part 7

Deal with Your Hybrid
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The air gets darker. The heartbeat follows along with the clock’s pace, becomes the urge of having a tension from nowhere. Both parties stay silent, look very solemn and stare into each other’s eyes while crossing their arm. The government officer taps his finger and has a sharp eye at the main problem in front of him. As the clock nerves them, one party let out a massive sigh. 

“I will undertake your hybrid in hand, it’s easier for government to take care of your hybrid, I guess—our honourable gentlemen.” A sharp point that strangle them to hold tight on their perception. It isn’t an easy deal when it is about their hybrid. They have a responsibility of the hybrids but it looks like the government wanting to take over the ownership due to their neglect of duty. 

“Wait—we have a second thought, give us another chance. They will have another heat,” Minghao excuses, attempting to negotiate with the officer, “right Mr…how do I call you?”

“Moonbin. Just Moonbin.” The officer seems unfriendly towards them. Minghao twitches a smile, grabbing the paper before them, rechecking at the words and throwing it. 

“It’s fixed. I hate the fact, besides we are on the progress to please ours,” Minghao retaliates. Wonwoo chuckles. 

“Whether it’s a new order or not, we can not give our Mingyu and Jun to you” he adds.

The government—Moonbin rolls his eyes, clicks his tongue loudly and gathers his paper. 

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Jeon and Mr. Xu. But you have a track record when you have sent your hybrids to hospital during their heat. And we can’t tolerate any longer with your action, so at the end of this month, along with others, your ownership will be revoked.”

Wonwoo grits teeth, raising from his seat and taking the thrown paper and tearing apart. 

“Please avoid this studio in the future, we have no intention to make our hybrid landing in government’s hand. You are so greedy, so are we. Better the government to take care the physically insulted hybrid than mind about my hybrid.” He a brow, smiles a coy smirk. 

The officer leaves immediately. Minghao exchanges a look with Wonwoo. 

“What now?” 

The black-haired male shrugs his shoulder. “Just call dr. Brandon to house. We will go home early,” he says. 

Minghao nods wordlessly. 

“We won’t let them stealing our Jun and Mingyu, right?” 

“…hm, we won’t. Never.” 

Again, he give a firm bob. He knows, they will never let anyone to steal their hybrids out from their hand. They love the dog hybrids so much, no matter how naughty they will be, the human will never let the hybrid experiencing the evil world without any protection. Living in such comfy building calls home and having so much things to develop their talent are a good way to tell how much they love the hybrids. Despite the hybrids have been acting silly and getting so much scolding from the owner, Wonwoo and Minghao have a bigger spot in their hearts towards the puppies. 

“He will come after the dinner,” Minghao informs. Wonwoo turns back, leaning against the wall. 

“That’s okay,” he responds, but before he can give further remarks, someone intrudes. Smiling brightly, a girl peeks through the space of doorframe. Getting two pair of eyes look at her attentively, the smile goes wider. 

“What is it?” Wonwoo asks. 

“Can we….skip today’s schedule?” 

Wonwoo looks at Minghao, then looks back the girl. “Yes…” 

The girl chirps, “thank’re the best, Mister Jeon.” 

As an afterthought, the male muttered, “come again nex

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