Chapter 21

Between Us
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It’s difficult for people not wanting to turn their heads and stare at Yanan and Yuqi when they finally decides to join inside with the others because of how visually matching the two look standing and walking beside each other


“Must be nice being Yuci” whispers one of the female crew to the other, “Being that close with two tall young handsome boys”, their eyes still pinning to the two


Sensing the eyes staring and the unclear whisper whispering, Yuqi moves closer to Yanan, “Is it me or do you feel it too?” as they continue their steps ahead to the table with the only 2 empty seats left


Yanan glances around a bit and saw the two female crew that’s looking their way to them, “They’re just in awe with how cute you look today” he turns his head down back to Yuqi with a thin smile


Yuqi rolls her eyes and let out silently sigh, “Please” she gives him a disgusted face, “Let Lucas be the only one I know here with the cheesy lines”


“Glad for you two to finally join us” Yan lin welcome them to the same table he’s sitting along with Li chen, Shen he, and Linong


“Thank you for saving us seats” Yuqi sits down, scanning around the restaurant and notice the setting is not like the usual, “Did we miss something?” she wonders why is everybody sitting and just waiting


Li chen explain that when Yanan and Yuqi were still outside, the producer and his assistant have arranged today's lunch drastically different like the previous day because it’s their last lunch together


All of the crew and cast will get to experience a fine dining of six course meal consisting of Macau’s finest bread, soup, appetizer, salad, main course and dessert made by the restaurant chef who is one of the 4 stars in town


It’s like an appreciation for everyone's hard work and boost their mood because it’s going to be such a long day today


Lucas, who is sitting one table with Ya wen, Jiani, Baby, Jing boran, Zheng kai, Zuo chen and Kun across not too far from where Yuqi is at, couldn’t really focus to the topic of the discussion that their having


His eyes and mind were floating somewhere else. But luckily there's Kun to always nudge his knee over to Lucas’s snapping him out before he floats any further


“I heard two of you already have a reality show waiting after this?” Zheng kai got the information from his management


Kun and Lucas turns to him and nods, “How did gege know?” Kun sounded surprise because him and Lucas never mentioned about it


Zheng kai puts on a cocky smirk and chuckles, “China maybe big but the entertainment industry here is like every entertainment industry across the country. Small. News and rumors quickly insert our ears and goes out as soon as we speak”


Kun and Lucas agrees with Zheng kai. Even in their trainee days, they both felt that kind of situation




In the midst of talking about the entertainment world and industry, the waiter and waitress finally starts showing up with their bussing carts filled with plates of the 1st and 2nd course meal that is bread and soup


The waiters and waitresses serve the dishes to each of the tables


As soon as everyone takes a sip from the soup and one bite of the bread, they know why it took awhile for it to be done, “I don’t regret waiting” one of them exclaims


Not only the soup taste is very rich and very delicious, the freshness of the bread can be detected not only by the taste, but the smell, softness and warmth


There just isn’t one single course of meal that wasn’t satisfying for the taste bud and tummy


Everyone in the room loved and finish the last bite of it, not leaving a crumb


“Thank you for the memorable lunch” said the director and his crew all together to the producer before politely excusing to go to the next location to set up everything for the 3rd set


The producer, his assistant, the cast and the crew whose in charge taking care of the cast needs stayed behind and catches up one hour later


When they arrived, 90% of the equipment for filming has already been set up and ready


The crew whose with the cast, escorts the cast inside the building to wait for the rest of the 10% to be completed


While the director gives direction and helps out his crew, he notices a dark grey clouds from a distant that’s heading towards their way, predicting that it might rain that day


“Let’s not waste time guys” the director alerted his crew




Inside the building, Yanan saw Lucas from afar and have a hunch that Lucas wants to continue that was put on hold earlier


Yanan came up with an excuse that won’t raise any suspicion to Yuqi, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom” he said


He intended going to Lucas’s direction and with just an eye contact, Lucas understood that it’s Yanan signal for him to go and follow Yanan


They both stopped at a spot that’s hidden from Yuqi’s sight, where both can freely talk without worrying Yuqi might see and come barging in like the last time


“Sorry about earlier” Yanan apologized


“I’m the one that should say sorry” replied Lucas feeling a bit presumptuous for asking something that Yanan maybe reluctant to answer even though Yanan insist him too


Yanan smiles and said, “I’ll try to make it short. When you asked if I’m one from the majority?” he pauses a second, “Yes—”


I knew it, Lucas sighed silently pressing his both lips together


“—but that was a long time ago” Yanan gives time for Lucas to absorb what he just said, “It’s a feeling I choose to let go because Yuci will never see me like the way I saw her” he let out a thin sincere smile, “It took time but I successfully managed it and look where we are now”


Yanan’s confession made Lucas mute. It never crosses his mind that Yanan would tell him that much of a detail about the feelings he used to have for Yuqi


“It’s ok” Yanan saw Lucas kind of restraining himself wanting to ask him a question, “Ask what you want to ask”


“Does Yuci know?” Lucas takes a deep long breath


“No” Yanan gives a short answer and reveal a fact that this is his first time he had told anyone and it’s none other than Lucas, “If she did, I'm pretty sure she would kick mE off the curve and I won’t be here today” he throws a joke to melt the atmosphere


“Why do gege so sure this secret will be safe with me? You know I can go to Yuqi anytime today and tell her”


Yanan wrapped his arms around Lucas and look at him with a sharp stare yet gentle feel, “You won’t go to Yuqi and if I didn’t believe you. I won’t bother myself to continue this conversation” he let his arm back down


Before Yanan take a step away from Lucas and go join the others back, Lucas intercepts a moment to ask, “Have any advice for me ge?”


Yanan answers is simple yet very piercing, “Yuci is not very good with confrontation”




Once the crew done setting all the equipment properly and correctly, the director contact the crew who is with the cast through his walkie talkie giving instruction for them to come out and get ready because the filming of the 4th set about to begin


The cast walks outside as soon as they are cued to, stops and stand right at the center of the main focus will be


Using his horn speaker, the director starts the filming by giving an introduction about the resort that they are in right now with the help of a local tour guide who happens to be the same foreigner at the previous set


With fluent chinese, the foreigner explains each part of the resort. Starting from where the design is inspired from and the facilities they have


Before ending the introduction session, he didn’t forget to slip a line promoting the main sponsor, “Back to you sir” he points using his hand to the camera and director


The director proceed two of his staff to advance in the middle to give instruction and demonstrate the first game he’s about to explain


“Find and attack your opponent completely blind folded” he explains, “Because there will be no seeing, you have to rely on you hearing”


The two staff put their blind folds on with the help Yan lin and Linong. Afterwards they are given the weapon that they’ll be using


“Does that hurt?” Zheng kai raises his hand along with his brow


With a calm facial and tone, the director answered, “It’s a floating foam sticks. As long as nobody swings it using their inner strength. It won’t”


Because there's no other questions from the cast, the director blows his whistle to start the demonstration


The two staff takes turns slamming down the foam sticks to the floor to locate each other where to go find them, “Any question?” the director immediately ends it after one staff succeeded swinging the stick to the other, “Since there's none, Zheng kai—”


“—Let me guess” Zheng kai take a step forward to the center, “I got the honor to go first?” he smiles sarcastically, “Am I correct?”


“You will go against Linong” the director and others giggles, “May the best man wins”




To defeat Zheng kai, Linong only needed 1 attempt and a time of less than 5 minutes. Same result when Yan lin go against Lucas. Only took 3 minutes and not more than 1 swing 


Overall, everyone took an average of 5 minutes and not more to finish the game. Except when Kun opposed with Yan lin


It had 3 tries, 2 times saved by luck, 1 incident that almost made the people laughed and 1 event that made the people laughed


The director announced minutes of a short break after the first game ends, letting his crew put plastic covers on the equipments in case it rains all of suddenly because the dark clouds aren't going any further but closer


Moving along to the next game, a staff member walks over to the cast, hand them over sheets of paper and help attaching it on their back. She then grabs the sticks of sponges with a blue watercolor she brought and as she held it up for the cast to see, the same two staff who did the first demonstration steps forward again to demonstrate the second game


“The one that’s holding the sticks will try to color the paper that’s on the opponents while getting piggybacked by the other,” the director explains while they demonstrate, “The one who gives the piggyback will have to go around the circle 3 times while taking control when to avoid and attack the opponent”


The teams that’s chosen to go first are red, purple, black, and orange


Yanan looks over to Yuqi and ask if she doesn’t mind he gives her a piggyback while she wears a short at the moment


He even offered himself to go over to the stylist just to ask if Yuqi shorts can be replaced with a longer one


Yuqi reassured Yanan that she has no problems and told him not to worry about it, “As long as gege don’t have dirty thoughts and intention during the game, we’re cool”


“That’s the problem. We won’t know what I’m going to think about later on” Yanan teases her


Yuqi narrow her eyes and gives an unpleasant expression to Yanan, “Don’t you dare” she pinches and pokes him


Amid their banters, the director blow his whistle starting the game

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Between Us : The Month of September, chapter 1 has been updated. enjoy :)


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Chapter 21: YEY. luqi wins. Ugh. She should have drank some more tho. Lol
01lulu #2
omg I didn´t expect it to end at alllllllll…!!! thank you for your efforts, I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you start writing what happens after her birthday very soon! can´t waiiit (once again)
Chapter 21: Hskdkakdksks any bonus chapter please ??
01lulu #4
can´t wait for the next chapter!!!! is about to get doowwn...
01lulu #5
Chapter 17: when is the next chapter coming??
Chapter 18: I'm gonna go watch Keep Running til you write another chapter(since I only have watched up to ep2). I really like this pair. It's that even if Yuqi is known to have shot down potential suitors, she doesn't with Lucas, that in itself is a good sign. Anyway keep up the good work, author :)
TatiReis95 #7
Chapter 13: I cried in this scene too Yuqi ?
TatiReis95 #8
Chapter 11: Oh God this gonna be hilarious with crybaby manager oppa XD
I love this fic so much <3
owoo_owo #9
Chapter 11: i love ur updates so much it’s the only thing i look forward to every week
owoo_owo #10
Chapter 9: SO GOOOOODD