Is This A Proposal?

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Seulgi had ask her carrot-haired unnie about how to get rid of ‘jealousy’ – unfortunately, the only way to soothe the pain from jealousy was getting extra attention from her girlfriend. Seulgi then remembered how Joohyun acted all cold and distant towards her that day. Byulyi was a little worried if Joohyun actually starting to get tired of letting Seulgi off.

Though Seulgi still hadn’t admit her feelings for Joohyun, Byulyi was aware that the younger girl wouldn’t want for Joohyun to leave her side now. Maybe not ever. But hearing from Seulgi’s story, it looked like Joohyun does seemed very upset with Seulgi.

Zero text, less talk, less attention and of course, no kisses—which is something Joohyun always does, according to Seulgi’s words. It’s cute how Seulgi pouted even more at the mention of getting no goodnight kiss, not even a goodnight greeting for her. She exaggerated it by saying Joohyun may already stop caring about her. But Byulyi knew better, as long as Joohyun didn’t ask for a break up, she’s still giving Seulgi her chance to fix her wrongdoings. She’s still hoping for Seulgi to come to her senses—perhaps, her treatment towards Seulgi that day was the result of having to endure it all for months. Seulgi never meant to hurt her, she can barely even hurt a fly, but months of having a non-special treatment from a lover will eventually hurt you. Byulyi knew that much.

“How can I get Joohyun’s attention when she hates me?”

Byulyi held back a chuckle. It’s funny how Seulgi becomes so extra insecure and will exaggerate literally anything related to her girlfriend. She doesn’t mind it that much because it is Seulgi. Does it really need for Byulyi to remind everyone that Seulgi is lacking a lot of relationship knowledge? It’s been mentioned like a million times here.

“For the nth time, she doesn’t hate you.” Seulgi keeps pouting, slumping down on to the cushion again. “I’m afraid right now you can’t focus on being jealous. Because you need to let Joohyun know that you care enough about being with her. And that you never meant to hurt her—because trust me, she was hurt and she’s not going to let you know.”

Seulgi bit her lower lip. “Why won’t she? She should’ve just told me.”

“I think that’s for you to make her talk. In fact, you two should have a serious long talk about your relationship.”

“What should I do? Just ask?”

“Well, I mean that could work too but with so little effort you’ve been giving in this relationship… Maybe courting her the right way is going to help you better. After all, you guys kind of skipped that stage. While I personally think getting through a courting stage is important.”

Seulgi has never been so quick to agree on Byulyi’s suggestion. She doesn’t even think when she asked Byulyi on how to court someone like Joohyun. It was a little surprising that Seulgi looked pretty excited with this courting plan.

“You look uncharacteristically very excited now.” Byulyi commented with a smirk.

Seulgi only shrug casually, “I guess I am. It’s probably because this has something to do with Joohyun. The way she acted today bothered me a lot, and I know you can tell.”

“Too easy to tell just from hearing your desperate tone over the phone.” She gave away her teasing smile before sighing loudly. “Alright, so tell me how much do you know about her. What she likes and dislikes, her hobbies, habits. Just everything you know about Joohyun.”

Seulgi started listing things she knew about her girlfriend. Now that she’s listing every one of them, Seulgi realized she actually know quite many things about Joohyun. She hasn’t quite pay that much attention but she even knows the little details like how Joohyun would tuck a strand of hair behind her ear when Seulgi complimented her about something. How Joohyun always use a kissy face emoji at the first and last message. She knows Joohyun works a few part-time jobs but Seulgi admitted Joohyun never exactly told her nor Seulgi ever go out of her way to ask. How Joohyun would rather have physical contact with Seulgi at all times, using various excuses even when Seulgi isn’t asking anything.

Byulyi cutting it in saying, “She’s probably trying to not look too clingy. You know, some people isn’t really fond of their partner being clingy. And she knows you’re not a person with many skinship, thus she came up with these unasked excuses.”

The first time was when they were on a train.

It was packed as it was a busy day. Both Seulgi and Joohyun got no seats and they have no choice but to stand along with other people. It was hard to move around with this many people. Seulgi was reaching for a handle to keep herself steady when she felt smaller arms circling around her middle. “It’s too tall. Can I just hold you instead?” Joohyun said in a small voice, wanting no one but Seulgi to hear it.

With a smile, Seulgi lets her. It was a little too hot but Seulgi could care less. She’d rather suffer in the hot temperature than letting Joohyun be tossed around in the train—the older girl was tiny, okay.

Second time was when they were waiting for a bus.

They were walking to a bus stop, only in a few more steps when Joohyun takes her hand in hers. They keep holding-hand while waiting at the bus stop, a little around five minutes. “Have I told you that you have warm hands? I was feeling a little cold. I hope it’s okay if I keep holding your hand.” Joohyun’s head was down, looking at their joined hands, her other hand is playing with Seulgi’s hand that’s within hers already.

With the same smile, Seulgi lets her. This time with a little worry written on her face, Seulgi turns to face her and takes Joohyun’s other hand in hers, rubbing them together softly to create heat. A heat that creeps all the way up to Joohyun’s cheeks because they were suddenly changing color.

Third time was when they were in a car ride with Seulgi’s emergency driver.

Seulgi lets Joohyun lay her head on Seulgi’s broad shoulder. “I’m…a little sleepy. Is this okay?” Joohyun said and asked, Seulgi nods and told her to sleep. “Don’t forget to wake me up.” Then she snuggles even closer, doing as much as circling her arm around Seulgi’s middle—she may as well be hugging her—as she adjusted herself into a much more comfortable position with her head still resting on Seulgi’s shoulder.

A smile made its way on Seulgi’s lips because this actually feels nice and the smell of lavender coming from Joohyun—it’s Joohyun’s favorite scent—is calming her down in the most soothing way. She let a loose arm goes around Joohyun’s shoulders, hoping that it will help making Joohyun warm because like Joohyun said, Seulgi’s temperature is weirdly warmer than anyone else’s she met.

Seulgi took a note. She smiles thinking that if that were true, Seulgi thinks it was kind of cute. And she doesn’t forget to tell Byulyi that she looked like a love expert right now because honestly, Byulyi sounded like she really knows what she’s saying. But then again, she’s saying this because she’s been into a few relationships.

“Honestly, with all this knowledge you have about her… I don’t think it’s hard for you to court her—plus, she’s already in love with you in the first place. Winning her the right way will be a piece of cake, trust me.” Byulyi lets out a relief sigh. “You know I was preparing myself to break down every single thing in perfect detail just so you can understand.”

Seulgi smiles apologetically, “But… I still don’t know what to do.”

The older girl returns it with an encouraging smile. “Ditch work for a day and take her to a nice date—not too much, just a nice simple date, you know.”

Seulgi starts asking Byulyi for references. A good place for the date and all and she also ask what do people usually do on a date because all this time, Seulgi and Joohyun dates only consist of reading books and eat together while exchanging small chats here and there. Byulyi made a disgusted face when Seulgi mentioned ‘reading books’ – “Still can’t believe that’s actually a real thing happened between you guys.”

It was late in the night when Seulgi decided she’ll be going back to her place. Byulyi and Yongsun (who just finished her super long phone call after nearly two hours straight) offered Seulgi to stay the night because it was already so late, but Seulgi declined politely. She thanked both her unnies for their time and mostly Byulyi for being so patient in handling her and of course, all the advices.

Byulyi didn’t forget to remind Seulgi that she needs to be at Joohyun’s door even earlier than today (to prevent the earlier incident as well). She also added, “Flowers.”

“—And chocolates.” Yongsun added.

“Yeah, chocolates. Or anything she likes, to be honest.”

When she’s sure she took note of everything already, she waves the two of them goodbye and went back to her place. Her memory was still fresh from the long talk she had with Byulyi, Seulgi decided to store them into an actual note in her smartphone. She can’t risk forgetting a single step for her first real date with Joohyun.

Seulgi set an alarm and she woke up five minutes before the clock even make a single noise.


Seulgi got her whole plan for today. She knows she had enough of self-encouragement this morning and from both her unnies last night. She made up her mind to court Joohyun and ask her on a date and they will have a serious talk about their relationship. Seulgi needed to know what Joohyun has been feeling since they started to date and she wants Joohyun to know that she’s sorry for hurting her, even though it was completely unintentional—Seulgi would never even think about hurting someone as lovely as Bae Joohyun.

So, here she was. Standing in front of her girlfriend’s dormitory building. Countless pair of eyes and murmurs here and there are falling into Seulgi’s deaf ears—she has something more important that needs her attention than people’s curiosities. Everyone must be questioning Seulgi’s intention to stand in front of the building, holding a bouquet of flowers and something else on the other. Most of them swoons over her, some others only spare her a look of curiosity, but Seulgi knew all of them were questioning the same thing: “Who is the girl Seulgi wanted to see?”

Seulgi takes one deep breath before entering the building. She spotted a random girl and was ready to ask when she caught a glimpse of someone familiar. That someone turns around and as she steps away, Seulgi did a quick jog while calling out her name.


At the mention of her name, Wendy stops and whips her head back. Her first respond was a really loud gasp. Apparently, Wendy never expected Kang Seulgi to run towards her with that blinding eyesmile while calling out her name, right where a few students are passing by in this very hall of dormitory.

Wendy can practically feel the way some of them looks at their way, Wendy’s way, and assuming different things involving she and Kang Seulgi. “That’s the girl? Tsk.” Wendy fought the urge to roll her eyes. Meanwhile, Seulgi being oblivious to her surrounding only stops when she’s finally a step away from the half-Canadian girl. She only noticed it now that they’re standing face to face, Wendy was so small—maybe even smaller than Joohyun and Joohyun is already so tiny—

“Whoa. You’re Kang Seulgi.” Wendy voiced, trying to grasp the idea of Kang Seulgi standing in front of her, in the flesh. Wendy wasn’t someone who would take time and observe those who are always the topic of the whole campus (especially Kang Seulgi). She always thought Seulgi was a fine and nice human being and it is no lie that her eyesmile is so hard to beat but to actually meeting her right now… She wonders how could she missed it. Wendy’s starting to see that Seulgi is definitely a work of art.

God must have taken His time creating her.

“Yes,” Seulgi’s voice woke her from her trance. “You must be Wendy. Joohyun’s best friend, right?”

Joohyun! Right. Wendy noticed the bouquet of flowers. Roses? Seulgi’s other hand was occupied with a paperbag and Wendy might be a little bit curious to know what’s inside. “Yeah… You know my name so I’m guessing Irene told you about me?” Seulgi nods, smiling. Irene was right.

She clearly wasn’t kidding when she mentioned that Seulgi smiles all the time. “Are you going to Joohyun’s room? C, can I come along?”

Wendy would say yes but she hesitated with how Seulgi talks. She sounded as if she’s asking for Wendy’s permission when clearly she doesn’t n

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹