
Bloom in Gyu - Book III

Pairing: Sunggyu/Woohyun

Prompt: Sunggyu can wait for his soulmate. Woohyun just wants to stop dying.

Genre/rating: romance, soulmate au, teen and up

Word count: 8,703

note regarding soulmate au:

  • first words are soulmate’s name or nickname
  • dies when soulmate dies after age 16
  • will not age after age 16 until confess to soulmate
    • Will not die of old age until confess to soulmate
    • can die due to disease, accidents, or violence
  • can die of old age without meet soulmate by marrying then having with someone
    referred as “settling down”


0 Years | Sunggyu

“Honey, look at him,” Sungha smiles at the crying child in her arms.

Jiyong chuckles, “He’s adorable.” He turns to the little girl beside him, “Jieun, do you see your little brother?”

“Mm! He’s so small! What’s his name?”

Sungha replies softly, “Sunggyu.”

“Gyu? Gyu has to call me noona!” Jieun grins, reaching out to touch him.

“Na?” Sunggyu squints his eyes as he wakes up from his nap.

 “His eyes are so small,” she comments while poking the baby’s nose.

“Mu,” Sunggyu frowns, turning away from his sister.

“No, I’m noona,” Jieun tries.

Jiyong and Sungha smile at her attempts while Sunggyu shakes his small head, “Namu.” He gurgles when Jieun pokes his tummy.

“Is that his soulmate?” Sungha whispers as she Sunggyu softly.

Jiyong replies, “Perhaps.”

“Namu-hyun,” Sunggyu giggles.

“No, Gyugyu, it’s Jieun-noona,” Jieun pokes at Sunggyu again.


16 Years | Sunggyu

“Congratulations noona, you found your soulmate,” Sunggyu smiles at Jieun.

Jieun grins but playfully glares at Yongguk, “Aish, I was hoping to keep my young looks longer.”

“Don’t worry Jieun,” Yongguk laughs, “I’ll be here with you even when we’re old and wrinkly.”

I wonder when I’ll meet my soulmate.

50 Years | Sunggyu

“Mom, Dad,” Sunggyu cries as he watches his parents pass away quietly.

Sungha reaches out to touch Sunggyu’s face, 16-year old features still soft on the boy, “Gyu, you’ll be okay. You’ll find your soulmate soon.”

Jiyong coughs, facing his unaged son, “Sunggyu, your first words were Namu-hyun. You’ll find him one day.”

60 Years | Sunggyu

“Noona!” Sunggyu shouts as he tries to catch his sister collapsing on the ground.

“Gyu, Yongguk is probably in an accident. Watch over our children, please,” Jieun coughs as she feels her heart constricting.

“Noona, he might survive, don’t leave,” Sunggyu hugs his sister tightly.

“Take care Gyugyu,” Jieun smiles.

This is how my soulmate will die if I die.

160 - 700 Years | Sunggyu

Sunggyu watches over his nephew for a hundred years, but it gets awkward because the elderly start calling him “Uncle” and “Grand Uncle.” He leaves them enough money to hold an average family for at least a generation, advising them to keep it as savings.

He wanders aimlessly around the world, going back to school to learn new things. He creates a company because he needs to get funds to wander the world from somewhere. He makes sure to go to places without war, refusing to involve himself with politics while watching dynasties fall and rise.

He learns art but quickly finds he has no talent in the subject. He teaches history but leaves because his looks are too young, distracting the kids. He learns to cook, but it’s always too bland or burned. He becomes a doctor, but people doubt his credibility even though he’s older than them by centuries. He talks smoothly as a lawyer, but his appearance, once again, brings doubt to his ability. He starts singing and finds that people like his voice. He ends up traveling around, singing with a mask on.

700 - 1000 Years | Sunggyu

At seven-hundred, Sunggyu drops everything and returns to Korea because he can feel his soulmate’s spirit being born. But he feels a pain striking his own soul every fifteen years and starts losing hope.

Sunggyu wonders if he should just let his soul reincarnate and meet his soulmate in his next life, but he realizes that if he did, then he’d be dragging his own soulmate down with him.

But Sunggyu still gives in to the pain, leaving Korea again in hopes of distracting his pain by exploring the arts of the world.

16 (316) Years - February | Woohyun

“ing finally,” Woohyun curses as he watches the clock strike midnight, indicating that he has finally turned sixteen. He recalls all the memories from his past twenty lives, always ending during the years he was fifteen. He mutters, “At least my soulmate didn’t die with me.”

Woohyun glances around at the well-furnished apartment and thinks about how his current parents constantly travel for work, leaving the sixteen-year-old to fend for himself. Woohyun shrugs, “Well, at least it’s better than living during the war.” He pauses for a moment before adding, “And at least they give me money.”

Woohyun hums to himself as he prepares himself for his university classes. Having memories of multiple lives help when it comes to studying, giving Woohyun a chance to skip grades. There are always new discoveries that change some of the theories and questions, but for someone like Woohyun, adapting to the new theory is simple. It’s fascinating how much society has developed in the three centuries he’s been reincarnating, reliving his youth with new technology.

It’s strange, Woohyun thinks. He has experienced twenty lifetimes (now starting his twenty-first) and still hasn’t found his soulmate. Most people he met previously have either found their soulmate early on or decided to settle down. Woohyun wonders if his own soulmate decided to settle down as well. It’d be a logical end, but somehow, his instincts tell him otherwise. He or she probably isn’t a , Woohyun pouts. Sure, he’s had twenty lifetimes. And sure, he’s technically not a mentally (since he had his first time at 14 years two times and four times when he was 15). But his current body certainly hasn’t had any experience whatsoever. Which is fine, of course, but Woohyun worries whether or not his soulmate cares about , considering his or her age.

Woohyun knows his soulmate is at least a century older because he remembers his first words from each time he was born in the past hundred years. Gyugyu. Princess Gyu. Kyuzizi. Hamster Gyu. Kyu-nim. Strawberry Gyu. And Ae-gyu. From his current lifetime, Woohyun recalls saying Grandpa Gyu. Everything is about this Gyu person. Must be cute too.

Glancing at the clock, Woohyun decides to finally head to his Music History class. He sits in the middle of the room where he can see the board but also far enough away where he can slack off when he deems the class to be of no use. Woohyun is pretty sure his teacher doesn’t mind anyway since he is one of the top students in the class. (Perks of living through some of the eras.)

The instructor, Mrs. Lee, a woman who appears to be in her twenties, enters the classroom with a smile. Behind her, a boy who looks to be around 16 follows her quietly.

Mrs. Lee greets the class brightly, “Good morning everyone. We have a transfer student with us today. He’s been delayed by his flight in…” She trails off glancing at the student.

“Switzerland,” the boy says plainly.

“Yes, so if any of you can help him catch up on our lessons, that’d be much appreciated. Now, why don’t you introduce yourself?”

He gives a full 90-degree bow to his classmates, “Hello, I’m Kim Sunghyun.”

1015 Years - February | Sunggyu

“Hello, I’m Kim Sunghyun,” Sunggyu bows politely to his current classmates while smoothly lying about his name. The millennium old male has gotten used to having a variety of names throughout the years after realizing one year that revealing his true identity could be problematic.

“Alright, Sunghyun-goon,” Mrs. Lee hums while waving towards the desks, “Feel free to choose any seat.”

Sunggyu nods and takes a seat near the center, next to a boy that appears to be sixteen. His eyes are playful, but they seem to be much older than his appearance. The boy greets him brightly, “Hi, Sunghyun-ssi. I’m Woohyun.”

“Hello, Woohyun-ssi.,” Sunggyu replies, appearing to be calm. Internally, however, his heart skips a beat because it might be him.

Sunggyu sighs as he listens to the lecture. Most of the information, he already knew from past education. There is some new information here and there, but now, everything is just the same old things - rinse and repeat.

His first class of the semester is Music History. There’s someone named Woohyun, which startles Sunggyu for a moment. But he pushes the notion aside because, after ten centuries, there's no way he would meet his soulmate in a university he’d arbitrarily decide to attend. Not to mention, this Woohyun is around sixteen years old.


Speak of the devil, Sunggyu thinks when he hears his classmate’s voice.

“Sunghyun-ssi,” Woohyun smiles amiably, “Would you like me to help you catch up on the materials?”

Sunggyu stares at the younger for a moment, surprised by the offer.

Woohyun waits before continuing awkwardly, rubbing his neck, “Lee-seonsaengnim asked me to since I’m her best student.”

“Oh, um, sure,” Sunggyu answers awkwardly. “Though I’m pretty sure I already know most of the things we’re learning.”

Woohyun hums, “Are you sure?”

Sunggyu shrugs, “I mean, it doesn’t really matter to me.”

“Okay, Sunghyun-ssi.”

Sunggyu chuckles as Woohyun gets flustered because the pop quiz switched from Woohyun asking the questions to him answering the questions. “What did Mendelssohn say about people’s general perception of music and how did he feel about it?”

Woohyun frowns and hesitantly answers, “That people often feel that music is… ambiguous? Because of the lack of words. And it was the exact opposite for him.”

“Yep,” Sunggyu smiles, recalling how Marc-André Souchay read him Mendelssohn's letter. “Do you remember the exact quote?”


Sunggyu smiles brightly and recites the words in German, “Die Leute beklagen sich gewöhnlich, die Musik sei so vieldeutig; es sei so zweifelhaft, was sie sich dabei zu denken hätten, und die Worte verstände doch ein Jeder. Mir geht es aber gerade umgekehrt. Und nicht blos mit ganzen Reden, auch mit einzelnen Worten, auch die scheinen mir so vieldeutig, so unbestimmt, so mißverständlich im Vergleich zu einer rechten Musik, die einem die Seele erfüllt mit tausend besseren Dingen als Worten. Das, was mir eine Musik ausspricht, die ich liebe, sind mir nicht zu unbestimmte Gedanken, um sie in Worte zu fassen, sondern zu bestimmte.”

“What?” Woohyun stares at the older, bewildered.

Sunggyu smirks and repeats the quote, “People often complain that music is too ambiguous, that what they should think when they hear it is so unclear, whereas everyone understands words. With me, it is exactly the opposite, and not only with regard to an entire speech but also with individual words. These, too, seem to me so ambiguous, so vague, so easily misunderstood in comparison to genuine music, which fills the soul with a thousand things better than words. The thoughts which are expressed to me by music that I love are not too indefinite to be put into words, but on the contrary, too definite.”

Woohyun realizes it was the exact quote and moans, “Sunghyun, I give up. You were right. You don’t need any tutoring from me.”

“Thank you, but I might need help with modern music. I know practically nothing of modern music -- especially pop,” Sunggyu chuckles.

Woohyun laughs nervously, “I’m not any good with that either. At most, I know the popular girl group songs.”

“Better than me,” Sunggyu shrugs as he leans back in his chair.

16 (316) Years - March | Woohyun

“Sunghyun!! You got another hundred?” Woohyun gasps as he looks at the month-old transfer student’s report card. “Mr. Kim is notorious for grading hard! I’ve only gotten full marks once!” The reincarnator shoves Sunghyun lightly.

Sunghyun shrugs, “You just need to work on your technical vocal skills. You have the emotion, but your voice is still cracking from puberty, so you need to adjust the way you sing. You sing like you know your voice, but Mr. Kim can hear that it’s just how you want your voice.”

Woohyun stays silent for a moment, staring at the Sunghyun. “Thank you.”

Sunghyun glances at him briefly before replying simply, “No problem.”

Woohyun asks, “What about you? Aren't you going through puberty too?”

“I went through it early.”

“Can I hear you sing?”

“You’ve already heard me sing in class,” Sunghyun rolls his eyes.

“I want to hear a song by you.”

“Maybe one day,” Sunghyun smiles.

Woohyun returns the smile, “Write a song for me too.”

1015 Years - March | Sunggyu

Everything I’ve written is for you, Sunggyu thinks but he laughs at the younger. “You wish, you tree.”

“Boooo,” Woohyun sticks his tongue out.

Sunggyu chuckles lightly and feels a vibration in his pocket, “Excuse me. My ride is here.”

“Bye, Sunghyun,” Woohyun waves.

“Bye, Woohyun. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sunggyu returns the wave and walks to the front of the university. A sleek black car and a refined man in a suit waits for him to approach before opening the door.

“Young master.”

Sunggyu rolls his eyes, “Myungsoo, I told you not to refer to me as that.”

Myungsoo shakes his head, “In public, I must refer to you this way unless I want the boss to have my head.”

“It’s even worse if you do this in public,” Sunggyu hisses as he enters the car. “Our prized model-actor L serving some random 16-year old kid.”

Myungsoo gracefully snorts as he buckles himself into the driver’s seat, “Please, hyung, you’re not sixteen nor are you a random kid. You’re probably the oldest guy on the planet.”

Sunggyu harrumphs, “You’re older than you look too.”

“Yeah, but I found my soulmate eight years ago, so it’s not that bad anymore.”

“Too bad we can’t sell your ‘unaging’ image anymore,” Sunggyu sighs dramatically.

“We have Sungjong,” Myungsoo shrugs.

Sunggyu laughs, “That’s true.”

“We’re here,” Myungsoo says as he parks the car. He leaves the car and waits for Sunggyu to put on his face mask.

“Sometimes I wish you weren’t popular,” Sunggyu closes the door to the car and complains, voice muffled by the cover.

Myungsoo shrugs, walking slower to keep at Sunggyu’s pace, “You’re the one who found me.”

“You should be more grateful to me then,” Sunggyu pouts.

Myungsoo hums, “You seem to be in a good mood.”

Sunggyu remains silent, recalling his time with Woohyun.

“Something good really happened?” Myungsoo’s eyes open wide in surprise.

Sunggyu feels himself blush.

“Tell me, tell me,” Myungsoo pulls at Sunggyu.

“I think I met my soulmate.”


“Shhh,” Sunggyu gasps and scans the area for any possible fans. He quickly pushes the younger into the company building, “We’ll talk in my office.”

Sunggyu leans back in his chair and gestures for Myungsoo to sit. He takes off the stuffy face mask and yawns shortly, “I’m tired.”

“Hyung, you gotta tell me everything.”

Sunggyu glances at the model and asks, “Where’s your manager?”

“Sick, quit stalling.”

“Don’t you have a magazine photoshoot today?”

“Cancelled. The photographer and his assistant got sick.”

“Why is everyone sick?” Sunggyu frowns then sighs, “So you’re free today?”

“Yeah, now quit stalling!”

Sunggyu pouts, “Fine. He’s in my university classes. Majoring in music composition.”

“Ooh, recruit him then!”

“We’re freshmen,” Sunggyu deadpans. “If I recruit him, he’ll start asking why I’m in class when I already have top scores and a place to work at. Not to mention, I practically live in the CEO’s office.”

“Because you are the CEO. Just tell him the truth,” Myungsoo shrugs, picking up on the older’s fear of his age. “Yeol didn’t mind that I was a hundred years old.”

“That’s because he’s older than you by a hundred years,” Sunggyu rolls his eyes. “You know, I’m the one who recruited him from Japan, so you should be grateful to me that you guys even met.”

“Thanks, hyung,” Myungsoo says nonchalantly.

“Wow, I feel the sincerity,” Sunggyu replies sarcastically.

“Good,” Myungsoo grins.


Woohyun returns to his apartment while wondering about Sunghyun’s background. As he prepares a snack for himself, he wonders aloud, “Sunghyun has a personal driver, and the first day he came he said he was late because his flight was delayed from Switzerland.” He sets his food into the microwave while thinking, Isn’t that in Europe?

His microwave beeps as his phone rings, so while holding his food in one hand, Woohyun swipes his phone, putting it on speaker phone. “What’s up, Kibum?”

“Woohyun, are you still talking with Sunghyun?”

“Yeah, we’re pretty much best friends,” Woohyun hums. “Why?”

“You know the model-actor L?”

“I think so, yeah.”

“Apparently he picked up Sunghyun at our university.”

“Wait, what?!”

“I know! One of L’s fans saw him, and L looked like he was being really polite to Sunghyun.”

“So, what’s the situation?” Woohyun goes to his laptop to find more information about the news.

“Well, everyone knows L is dating the actor Sungyeol because they’re soulmates, so they’re trying to figure out Sunghyun’s identity. So…”

“Were you asked to ask me if I could ask Sunghyun?”

“Pretty much, yeah. Well, except, I wanted to ask you if you could ask Sunghyun because I’m really curious.”

“Sunghyun will tell me when he wants to. Plus, wouldn’t L’s company release a statement soon?”

“But it’s more fun to get it from the actual person!”

Woohyun rolls his eyes, “Everyone knows Sunghyun is rich, right? So maybe they’re friends.”

“Fine. Can’t you even be a little curious?”

“It’s not my life, Kibum.”

“That’s why you should be curious. Bye, Hyun.”

“Bye.” Woohyun hangs up promptly and searches up more information on L. The press was trying to make everything into a big scandal, even suspecting that L was cheating on his soulmate. Woohyun snorts at that assumption because Sunghyun isn’t the type to ruin a perfect relationship. Even so, Woohyun is curious exactly who Sunghyun is.


“Goddammit, Myungsoo!” Sunggyu growls when he turns on his computer. “I ing told you so. Go call Jungyeop, we’ve got to settle this right here right now.” He types up an official statement about how L will attend a press conference tomorrow to explain Sunghyun’s existence.

Myungsoo hums, “Okay.”

“And leave the door open while you’re at it.”

“Sure, hyung.”

“It’s all your fault,” Sunggyu groans. He picks up his phone and texts Sungyeol:

To: Choding Yeol
Your boyfriend is a so attend his press conference tomorrow.
I don’t want to suffer through some stupid hate that his fans will probably send me.

From: Choding Yeol
lmao hyung
np, i’ll b there + give him lots of kisses

To: Choding Yeol
yuck but do whatever you can to confirm your relationship with him

Sunggyu leans back in his chair and pouts.

“Sunggyu, what happened?” Jungyeop asks when he enters the office.

“Stupid,” Sunggyu pouts at the older-looking man. “Myungsoo picked me up and now we have a stupid scandal.”

“Oh, that,” Jungyeop shrugs.

“It’s not just that!”

Jungyeop chuckles, “I’ve already got the perfect cover story, so it’s no problem.”

“Tell me, then,” Sunggyu glares as he leans back from his computer.

“We’ll just say that you’re my son.”


“And that Myungsoo has known you since you were a little kid.”

“That part is okay.”

“So, you’re like a little brother to him.”

Sunggyu frowns but nods. “Still doesn’t explain why he was polite to me. Even dressed like a butler.” Sunggyu shivers.

“Well, that’s why we’re saying you’re my son.”


“Sure. We could say that your parents passed away in some freak accident, so I dote on you and everyone is excessively polite to you.”

Sunggyu thinks for a moment before nodding, “Fine. We can also say that he’s practicing for a new script.”

“Then it's settled. Are you satisfied, princess?”

Sunggyu glares viciously, “I could fire you for that.”

“But I’m your most reliable worker,” Jungyeop shrugs. “Now let me go home early. I promised Yujeong I’d make food for her tonight.”

“You’re so whipped.”

“Not as whipped as you.”

“I have no one to be whipped for,” Sunggyu shouts indignantly as Jungyeop exits, laughing.


Woohyun enters the class and finds his usual seat next to Sunghyun bombarded by multiple girls. As he gets closer, he hears them asking Sunghyun about his relationship with L. While Woohyun himself was curious, he notices Sunghyun’s small eyes staring at him, begging for help. Sighing, Woohyun walks to his seat and smiles at the girls, “Hey, you’ll find out from that guy this afternoon, so stop bothering Sunghyun. He’s here to study, not cater to your curiosity.”

The girls sigh and leave, albeit hesitantly.

Sunghyun sighs, “Thanks, Woohyun. You’re like my guardian namu (tree).”

“Wow, I totally, appreciate being called a tree,” Woohyun laughs.

Sunghyun pouts, “Namu, namu, namu, stupid namu.”

“I won’t help you next time,” Woohyun threatens while laughing lightheartedly.

“Noooo,” Sunghyun whines then mutters, “This is why I told Myungsoo to mind his own business.”


“That’s L’s real name.”

“You two must be close,” Woohyun hums.

“Not really,” Sunghyun frowns. “He’s just a friend made through circumstances.”


“Yeah,” Sunghyun hums. “Apparently he’s known me since I was a baby.”

Woohyun snorts, “What?”

“I know! That’s just ridiculous.”

“Does he have your baby pictures?”

Woohyun glances at Sunghyun when he receives no response and sees a sad smile.

“No one has my baby pictures.”


Sunggyu recalls the century he was born and how there were no cameras at the time. He smiles sadly to himself, “No one has my baby pictures.”

Sunggyu hears Woohyun’s nervous response, “Oh, umm, I’m sorry if I brought up bad memories.”

How considerate. Sunggyu chuckles, “It’s fine. It was a long time ago, anyway.”


Sunggyu laughs, “C’mon, Namu. Everything is fine.”

“Seriously, why do you keep calling me a tree?” Woohyun complains.

Sunggyu shrugs, “I told you; you’re like a tree to me. Solid, steady, and naturally comforting.”

Woohyun blinks, “Umm, thanks.”

“It’s nothing,” Sunggyu easily replies.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, now focus on the class,” Sunggyu pokes the younger inconspicuously as the professor glances their way.

Woohyun nods obediently.

16 (316) Years - April | Woohyun

Woohyun plays on his phone while swaying his head to Kim Jungmin’s Last Promise. As the song nears its end, Woohyun puts down his phone and echoes the lyrics in his head. He wonders if he’ll ever be able to say that to his own soulmate one day. He recalls what one of his parents once told him, Chance encounters lead to magic.

Woohyun sighs to himself again. If chance encounters lead to magic, then how can I find my chance encounter? He shakes his head and chides himself, “Positive thoughts Woohyun. The world gave you twenty more chances at life, there must be a reason.” Nodding to himself, Woohyun continues to think aloud, “Maybe I’ve already had this chance encounter?”

The teenager recalls all his meetings from this lifetime, immediately eliminating his family members as potential soulmates. He recalls Kibum and shakes his head, We’re better as friends. He thinks about Dongwoo and frowns. After going through his friends list in his head, Woohyun thinks about Sunghyun. He recalls when they first met two months ago when he had introduced himself to the boy. Usually, he wouldn’t have taken the initiative to greet another student, but on that day, he was in a particularly good mood.

Woohyun hums while leaning back on his couch, stretching out his legs so that his feet were crossed over his coffee table. “But,” he tilts his head, “it was also the day I finally turned sixteen, so being in a good mood is reasonable.” Tapping his fingers on his lap, Woohyun remembers his soulmate’s nicknames. “Sunghyun doesn’t have a ‘Gyu’ in his name.” Woohyun huffs, “When can I meet you Gyu?”

1015 Years - April | Sunggyu

Sunggyu sighs as he finishes up the paperwork for the new variety show Sungjong is going to join. He twirls his fountain pen in his hand and reaches for the strawberry cup on his desk, popping the fruit into his mouth. He starts thinking about Woohyun. His soulmate. He smiles, wondering what the boy is currently doing.

Woohyun is more than what Sunggyu has imagined him to be. Beautiful. Intelligent. A little quirky. And most definitely talented. Sunggyu had not expected for his soulmate to be as involved in music as himself, but it still makes Sunggyu happy. Ecstatic even. He takes a sticky note from his desk, jotting down things about Woohyun. From what he expected to what he has seen. The peerless individual, loved by all to the dorky boy that has both the wisdom of centuries and the immaturity of a child.

Sunggyu sighs, “Woohyun, quickly realize it’s me.”

1016 Years - May | Sunggyu

“What?!” Woohyun half-shouts. “Your birthday was last week, and you didn’t tell me?”

Sunggyu shrugs, “It’s just a birthday.”

Woohyun shakes his head, “It’s not ‘just’ a birthday. You’re one year older! Wait, so how old are you now?”

One-thousand and “sixteen,” Sunggyu answers.

“So, you’re younger than me?”


“But I turned sixteen before you!”

“I’ve been sixteen longer than you.”

Woohyun rolls his eyes, “Then that means you’re seventeen!”


“Seriously, tell me your real age,” Woohyun huffs.

Sunggyu stares into Woohyun’s eyes, “Maybe one day.” When you ask me for the truth.

16 (316) Years - May | Woohyun

“Maybe one day.”

Woohyun shudders when he sees Sunghyun’s eyes which seem to know everything about him. His eyes tell a story, a long story, one that has lived longer than time. He forces himself to smile to break the tension that only he felt, “Is that one day today?”

“You wish,” Sunghyun laughs.

Woohyun internally sighs in relief because seeing Sunghyun with such a serious atmosphere was strange and uncomfortable. It makes him seem older than he is. Or maybe he is older than he seems. “Oh, when can I meet your other friends?”

Sunghyun smirks, leaning towards Woohyun, “When I meet your friends.”

“The ever-elusive Kim Sunghyun saying he wants to meet my friends?” Woohyun raises one eyebrow, mildly mocking the other.

Sunghyun leans back lazily, “Then you’ll never find my family history.”

1016 Years - June | Sunggyu

Sunggyu laughs when Woohyun trips over himself. He reaches over to help the other up, only to tumble on top when Woohyun pulls him down. “You bastard!” Sunggyu giggles while trying to pull away.

Woohyun pulls at the older again, laughing loudly.

Sunggyu grumbles as he lands on Woohyun’s lap on the ground, “Stupid tree.”

“You’re heavy.”

“Shut up, you’re the one who pulled me down. Didn’t your parents teach you any better?”

“Didn’t your parents tell you not to call people trees?”

Sunggyu shakes his head and snickers, “They told me my soulmate was a tree.” Do you understand what I’m trying to say?

Woohyun snorts, “I feel sorry for your soulmate.”

“Feel sorry for yourself,” Sunggyu pouts.

“Cute, but I bet my soulmate will be cuter,” Woohyun teases.

Sunggyu frowns, “Your soulmate will hate you for saying that.” Stupid, I’m right in front of you.

Woohyun pushes Sunggyu lightly, “His nickname is Ae-gyu. Of course, he’s going to be cute!”

Sunggyu feels his cheek begin to redden, remembering how Myungsoo once called him that. (Of course, he gave a solid beating to that model-actor, consciously avoiding his perfect face.) He begins to walk away, clearly feeling conflicted with Woohyun’s cluelessness.

16 (316) Years - June | Woohyun

“Sunghyun!” Woohyun jogs to catch up, “Wait for me!”

“Wait for yourself!” Sunghyun spits violently.

“Did I do something wrong?” Woohyun asks, feeling as though it was just another one of his friend’s mood swings.

“No,” Woohyun hears as he watches Sunghyun’s shoulders droop down.

“What’s wrong?”

Sunghyun sighs again, “It’s my parents’ anniversary.”

“Congratulations to them!”

“Their death anniversary,” Sunghyun side-eyes Woohyun, leaving the younger feeling awkward.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Woohyun stiffens. Despite having twenty lifetimes, Woohyun realizes that his parents never died before him, leaving him unable to console the other.

“It’s fine. It’s been a long time since then,” Sunghyun shrugs. “I barely remember them.”

Woohyun bites his lips before pulling at Sunghyun again. “Let’s go have some fun.”

Sunghyun blinks, “Where?”

Woohyun pauses before walking forward, “Park!”

Woohyun hears Sunghyun snort, “Are you a child?”

“We’re going to relive your childhood,” Woohyun answers, determined.

Sunghyun laughs, “Alright.”

Woohyun grins, happy to hear Sunghyun’s bell-like laughter.

1016 Years - July | Sunggyu

Sunggyu calls Woohyun near midnight, asking him to come to the park they visited the previous month. When Woohyun arrives, Sunggyu waits for the younger to come to the swings. They don’t say anything while watching the moon until Sunggyu fills the silence with a single sentence, “There are two types of people in this world. One who waits and another who dies.”

Woohyun replies, “Some people are both.”

Sunggyu laughs bitterly, “You don’t understand, Nam.”

“I think I do, Kim,” Woohyun answers.

Sunggyu ignores the younger and simply continues to gaze at the moon and stars.

Woohyun suddenly asks, “Do you know how to do fortune-telling with the stars?”

Sunggyu chuckles, “A long time ago.” He lets silence fill between them before saying, “Starlight exists only for u- our soulmate.”

Woohyun blinks, “What do you mean by that?”

Sunggyu turns his head towards the younger, gaze gentle as he looks at his soulmate. He feels the wind blowing, “Do you believe in God?”

“Depends,” Woohyun answers cautiously.

“Do you want to hear a song God has given us?”


Sunggyu stands gracefully, patting his clean lap, “Do you want to see a blank notebook for God’s masterpiece?”

“I guess?”

“Follow me.”

16 (316) Years - July | Woohyun

“Follow me.”

Woohyun jumps off the swing and watches Sunghyun’s lonely back. He wonders how Sunghyun could appear so young yet so ancient at the same time. He realizes that Sunghyun is already outside the park, so he quickly jogs to catch up. “Where are we going?”

“A quiet cafe.”

“Are there any open?”

“That’s why it’s quiet.”

Woohyun frowns but follows the other silently. As they make a few twists and turns, unfamiliar roads which Woohyun has never seen, they’re soon walking city sidewalks. Woohyun blinks, surprised at the how quickly they arrived from the residential park to the city streets. He glances around, confused, “How?”

“Don’t get lost.”

Woohyun nods despite the other not turning around and begins to follow more closely. He hears Sunghyun ask:

“Does this scare you?”

Woohyun remains silent, taking curious glimpses at Sunghyun.

“It’s a good place. I promise,” Sunghyun continues lightly before stopping, “We’re here.”

Woohyun looks up and sees a modest yet intricate building structure. “This is?”

“Woollim Entertainment.”

“What about the cafe?”

Sunghyun smiles, “Come in.”

Woohyun stares at his friend, confused, “Can we go in?”

“Just follow me.”

Woohyun obediently trails behind Sunghyun as they casually walk through a side door. He notices that Sunghyun has a card and tries to recall the rumors between Sunghyun and L. Woohyun never really paid attention to the rumors and news, but he vaguely remembers something about being L’s agencies’ president’s only son. “Will your Dad be okay with us coming so late?”

Sunghyun sniffs, frowning as he turns around, “I can come and go here as I please.”

Woohyun subconsciously grins, “That seems like a very you thing.”


“Just wait,” Sunggyu harrumphs while walking down familiar corridors. He arrives at his office where he punches in the pin, ensuring he has it hidden from the younger. From his personal fridge, Sunggyu takes out a bag of strawberries, heading to the door behind his desk. He takes the keys from his desk drawer to open the door to the stairwell leading to the roof. “Come on.”

Woohyun obediently follows, “What are we doing?”

“Going to a cafe to watch the moon and stars.” Sunggyu opens the final door to the roof, revealing a quaint cafe. He sits on one seat, gesturing for Woohyun to sit in the other. “You said you wanted to hear me sing?”

Woohyun eyes light up, “Yes!”

Sunggyu chuckles, shaking his head. “I won’t sing live today, but here’s a recording.” Sunggyu hands Woohyun a CD. “It has three songs that I’ve written. Maybe when you’ve listened to it you’ll understand what I said earlier.”

16 (316) Years - August | Woohyun

Woohyun holds the CD he received from Sunghyun the week before. Holding the disk as though it was a holy relic, Woohyun finally puts it into his CD player. He hears Sunghyun’s voice flow through the speakers:

“Hey, Woohyun. The first song is titled 41 Days.”

Woohyun listens to the song carefully, wondering what prompted Sunghyun to write this song.

The light becomes larger and the windows open up, only to close again
The light turns off
The music gets louder and my shoulders move up and down and stop again
The music turns off

But still, we’re the last, We’ll be eternal from now on

Woohyun waits for the next song to play.

“This song is titled Light.”

Shine, you’re the light
Did you come into my heart?
Tell me, since when?
When I turn my head
I think about your eyes

I’ll carefully go to you, little by little
Naturally, I will show you

“This last one is the City of Angels.”

I’m so curious
Curious of how you’re doing
If you ever think of me
I’m curious of how you’re doing

The flashing city lights
They were like starlight that only existed for us
I’m so curious

Woohyun waits a few moments before sighing out a breath he didn’t notice he was holding. He thinks over the lyrics and realizes there were some discrepancies. After thinking about the lyrics, he hears the speakers sound with Sunghyun’s voice again.

“Woohyun, I know you’re not fond of liars, but I just want you to know my name isn’t Sunghyun. I hope you’ll keep talking to me. I’ll tell you more if you want.”

Woohyun finally realizes the problem with the lyrics.

It was only because I wanted to believe that it was… say that we’re each others’ lasts, that we’ll always be together. // Even after time passes. // Just once more. I want to meet you.

There was always something more behind Sunghyun, Woohyun realizes.

1016 Years - August | Sunggyu

Sunggyu hums a new tune as he walks to the college library for a study session with Woohyun. He arrives earlier than the scheduled time, as always, and takes out a book from the shelf to pass the time. Mao’s Last Dancer truly was a fascinating memoir. Sunggyu closes his eyes to recall what he had been doing at the time.

It was a time of fear. Sunggyu remembers how every country became involved with communism, whether it was for or against it. Sunggyu also remembers hiding around that time to be as far from his soulmate, in fear of losing him again. Sunggyu smiles, thinking about the day he met Woohyun. It was his sixteenth birthday when they met. Perhaps fate was waiting for is to meet.

Sunggyu sees Woohyun walking into the library, fury evident on his face.

Sunggyu pulls his thoughts away from his head, taking in a deep breath. “Woohyun.”

“Your name isn’t Sunghyun.”

“You finally listened to my songs.”

“I did,” Sunggyu sees Woohyun nod.

Sunggyu takes a deep breath, “I love you.”


“I love you.”

“Hyung, you’re not my soulmate,” Woohyun replies, surprised by the sudden confession. You , that’s not how you reject someone.

Sunghyun blinks, “Oh, I just thought… I… I guess I was reading the signs wrong. Um… I’ll leave. Sorry for everything.” Sunghyun quickly gathers everything around him, escaping from the college library they were studying at. In his rush, he accidentally drops an old, beaten-up book.

Noticing the item, Woohyun picks up the book Sunghyun dropped. The front page is written in Hanja: The Many Lives of Kim Sunggyu. Woohyun tilts his head curiously and flips to the first page and sees neat handwriting on unlined sheets. He tries to read the Hanja characters as best as he can, but there are some which are so old that he doesn’t recognize. Still, he manages to make sense of most of what’s written.

Written: 1211 January 9th
Kim Sunggyu
1000 April 28th

My birthday. I was born in this year. I don’t know much from this year, but my parents told me that my first words were “Namu-hyun.”

I wonder how I’m supposed to spell his name. (I mean, I don’t know if my soulmate is a he or she, but my guts tell me it’s a boy.) In any case, is it a nickname? Full name? Pet name? Maybe both? Is it Na-mu Hyun? Is it Na Muhyun? Maybe it’s Nam Woohyun. I like that. Nam Woohyun.

1050 June 9th

My parents passed away on this day. I saw it coming, but it hurts. Still does. I miss them.

1060 January 6th

Noona passed away on this date. I got a call, well, noona got a call but I picked up. They said Yongguk-hyung was hit by a drunk driver. He died on his way to the hospital.

Noona told me to take care of their kids. Gukheon was already married and had kids, so he wasn’t much trouble. Youngji waited for her soulmate. We watched Gukheon’s kids after he passed away.

1160 March 17th

Youngji found her soulmate a few decades before. She was on her deathbed when she said it’s weird to call me uncle since I look to be the age of her grandson. I agreed with her and said I would be leaving to search for my soulmate outside of Jeonju.

She smiled and nodded in agreement, “Uncle Gyu, I hope you’ll find your soulmate soon.”

1211 January 9th

I started up a trading company, and it’s been doing well enough. I’ve only met with a few people I’m close to, but other than that, no one knows my true identity. I think that’s good since people have been suspecting the existence of witches, vampires, and all those nonsensical creatures.

I’ve been using the name Kim Sunggyu for almost two centuries now, so maybe I should change my name. Forge my identity. I think I’ll use my soulmate’s name. Maybe I should just change my last name. Yeah, I think I’ll live as Nam Sunggyu for a few years.

Nam Sunggyu
1211 (Another Me)

Changing my last name is interesting. I feel like an entirely different person as I interact with everyone. It’s fascinating how differently time passes. I wonder where I should go. Would Jeju-do be good?

Kim Sungwoo
1303 (New Challenge)

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. I’ve traveled throughout Goryeo already. Maybe I should see what it’s like outside of our country. I could go under the guise of a merchant company.

Nam Hyunsung
1404 (The Origin)

Apparently, the Goryeo has fallen and become Joseon. The new rulers are different, but it’s fine as long as they don’t bother the inflow of my money. And as long as they don’t destroy my home. Still, I’ll miss the Goryeo age. It is the era I was born in after all. I hope my family members are alright to. Hopefully, the war didn’t affect them too badly. I’ll send some money to them later.

Kim Woosung
1507 (Reality)

It seems that during my time in China, someone in Joseon created an alphabet for the Korean language. Something like the Hunminjeongeum? I suppose I should learn it. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a copy of it.

In any case, China has some great trade routes which would be good for my company. It’ll be tough, trying to establish myself in some foreign country. My accent still isn’t good enough.

I suppose the more important question is when I’ll meet my soulmate. It’s been nearly half a millennium. Will I ever meet him? My heart hurts. I want someone to be with. I guess I could settle down, but I’ve waited this long already. Still, the truth is, even when I do meet him, will my soulmate even like an old man like me? I guess I can only wait.

Na Musung
1609 (Infinite Only)

Well, I’m finally getting the hang of Hunminjeongeum, or Hangul? I think that’s what people have started to refer it as.

In any case, I went to France and the composers there are all really… interesting to say the least. I’ve learned quite a bit from them though. A lot of them don’t really care for their soulmate. I kind of wish I could do the same, but I want a partner. Someone I can trust my life with. I guess I’m stuck until I find Namu-hyun. I wonder how much longer I’ll have to wait.

Kim Nawoo
1700 February 8th (Air)

I can feel him. I can feel my soulmate’s presence. I know he’s somewhere out there. This is the first time I’ve felt such a strong pull on my soul. I need my soulmate. It’s hard to breathe, the farther away I’m from him. I’ll be going back to Korea soon.

1715 June 26th

I lost him. I lost my soulmate. I can’t feel him. Where did you go?

1716 February 8th

It’s here again, the pull. My soulmate is being reborn.

1730 November 3rd

It happened again. I can’t feel him. Woohyun, where are you?

1731 February 8th

Will I be able to find you this time?

1745 October 19th

Gone, again. Before he turned 16.
Take me with you.

1746 February 8th

You’re back again. On February 8th. Is this your birthday? Happy birthday Woohyun. Please grow up well.

1760 March 27th

When will you live past sixteen, Woohyun?

1761 February 8th

Woohyun. We haven’t met, but I hope my feelings for you will reach you. Happy birthday again.

1775 September 11th

Will I ever meet you?

1776 February 8th

Welcome back. You’re technically 76 years old, aren’t you? You’re getting old. But still not as old as me.

1790 December 25th

The world must be playing tricks on me to send this tragic Christmas present to me.

Nam Sunghyun
1800 (Begin Again)

I think I’m going to stop writing. I’m going to start anew and hope that just thinking about my soulmate will eventually lead me to him. I know my soulmate is out there. I’ve felt his presence for a hundred years now. I’m just going to travel the world again. Maybe he’s not in Korea. Even if he is, I need to distract myself from the pain.

There have been a lot of composers on the rise in Europe recently. I’m going to check them out and maybe become friends with them? That’d be nice.

Kim Sunghyun
2000 April 28th

Okay, this will be my actual last entry. Anyway, I'm officially a thousand years old. I wonder if I’ll ever meet my soulmate. Should I go back to my real name? I think I’ll only reveal my name after meeting my soulmate. I mean, what if he doesn’t want me? I can approach him better with a fake name… right? I hope I’ll meet him soon.

Woohyun gasps, as he flips through the pages again.

Kim Sunggyu, Nam Sunggyu, Kim Sungwoo, Nam Hyunsung, Kim Woosung, Na Musung, Kim Nawoo, Nam Sunghyun, Kim Sunghyun.

He can’t tell if it’s genuinely written about Sunggyu or if it’s just a story. Even so, the dates match his own dates of birth and death. It couldn’t possibly be merely a coincidence. Everything seems so surreal while simultaneously appearing to be real. Woohyun pauses for a moment and flips to the last entry again: Kim Sunghyun.

Woohyun stares at the page before recalling who dropped the book. Sunghyun? Kim Sunghyun? Is he Sunggyu? That can’t be possible, right?

Grandpa Gyu

“Ugh, my back,” Sunghyun groans after putting down a box with their teacher’s music theory textbook.

Woohyun laughs, setting the other box next to the one just placed on the desk, “Hyung, you’re such an old man.”

“Shut up.”



“Hyung, have you ever tried to do some aegyo?” Woohyun asks, curious because the older appears to be naturally cute despite his stoic yet carefree nature.

He watches Sunghyun grimace, “You mean, aeg-ew?”

Strawberry Gyu

Woohyun observes Sunghyun gorging down strawberries like they’re the last food on the earth. It’s actually rather cute, especially when the older talks about how strawberries should be harvest. When and where. It’s fascinating, seeing Sunghyun talk about something other than music so passionately. Woohyun stares, enraptured by the older’s enthusiasm. He sees Sunggyu glance up at him, face turning a light shade of red.

“Am I being weird?”

Woohyun chuckles, “No, hyung, it’s cute.”

Sunggyu pouts, face still hot with embarrassment.

“You’re turning into a strawberry.”

“I hate you,” Sunghyun groans.


Sunghyun babbles on about the classical era, ranting about how clever some musicians were and how stupid some other composers were. He talks about their eccentric natures as though he knew them personally.

Woohyun chuckles as he listens to his friend passionately talk about music, stating well-known facts and random ideas for what the Baroque composers wanted to be interpreted in their songs. Sunghyun is in the middle of his praise for Handel’s ingenious operas and the absolute perfection of harmonies in Messiah, the German-British composer’s English oratorio, when Woohyun interrupts, “Hyung, it seems like you know more than the teacher.”

Sunghyun glares, “I probably do.”

“Should I call you sajangnim?” Woohyun jokes.

Sunghyun mutters, “.”

Hamster Gyu

Sunghyun pouts when Woohyun pinches his cheeks, “Stop that you bastard!”

“Your cheeks are so cute!” Woohyun laughs, stretching the other’s cheeks a little more.

“Stop it! I’m older than you, dammit,” Sunghyun growls.

Woohyun stops, whipping up to look Sunghyun, “You’re older?”

“Of course,” Sunghyun harrumphs.

“By how many years?”

“Not telling,” Sunghyun sticks out his tongue in an oh-so-very mature manner.

“Alright, Little Hamster,” Woohyun grins while thinking, I’m probably older than you anyway.

Sunghyun glares, “It’s hyung to you.”


“Sunghyun, what are you doing?”

Sunghyun looks up from his food, chewing on the fruit he’d just bitten -- or rather, scraped -- off. “Eating,” he states simply.

“Like a starved dog?”

“Excuse you!” Sunghyun shouts indignantly.

Woohyun shakes his head in amusement, “I’m kidding. It’s kinda cute. Every bite you take your teeth make the sound jiji jiji.”

Princess Gyu

“Go get me that water bottle.”

Woohyun snorts, “Get it yourself.”

Sunghyun kicks Woohyun’s shin only to wince in response. “Go get me water, idiot! Payment for injuring me.”

“Yes, yes, princess,” Woohyun sighs then smirks, “Do you want me to pour it for you as well?”

Sunghyun silently opens his mouth, waving at Woohyun to come quickly.

Woohyun shakes his head helplessly, “Yes, princess.”


Sunghyun whines, dragging the last syllable childishly, “Go away.”

“You’re such a baby,” Woohyun chuckles.

“You’re so annoying, Namu. Stupid tree,” Sunghyun pouts.

Woohyun shudders. All the signs were there for him. He’d just never noticed it. Everything was pointing to Sunghyun, no, Sunggyu as his soulmate. “,” Woohyun curses loudly. He glances around the library and finds an old librarian glaring at him. He immediately bows his head in apology before running out to find Sunghy- Sunggyu.

How the hell did he get away so fast? Not even a trace of him, Woohyun furiously turns to find even a hint of his possibly other half. He thinks about where Sunggyu would go, thinking about the park they met at a few months ago. He runs to the park and only finds children running around. He recalls the path Sunggyu took to go to Woollim. Following his memories, Woohyun ends up lost and takes out his phone to enter the agency’s address into his phone’s navigation system.

When he arrives, he realizes he doesn’t have a way in. He paces in front of the building, wondering how he’ll meet Sunggyu. He stops when he feels someone staring at him, turning to see who it is. The man is tall with a mask covering his face. Woohyun hears him ask:

“Why are you pacing in front of here?”

“I need to meet Sunggyu.”

The man blinks, “You know Uncle Sunggyu?”

Woohyun tilts his head, “Uncle?”

“Yeah, hyung is Myungsoo-hyung’s boyfriend and Uncle Sunggyu once said he’s Myungsoo’s uncle so he’s also my uncle. Follow me in.”

Woohyun follows the other man’s steps, curious, “Who are you?”

“Lee Daeyeol,” the boy says. “I’m Lee Sungyeol’s younger brother and a trainee here.”


“What about you?” Daeyeol asks.

“Nam Woohyun.”

Daeyeol stops, eyes widening in surprise. “Like, the Nam Woohyun?”

Confused, Woohyun slowly nods, “I guess?” Seeing the boy’s grin turn slightly creepy, Woohyun begins to back away, only to have his armed grabbed by the boy.

Daeyeol pulls Woohyun, practically running to the elevator. “Uncle said his soulmate knows the passcode to his office.”


“Yep, hyung told me that Myungsoo-hyung said that Uncle Sunggyu’s soulmate’s nickname is Namu-hyun. Sounds like your name!”

Woohyun nods, remembering one of the entries in the journal. Even so, he can’t fathom how he would know the pin to Sunggyu’s office.

“We’re here! Hyung said that Uncle is in a bad mood. Maybe you can make it better? Bye Woohyun-hyung!”

Woohyun stands in front of the office door he visited the previous month. He stares at the keypad for a few minutes before pressing in his birthday. It was the only thing that both he and Sunggyu knew. Surprisingly, the pad flashes green, giving Woohyun the opportunity to open the door. As he opens the door, Woohyun hears a crash against the door and a loud:


Woohyun freezes before opening the door a little more, seeing Sunggyu pacing around the room and a paper weight on the ground.

“Where did I lose that? , , .”

Woohyun realizes that Sunggyu still hadn’t noticed the intruder and closes the door quietly. He knocks on the wall, successfully drawing the other’s attention to him. He watches Sunggyu’s eyes turn cold:

“What are you doing here?”

“Hi, Sunghyun.”

“What are you here for? I have more important matters to attend to.” Sunggyu walks around his desk to sit in his chair.

“I just wanted to know how you got here so fast. It took me an hour to walk here.”

“I took a taxi. What do you want, Woohyun?” Sunggyu continues to look at the younger coldly.

“Sunghyun, or rather, should I say Sunggyu?”

Woohyun watches as Sunggyu’s face pale momentarily, “What do you want?”

Woohyun smiles, “Looking for this?” He waves the old notebook in the air.

Sunggyu harrumphs, “Since you already know, then leave that here and go away.”

Woohyun sighs in relief, seeing the other’s usual attitude. He takes a glance around the room and spots another chair. Pulling it toward the desk, Woohyun places the book on the table and plops down in the seat. “I just wanted to tell you that you’re quite cute.”

Sunggyu’s cheeks begin to warm again, “So what?”

“You should know that I’ve reincarnated twenty times now, so let’s share everything from now on.”

Sunggyu pouts, “Don’t use my song lyrics.”

Woohyun grins, “Who said I’m using your lyrics?”

“Says me.”

Woohyun laughs, “Want to hear a song that God has given to us?”

Sunggyu glares, “Using my words again.”

Woohyun stands and reaches over the table for Sunggyu’s hands, “Let’s go up, Gyugyu.”

“Stupid tree.”

“How about the princess open the doors to the cafe?”

“Stupid tree.”

“You shouldn’t grind your teeth, Kyuzizi.”

“Shut up, tree.”

“Trees don’t have mouths, my dear hamster.”

“Then stop talking.”

“Why should I, Kyu-nim?”

“Because I said so, tree.”

“I’ll be a strawberry tree for you.”

Sunggyu glares, lightly stomping his feet, “You’re not even worth one strawberry!”

“Using your Ae-gyu?”

“Shut up, Namu!” Sunggyu pulls away as Woohyun lets go.

“Be careful Grandpa Gyu,” Woohyun laughs as he watches Sunggyu land on his chair.

“Stupid ty Namu.”

“Stop cursing at me,” Woohyun shakes his head, a grin starting to form on his lips. “I’ll play a song for you.”

“You’re not forgiven for looking through my life story.”

“Of course.”

“You have to tell me everything about you. Including your previous lives.”

“That is a given.”

“And I’m older than you by seven centuries so you better show me some respect.”

“As you wish.”

“Now play me your song.”

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Chapter 5: AAAAAAAHHHHHH! That picture, how can we forget that anniversary video? ToT I miss them like crazy
Chapter 7: the fluff!!!
Chapter 8: TuT still beautiful ... omg I still think u could have save some pain for the both of you but you were right as well, you cannot say someone they love you ToT
Chapter 11: My god !!! lately I haven’t been in the mood for anything and so... I have read the collection before but passed the large fics hehe
Anyways... it’s 2:13 am and I need to wake up really early in the morning. I just wanted to let you know that this is amazing and I suffered a major mental break-down while trying to figure out who was who.Thank you for such an amazing story TuT
Chapter 7: Soulmate!AU is my favorite... thank you... I'm almost got a heart attack! Cute and happy ending, yey!
Chapter 3: ohhh it's true love <3
gyusunggyu #8
Chapter 11: Awwwww❤
Chapter 5: can woogyu do this now? hehehe, cute, really cute!
Chapter 11: wait... I didn't, for one second, thought that the ending will be serious like this. I thought this will go in a comedic way through the end! Because you know, the first part is just hilarious! I'm laughing at all their names and the nonsense dialogue? and perhaps Mr Boddy would wake up with a 'Tada! Issa a joke' kind of way?? LOL
Anyway it's an interesting theme, I dig this. And woogyu been through a lot wow... glad they could make it.