The Meeting

F4 dongsaengs


I was walking through Shinhwa High School. Shinhwa is the best known company in whole Asia, it has everything. All sort of schools, a call-company, they have tons of shops and so on. You wouldn't be able to go to the high school if you hadn't been registered from birth. Like with the whole kindergarten and preschool. And even when you would want to get registered, your parents have to be rich. A commoner couldn't afford to be on the school. I didn't have to worry about any of those things. My father was rich and my older brother, So Yi Jeong was registered from his birth as well. My brother was best friends with the son of the President of Shinwa, Goo Jun Pyo. Together with him and their two other best friends, Song Woo Bin and Yoon Ji Hoo they formed a group called F4. They were the most popular kids of the school, even in preschool. Jun Pyo, Woo Bin and Ji Hoo were like brothers to me, because they were like brothers to Yi Jeong and I've known them from my birth.
 Well like I said I was walking through Shinwa High School when suddenly someone pushed me away. He pushed me so I fell on the ground. All the girls and boys laughed. He wasn't nice at all to me just because I looked like a commoner to him.
'Watch were you walk, commoner,' He said. 
It made me angry, who was he to call me a commoner?
'Who are you to call me a commoner, without even knowing me?!' I said and I got up.
'I am your worse nightmare if you don't apologize for your bad talk, commoner,' He said while he was just acting tough in front of his friends. He looked down at me, because he was like 175 cm and I was really petite with my 150 cm. I huffed what was a bad thing to do, I noticed when he got even more angry or annoyed.
'What did you just do?! Did you huff at me?!' "My worse nightmare" almost yelled it, which draw attention of course.
'Well yes. What do you want to do about it?' I shrugged, not really knowing who he was at that moment.
'I can get you, get expelled from this school!' 
I stared at him with wide open eyes. How could a 16 year old do that? Unless he had to be... No, that couldn't be true, could it?
'Are you, by any chance, Goo Jun Pyo sunbae's...?' I murmered. He just couldn't be.
'Yes. I am Goo Soo Pyo. Goo Jun Pyo's dongsaeng. And you are?'
I couldn't say a thing. How came I never heard about Jun Pyo having a little brother? Just in time, the school bell rang and I rushed to my class. Leaving Mr. Arrogant Soo Pyo in the hall way. 
School seemed to go so slow, I couldn't get Mr. Arrogant's face out of my head.
'You are a big, fat loser So Yi Young.' A couple girls from my class said to me. It slightly hurt, hearing them think that of me, just because of Soo Pyo. 
When school finished I quickly went to my locker, where Mr. Arrogant was too. I opened my locker without looking at him and sighed when he closed it before I could take anything out of it. 
'What?' I asked annoyed and I opened my locker again. I quickly removed my books out of it and grabbed my coat while waiting for his answer, which didn't come. I bowed out of politeness and walked out of the school, where our car stood. I saw a glance of Yi Jeong sitting in the car. I opened the door, slightly bowed and got in. 
'Annyoung oppa.' I slightly smiled, fake. Though I was trying not to show it Yi Jeong noticed. 
'Hello Yi Young. How was school?' Yi Jeong asked. He always asked how school was and I always answered the same. 
'Boring.' I said while softly giggling. 
'You are way to predictable, little sister.' Yi Jeong laughed while he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked out of the window and saw a few kids staring at our car, but then I saw him and I gasped. Mr. Arrogant was staring at the car too. 
'What's wrong, Yi Young?' 
'N-nothing...' I wasn't going to tell him about what happened because he might got a fight with Goo Jun Pyo about it, and that was the last thing I wanted. 
Though I said there was nothing wrong, Yi Jeong immediately knew there was something wrong. But then again he just let it go. 
'How are Jun Pyo oppa and the rest doing?' I asked, it was not only out of need to change the subject, I actually was curious about how they were doing. 
'He is doing great, just as Geum Jan-Di. Yoon Ji Hoo wasn't at school 'cause he was with his grandfather today and Song Woo Bin finally found himself a good girl, which he is dating.' Yi Jeong softly laughed. 
'And what about you and Chu Ga Eul unnie?' I looked at him and teasingly grinned. 
'You little..' Yi Jeong looked at me and suddenly started to tickle me. 
'Anio! Anio!' I giggled. Yi Jeong stopped tickling me and turned to the driver. 
'You can go now.' Yi Jeong said, the driver started the car and drove us home.
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Chapter 9: This is a really good story! Please update soon ^^
Joseph27 #2
Chapter 9: Totally understands how she feels ;)
Joseph27 #3
Chapter 9: Its kindda addicting xD
Joseph27 #4
Chapter 9: Its kindda scary tat Yi Young changed from a innocent girl to a dramatic girl ><
But anyways, the story is pretty interesting!
Joseph27 #5
Chapter 9: Nice story! Please update soon!
JayStar #6
I love this story! Please update soon! :)
good story :) I love BoF! i don't get why those kids were still mean to here after finding out she's Yi Jeong's sister ... they should be terrified that Woo Bin might show up and go all Woooobin on them.
butterfly555 #8
omo i feel her now cause all she want is to be normal
butterfly555 #9
butterfly555 #10
i wounder why she didnt say her true name