Chapter 7

F4 dongsaengs

"Ah, it was about time we saw your face here again, Yi Young." Jun Pyo said and he smiled teasingly.
"It's good to see you again, too oppa." I chuckled and hugged Jun Pyo. It had been months since my last visit to his mansion. While I hugged Jun Pyo I heard someone cough behind me.

"Oppa? Jun Pyo hyung, since when can a commoner call you oppa? Jan Di noona doesn't even calls you like that.." Soo Pyo stated. I closed my eyes out of frustration, why did that stupid Soo Pyo even bothered how I called his hyung? That wasn't any of his business. 

"Since I feel like she is my dongseang." Jun Pyo said. Though, I really appreciated what Jun Pyo said, I couldn't stand his younger brother, especially not after a whole day school.

"Since I am not wanted here by some, I'll be leaving first then." I bowed and greeted them as I walked away. Walking towards the bus or something. Yes, I actually went with the bus sometimes. I shook my head, slightly dissapointed in Soo Pyo.
"So Yi Young! Where are you going?" Yi Jeong called after me. I turned around while putting a fake smile on my face, the one I normally had on my face, yes that was a fake one. I had lost the ability to smile a very long time ago.

"I still have my after classes and homework. Remember?" I turned around again and decided to go take a walk instead of going with the bus, that if I would burst out in tears, it wouldn't be as much emberassing than when it would be in the bus. When I passed the gates I could hear Yi Jeong yell something at Soo Pyo.

"This was the first time in months, she wasn't working, and you have to ruin it the same second she arrives?" Yi Jeong sounded dissapointed. Even I could hear that through his voice. 

While I was walking home, which easily took for like, an hour, it started to rain. I had the feeling as if I was playing in some sort of drama. When I finally reached our house, Yi Jeong and Ga Eul were standing next to his car, underneath an umbrella of course. 

"Bwo? " I was so irritated that I just walked passed them as they looked at me, the fact that I was soaking wet didn't help with getting Yi Jeong calm again.

"Where have you been? And why are you soaking wet? You could take the bus!" Yi Jeong almost yelled, as if he could make me listen better with yelling at me.

"I have been walking home, through the rain so please shut up!" I yelled back as I slammed the door closed behind me and walked upstairs, to my room. So I could either take a shower or just put on some dry clothes. When I finished showering I realized I had a lot of homework I had to do for the day after. But I didn't feel like making it, neither was I in the mood to go dancing, singing or any other after classes. After half an hour someone knocked on the door of my room.

 "Who's there?"
 "Yi Young, you have to come out of that bloody room of yours now and go to your classes!" I heard Yi Jeong yell on the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes.
 "I'm not going." I simply answered. Why was I always the one without freedom, privacy and lack of sleep? I had to suffer because of my father and my brother.
 "What do you mean you're not going?! You have too!" 
 "Says who?" I was testing my brother a little. Knowing that if Ga Eul still was with him, he would let it slip, but Ga Eul wasn't with him, so after a couple times refusing to open my door, he eventually just broke it open and dragged me to the dance studio. Not giving a damn about my opinion. No, just doing what he liked himself. 

"Yi Jeong! I'm done with my classes! I can't take them anymore! I'm done!"
 "You're done with your classes when we say so. And that's not now. So go and train! Or you'll get grounded." I huffed  when Yi Jeong told me that. I already was grounded for the 15 years I had been alive. Since I could walk, I followed ballet class, one year later jazz, hip-hop and other kinds, when I could talk I was sent to singing class, when I could read I had to go to piano, violin and guitar class. The only class I choose myself was when I was 10, which was pottery. The others were all chosen for me. Already signed in on when I was still in my mother's belly. I was getting angry now. Grounding me, what was the difference between me being grounded and living my life by the rules made for me?
 "Yi Jeong!~ Since the day I was born I am already grounded! Do you know any friends from my age? No? Well, guess what, neither do I! I never lived a normal life like you did. I'm almost 16 years old and I've never been to a playground out of the bounderies of our property." I struggled against Yi Jeong's grip around my arm, but when we reached the dancing studio, I saw my father there. Knowing that if I would still struggle against Yi Jeong's grip I would have a much longer day. Not getting anything to eat, being locked up in my room, the power turned off. Like that, untill the next when I have to go to school again.

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Chapter 9: This is a really good story! Please update soon ^^
Joseph27 #2
Chapter 9: Totally understands how she feels ;)
Joseph27 #3
Chapter 9: Its kindda addicting xD
Joseph27 #4
Chapter 9: Its kindda scary tat Yi Young changed from a innocent girl to a dramatic girl ><
But anyways, the story is pretty interesting!
Joseph27 #5
Chapter 9: Nice story! Please update soon!
JayStar #6
I love this story! Please update soon! :)
good story :) I love BoF! i don't get why those kids were still mean to here after finding out she's Yi Jeong's sister ... they should be terrified that Woo Bin might show up and go all Woooobin on them.
butterfly555 #8
omo i feel her now cause all she want is to be normal
butterfly555 #9
butterfly555 #10
i wounder why she didnt say her true name