Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Finally back at the house, Irene starts off with preparing their dinner while Seulgi takes a shower. 


While washing the vegetables, Irene cannot help but drift into a daze. 


Her heart is still pounding in her chest as she still cannot believe the long awaited love confession has just happened in the car earlier. 


It is different from what she expected, but it also felt so right at that moment that she knew she had to let it out of her chest. And Seulgi’s cute reaction is just something she would never forget for life.  


“Silly bear...” She chuckles to herself under her breath. 


“I love you...” 


She has finally said it out. The words stuck in for the longest time. It has only been less than 3 months since she knew Seulgi, but it is crazy how she can see them together for the rest of their lives. 


Right there and then, cooking for Seulgi in the kitchen feels like a glimpse into the future. 


She can see herself in the same position, preparing the ingredients carefully to make a delicious meal for Seulgi, who will not be her girlfriend anymore but her wife. And, both of them will not be just having stay-overs but be living together under the same roof, with a place to call their own.


It sends a warm fuzzy feeling to her heart thinking about it. 


With that confession, it feels like they have made an unspoken promise to each other, to spend the rest of their lives together. 


What happened after the silly bear moment makes her cheeks warm at the thought of it. 


It is the most passionate kiss they had so far and almost made her lose all logic in that moment of heat. She doesn’t remember where their hands roamed, but what she recalls is her pounding heart when she realised the inevitable decision is coming. 


To stop as usual or continue... 


The next second, that was when Seulgi made the decision to stop and suggested they carry on with dinner instead. 


Though Irene cannot stop thinking now about Seulgi’s suggestive gaze which suggests other intentions. 


“God...why am I thinking about that now,” Irene mutters under her breath and tries to shake her thoughts off her mind. 


She puts the vegetables onto the chopping board and retrieves a knife. She begins chopping the vegetables carefully, making sure they are all of the same perfect size. 


“Oh my-Seulgi!” Irene jumps and almost chops off her finger, when she felt two hands grabbing around her waist all of a sudden. She drops the knife a millimetre beside her finger. 




“ I am so sorry. Are you okay Hyun?” Seulgi’s head pops up from her shoulder, to check on her fingers immediately. 


“I’m fine...”


“Let me take a look. I’m so sorry babe.” 


“Its okay.” Irene reassures but Seulgi still continues to scrutinise every corner of Irene’s hand to double confirm. It warms Irene’s heart seeing her sweet gesture. “I’m really okay, Seulgi.”


Seulgi finally heaves a sigh of relief seeing her unharmed. After checking, she continues to hold onto Irene’s hand, giving it a light caress. 


Irene tries to take the knife, but Seulgi’s hand stops her from moving. 


“Babe, do you wanna have your dinner or not?” Irene turns to face Seulgi, who greets her with her signature playful smile. The girl now looks cute and cuddly in her pyjamas, stripped of all traces of the charismatic captain in school. 


She loves seeing this double side of Kang Seulgi. 


Instead of replying, Seulgi looks into her eyes full of adoration. Then, she leans in to kiss her on the lips, slowly and sensually. Irene plays gladly plays along, closing her eyes to feel the full sensation of Seulgi’s lips on hers. 


She never knew this cute innocent version of Seulgi is capable of doing such things to her. 


It has been days of tension built up between them, being unable to see or touch the other person at all.


Raging teenage hormones are real, Irene used to doubt it but she knows this for sure now because she could think about when alone in the equipment room with Seulgi yesterday, is to devour her lips. 


When they part, Seulgi finally replies to her question. “Well if possible, I want you tonight instead.” 


It is almost instantaneous, seeing the blooming, red blush appear on both cheeks of Irene’s face. Irene half-opens as if to say something, but then she decided to not say it instead. She just stands there, blushing. 


“Did I say something wrong?” Seulgi asks cluelessly. Then when she realises the possible hidden meaning in her words, the captain starts to blush madly too.


Seulgi’s hands instantly spring off from Irene’s body like they have just touched hot lava. 


“Oh my god, I-I...” She sets off in a panicked stutter. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant like having you by my side, cuddling and all the usual stuff.” 


Seeing the unconvinced look on Irene’s face, she lets out a loud frustrated groan. “You should know that I would never do anything to you.” 


“Never?” Irene replies faster than her brain could process. 


“So you want to do it?” 








“Oh okay.” Seulgi now blushes in embarrassment and scratches her head. “Um sorry for making it awkward.” 


“Its alright.” Irene smiles inwardly, upon witnessing the cute side of Seulgi appearing again. This time, hanging her head low in guilt, putting her hands behind her back. 


How is this girl the same person who just kissed her deeply a moment ago? 


She approaches Seulgi first and gives her a pat on the head. She cooes, “Aigooo you are like a little baby when you act all shy like this-“


“Shy? Me?” Seulgi burst out into a chuckle of disbelief. 


“You always act like there is lava around some areas of my body, like this.” Irene beckons to her chest and teases. “It is okay to admit that you are shy, baby bear.” 


Seulgi chuckles in a low voice, “Babe, you got it so wrong.” Her eyes suddenly flashes a dark aura, that matches the subtle smirk hanging on her lips. Her gaze lands on Irene’s lips and down to her chest. 


“Oh really?” 


“Do you really think I don’t want it?” She continues in her alluring tone, while she uses two fingers to hold onto the top button of Irene’s uniform. “I’ve just been holding it in. That’s all.” 


She planned to stop right there, but seeing the nervous yet expectant expression in Irene’s eyes, Seulgi does the unexpected instead. 


She follows her instincts and slips the button open, then dives down to place a kiss on the newly exposed skin. Next, she trails up to land multiple lingering kisses along her girlfriend’s neckline. 


The kisses add fuel to the fire blazing within Irene’s mind and body. She closes her eyes to feel the full, wondrous sensation of Seulgi’s lips onto her skin. She could not help but let out a small sigh. 


Hearing that, Seulgi gets fired up and she becomes more daring to trail her hand from the neck down, nearing the chest area. While Seulgi’s hand still lingers, Irene is the one who grabs it and helps Seulgi place it on her own body, allowing the captain to feel her racing heartbeat. 


With another hand on Irene’s waist, Seulgi guides her girlfriend from the kitchen onto the bed, both of them plopping down on the soft purple sheets while continuing to make out. 


Meanwhile, Irene’s hands already found their way underneath Seulgi’s shirt. She lightly caresses her stomach, rock-hard and nicely toned, and is definitely nothing like a bear’s tummy. 


When they part to take a short breath, Seulgi immediately blushes seeing the red mark left on her girlfriend’s exposed neck. She flashes a glance at Irene while the latter also does so at the same time.


Seulgi’s hand remains still in motion, on top of the second button on Irene’s blouse. Meanwhile, Irene still has both of her hands on latter’s bare skin, one on the stomach and another on her back.   


They both look at each other wondering if they should continue in this heat. 


“Babe...” Irene begins, breaking the silence. 


“Y-Yes?” Seulgi breathes out, with their faces just millimetres apart. She keeps her hands on Irene’s body still, while her large orbs staring down at her expectantly. 


“Seul...its getting late.” She caresses the bear’s cheek while muttering. “I should take a bath now and we need to eat our dinner too.”


However, Seulgi stares back at her with a lingering gaze, without moving an inch from the current intimate position they are in. Then, when she seems to finally register her words, the look in her eyes immediately soften. 


“Now who’s the real shy one?” Seulgi teases Irene with a smirk, before finally retreating her hands and sitting upright. 


“I’m sorry babe.“ Irene apologises guiltily, sitting beside Seulgi with a space between them. 


“No, you don’t have to be. It is a good thing that you spoke out for yourself.” Seulgi reassures her gently but then she leans in with her hands reached out, which causes the latter to flinch. 


“Don’t worry babe. I’m just gonna help you fix the button.” Seulgi proceeds to do so as she said, like a true gentleman. 


“I’m sorry. It just didn’t felt right to do it now.” 


It is Irene’s turn to hang her head down this time. 


“Babe, you do not have to apologise.” Seulgi lifts her chin up and looks at her seriously, “What’s most important is that we only do things when it feels right for both of us.” 


She smiles and holds onto both of Irene’s hands, giving them a light squeeze. “We can wait. Its our first times after all.” 


“Its your first too?” Irene suddenly asks. 


Seulgi scoffs in disbelief again. “Babe! Of course its my first time. You are my first girlfriend, first kiss, first everything. I can’t believe you just asked me that. I am a little offended to be honest.” Seulgi glares at Irene with arms crossed. 


Her girlfriend muses, “Well you did have quite a wild reputation in the past according to what I’ve heard. Clubbing with hot, y models in each arm-“ 


“Hey hey hey. That is all in the past.” Seulgi immediately corrects her with a sheepish grin. 


Irene smiles. “It was just two month ago though? When we went to the club together.” 


The latter accepts it and teases back, “So its wrong for me to flirt with others when we weren’t actually together but yet its okay for you to act all possessive over me in front of all my friends? That seems unfair.” 


“Oh shut up.” Irene rolls her eyes, embarrassed at the thought of it. She can only bite her tongue as she knows she has lost this round. Dammit. 


The winner lets out a giggle and proceeds to comfort the sore loser. “I liked that memory of you. I remember thinking you were pretty hot when you acted all possessive.”


“Don’t lie to me.” Irene sulks. 


“There’s a reason why I still came back for you babe. You are the iest of them all.” Seulgi murmurs seductively, while one of her hands trace down from Irene’s back and lands on her . 


Her words make Irene’s cheeks instantly become burning hot. “Ya.” Irene glares at her, but does nothing to remove her hand. 


However, Seulgi is the one who moves away first. She directs a nervous glance at Irene and asks, “Does this make you uncomfortable? I don’t want you to feel pressured to do things that only I want-“


Irene silences her with a finger placed onto Seulgi’s lips. “Who says I don’t want it too?” 


Seulgi swore she felt a fire set ablaze within her body when she heard that. “But you rejected me on my birthday in the club...”


“Babe, that is more than a month ago. We were barely dating back then and you were drunk.” Irene explains to her, while she uses the back of her hand to Seulgi’s cheek, sending tingles down the latter’s body. 


“You don’t have to be a gentleman all the time babe. I like it when you are a little...naughty?” Irene slips out a coy grin after finishing her flirty statement, that leaves Seulgi tongue-tied. 


The next moment, Irene sees Seulgi leaning in and closes her eyes expecting a kiss, but she receives a painful, sharp flick on her forehead instead.




“That is what you get for torturing me like that. Don’t do this to me, unless you are willing to accept the repercussions.” Seulgi warns her with a dark glint in her eyes. The bear leans in suddenly and whispers the rest into her ear. “Because next won’t be just one button off. Do I make myself clear?” 




“Good.” Seulgi reveals a satisfied smile and commands, “Alright go and bathe now. I’ll chop the rest of the vegetables.” Then, she walks away first leaving Irene to herself.


“ert.” Irene calls her as she walks past the bear to walk to the toilet. 


“You are the one who wanted me to be naughtier.” 




When Irene finally disappears into the bathroom, the bear finally crumbles onto the kitchen floor. Oh my god, it has been so hard trying to put up the cool front. 


She turns on the tap and splashes her face with some cold, icy water. 


Go away... 


Go away...


Go away...


Why won’t the heat on her cheeks go away?


She sighs and turns off the tap. Thinking about what happened earlier, if Irene did not step away from her, she is sure things would have gone so differently. 


Because just from that one undone button and a hand on her chest, Seulgi could swore she almost lost all control.


Despite having no alcohol involved this time. 


Seulgi sighs again, knowing that tonight will be yet another sleepless night like their last sleepover. When she pretended to sleep but Irene suddenly ambushed her with a backhug that almost sent her a heart attack. 


Did Irene really think it is so easy for her to fal

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