Chapter 3 - The Hunted house

Unexpected Change

during the trip, you were about to rip youngjae into two for breaking your most precious headphones, you pulled his hair while he was laughing and suffering at the same time. the teacher had to step in and hyosung and jieun had to hold you back before you kill youngjae.


all of you arrived at the first destination.


the teacher explained it as a house where some historical people lived and some people died inside the house. some said it was a hunted and started to get scared and panicked but the teacher managed to calm them down.

"Okay now class, you have to go in by pair." the teacher said.


you immediately raised your hand.

"Are still serious about me being partners with the short guy that I dont even want to mention the name or else I might kill him" you said in a cold voice.


"Mind your words Ms.Lee, and yes, you two are still parteners.. as a matter of fact, you two will go first." He said.


you stomped your feet and was about to shout but then a of arms were wrapped around your neck and a pair of hands covered your mouth.

"I'll take care of her songsaenim" Youngjae said and dragged you inside the house.



"mmmmmffffpppphhhh mmphhh mmmm!!" you tried to speak.

Youngjae looked at you "Bwoh?" 


you took his hand away and  you turned around not expecting him to be so close, being face to face to him made you gasped and you blinked. he did also but he managed to speak first.


"errrmmm, what did you say?" Youngjae asked.


you blinked again and shook your head then backed away.

"Did you just shook your head? Oh~ I get it ~~~~~~, you imagined me kissing you, huh?" Youngjae asked.

"Bwoh, kiss yourself youngjae!!" you said and turned back around and walked away.


you were walking away when you spoke

"What kind of dirty place is this" you said and was excpecting a reply but then no one spoke.


you looked back and youngjae was not around.

"Yah shorty.. come out now" you said, but still no reply.

*aish, seriously youngjae* you thought.


"Yah Yoo Youngjae, I swear if you're hiding in some corner there and is trying to scare me, I'll cut your head off!!" You said but there was still no reply, you started to feel scared and worried.


"Youngjae-ah!! yah!" You said a little louder this time "YOO YOUNGJAE IT'S NOT FUNNY WHERE ARE YOU!!!" you said and looked around the house but he was nowhere to be found.


"YAH YOO YOUNGJAE!! YOU WON THIS TIME OKAY!! COME OUT NOW!! JUST THIS ONCE IM ASKING YOU TO SHOW YOURSELF TO ME!!! YOO YOUNGJAE!!' you called and still nothing, you were starting to panic and think of every hunted possibility why youngjae was missing.

*andwae, this cant happen... where is he* you sat down at the stairs of the house and stayed quiet. 

without you noticing, you started to cry because of the panic, you bowed your head and sobbed.



meanwhile Youngjae stepped out of the bathroom (**not the bathroom of the house, but a seperate bathroom made for tourist)

he looked back to the path where you two walked and where he had left you.


"~~~~~~~?" he looked around and you were nowhere to be seen.

at that moment, he heard someone sobbing.

*Oh no, they said this is a hunted house right... Dont tell me....oh geez I have to get out of here, maybe ~~~~~ left because she heard it too* Youngjae ran out of the house.



"Oh, there's youngjae" One of your classmates said.

the teacher turned around and frowned "Where's Ms.Lee?" he asked.


youngjae tilted his head "She didn't come out first?" Youngjae asked

"No... you're the first one to come out.. MR. YOO I TOLD ALL OF YOU TO ALWAYS BE WITH YOUR PARTNER!! WHY DID YOU LEFT MS-----" the professor didn't have the chance to even finish his sentence when youngjae ran back in the house.



You were still sitting there and was wondering what excuse to tell everyone when they see youngjae isn't with you.

"Yoo Youngjae.. where on earth are you" you whispered to yourself and heard a loud bang upstairs.


"Youngjae?" you looked up but it was totally dark upstairs and the sound seemed weird it freaked you out.

*Oh no this is a hunted house, I should get out of here.. but youngjae* you thought.


"ahhhh. micheoptaaaa, i dont know what to do anymore" you said and cried a little more when you heard a voice calling you.


"~~~~~~~!!!! Lee ~~~~~!!! where on earth are you!!!?" a voice said.


you suddenly stood up.

"Youngjae?" you said out loud.

"Yes its me ~~~~~~!! where are you!!!?" He shouted and ran around the house, he passed by the a door and there he saw you standing on the stairs.


"~~~~~~?" he asked and looked at you.

you looked up and your eyes widened. "YOUNGJAE!!!!"


you didn't know why but you ran up to him and hugged him. Youngjae stiffened and blinked, but after a while, he softened.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!! WHERE ON EARTH DID YOU GO!!!" you sobbed, pulled away and wiped your tears.


"I was on the bathroom for a second and then when I came out, I didn't see you!!" Youngjae said and looked down at your face.

(yes, looked down, you call him shorty but he is taller than you, you just call him that because he's quite short for a guy)


he noticed your red nose and wet cheeks.

"You cried?" he asked and you nodded.

"I thought something happened to you!!! you crazy shorty!!" You lightly hit his arm.

"Aigoo, so you have a soft spot for people huh?" Youngjae smiled and pulled out a hankerchief.


he held it out. "Here.." 

you looked at it and looked back at him. he just smiled and still held it out, you still looked at it.


"Aish" Youngjae said and wiped your tears instead as he bent down a little to reach the level of your face.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you I was going to the comfort room." he said.


"Keurae~ it's all your fault I'm crying for you" You said and pushed his hand away.

youngjae blinked at you. you looked back at him and grabbed the hanky.

"i'll wipe it up myself" you said.

"ayyy, I already saw your tears, no need to be embarassed now" Youngjae said.

"whatever" you said and whispered this last line "if I just didn't like you, I wont cry like this"


youngjae tilted his head in confusion. "What did you say?" he asked.

"Nothing, I said Let's go out of this stupid house" you hiccupped a little.


"aigoo, such a cute pig" Youngjae said and ruffled your hair.

"Stop it you shorty!!" you pushed his hand away.

"yeah yeah, be mean again after you just cried for me" Youngjae said and laughed.


you looked at him and then back to the hanky as you two reached the outside of the house.

*I can keep this for a while... right?* you thought and held onto it tighter as you smiled.


youngjae took a peek at you and saw you smiling.

"What're you smiling at your weird girl" he asked.

"Nothing in this world says I can't smile you crazy guy" you said and did a mehrong then lightly hit his head.


"Yah did you just hit my head.." youngjae asked.

"Uh-huh" you said and ran away, your classmates saw you ran out.


"oh there's ~~~~~, but where's youngjae now?" everyone of them said.


you continued to run and then Youngjae was there behind you running.

"You better let me hit you too!!!" Youngjae said.

"Babooooooo!!" You shouted and ran and ran but youngjae was fast and caught up with you.


"Yah you cute little pig!!" Youngjae said and wrapped his arm around your neck as he gave you a noogie.

"Yahhh!!! my braid!! you youngjae stop it!!" You started to laugh.




youngjae and you immediately stood up straight and kept quiet.

when the teacher turned back around, you and youngjae looked at each other.


"He has a habit of making students attend detention, huh?" Youngjae whispered.

"I know what you mean" you giggled making youngjae laugh as well.



you two didn't notice that Hyosung and Jieun was wathcing you two.

"Is it me or are they starting to get along?" Jieun said.

"No, it's not just you" Hyosung said and they looked at each other and smiled.

"Finally" they said.




SARANGHAE DEAR READERS <33333333333333333

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Nice story:)
u know what? i would screaming for someone who trying to break my BEATS. BY DR.DRE headphone..even,'s original..well,at least,it's BEATS BY DR.DRE!! lol.. i can feel how Lee ___ felt so upset becuz' of her headphone..xDD well,this is my 2nd time i read this!
I read this again! My 3rd time now! ILOVETHiSSTORY! <3
beyond_facts #4
So cute, I smiled to my ears xD
awww!! this is so sweet and cute!! kyaa!~ :)
littlemiss10 #6
OMG. SO CUTE <3 I was smiling the whole time hehehehehehehehehe:DDD Thanks for the great fanfic! i loved it <3
AWWWW The sweet ending >.< rawr
I hope he\ll teach me how to skate too XDD
great job :D
yaaaahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sweet ending!!!!!!*applause*

big applause to the writer!!!*applause*