Chapter 9

F4 dongsaengs

Entering the school, Yi Young pushed aside every student that had been flabbergasted by her sudden makeover. Yi Young couldn't care less about her attitude that had drastically changed since the day before. This was whom her father had made her, so she wouldn't hide behind that cheerful mask anymore. It seemed as if she had changed her cheerful mask for her cold mask. This time, she showed no emotions whatsoever. One guard, a female that had just finished her school, followed her through the hallways. Yi Young's father didn't want Yi Young to miss out on any of her after school duties again.
Yi Young stepped into her homeroom, not feeling like being there and considering to let her father have private classes inside the school, just like her brother and his friends. This thought was really playing a big role in her mind as she made her way to her seat. By not wearing her uniform, she had clearly pissed off a few other students. As Chin-Mae and Chin-Hwa stepped in front of her, Yi Young looked up. Still far more shorter than the two boys. The boys looked down on her, not because she was shorter, but because they thought they were better than her.
  Yi Young huffed as the boys crossed their arms, staring at her.
  “Yah, oppa, just slap her!” Moon Ya El exclaimed as she had tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. A sign indicating that Ya El was jealous.
  “Just ruin her clothes, then she will be reminded to wear just her uniform,” another girl from Yi Young’s class yelled. Everyone broke out in laughter as Chin-Hwa stepped forward, being stopped by Yi Young’s guard.
  “You want to play dirty? Let’s see how you like this then,” Yi Young hissed as she took the bottle of juice from Chin-Hwa’s hands. He had been about to pour it all over her clothes, but now, Yi Young did it herself. Leaving all the students flabbergasted as she sat there, with her dress covered with juice. Yi Young’s guard had left to get her brother and the other members of F4. None of the students said a thing, but then as F4 stepped into the homeroom, they were again surprised by Yi Young’s sudden change. Changing the situation to her advantage.
  “Oppa,” Yi Young muttered as sat on the ground next to her table, the bottle of juice in Chin-Hwa’s hand again as she had put it back there. “Oppa, they ruined omma’s dress. It was the only thing I had left from my mother,” Yi Young continued acting as if she had been the victim. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Ji Ho had come to help her up. Jun Pyo sure had a big hatred to anyone touching someone related to the F4, so he wasn’t about to let it slip. Not again, not after Yi Young had gone through this much.
  “Sunbae, she poured it over herself, she really did!” Chin-Mae exclaimed among the rumor of the other students. Before he was hit by Jun Pyo’s fist.
  “I don’t like those liars. Ruining this girl’s life. It will be the last thing you will remember if you continue like this,” Jun Pyo yelled before he hit Chin-Hwa.
  “What happened to your hair, Yi Young,” Yi Jeong asked. He had seen her leave with her hair braided, yet now it hang loosely and tangled over her shoulders.
  Yi Young sobbed and just pointed at Moon Ya El, indicating Yi Young was accusing Ya El for pulling her hair, harassing her.
  “You won’t be here by tomorrow, arrasso! You will leave this school, whether you like it or not!” Jun Pyo yelled again, this time toward Ya El. After that being said, Jun Pyo then made his way toward Yi Young, pulling her gently from the cold floor. Supporting her as Yi Young still acted as if she was broken. Woo Bin, Yi Jeong and Ji Hoo had already left the homeroom. And as Jun Pyo was leading Yi Young out of the homeroom, she looked over her shoulder, to her classmates. Flashing them a smile and she winked at them. Amused by how easily her brother and his friends believed her acting. The after school classes seemed to have some benefits after all. When Yi Young looked in front of her again, the tears streamed down her cheeks once again. 
  "Jun Pyo oppa~ Thank you, for standing up for me like you did," Yi Young muttered as they walked behind the other F4 members. 
  "From now on, you will have class with Soo Pyo. There is no way I am letting those idiots get to you again, don't be afraid of them anymore," Jun Pyo said as he tightened his grip around her shoulders as she pretended to collapse. They had quickly reached the private room of the F4 self, near the 'restaurant'-cafeteria. Yi Young was seated on the couch near the glass-wall.
  "Yi Young, we'll have your guard get you another outfit, don't worry about that. She will be back within half an hour," Ji Hoo said as he knelt in front of Yi Young, whiping her tears away. Yi Young shivered as it was rather cold. Woo Bin gave her his jacket upon seeing the vulnerable girl shiver from the cold. 
  "Yi Jeong will stay with you as we are going to deal with those kids," Woo Bin said as he flashed Yi Young a smile while ruffling through her hair. Yi Young slowly nodded, but as the three had left and only Yi Jeong was in the room with her, all her sadness disappeared. Tired of playing the sad, broken girl, Yi Young coldly stared into the eyes of her brother.
  "It was a play, after all. I already had been suspecting that of you," Yi Jeong said as he crossed his arms, staring coldly back into his dongseang's eyes. 
  "What had you expected? Had you expected me to wear our mother's dress to school? I had made sure to make a replica. You think I am that stupid to cry over a dress?" Yi Young fired back at her brother's cold words. 
  "I was getting tired of them, anyway. They are not in a way good for the school's image. Throwing with money to look the slighest bit pretty, don't you think they are pathetic, brother?" 
  "I had never expected you to actually do this. What a plot twist. The vulnerable, innocent girl finally shows her true self, a real cold-blooded person. You seem to be a lot like the old Jun Pyo, maybe even worse," Yi Jeong said as he sat down in front of her, on the other couch, facing her again.
  "You should know all along. Hadn't you agreed with father to put me through all that training? For what? Father has made me like this, there is no reason to blame me," Yi Young huffed as she rolled her eyes. With that comment she left her brother silent for the remaining time. They just stared at each other for at least twenty minutes, until her guard came back with another outfit. A short, frilled, chiffon, flower patterned, greenish loose skirt with a loose chiffon blouse with sleeves that reached just below her elbows. The blouse was loosely tucked in the skirt yet the edge of the skirt wasn't visible. With another pair of high heels, it looked absolutely amazing on Yi Young. Yi Young combed her hair so that it now hang loosely down her back, making her look completely different. 

After she had changed, Yi Young was leaded to her new homeroom, where there had been already placed a complete new desk with a new chair, which was way more comfortable than her previous desk and chair. Soo Pyo was seated behind his desk, confused about what happened since he had enjoyed his private classes. 
  "Yi Young will join you from now on," Jun Pyo quickly explained to his younger brother, before leaving again to continue his own classes. 

  "Hi," was the only word that Yi Young spoke as she walked to her seat and sat down. Hiding behind a book to avoid Soo Pyo's questions. 

A/N: Just for this chapter, and maybe the following I will choose to not use Yi Young's point of view. It will make the writing harder for me, yet I still believe I have to move on with this plot change. I hope you will all understand my choice.

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Chapter 9: This is a really good story! Please update soon ^^
Joseph27 #2
Chapter 9: Totally understands how she feels ;)
Joseph27 #3
Chapter 9: Its kindda addicting xD
Joseph27 #4
Chapter 9: Its kindda scary tat Yi Young changed from a innocent girl to a dramatic girl ><
But anyways, the story is pretty interesting!
Joseph27 #5
Chapter 9: Nice story! Please update soon!
JayStar #6
I love this story! Please update soon! :)
good story :) I love BoF! i don't get why those kids were still mean to here after finding out she's Yi Jeong's sister ... they should be terrified that Woo Bin might show up and go all Woooobin on them.
butterfly555 #8
omo i feel her now cause all she want is to be normal
butterfly555 #9
butterfly555 #10
i wounder why she didnt say her true name