A Little Too Late

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­­­Seulgi don’t get into scandals, mainly because she doesn’t get together with anyone, on a romantic level and she was professional when it comes to business acquaintances. Her mother always did a great job to make Seulgi’s life ‘normal’ despite still having a few people following her and trying to get any scandal out of her. Her mother always makes sure people only get to see the good things when the spotlight was on her daughter and things usually handled without a problem but ever since she announced her relationship with Joohyun, who is well-acquainted with a famous model, she now needs to take more precaution regarding her image.

But in a way, it’s not all that bad.

There’s a saying, “Any publicity is good publicity” which can apply to their situation. Seulgi is very aware of this. Amidst to all that’s happening to her, she believes her mother also sees an opportunity to raise Seulgi’s popularity. Having Seulgi’s name get more popular will bring more people to work with their company which later can lead to expanding the company even bigger. It’s okay if some of the stories say negative things about Seulgi so long as the good outweighs the bad. Seulgi doesn’t mind it but she doesn’t like the fact that Joohyun’s name will also get dragged a lot.­­

The last thing she wanted was to have Joohyun get tired of all the unnecessary attention from the media and the people who don’t even know her personally, saying bad things about her, assuming what kind of person she is and send her threats for being with her.

Seulgi voiced all her concerns to her PR, expecting the best suggestions to keep her girlfriend away of all the bad things. Unfortunately, despite her efforts, there really isn’t much she can do but keep a close eye on Joohyun.

“You will be meeting with Kang Seulgi and her girlfriend in two hours.” The young model couldn’t help but shows a reaction, she wasn’t given a chance to say anything back when her manager says, “It will be at a private restaurant set up by Miss Kang’s team. All we need to do is just be there.”

“Wait, ‘we’?”

“Yes, we as in Kim Jennie and her manager. I’d rather not risk having you be out there and seeing Miss Kang’s girlfriend—”

“Joohyun. Her name is Joohyun.”

“Yes, Bae Joohyun.” The manager gives Jennie a pointed look. “And she is also Miss Kang’s girlfriend. Should I remind you again that she had a whole press conference just to announce her relationship with her girlfriend?” At the mention of that, Jennie looked almost defeated. The manager sighed, “Look, the three of you are currently making headlines right now and it’s not in your favor, Jen.”

Jennie was aware of that.

She has been seeing the news ever since the rumor broke out. When she was asked if she did the whole PDA with Joohyun on purpose, she admitted that it was her intention. Jennie wanted people to know that she and Joohyun belongs together. From all those years ago, Jennie knew they belong to be with each other and she wanted others to see it and acknowledge it too.

They looked great together then and looked even better now. Jennie felt complete with Joohyun and if she looked at how comfortable and enjoyable Joohyun was when they reconnected, Jennie was certain that Joohyun still has that feeling for Jennie. She just needs to spend more time with Joohyun so Joohyun can remember and finally be together with her instead.

Somewhere in the far back of her mind says it’s a selfish thought.

But she couldn’t help it. It feels wrong to just give up on her feelings for Joohyun, especially if there’s a chance of reciprocation. She had to hold on to that last bit of hope.

“Whatever it is you’re thinking, I hope it’s something that can benefit you or your career at the very least.”

Jennie didn’t say anything but puts on a reassuring smile at her manager.

She had already begun to think about ways to spend time with Joohyun alone. However, for now, she will need to play along. She expected Seulgi to forbid Joohyun from meeting her alone, especially in public. But perhaps, she can try to get through Joohyun with a bit more patience.

“So, is the rumor true?”

Jennie rises an eyebrow, “Which one?”

“That you’re after Kang Seulgi’s girlfriend.”

The young model didn’t immediately answer her, instead she gives an eyeroll and return her focus on the window. “I was simply trying to reconnect with an old friend, a very close and very special one to me. People speculate things.”

“And that old friend is dating someone as big as Kang Seulgi.”

Jennie hums. “Do you think there’s something more than just them dating each other?” The manager narrows her eyes, giving Jennie more time to elaborate on her questions. “I mean, you said it yourself… Someone as big as Kang Seulgi, and yet she’s dating Bae Joohyun. It’s just…too good to be true, don’t you think? It doesn’t make sense when someone like Kang Seulgi, someone of such a high status, who can no doubt get anyone she wanted, prefer to settle with my Joohyun.”

The manager raises an eyebrow, “Playing ownership now, are we? Well, news flash, Kang Seulgi is the one dating her.”

“She was mine before hers.”

“You told me the two of you have never even dated.”

“People can still be together without a label.”

This got the manager to scoff in disbelief. “Now you’re just being a bit too delusional here.”

“Excuse me, delusional?” Jennie raises an eyebrow, offended by the statement. “It’s not delusional if it’s true and I can tell she wants me as much as I do. She was just confused and—”

“Yah, stop there. Just—stop. Did you even hear yourself?”

“Of course, I—”

“No, you didn’t because if you did, you’ll know how delusional you sounded just now.” Her words seem to hit a nerve but Jennie let her continue. “Kim Jennie, none of you contacted each other since you live abroad. You told me about it, remember? How can you be so sure she was just confused? Don’t tell me it’s your gut or hunch or whatever it is that’s talking to you. She moved on… It’s been years, Jen… It’s not so impossible.”

Is it though? Jennie wonders in her head, frowning.

If Joohyun really moved on then why did she still call her with the same nickname and tone? Why did she still return her hug and let Jennie be affectionate with her? Why did she still look at her the same way she did years ago? Like she was in love with her…

A heavy sigh escaped the manager’s lips as the car stopped. Jennie’s mind was too occupied she hadn’t been paying attention when the car neared their destination. She sees her manager eyeing her with concern.

“Rather than assuming things, maybe it’s better if you just ask her. Now could be the best time for you to do that.”

There was a short pause before Jennie nods, more to herself than her manager, before she undoes the seatbelt and gets out of the car.

For Jennie, not everything her manager said was right but not all of it was wrong either. She agreed on one thing and that is to ask about it to Joohyun. She didn’t doubt her assumption of Joohyun’s feelings for her, but if it’s really needed to convince her manager then she’ll gladly do it.

She entered a door to a private dining area and the first thing she sees was Joohyun.

At first, she didn’t see it, but when Joohyun frowns, Jennie’s eyes trailing down to Joohyun’s hand clasping together with none other than Kang Seulgi, who seemed to try to keep a collected demeanor by the way her jaw clenches.

“Jennie.” Joohyun calls out her name softly, pulling her attention back to face while trying to ignore Joohyun’s hand in Seulgi’s.

Jennie sends her a smile, trying to hold herself back from walking toward Joohyun closer and pull her into a hug. “Hey, I see you’ve been busy.” She holds back a scoff and visibly try to look anywhere but their clasped hands together.

“Yes, I’m sorry it’s…” Joohyun sighs, “A lot happened and I think we need to talk, Jen.”

Jennie wanted to roll her eyes on that. She was a bit hurt with the fact that Joohyun barely reply to her texts, refused to meet up alone and only now does she finally have the time to talk to Jennie. She even knew that from her manager, because her last message sent to Joohyun still left on read.

“I asked you to talk but you said you couldn’t.”

“You wanted to see me alone and I can’t do that. Not with everything that’s been going on.” Jennie sees the look on Joohyun’s face, she looks upset and it seems like she wanted to say something but hesitated.

“’If you want to talk, Seulgi’s had to be there with me too’, that’s exactly what you told me the last time you replied to me. So, does that mean she’s going to be here the whole time we’re talking? Am I supposed to pretend she’s not here? What happened to privacy and personal spaces?”

To both Jennie and Joohyun’s surprise, the young heir rose from her seat.

“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not going to stay and listen to what you must talk about with Joohyun. I respect her privacy enough and I trust her.” She then turns to her girlfriend, a small smile on her lips. “I’ll be in the other room if you need me.”

Seulgi left the room before Joohyun can say anything.

The young model doesn’t know what to feel about that. But she was aware of how much Seulgi’s counter made her look like a child.

Joohyun sigh, offering a tight smile at Jennie. “Come sit down, please?”

Jennie took a seat opposite of Joohyun.

“You want to order anything first?” Joohyun asked, opening the menu in her hands.

Jennie raises an eyebrow. “Um, can you just order for me…? You know what I like.” That earns a light chuckle from Joohyun. “What?”

“It’s been so long though? Figured your taste and favorites would’ve changed by now.”

Jennie only shrugs with a smile. “Well… Maybe nothing changed.”

Joohyun reacted and Jennie saw it.

Jennie saw the little pause Joohyun did before she masks it out with a soft ‘okay then’ and proceeds make her order to the waiter. Jennie leans back on her chair, her head tilted slightly to the left as she stares at the woman in front of her.

Joohyun’s beauty surely blooms into a such beautiful flower.

And Jennie was captivated, just like that time in High School. The moment Jennie realized she’s starting to look at Joohyun in a different light, wanting her as more than best friends. And she knew too, back then, Joohyun felt the same way for her. It showed, God, it really shows with everything Joohyun does and speaks. They didn’t get together, but they knew they belong to each other then.

“Jen!” Joohyun’s voice pulled her back to the present and she sees the adult Joohyun frowning at her from across the rounded table.

“Sorry, what’s up?”

“Are you okay? I’ve been calling your name.”

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹