Unpleasant Feeling

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Seulgi woke up feeling better because she remembered how she has a plan to see Joohyun at her dorm and take her to her building. It's still a little foreign to her, the idea to start treating Joohyun the right way, only takes a simple act of taking Joohyun to her building. But Seulgi already made up her mind. Whatever suggestion Byulyi has for the better outcome in her relationship, Seulgi would do it willingly.

Seulgi was done preparing. She's dressed with a white button up shirt and a pair of skinny black jeans, she feels like going casual today knowing she will start doing a few things that can make Joohyun smile. Seulgi likes her smile.

She grabbed her car keys and head out of her apartment but not before checking her phone and expecting a morning text from Joohyun. Unfortunately, she had none. Maybe Joohyun is still asleep. After all, Seulgi did wake up earlier than usual.

She didn’t let her thought linger and decided to drive to Joohyun's dormitory building.

Her plan was to wait in front of the building and wait until her girlfriend come out. So, she purposely parked the car nearby Joohyun’s dormitory building. The second Seulgi turned off the car’s engine, a familiar figure of her girlfriend walked out of the building. Seulgi found herself frowning when she sees that someone else was walking with Joohyun. They look close and Seulgi knew she's seen whoever that is next to Joohyun before. She's one of Joohyun's friends. Seulgi sometimes caught a glimpse of Joohyun sitting at the café in their campus with two other girls. She doesn’t know their names but she knows they’re definitely the ones who often hang out with Joohyun.

Seulgi felt something sting a little at the sight of Joohyun and her friend.

Perhaps, this is just how two friendly girls acting around each other? But Seulgi doesn’t quite like the view she’s looking right now. Joohyun was walking with her friend, her arms linked around her friend in an almost affectionate way—maybe even similar to how she would do it with Seulgi, but Seulgi somehow knew Joohyun looked way more comfortable doing it with her friend, even though a cute pout is adorning her seemingly near bare face (Seulgi had no idea how, but she can see Joohyun is wearing lesser make up today and yet, still looking as pretty as ever). It didn’t help at all with how her friend pulled something out of her bag, a drink and smiled charmingly at Joohyun while offering it. Joohyun beamed—she looks pretty—and tugged her friend closer as she takes the drink from her friend’s grasp.

Seulgi hadn’t realized how hard she’s been clenching her fist around the steering wheel and how her heart rate seemed to picked up a faster face all the while she’s watching Joohyun and her friend. It’s weird how Seulgi feels so disturbed with the image of Joohyun looking so carefree with her friend… She knew it was a lot more than she ever does with Seulgi and Seulgi couldn’t explain it. Seulgi admitted she likes Joohyun when she smiles but right now she wanted her to stop smiling.

It feels like someone just stole her head start.

She shakes her head and started her engine again.

There’s no point of being here any longer.

Seulgi parked her car at her usual spot nearby the art department instead. She checked her phone again before getting out of her car. Sighing deeply, she was met with no single message from Joohyun. She couldn’t help a frown thinking, did she forget…? The earlier image of Joohyun enjoying her friend’s company flashed and Seulgi suddenly got the urge to punch something. She doesn’t like it.

For the first time, Seulgi feels hard to keep smiling throughout her entire classes. Ever since what she witnessed this early morning, Seulgi has been struggling to put on a façade and she doesn’t get it at all. Why suddenly smiling became such a hard thing to do? It did frustrate her a little and though it was hard, she still managed to not let anyone be suspicious.

By the end of her last class for the day, Seulgi was quick to head for the library to meet Joohyun.

Yes, this time, Seulgi’s first motive to head to the library is to meet Joohyun. She doesn’t need to wait for Joohyun’s text. She knows the girl would come and see Seulgi there. It’s like an unspoken deal.

“After the last class, let’s meet up at the library.” – and Seulgi likes it.

At the thought of seeing Joohyun, Seulgi wants to pick up her pace walking in the campus corridor until a familiar sight putting Seulgi into an abrupt halt. Seulgi’s jaw tightened and her eyebrows starting to crease hard. Joohyun was just a few meters from where Seulgi is standing, just across the small park in the middle of the building. She’s once again seen with her friend and that friend was the same girl who took Joohyun to her class even when they’re not from the same building—Seulgi caught a glimpse of her when she’s heading to class, that friend was from the music department.

Seulgi find herself rooted in her spot, looking at Joohyun and her friend exchanging words. Seulgi can barely see the look on either of their faces but she figured something probably happened. Whatever happened, Seulgi was sure she didn’t like the sight of Joohyun’s friend taking one of her hands. But what makes it worse was when Joohyun stepped forward and throw her arms around her friend.

Ouch. She felt the hard tug inside her, like something punch her right in the chest. …it hurts.

But Seulgi remained calm even when her fists clenching once again. It didn’t stop with just a hug Joohyun initiated. The moment Joohyun pulled away, her friend said something that made Joohyun giggled. It was true that Seulgi couldn’t see their faces from this distance, but something about the way Joohyun’s friend treating Joohyun is giving Seulgi a sense of discomfort and a little bit of dislike. It shows with the way her friend patting her head before they parted ways.

Seeing Joohyun heading towards the library, Seulgi ran—yes, she actually ran to meet Joohyun halfway. And almost like Seulgi didn’t even frown almost a second ago, she offered Joohyun her charming smile because just seeing Joohyun actually can make Seulgi smile. I told you it comes naturally.

“I, um… I saw you earlier with your friend.”

Seulgi doesn’t get it.

What was happening to her? Why was she stuttering? She suppressed her thoughts when Joohyun told her name. It’s ‘Wendy’ – Seulgi kept asking about Wendy because she suddenly have the urge to know who this Wendy is and maybe even find out how are they so close. Wendy was just a nickname; her Korean name is ‘Son Seungwan’ – as Joohyun told her.

Seulgi almost frown with how Joohyun answering her question shortly. Almost as if she’s pissed about something. Seulgi couldn’t tell. When she told Joohyun that they seemed close (because it almost seemed like Joohyun is dating Wendy instead of Seulgi), Joohyun really look like she’s pissed. But Seulgi is starting to get a little upset too, but for what reason, Seulgi still doesn’t know.

And she doesn’t want Joohyun to get more pissed than this so Seulgi only smiles wider when Joohyun offered to get Wendy’s number for Seulgi. She also told Seulgi that they’re born in the same year, she thinks Seulgi and Wendy would get along well.

But at the back of Seulgi’s mind is saying, do I really want to be friends with Wendy?

“Wow, that’s cool.” – was how Seulgi responded to her girlfriend.

Honestly, Seulgi doubts she wants to be friends with Wendy.

Mainly because Seulgi remembers how much seeing Wendy with Joohyun being so close with each other is giving her heart that stinging sensation. Seulgi isn’t quite fond of it but maybe she can try talk to Wendy if Joohyun introduce them the next time. Maybe I should also tell her to not get too close with Joohyun. She keep the plan in mind for later.

They have yet another together time at the library.

But Seulgi couldn’t concentrate. She was actually starting to feel a little worried about Joohyun. She was so used to having Joohyun paying her attention at Seulgi even when she’s busy finishing a book. This time, however, Joohyun isn’t paying that much attention towards Seulgi. Almost as if Joohyun was trying to hold herself from doing it.

What happened…? This completely takes most of Seulgi’s concentration.

After an hour and a half, Seulgi glanced at Joohyun and feels guilty for keeping her. Maybe Joohyun is hungry. So, Seulgi decided to put a stop in reading and quickly stood up from her seat, signaling Joohyun that they’re going out to eat now.

“You don’t have a meeting today?” Joohyun asked, as they’re nearing the car.

Seulgi nods, giving her yet another smile. Her mood lifted a little bit knowing Joohyun still strike something to talk about. “Yeah, no meeting today.” She said, but unfortunately, Joohyun didn’t ask further.

Seulgi noticed how Joohyun is more silent today. Or maybe she barely has the energy to talk much because she’s very hungry. Seulgi almost slap her own forehead for taking too much time at the library and making Joohyun starve. Feeling the guilt start to eat her up, Seulgi rushed to the driver’s seat and start the car. We need to get to the restaurant fast. Joohyun is starving because of me. Ah, stupid bear!

Even though the whole ride was filled with a strange uncomfortable silence, Seulgi tries to endure it all the while. She understands if Joohyun became a little moody and decided to not have any conversation with Seulgi. She purposely focuses on taking the to the nearest fine restaurant. Joohyun looked as if she was about to throw some tantrum at any moment now.

They arrived at the restaurant and Seulgi couldn’t hold the smile on her face when Joohyun grasp her hand that soon her arms engulfing Seulgi’s. After witnessing Joohyun doing this with her friend as well, Seulgi starting to feel how special it is to have Joohyun holding her arm and keeping her close. Maybe Joohyun is being possessive again and wanted everyone around them to notice that Seulgi is her girlfriend.

At the thought, Seulgi’s smile brightened.

Her mood once again being lifted, especially right now she’s going to finally treat her starving girlfriend. Joohyun didn’t argue when Seulgi offered to pay for their meal, she must be very hungry. She innocently assumed. But after halfway through their meal, Seulgi glanced at Joohyun who eats in silence. She doesn’t steal glances at Seulgi, instead her eyes are only looking down at her food. Seulgi almost ask Joohyun if she doesn’t like the food or if she feels unwell—a little paranoid after that indigestion incident on their first date. But Joohyun continues eating, remained unbothered, until she finished her food.

They finished almost at the same time, Seulgi finished first (obviously) – but she expected Joohyun to finish first because isn’t she starving earlier? And that’s when she realized how Wendy held Joohyun’s hand a few hours ago. Seulgi did suspect something happen. Seulgi wonders if it’s anything personal, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s someone who likes to in someone else’s personal problems.

But this is actually making Seulgi worry.

Seulgi watches Joohyun wiping the corner of and Seulgi already has the question at the tip of her tongue until Joohyun tells her, “Can you take me back now?”

Now, something definitely happened.

She swallowed her intention to ask and agrees to Joohyun’s request. Seulgi expected the car ride to be filled with dead silence as well as when they’re on the way to the restaurant earlier. So, for once, Seulgi gather up her courage and ask about Joohyun about her day.

“So, how’s your day?” Seulgi hopes with this, Joohyun would tell her what’s been bothering her that she’s acting so distant like this.

But unfortunately, all she got was another short reply.

“Just like any other day.”

Seulgi wanted to ask more questions. She doesn’t like how Joohyun became distant like this. It’s almost they’re strangers. Joohyun never treated her like a stranger, since the moment they introduced each other properly, Joohyun has always been treating her like a lover. So, for her suddenly giving such a cold and distant treatment towards Seulgi all in a sudden, making Seulgi begs for so many questions.

What was wrong…?

Was it something Seulgi said or did? Was she just stressed with her classes? Was it something related to Wendy? Was Wendy comforting her that time? Or was it the other way around? That’s why Joohyun hugged Wendy? She can only hope to get the answers for all the questions that’s been lingering in her head because Seulgi just doesn’t know how to bring all of them right now.

She only left stealing a few small look at Joohyun.

“We’re here.” Seulgi announced quietly, her lips.

When Joohyun looks at her, Seulgi smiles and for a second all her worries are gone when Joohyun smiles back at her. She thanked Seulgi for the ride and dinner. And just stay there, looking at each other’s eyes. In truth, Seulgi was waiting. Anticipating. She doesn’t know what was going on in Joohyun’s head right now, she looks as if she was going to say something to Seulgi.

Yet she didn’t. It’s okay, it wasn’t what Seulgi was anticipated for anyway.

But it’s not okay either because even after Joohyun undo her seatbelt, Joohyun didn’t do what Seulgi was waiting for either. The kiss. The one thing Seulgi was nervous about even up until now. Joohyun would always kiss her cheek when they see each other and before they part. But realizing how Joohyun goes straight to open her door and ready to step outside of Seulgi’s car without giving Seulgi a parting kiss, Seulgi also remembered how Joohyun didn’t kiss her at all when they met earlier nearby the library.

There is just another question to add in her head.

Why didn’t she? Didn’t she tell me that it’s important…?

And because Seulgi already grew so accustomed by it, having Joohyun skipping that one was just too suspicious. Joohy

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹