Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


When their captain returned to the dance studio with a bright smile on her face, all the members screamed in exhilaration because their days of torture were finally over!


The icing on top of the cake comes when the captain also announced they would be ending practice early to go out for a feast under her treat. 


They decided to invite the other councillors along for the dinner. All were present except for Bogum, who was abroad for a young leaders’ conference. 


For the walk from the carpark to the restaurant, their friends allowed the two lovebirds to walk together at the back to enjoy a cute little date.


While walking, they continue to talk like the old days but there is only one problem. 


“So, have you been busy recently?”




“Yeah, the council has been busy doing up the concert proposal.”


Or don’t touch.


“Are you going to be there to support me?”




The problem is precisely something they have never thought it would be a problem in their relationship.


Whether to hold hands. 


“Yeah, I’m going to be the MC that night.” Irene replies with a smile. Then, she feels the familiar leap in her heart when their pinkies just brushed past one another again. 


Yet, now of them are saying a word or taking the next step. 


On the other hand, it is the first time the dance captain ever been so shy about doing something as simple as holding hands. All the courage she possesses must has already been exhausted in the council room earlier on.


Nonetheless, the captain decides to take the lead for the ship. 


She takes a deep breath. 


Then, she turns to Irene, “That sounds-“


Following her plan, the captain edges her hand toward Irene ever so slightly while speaking, until she felt her fingertips brush her hand. 


Next, she is going to lace her fingers through Irene’s and complete her mission, smooth as ever. 


However, just the feeling of Irene’s soft skin that she has not touched for about two weeks is enough to send a short circuit to her brain. 


Game over.


Seeing Irene looking at her expectantly for her reply, Seulgi just rambles on nervously while looking ahead, “Well, I’m sure the concert is going to be great! There are many amazing performances coming up right? So, what is your role for the concert?”


Meanwhile, Irene feels her grin growing wider seeing Seulgi in such an unexpected nervous mess. 


Admittedly, Seulgi looks super cute like this. 


So Irene follows her instincts again, as she unfurled Seulgi’s fingers and let her own slip around hers until she could feel the heat of Seulgi’s palm pressed against her own. 


The other girl turns to her with a surprised expression, which Irene cannot help but tease, "Aren't you going to hold my hand?" 


"U-Uh yes!" Seulgi tightens her fingers on Irene's hand instantly and it finally feels right again. This makes the captain reveal a wide grin on her face, swinging their arms happily as they walked. 


Seeing the silly bear like this, Irene chuckles, "Why are you so weird recently?" 


“Me? Why?” Seulgi tries to act nonchalant. “You’re weirder than me.” 


Irene lifts up their interlocked hands to Seulgi’s chest level and flashes a look at the bear. “You were hesitating.”


“Oh, I was trying to be considerate.” Seulgi admits and then looks away as she continues in a low voice, “Since you said you didn’t like it that night at the club...” 


It seems like Irene’s drunken mistakes will haunt her for life.


Irene lets out a frustrated sigh, not knowing how to explain herself either. She just tells Seulgi, “I feel even more uncomfortable when you are being so considerate. I like you better the way you usually are.” 


Seulgi finally smiles brightly again. She nudges the shorter girl, “So, you prefer it when I’m a cocky ?”


Irene refuses to answer her question. “Just treat me as usual.” 


“Now you’re being so sweet, it makes me feel uncomfortable too.” 




The image of the flustered bunny is enough to make Seulgi smile so widely that the ends of her lips feel like it will get ripped soon. She likes it so much whenever her words make Irene nervous like this. 


The captain casually reveals, “You make me uncomfortable in a good way.” 




Seulgi uses her left hand to touch her chest while saying sweetly into Irene’s eyes, “You make my heart flutter.” 


“Y-You...Don’t say things you don’t mean!” 


“I’m serious.” 


“Don’t lie to me. We’re just fake dating.”


“I know, but I can assure you that everything I did, all of it was real.”  


Irene finally looks away from Seulgi’s sincere gaze to hide her blush. She takes a few deep breaths secretly to calm her racing heart. 


Why is Seulgi suddenly being like this? 




“ next time you can just hold my hand if you want. Don’t think too much!” Irene changes the topic abruptly, hoping the latter will not see through her feelings. 


As if. 


Seulgi just follows along with Irene’s words. “I really thought you didn’t like holding hands.” However, Seulgi gives her hand a light squeeze, which sends flutters to the latter’s heart. 


So, the other girl finally decided to be honest to her feelings. 


“I told you I liked it,” Irene suddenly admits. 




“During the time when we were stuck in the forest.”


“You said it’s only because it was cold back then but now it’s pretty warm, don’t you think?” 


Just how much Irene wishes she can wipe the conceited smirk off the captain’s face. 


“Since when did you have such a good memory?” Irene grumbles under her breath, but loud enough for it to be heard by the captain. “You can’t even memorise a few simple physics formulas.”


“Only when I’m with you.”


Another shot straight to the heart. 


Irene clears to ease the tension in the atmosphere. Then, she racks her brains to think of a good punishment for the latter. 


“Hmph! Since you have such a good memory, recite the entire ‘Romeo and Juliet’ play for me again.” She commands the latter, who does a fake curtsy and accepts her proposal. 


“Sure, my Juliet. Which scene do you want me to do?” Seulgi attempts her best Old English accent rather slopishly on purpose, until her girlfriend breaks into a chuckle. 


“Silly bear.” 








Jisoo does not take her eyes away from the sweet couple walking behind her. She replies impatiently, “What?” 


“You’re Jisoo, aren’t you?”


Jisoo clicks her tongue and finally turns to the person by her side. 


She sees a pretty girl looking at her with a rather chic expression on her face. Her most indistinctive feature has to be her pair of cat-like eyes.


“I’m Jennie, the council secretary.” 


Jisoo recognises her as the councillor who is well-known in the school for her resting face and aloof personality. 


Jisoo returns a polite smile, “I am Jisoo. I know who you are, but I have no time to talk to you now.” 


She tries to turn around to look at the couple again but the girl suddenly holds onto Jisoo’s arm and tells her off coldly. “It’s rude to look at others while they’re dating.”


Jisoo looks up at the girl and scoffs, “You’re rude to suddenly interrupt me like this.” 


Jennie shakes her head and lets out a shallow sigh. Then, she shows her iPad screen in her hands to Jisoo.


“You’re the treasurer, aren’t you? I just wanted to ask you to send the dance club costumes’ claims for the concert as soon as possible.” 


Jisoo chuckles nervously, “Oops, I forgot to send the receipts to you. I’m sorry. I’ll send it by the end of the week.” Then, she slips out a sweet smile towards Jennie. 


Normally, everyone would immediately agree to all her requests whenever she reveals her smile. 


However, all she gets in return today is Jennie’s scathing gaze. The girl states coldly, “Tonight, or don’t bother.” 


Then, Jennie walks away. 


This greatly irritates Jisoo, who grumbles at the latter’s retreating back view, “How dare you! As if I need your council’s money...My monthly allowance is more than enough to cover your entire concert fees!” 




After eating, while the other members stay in the restaurant to enjoy some dessert and drinks, Seulgi invites Wendy and Irene to join her at the rooftop to admire the night view. 


“Take a seat.” Seulgi beckons them towards the wooden square platform. 


Tonight, the stars are exceptionally bright, which makes up a magnificent Seoul night view that is rarely seen in this bustling city.


“The stars are so beautiful tonight!” Wendy exclaims, as she has not seen so many stars in a long time. She turns to Seulgi and smiles, “Thanks for bringing us here!”


The captain just returns a grin and tilts her head up to admire the scenery herself.  


Irene takes a glance at the night sky and comments, “The stars are beautiful, but I’m sure that’s not the only reason Seulgi invited us here tonight right?” Her gaze finally lands on the captain, who nods with a resigned smile. 


“There’s nothing I can hide from you indeed.”


“So don’t you dare to even try.” 


Seulgi suddenly slips out a sad smile. “Yeah, that’s why I invited you here to tell y’all more about why the cheerleaders and dance club fell out, as promised. To be more exact, it was never beef between our two clubs. It all started because of me.” 


“What happened?”


Seulgi’s eyes suddenly seems so distant, as if the memories from long ago are happening before her eyes again. “Two years ago, I was walking to cheerleading changing room, when I heard something amiss...”


Flashback to two years ago...


A younger captain of the girls’ team in middle school walked with a spring in her step to find her best friend, Seungyeon, in the cheerleading changing room.


That day was Jongin sister’s birthday and they all agreed to meet after their club activities to go to his house together to give their unnie a birthday surprise. 


When Seulgi approached the room, it was then she noticed the sound of someone crying. 


She remembered hearing someone sobbing a week ago when she walked past the room, but Seungyeon, the cheerleading captain, reassured her that the girl was only crying because she was being punished for skipping practices. 


Each club had their own rules, so Seulgi did not investigate into the matter. 


However, this time it seemed much more serious than a mere punishment. 


She stood outside the door to eavesdrop and she could not believe her ears when she heard Seungyeon and her other cheerleadering friends who were usually kind-hearted, suddenly lashing out at someone with no mercy. 


Spewing out nasty names at their poor victim, words that Seulgi was even too ashamed to hear. 


It was bullying, Seulgi knew it in her heart. 


The captain knew if she were to tell a teacher about this incident, it would be equivalent to betraying her best friend. However, if she did nothing, she would be doing something wrong too. 


Either way, she would not be able to have a clear conscience. 


When Seulgi heard a loud rattle like someone was shoved towards the lockers, it was the last straw. She barged through the door and the scene before her was something she would never forget in her life. 


The senior cheerleaders were all standing in a circle around a poor junior who was currently hugging her knees while crying, with her back against the lockers. 


“S-Seulgi? Why are you here?” Seungyeon stared at Seulgi with wide eyes, while Seulgi was glaring bac

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