Chapter 16

Date Me
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Chapter 16:


“You knew about it all along?”


Irene takes a deep breath before she replies calmly, “Seungwan, what do you mean?”


“You knew that Bogum had a crush on someone else all along!” Wendy shouts across the line, anger evident in her volume. 


“Y-Yes but-“


“You knew he had no interest in me and yet you said nothing all these while?”


“ did you know?”


“Bogum accidentally revealed it. You would never have told me if he never spilled it right?” Wendy scoffs bitterly. “To think you’re my best friend.” 


“I’m really sorry, Seungwan-ah. I really didn’t mean to hide it.” 


“But you did.”


“I’m sorry. Can you forgive me on the account that we are best friends? Please.” Irene begs her, choking with tears already. 


Wendy keeps quiet for a while. “Fine. Tell me who is it? He has already confessed to her so she must have known I had a crush on Bogum. She is in council, which means she is one of our friends. As a friend, she should have told me instead of letting me go confess to Bogum like a fool, thinking he likes me too.” 


The line went silent for a good ten seconds before Irene finally mutters, “I’m sorry, Seungwan. I can’t tell you.”


“Why?” Wendy replies coldly. 


Because it feels like if she did, their friendship will be ruined forever. 


“I just can’t.” 


“You are my best friend, Joohyun. Why are you protecting that person instead of me?”


“I’m sorry.” 


“Fine. Don’t call me ever again.” Then, Wendy hung up on Irene, for the first time in their friendship. 


It feels like the world has crashed, as her dam of lies finally broke down and now she is in a catastrophic mess.


Her eyes sting, and finally the tears fell like rain after the first tear rolled down her cheek. Not knowing what else to do, she immediately dials for Seulgi the next second, the only other person who has a clue about the situation.


“Please...Seulgi...pick up.” She mutters to herself as the rings continue on. 


Finally, someone picked up. 


“Hyun-ah, wassup?” Seulgi greets her cheerily, while loud disco music can be heard in the background. 


“Seulgi...” Upon hearing her girlfriend’s voice, Irene breaks down into tears again. 


The person across the line immediately panics. “Hyun-ah, why are you crying? Tell me what’s wrong.” 


Seulgi moves to a quieter location further away from the entrance of the club. She leans against the wall of the back alley, as her heart just wrenches in pain at each sob she hears her girlfriend makes. 


“Hyun, tell me what’s wrong please.” 


When Irene does not reply for a few more seconds, Seulgi is already making her way to her car. 


“Hyun, don’t worry. I’ll come to you now.” She placed on her seatbelt and then comforts Irene, “Hey, I’m going to drive now so I’ll hang up. See you soon okay?” 


“No...don’t hang up.”


“Okay.” Seulgi replies, smiling to herself. It is the first time her girlfriend told her not to hang up.


So, Seulgi connects her phone to the bluetooth speaker and then drives out of the carpark safely. Seulgi enters her girlfriend’s address in the GPS and then realises to her dismay that it will take about half an hour to reach her. 


“Hyun-ah, are you still there?” 


She nears a sniffle across the line and she stifles her chuckle. Despite the current situation, she still cannot help but muse at how cute her girlfriend sounds when crying. 


“Hyun-ah, I’m going to take half an hour to drive to your house.” 




Seulgi jokes, “Well, unless I speed my way there, which is technically doable considering how late it is and how few cars are in the road. And it definitely sounds fun-“ 


“Don’t you dare. Drive safely.” Even across the line and between the sniffles, the usual nagging voice of her girlfriend can be heard. 


“Okay.” Seulgi beams widely. Her heart flutters whenever Irene shows concern for her like this. 


Then she carefully tries again, “Hyun-ah, can you tell me why you’re crying?”


The sound of sobbing increases all of a sudden and Seulgi panics again, “Okay lets not talk about it now! Lets talk about something else until I’m there. Um, something happy? Hmmm what better news are there recently except for us dating?” 


“Silly bear.” Irene chuckles softly, with her sobs finally slow down to a stop. Seulgi heaves a internal sigh of relief and continues, “If you don’t wish to talk, I’ll do all the talking for the next 30 minutes now. Hmm, let me tell you about my family then!”




“On the top of a hill far far away, there lives papa bear, mama bear, oppa bear and their cute little baby bear, which is me. Papa bear runs a business selling honey and makes a lot of money...” 


Seulgi spends the rest of the car ride telling Irene about her entire happy family and her perfect life so far, while the latter just listens and laughs at a few parts when Seulgi is sounding silly. Then, Irene learns to her surprise that Seulgi is actually serious about some things like having a helicopter pit on the lawn of their mansion, which is as big as their school field to be modest.


Seulgi’s wealth is still something she has yet to get to terms with fully. As with other parts of her life. 


However, the most important thing is just simply listening to the captain share about herself like the narcissist she is on the phone, is enough to significantly lift Irene’s spirits. 


It is both comforting and scary to know how much control Seulgi has over her heart. However, Irene decides to ignore the fear for now. 


Meanwhile, Seulgi finally reaches Irene’s house after 20 minutes with a little speeding unknown to the latter.


Irene finally hears a knock and she immediately rushes to the door. 


“Hey.” Seulgi greets her the instant she opens the door, still in the same clothes she wore for their date. The captain opens her arms wide to offer a hug, which Irene runs into her embrace immediately. She wraps her arms around her waist and somehow, the tears found their way out once more. 


And the next second, she is a crying mess again. 


Seulgi soothes her gently, rubbing her back and whispering into her ear that everything will be alright. 


“So, what’s really wrong?” Seulgi finally asks the most important question. 


Irene pulls away slightly, such that she can look at Seulgi while she begins to explain everything, “Wendy knows that I knew about Bogum’s crush and she is mad I didn’t tell her despite us being best friend. I mean, what am I supposed to say? That her crush has a crush on me? I...I-I really don’t know what to do!” 


“Shhh...calm down.” Seulgi just engulfs her in a tight hug again, not saying much. After some time, she finally speaks, “I think we should tell her the truth. I’ll drive you to her house tomorrow morning.” 


“No we can’t.” Irene immediately replies, to which the latter raises a brow. “I-I mean she goes fishing with her parents every Sunday morning at 5.30 a.m.” 


“Then we’ll go there before 5.30 a.m. so that you can talk to her, or even better, we can go fishing together!” 


“You’re crazy.” 


“I’m not. You’re just trying to avoid confrontation.” 


“I know.” Irene pulls away to look at Seulgi and continues, “But what if she gets even more angry at me?”


Seulgi sighs softly and replies, “It’s not your fault that Bogum likes you. You tried your best, Hyun-ah. You even went as far to date me when you clearly hated me at that time.” 


“Hey, I didn’t hate you.” Irene admits, not wanting Seulgi to get the wrong idea. 


The captain just smiles, “Yeah I know. But you still kinda disliked me.” 




“If we tell her how much you’ve been through too, I’m sure Wendy will understand everything.”


“How do you know?”


“She always does because she’s just too nice.” 


However, the more paranoid girl cannot help but think of the worst possible scenarios. “What if she doesn’t? What if it all ends badly and-“ 


“Hey, look at me.” Seulgi calms her girlfriend down by holding onto her arms firmly. The captain bits her lip slightly before she admits, “I don’t know what will happen either. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, we will face it together. You’re not alone.” 


“Thank you...” Irene mutters and then she shifts her eyes towards the ground, as the tears threaten to well up again. A part of her still does not want to cry so much in front of her girlfriend especially when they have barely dated for a week.  


“Hey, there’s no need for such formalities between us.” Seulgi suddenly speaks up in a serious tone. “Hyun-ah, look at me.” 


The smile returns on the captain’s face when Irene meets her eyes. And, she tries her best to comfort her girlfriend with her promises. “No matter how bad things turn out from now on, I promise I will be there for you. Hyun-ah we’re a team now, you and me. Koko crunch and Jelly remember?” 


Such a weirdly perfect combination. 


Irene nods and finally reveals a small smile, as Seulgi’s words warm her heart greatly and everything suddenly seems more optimistic now as she finally realises she is no longer alone.


“Okay. Time to sleep.” Seulgi steps away from the hug and suddenly lunges towards the door. 


Luckily, Irene pushes Seulgi away in time and steps in front of the door with her arms stretched wide across.


“What are you doing!”


“Aren’t we going to sleep at your apartment?” Seulgi replies innocently. “I mean, since I’m driving you there tomorrow.” 


“Y-Yes but can’t you just drive home?” 


“It would take me an hour to go home and it’s already...” She checks her gold watch and muses, “Wow 2 a.m! If I go home now, I can barely sleep for 30 minutes before I’ll need to drive out again. So, the best idea is for me to stay over at your house which I’m going to enter now-“ 


“No you can’t enter!” Irene pushes Seulgi away again, so hard that the latter stumbles a little. 




“Just...don’t ask why.” Irene just shakes her head. She would rather get run down by a car than let Seulgi enter at the moment. Some things in her loft need to be cleaned up before any visitors could enter, especially Seulgi. 


Seulgi presses her lips into a firm line. Honestly, she is slightly disappointed but she still replies, “Okay, I respect your privacy. But, so are we going to just stand at this corridor until tomorrow morning?” 


“I know a place we can go to spend time until dawn.” 


“All restaurants are closed now, Hyun-ah.” 


“One place I know isn’t.” 




“Wow, I haven’t eaten this in a long time.” Seulgi tells the latter before she takes her first of the cheap vanilla ice cream cone in her hand. It is overly sweet, full of sugar and has an obvious lack of vanilla bean flavour. And, just as she remembered, she loves it. 


“It’s delicious!” 


Irene takes a bite of her own cone and agrees with a hum. “You should come here more often.” 


“I never knew it was open 24/7! I mean, isn’t that just amazing?” Seulgi exclaims, like a child tasting a new food for the first time. 


“You don’t eat at Macdonalds?” 


“I don’t.”


“Are you serious?” Irene just stares at her in disbelief. 


“There isn’t really a need to! Especially when there are so many other places out there with better ice cream, fried food and seats.” Seulgi looks down at the torn fake leather of her cushion seat beneath her thighs, that is slightly uncomfortable to be very honest. 


After surveying the place for a few more seconds, Seulgi concludes plainly, “Okay this place .” 


Irene sees the look of disgust on Seulgi’s face while looking at her seat and just chuckles, “You’re overreacting.” 


“Sorry, I can’t help it. I mean, look at this.” Seulgi gestures to the entire restaurant with a grimace on her face. She turns back to Irene, “Do people really eat here?” 


“Of course!” 


“Tell me one good thing about this place.”


“Shaker fries.” 


“Shaker what?” 


“Shaker fries! Look.” Irene beckons to the person sitting a few tables away who is shaking a paper bag vigorously and is making a loud rattling sound. When he finally decides to stop, Seulgi watches in amusement at how his face literally lights up when he sees his fries are all evenly coated with the seasoning. 


“Amazing right?” Irene says with a similar twinkle in her eyes.  


“Oh god, I’m really not used to this.” 


“You’re not used to being like a normal person?” Irene chuckles wryly. 


“Who says so I’m not normal-ew!” 


Irene just stares in amusement as Seulgi flinches when her hand touches the oily table. Seulgi crinkles her nose while using the spare napkin to wipe her hand. 


Then, the captain finally spots Irene stifling a laughter across the table and immediately sets out to defend herself. “Okay. I’ll admit I’m not normal, but why be normal when you can be extraordinary like me?” Seulgi points at herself proudly. 


Irene snickers and shakes her head with a smile while looking at her captain, wondering how did she fall for this person. 


Seulgi beams brightly in return and places her hand onto Irene’s. “This way, I won’t dirty my hands again.” 


And, her question is answered by the flutters in her stomach. 


Seulgi suddenly asks her, “Why do you come here, Hyun-ah?” 


“Shaker fries.” 


“No, I mean you may not be as rich as me but you seem pretty comfortable too. Why eat at this place when you can enjoy better food elsewhere?” 


“Because I like being normal. Remember?” 


The captain chuckles, “Of course I do! Did you know you gave me an existential crisis, Hyun-ah? At that point, I really could not understand why would anyone like to be invisible.”


“So do you get it now after spending one month with a normal person like me?”


“Well, I still don’t.” Seulgi reveals a cheeky grin. 


Irene thinks for a while before she replies thoughtfully, “Happiness should comes from simple things. Normal is boring but sometimes boring is good too.” 


“I don’t get it.” 


“Seulgi, what makes you happy?”


“You.” The silly grin appears on the bear’s face again. 


Irene snorts, “Enough. Come on, I’m trying to be serious here.”


“It’s really you.”


Seulgi always has the exceptional ability to make her heart flutter at the wrong times.


The latter sighs in defeat, “Okay other than me, what makes you happy?”


“Being on stage and hearing hundreds of people cheer my name.” 




“Um, seeing my follower count grow every day and also, when I break my personal best record for number of likes! I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep that night!” Seulgi exclaims brightly. She takes out her phone immediately to show the picture to Irene. 


It’s the first photo of them together, taken on their first day of fake dating. 


Seulgi‘s smile fades when she sees Irene’s serious expression. 


“What’s wrong?”


“Do you see the problem here?”




“Your happiness is now dictated by other people whom may not even know you. You’re sad for the entire day when you lose followers, happy when you gain likes. Sad when you see bad comments-“ 


“Stop it.” Seulgi says coldly, her eyes boring holes into the table.  


“Seulgi, I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time. Happiness should come from within. Like the kind of joy you get from dancing, spending time with your friends-“




“Seulgi, I want you to be genuinely happy.” 


“Then, can we please not talk about me now?” Seulgi smiles sadly. “Hyun-ah, please.” 


“Okay. I’m sorry.” 


“It’s alright.” Seulgi sighs into her palms and stays like that for a while. Then she suddenly stands up and tells Irene, “I gotta go now.” 





Irene shoots up from her seat and holds onto Seulgi’s wrist to prevent her from going. She bits her lip and then mutters, “I’m really sorry okay? Don’t go.“


Seulgi just chuckles when she meets her girlfriend’s rare puppy eyes. “What do you mean? I’m just going to try to become a normal person like you now.” 




“You said shaker fries are nice right?” Seulgi beams. “Now I’m going to buy them, shake my fries like a mad hatter and then admire my beautiful fries like an idiot.”


She receives a smack. Then, Irene glares at her with crossed arms and a cocked brow, “Why do you have to make ever

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69 streak 0 points #1
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Let's go read this
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