos you made from a little action you pulled?” She massaged her temples.

“I… uhh… I want to play without waiting in line, so I close the park.”

“Don’t lie to me, Jungyeon-ah. I know what you did and I know the girl you brought there. Im Nayeon, right?”

Jungyeon’s head lowered. “Don’t hurt her.”

“I’m not going to hurt her. I just…” Seungyeon sighed. “You’re well aware you can’t date her.”

“I still have eight months, just please let me salvage this.”

“Just… Why Jungyeon-ah?”

“I don’t know. I just fell for her.”

The older girl loudly exhaled. “I can’t cover for you for too long in front of our mother because she’s going to find out, it’s her nation, everything breathes in here she will know. And I don’t know what she’ll do to your… girlfriend… if she finds out. ”

“Yea, I know.”

“Alright, I’ll go back to my palace.” Seungyeon stood up. “Oh, and you’re… what they say again—grounded! For a week! You’re not going anywhere.”

Jungyeon looked up. “WHY?!” She protested.

“Because you caused me trouble and I don’t like it when people cause me trouble. And that means, you’re not going skiing with us.”

Jungyeon smirked. “It’s alright—“ She thought she could spent her week with her now official girlfriend.

“And don’t think you can pay your girlfriend a visit since Mom and I are away because I revoked your palace’s chain of command to be under my supervision until your punishment period is finished.” Seungyeon gave the final blow of the news. That means all the butlers, maids, drivers, basically everyone serving Jungyeon would only listen to Seungyeon’s command.

The younger girl loudly sighed. Defeated. “Oh my God… Fine, Your Highness.”

“That’s a good girl. Good night, Princess Jungyeon.”


From: Im Nayeon-Girlfriend
Are you going skiing right now?

Jungyeon smiled. She always smiled whenever Nayeon’s special ringtone sounded on her phone.

To: Im Nayeon-Girlfriend
No… I’m not going skiing this year. What are you doing, beautiful?

From: Im Nayeon-Girlfriend
Even your text can make me blushed hard. I’m thinking about you. Why are you not going skiing this year? I thought it’s your family tradition…?

To: Im Nayeon-Girlfriend
Because I’m… sort of… grounded…

A solid minute after Jungyeon sent the message, her phone rang. “Hi Beautiful.” She picked up and greeted the caller.

“Why are you grounded?” Nayeon asked.

“Uhh… Because I got my sister a trouble.”

“What trouble?”

Jungyeon sighed and laid on her back. “Trouble like closing the biggest theme park in South Korea for a day.”


When she heard her girlfriend’s not reacting to her words, she was worried. “Don’t tell me you’re angry with me too?”

“I actually was amazed. I never fought with my sister for the things like that, but then again, your family is not the ordinary one so…” Nayeon huffed. “How long are you grounded?”

“A week, it’s day two. Why?”

“Nothing, I just…” The older girl was too shy to say, but she wanted her girlfriend to know. “… I miss you.”

Jungyeon chuckled, feeling giddy because of the sudden confession. “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you once I’m done being grounded. Okay?”

“Yes. “

“And I miss you too, Nayeonnie.”

and i miss you guys!

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Jy_ny13 #1
Chapter 7: Update please author nim
Hype_11 #2
Chapter 7: Ugghh pleassee updatee:((
Chapter 7: I really love this story pls pls update huhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 7: I enjoyed this a lot....
Please update again.... and your gf?wife?mother? XD
vinthar31 #5
Chapter 7: why not continue
Heyboiii #6
Chapter 7: Yowww ure backkk
Ty for the update
Pls update soon omhayghadddddd
Chapter 7: Getting there~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Job author-ssi~!!
NaJeong #8
Chapter 7: Ahhh 2yeon will conquer all..