Chapter 8

F4 dongsaengs

I sighed and jerked my arm back, now Yi Jeong did let go. I bowed towards my father and to Teacher Song before I changed my shoes without saying a word. 

"You better not do that again Yi Young. Or you'll be in big trouble." My father told me right before he left. Now he hated me as well. Great. I started to really love my life, not. After the music started and I started dancing the choreography teacher Song made, Yi Jeong left. He had this look, showing mixed emotions, which I didn't get. In his face I saw concerne but also anger. Those were one of the moments I really couldn't understand Yi Jeong. But back to the dance practice. First we danced hip-hop, for an hour, than ballet, for one and an half hours, and after that, jazz for another hour. I was exhausted when the music finally stopped. 
  After the last class, I barely made it to my room as my legs felt like jelly. I used the walls to keep me on my feet as I stumbled towards my room. Crossing path with Yi Jeong as I finally reached my room. 
  "Oh, thanks again, brother. I really appreciate what you did there," I growled sarcastically as I opened my door, stepped into my room and slammed the door close. I hadn't even waited for his answer, I couldn't care less. I kicked of my slippers, changed into my pyjamas and let myself fall onto my bed. Within seconds I was fast asleep.

The next day, when I woke up, my whole felt sore. After practicing that long without breaks, it wasn’t that strange that I barely could move that morning. Still, I knew I had to move to school. I had no other choice it seemed. I crawled out of bed as my maids shove away the curtains and let the sun shine into my bedroom. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and stumbled to the bathroom. Changing into my normal clothing as I did absolutely not feel like wearing my uniform today. And as younger sister of So Yi Jeong, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem. I put on a flower patterned, frill dress that reached just above my knees. Around my waist, I wore a strap belt from the same fabric as the dress itself, as it was blue colored, I put on blue knee socks. Putting on my high heels, I ignored my aching back and made my way towards the living room. Where Yi Jeong sat, reading a book. When he heard me entering the room, he looked up, flashing me a smile. As if nothing had happened last night. 

"Will you finally acknowledge that you are my younger sister?" Yi Jeong said as he studied my clothing. Before last night, I had never worn anything different than my school uniform while going to school. I had always worn my hair back in a knot, while I now had it hanging loosely down my back, showing its natural curls. 

"Ani. I will acknowledge whose daugther I am." I pursed my lips together, narrowing my eyes. Did he really think he was such a big deal? To me, he was no one anymore. 

"Will you ride with me?" Yi Jeong asked, flabbergasted by my previous reaction. I huffed.

"Don't act as if nothing happened last night, brother. You know I hate you right now. You finally realize you have pushed too far. You have lost me, right now. After what you did last night," I said as I looked him straight into the eyes. I swallowed hard before I continued speaking. "You still don't know what happened when you were in Sweden, do you? You still won't acknowledge that you had been ignoring me, when you were in Sweden."

Yi Jeong looked puzzled by my words. "What do you mean? What happened when I were in Sweden?"

I once again huffed. Would it actually matter to him? I wasn't sure.

"After practicing all evening, just like yesterday, I had this sudden pain in my lower back. It seemed as if someone had backstabbed me. Later it turned out I had Lumbar hyperlordosis. Because of my dance classes. Doctors said I should rest, but father wouldn't listen and forced me to continue. Upon that, I had gotten into a car accident, two years after you had left. Father still wouldn't let me rest. He has ruined my back, Yi Jeong. I am living on pills. He tells me I am no good to his family. He abused me, and you wouldn't hear a thing about it. I tried to forgive you, but it seems as if I am not able to forgive you. Not ever," I said as I still had my eyes on him. Just as I had expected, he couldn't bring out a word. I rolled my eyes, shook my head and without eating breakfast, I left to school. Last night, father had came to see me, telling me to cut down the amount of calories I was taking in each day. I was getting fat, he said. But with my mere 163 cm, I was already way underfed. I weighed around 35 kg, and he still wasn't happy. I had hoped with Yi Jeong returning from Sweden, I would be able to eat more, become healthy, but everything pointed at the opposite direction. Because of Yi Jeong, I was forced to stop eating fully. And he wouldn't give a damn about it. 

On the way to school, Yi Jeong had called several times, I had declined every single phone call of his. He should know how it felt to be ignored by your own sibling. It was a cruel thing, and then not to mention he had lived good, his whole life he had been able to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Even when I would want to go into my backyard, I had to ask permission from my father. Just because I wasn't good enough for him. 

At school, I simply ignored everyone. And anyone who wouldn't step out of my way, would regret it. I wasn't in the mood to keep playing the innocent commoner. Not anymore. I was about to make them all know what kind of person I truly was. What my father had made me, and they sure wouldn't like it. Neither did I.

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Chapter 9: This is a really good story! Please update soon ^^
Joseph27 #2
Chapter 9: Totally understands how she feels ;)
Joseph27 #3
Chapter 9: Its kindda addicting xD
Joseph27 #4
Chapter 9: Its kindda scary tat Yi Young changed from a innocent girl to a dramatic girl ><
But anyways, the story is pretty interesting!
Joseph27 #5
Chapter 9: Nice story! Please update soon!
JayStar #6
I love this story! Please update soon! :)
good story :) I love BoF! i don't get why those kids were still mean to here after finding out she's Yi Jeong's sister ... they should be terrified that Woo Bin might show up and go all Woooobin on them.
butterfly555 #8
omo i feel her now cause all she want is to be normal
butterfly555 #9
butterfly555 #10
i wounder why she didnt say her true name