Chapter 2

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Irene never wanted any of this attention. 


From the moment she rejected Kang Seul-ki or was it Kang Seulgi (?), she never expected everyone to suddenly bombard her with endless questions about the latter. 


“How did y’all meet?”


“Why did she confess to you?”


“Why did you reject her?” 


“Did you really not know who Kang Seulgi was?” 


Is she supposed to know who Kang Seulgi is? 


She ignored all of those questions and went home straight after school, hoping that all of these drama will disappear after a good night sleep. 


However, things always have a way of going the total opposite direction of what you expect... 


Walking to school, Irene ignores all of the stares she gets from people around her and walks straight pass the gate. 


Once she enters, she suddenly hears cheers coming from all directions from people who are gathered around the gate entrance and her heart stops when she realises they are all looking at her. Like she is the star of the show.  In front of her is a pathway cleared for her that leads to an empty space in front of the school clock tower. 


She hesitantly followed the pathway and quickly senses something is wrong with the atmosphere today. Very very wrong. 


She quickens her steps and attempts to cut across the huge empty space, when she suddenly hears loud pop music blasting from the clock tower speakers instead of the usual 7.30a.m school bell. And, a large group of people suddenly run out from the crowd from all directions, making Irene jump and immediately scurries away to a corner. 


Dressed in fashionable matching black hoodies and sweat pants with caps on, the group of people start to dance right in front of Irene, executing crazy moves like spinning on the floor, on their heads and flips and-


Irene usually appreciates a good dance performance but not in the middle of nowhere and at 7.30 in the morning....


Suddenly, she hears loud cheers coming from all directions as the dancers all kneel down and cleared a path for the next dancer who appears from the centre of the crowd, carried on the arms of two bulky male dancers. 


Irene‘s jaw dropped when she sees the female dancer lifts her bucket hat and wink at her, before jumping off her “throne” and walking towards her. Irene takes a few steps back but the crowd behind her refuses to let her take any steps further. 


“Kang Seulgi! Kang Seulgi! Kang Seulgi! Kang Seulgi! Kang Seulgi! Kang Seulgi!”


The crowd’s cheers intensified when Seulgi started to execute a solo dance in front of Irene, mesmerising her audience with her sharp killer moves, coy smile and overflowing  charisma.


Irene is amazed by Seulgi’s dance moves and admits that the girl does deserve the title of dancing machine of SM High. However, you know the feeling when things last for too long and even the most interesting things start to bore you? That is how Irene is exactly feeling. 


In the midst of Seulgi’s dance, Irene looks at her watch out of boredom and gasped. It is already 5 minutes past her lesson time! There is no way in hell that Irene is going to miss her favourite literature lessons. 


So, Irene does the unthinkable. 


“Yah.” Irene tries to call Seulgi but the girl seems to be too engrossed in her dance and continues to do a series of waves that elicited even more cheers from the crowd. 


“Yah Kang Seulgi! Stop the music!” 


Seulgi raises an eyebrow at her but continues to dance as if nothing happened. 


Irene rolls her eyes and yells in a commanding voice, “I SAID STOP THE MUSIC!” 


Her scream makes Seulgi abruptly stops dancing and she looks at Irene with a confused expression. Then, she holds up her hand and the loud music immediately stopped. 


“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asks her out of concern which is soon replaced with a smug smile on her face. “Are you too touched that I did this all for you?”


“For me?” Irene mentally facepalms when she realises all of this gimmick is a continuation of yesterday’s drama. She stares at Seulgi, who is beaming at her with a playful glint in her eyes that is starting to get on her nerves.   


“I wanted to perform for you.” Seulgi smiles at Irene sweetly and it immediately triggers some screams from the audience at her romantic gesture. However, Irene is not as stupid to believe that her smile nor her intention is genuine. 


Irene scoffs, “When will you be done with this...” She struggles to find the word to describe this weird performance. “...festival?”


Seulgi seems to be stunned by the question but she looks at the clock tower’s giant clock then replies, “We planned a 10 minute performance, so there still 5 minutes left.”


“I have lessons now so I’ll appreciate it if you stop your performance now. Thanks.” Irene states plainly and attempts to walk away, only to be pulled back by Seulgi on the wrist. 


Seulgi spins her around and holds her by her arms. She looks at Irene and smiles, “You’re joking, aren’t you?”


“No I’m not.” 


“Stop playing with me Irene!” Irene could see the nervousness in Seulgi’s chuckle as the dance captain glared at Irene in a threatening way, warning Irene not to step out of line with her words. 


“I already said you are not my style! What else do you need me to say! I.

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69 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 10: I feel bad for seulgi :(( she dont deserve this at all, she's too pure and innocent :((
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Let's go read this
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