Closure? Closure.

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Seulgi directed Joohyun to the small foldable chair, asked her to sit down and wait while she grabs something from the backseat. Like Joohyun expected, Seulgi came back with a picnic bag and a grin on her face. She looks quite excited for some reason, it was really adorable in Joohyun's eyes. She tries to hide away her desire to kiss the bear-like girl for now, maybe some other time after they have a serious talk.

"Um, I know this is not healthy at all but I wanted to get your favorite so…" Seulgi opened the picnic bag and pulled out a box of pizza. Joohyun beams at it. "I bought us pizza." She announced with a somewhat nervous smile. "I remember you told me that it’s your favorite. It surprises me knowing you sometimes ask me to eat my vegetables and yet your favorite is as unhealthy as pizza.”

Seulgi only needs to do so little to make Joohyun falls for her and right now she’s doing so much. So much that Joohyun doesn’t even know what to say. It makes her happy knowing Seulgi did remember her favorite. She even remembers how once she told Seulgi to eat her vegetables in one of their dinner dates.

“Don't worry, I've made sure there is no chicken in it." She doesn’t even need to ask about that. Seulgi really took notes of her.

And Joohyun smiles appreciatively at that.

Seulgi doesn't wait for Joohyun's reply when she pulled out a box of tissue, two plastic cups and a bottle of coke. She uncapped the bottle and starts pouring it into the two cups, handing one to Joohyun and then proceed to take a slice of the pizza. Once again, nervously glancing at Joohyun before bringing the pizza towards her lips.

"Uh... Say 'ahh'?" She awkwardly asked.

And Joohyun couldn't hide her laughter anymore as she just burst out laughing at Seulgi's poor nervous attempt to feed Joohyun. Oh god, she was so awkward! Seulgi looks away out of embarrassment.

She mutters, "Sorry, this is definitely harder than I thought. I don't know why I suddenly got so nervous."

"Yeah, I can see that." Joohyun lets out a few small chuckles. "You're...trying hard, I see. It does look a little forced but it's okay. You still look really cute so that makes up for the awkwardness." She smiles again and leans forward to take a bite from the pizza in Seulgi's hold. She couldn't help the blush, however.

Seulgi was quicker when she reached out the tissue for Joohyun. She's really trying hard. Joohyun mutters a soft thank you before wiping the corner of her lips. She gestured Seulgi to take her seat on the other unoccupied chair next to Joohyun because why would she kneel right there when there's an empty seat for her? Seulgi obliged.

"First, put down the pizza."

Seulgi frowns, "W, why? Do you not like it?"

"No, I like it. I like it very much, I even would like to know where did you bought it but first, I want us to relax. Get it?"

"We're relaxing now...aren't we?"

"We are but you're nervous. And I want you to relax with me too. You've set up a great late-night picnic for us and I want you to enjoy it with me." Joohyun pauses and Seulgi waits for her. She her lips and bites her lower one. Her eyes looking down at her lap. "I know what you're doing. I can see what you're trying to do, Seulgi. And I appreciate it so much...but it's still our date. I can't be the only one enjoying it."

"Alright, but I still want to feed you."

Joohyun chuckles, "You don't have to. You can do it once you feel comfortable enough to do so with me." But those words weren't enough to stop Seulgi's will. The bear-like girl asked for Joohyun to take another bite, she took it.

"You don't want me to?" She waited until Joohyun swallowed the food.

"I just don't want you try something that will make you uncomfortable, Seulgi." Joohyun explained after gulping her second bite.

"I don't feel uncomfortable, I'm just awkward at first. Plus, in case I haven't tell you, you are very pretty and sometimes it makes me nervous." Joohyun was taken aback. She choked and Seulgi was quick to give her a drink. Joohyun couldn't believe Seulgi actually feel nervous just because of how pretty Joohyun is. Wow. "Besides, Byulyi-unnie said when someone you like is feeding you, the food will taste ten times (maybe more) better. And I want to do it for you... She said whenever her girlfriend does that, she would feel special and spoiled. I want to spoil you, Joohyun."

Hearing that, it gives Joohyun another fluttery feeling inside her chest. She smiles, "And why's that? Suddenly you're pulling all these stunts for me. You promised you'd tell me."

"I did." Seulgi feed her again, now she seems more relaxed. Joohyun watched Seulgi taking a drink before facing Joohyun only to feed her again.

If she has to be honest, Joohyun feels so spoiled right now. Seulgi was being so sweet that it is still so very hard to believe completely. She knows now that the stunts she did today was from her Byulyi-unnie. But she also knows Seulgi did all of this because she wanted to, not because someone told her to. Unfortunately, Joohyun has a small concern about this. She's afraid if Seulgi did this out of guilt, not because she wanted to try developing feelings for her. If she really did, then Joohyun will make sure Seulgi doesn't need to bother herself anymore.

Great, now Joohyun is far too curious of Seulgi's real reason.

"So, is it true?" Seulgi suddenly asked.

Joohyun raises an eyebrow, "What is?"

"That it tastes better when I feed you."

Joohyun giggles at how straightforward Seulgi is acting right now. Her face shows a clear curiosity, as if she's trying to find a logical explanation if it were really true what her unnie told her. Joohyun could tell her a lie just for her own amusement, but Seulgi's innocence preventing her.

"Well, it still tastes like an expensive pizza."

She almost missed how Seulgi's face fell. "Oh..."

"You see, the food tastes the same. But I feel something inside my chest. It's like you're feeling extremely happy and there’s this fluttery feeling inside your chest that maybe gets you overwhelmed too. It was a great feeling nonetheless." Seulgi frowns, tilting her head. "I think what she meant by ‘it tastes better’ wasn't exactly the food. She must talk about the feeling that person felt when someone they like feed them."

"Then..." Seulgi looks at her seriously, Joohyun almost got startled. "You must like me a lot."

Joohyun's eyes soften. "Liking you is an understatement, Kang Seulgi."

Seulgi didn't talk back and continue feeding Joohyun. She even sometimes wipes the corner of Joohyun's lips when Joohyun moved too slow to do it herself. Fifteen minutes later, Joohyun have finished two slices of pizza before telling Seulgi that she's already full. "I don't think I can finish all of this." She admitted to Seulgi who only smiles.

"Are you sure? Not one more slice?" Joohyun pouts on impulse while shaking her head cutely. "Okay then. Oh, I forgot, do you want some fries?"

Well, if it's only fries, Joohyun can totally serve another place for them. She nods, "Yes, but let me get it myself." She stood up from her seat and from the corner of her eye, she saw Seulgi about to lift the pizza box. Joohyun stops her. "W, wait,"


"Are you going to throw them away?" Joohyun have seen people who are always spending money on food yet when they can't finish them, they will throw it away. Honestly, Joohyun isn't quite fond of that idea. She thinks she might be able to eat one more slice.

But Seulgi shook her head. "Of course not. I'm going to finish them all. Perhaps, I was too busy feeding you that I forgot to feed myself." She said sheepishly, her eyes disappearing with her smile.

There are four slices left and they're not small at all. That's also why Joohyun felt full with only two slices of pizza. She watched Seulgi who starts digging in, almost messily. Seulgi didn't rush after Joohyun told her to slow down. She let the bear-like girl munching her pizza, every now and then she also takes the fries and Joohyun realized how big is Seulgi's appetite. It is quite satisfying watching her eat her food. The way Seulgi eats right now is a little different than when they're at the restaurant. Like she said, it was a bit messier with how she doesn't close when she's chewing food. It's cute, it's really cute.

Joohyun tears her eyes away from Seulgi for a bit, to look up the sky.

How the moon shines so brightly and the stares keeping it company through this peaceful night.

It's beautiful.

Seulgi have really done it. This is so far has been a great date. "Mind telling me where exactly are we right now? I doubt I've seen this place anywhere around Seoul before."

The younger girl took a drink before answering. "Honestly, I don't know too."

"What?" Joohyun whips her head towards Seulgi. How could she doesn't know where are they? Oh god, how are they going to go back now? "Seulgi, if you're joking now. Stop it. It's not funny." Joohyun threatened seriously.

But Seulgi only shrugs, "I'm not joking, but no worries!" Seulgi almost choke for talking while chewing her food. Joohyun came to the rescue by giving her a drink and pats her back gently. Seulgi did get a scold from her girlfriend.

"Swallow first, then talk."

Seulgi nods, gulping her drink again before smiling at Joohyun. Perhaps, it supposed to make Joohyun stop worrying about everything. "We're still in Seoul." She said. Honestly, that didn't sound any better. None of them actually knows where they are.

"How did you even find this place?"

"Byulyi-unnie sent me the location. I was just following the GPS to this exact location. She said it is a very secluded place, it has the perfect view of the clear night sky and no one is going to interrupt us here." Seulgi explained with that cute smile of hers that Joohyun had trouble being a little angry.

She just can't, Seulgi is far too cute. After all, she did point out those things. The place is perfect to have some alone time—um, well, to talk of course. Joohyun shakes her head to get rid of those unnecessary thoughts. Not now, Joohyun! You're here to talk! She sighs, "At least your Byulyi-unnie knows we're here. Um, how long are we staying here?" She looks at Seulgi who is munching her third pizza.

The latter tilts her head again—she needs to stop doing that, does she know how cute she is when she does that?

"The whole night?"

It's Joohyun's turn to choke. Thankfully, it's a mental choke. She still blushes though thinking she will spend the night with Seulgi…in a very secluded place like this…inside a tent…under the same blanket—


"Hm? Yes?" That was definitely a reflex for she was busy thinking about spending the night with Seulgi alone.

"Oh no, you were thinking about staying here for the night. Is it a bad idea? Ah, I should have asked your beforehand… Do you need to go back to the dorm? I guess we can end this soon and—"

Joohyun shuts her up by placing her palm on Seulgi's blabbering mouth. Surely, she's being such a worrywart right now.

"Seulgi, it's okay." Seulgi blinks, somehow Joohyun feels her palm getting a bit warmer. Maybe it's her or maybe it's Seulgi's heat rising up. "It's okay. I was a little surprised but it's totally fine with me. So, stop panicking, okay? We can totally stay here for the night."

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes, so stop worrying."

Seulgi nods cutely, while still letting Joohyun covers . A second later, Joohyun took the last piece of the pizza. "Are you gonna eat that? I thought you're full." She frowns.

"Nope." She holds the pizza carefully, leaning forward and closer to Seulgi's parted lips. "I'm going to feed you this last slice of expensive pizza."

Joohyun noticed how Seulgi is already done with her third slice and she thought she wanted to test the water with what Seulgi has been feeling towards her. Obviously, if she’s willing to try doing this much and this far for Joohyun that means Joohyun actually means something for her. And if it is, Joohyun would like to know. She’s done playing guessing and wondering game.

Seulgi went along with her and just opens , taking a medium bite off the pizza. Unlike Joohyun who would try to take a small bite first because she cares about table manners especially being in front of Seulgi.

She took a tissue to wipe the corner of Seulgi’s mouth, practically just like how Seulgi did to her earlier. Joohyun was so focused until she creases her eyebrows, completely not noticing how Seulgi was staring at her face. It goes on for a quick couple of seconds until Seulgi breathes out the word that Joohyun never expected her to say. At least, not now.

“I think I like you, Joohyun.”

The said girl froze. Her hand stopped dabbing on the corner of Seulgi's mouth and her eyes widens at the sudden abrupt—completely out of the blue—confession. Joohyun wasn't sure she heard it right. Her eyes finally found Seulgi's who is already has her own eyes locked at her face.

Joohyun almost unable to speak but she managed to choke out, "What did you say?" Her tone was completely in disbelieve.

But as if Seulgi has never been an oblivious person she has always been for four months straight, she looks at Joohyun with her sincere soft eyes. And takes a couple of seconds before answering Joohyun with the same confession.

"I think I like you." She said.

It once again threw Joohyun off guard. "What do you mean by that?"

It was a reflex response, she admitted. Honestly, Joohyun can just take it as it is. Accept Seulgi's confession as it is without bothering herself to question the actual meaning behind it. But then again, Joohyun have gotten herself used to how Seulgi only accept things Joohyun has to offer. She was never one who would say these things, much more a confession like this. Yet here they are.

She waits as she sees Seulgi shrugs. Her eyes moving down towards the ground beneath them, chuckling as she did so. "I don't know, Joohyun. But like you said, you feel that fluttery feeling when I fed you earlier and you also felt so overwhelmed. And I think..." Seulgi pauses for a bit, her lips before finally looking up again to meet Joohyun's eyes.

Joohyun wasn't ready for that at all.

"I think I felt it too. The fluttery feeling... It wasn't enough to overwhelm me, but I know I feel different and it was indeed a pleasant feeling. Thus, I think I'm quite sure that I like you."

To be completely honest, Joohyun doesn't know what she should say about this. How she should react knowing Seulgi's newfound feeling towards her. A feeling she found just because Joohyun fed her—is this even legit? No one knows. And they both only stay there looking at each other for what seemed like an hour or so have passed. She was glad of what Seulgi said to avoid them being more awkward. She takes note that beyond what Seulgi feels right now towards Joohyun, her stomach is still the priority here.

"Um, can you feed me again?" Seulgi asked innocently, her index finger pointing at the pizza in Joohyun's delicate hand.

Joohyun lets out a really soft 'yes' and a nod, leaning forward once again—just a little—to feed the bear-like girl. There are only two bites left and with how fast Seulgi eats, it only takes less than fifteen minutes for the last bite. Just as she was feeding Seulgi her last piece, a wind breeze came pass through them and Joohyun couldn't hide how it gives her chills, making her shivers the moment it caressed her uncovered bare skin. It was getting late, so no wonder the weather only gets colder and colder.

Seulgi noticed this and swallowed the food in , making sure there is no food left in there before talking to Joohyun. "It's getting cold, isn't it?" Seulgi looks at her with her eyebrows creased in worry.

The older girl wiped her hand with the tissue before rubbing her own shoulders to create heat. "Kind of." She scoffed mentally after saying that. She should've told Seulgi that yes, it is getting so cold being out in the open at this hour rather than g

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹