10 - One Thing That Never Change

Endless Journey

Krystal rushed to the door of her apartment and opened it happily when she heard a knock. She immediately jumped onto Amber’s hug when Amber greeted her with a big grin.

“What took you so long? Stupid.”, Krystal buried her face on Amber’s neck, sniffing her scent.

Amber giggled, amused to witness that Krystal being so clingy to her. “Hey… princess… We just apart for like three-four hours and you already miss me?”

Amber arrived today in Seoul and Krystal couldn’t contain her happiness when she saw Amber. Krystal didn’t even hold herself to share it with the world when she posted on her Instagram about her meeting with Amber. Her annoying high-pitched squeal (as she quoted in her own Instagram post) said it all, displaying her excitement to see her most favorite person showed up in front of her face. Few days ago, Amber just announced that she left SM entertainment and Krystal clearly didn’t want waste the opportunity to be bolder in showing off her love to Amber.  Krystal had to release Amber for a while because Amber needed to meet her friends, but of course, as a good servant, Amber will come back to Krystal apartment to spend the night there.

“Whaaat? You don’t miss me, huh?”, Krystal pulled away from the hug and pouted. This made Amber laughed.

“Of course I miss you. Always miss you, princess.”, she kissed Krystal cheek. Krystal smiled and then dragged Amber to get inside her apartment and set themselves to the couch.

A comfortable silence settled between them when they were sitting on the couch, cuddling. Krystal put one of her arm on Amber’s waist while Amber’s arm wrapped her and calmly caressing her hair. They didn’t want to talk, they didn’t want to think, they just wanted to feel. They have been apart and they need a minute or two to fulfil their longing for each other.

“I miss you, I miss this.”, Krystal mumbled, earning a soft peck planted by Amber on her forehead.

“I miss you too, princess. So much..”, Amber replied, then she kissed Krystal. A long, sweet chaste kiss, trying to pay for each of wasted time when they were separated. When they pulled away from the kiss, their eyes locked. Amber could see a spark on Krystal’s eyes, the same spark that has always been there only for Amber. On the other hand, Krystal found a softness in Amber’s eyes, as if it was speaking to her, surrender her love for Krystal.

“Oh… I just remember…”, Amber broke the hug and reached for her bag, looking for something.

“Hey… “, Krystal was about to protest, but she suddenly paused when she saw Amber gave her a small hard drive.

“Here. My whole album is here. You already listened to the demo, but this is the final one that I will release. Do you want to listen to it?”

Krystal smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “Wow!! Of course, I would love to!! But I think we need a drink to accompany us while we listen to your songs.”, Krystal winked and went to her fridge to take out her wine. “So excited!!”, she squealed.

Krystal kept commenting and gave compliments while listening to Amber’s songs. She can’t help but feel so proud of Amber who were able to produce such an amazing work. She always admired Amber’s talent of writing and produced her own songs. She shrieked when Curiosity was playing, she had always told Amber how much she loves the song.

“Krys, why do you love Curiosity so much?”, Amber asked while sipping her wine. She was relieved that Krystal liked her songs. Amber always appreciated Krystal’s music taste and she trusted Krystal’s judgement when it comes to music.

“You know Curiosity’s beat is my kind of music.”, she replied. But Amber knew there must be more than that.

“That’s it?”, Amber raised her eyebrows, trying to dig more from Krystal.

“Well…”, Krystal a bit hesitate to answer and she blushed suddenly. “The lyrics… it reminds me of you, of us.”, she said shyly.

“Huh? Which part?”

Krystal finished the wine that were still in her glass, tried to wash away her shyness so she can blurted out the real reason why she loved that particular song.

“Because… you’re are the feeling I cannot avoid. For all these years, no matter how hard I tried to suppress my feelings for you, when we were apart, when both of us dated someone else, my feelings for you never really went away. And….”, she stopped for a while, refill the wine in her empty glass. “And…you never failed to bore me. I always have curiosity about you, about us and you kept feeding my curiosity, and it makes me.. addicted to you, to us..”

Amber smiled after hearing Krystal’s confession. It was so rare for Krystal to express her feelings this blunt. Amber’s heart flustered and she felt warm all over her body, she can feel Krystal’s love only by her words. But Amber just being Amber, so she could not hold herself to tease Krystal.

“Oh my God!! You are so in love with me!!”, Amber laughed, then she rose up from the couch and do a weird victory dance.

Krystal’s face turned red upon hearing the teasing from Amber. She pushed Amber playfully, making Amber fell down to the couch again. “Stop! Stop it, you stupid!  Don’t tease me like that!”, she glared and started to punch Amber’s arm repeatedly.

Amber laughed in amusement. “Okaay.. okay..stop punching me, you will spill the wine.”, Amber grabbed Krystal wrist and hold Krystal on her embrace. “You’re so cute, my princess.”

They moved to the balcony to enjoy the night view of Seoul after they finished listening to Amber’s songs. It was quite a chilly night, but they didn’t feel the cold because they have each other, plus the wine also helped to warm their body.

Amber sipping her wine slowly while staring at the beautiful skyline. Her mind was wandering. She didn’t realized that Krystal was looking at her, admiring her side profile. Krystal can sense something is wrong based on Amber’s blank stare, her expression looked tense and conflicted. Krystal patiently waited, she knew Amber had something in her mind, something that she needed to share but didn’t know how to let it out.  

Krystal moved and wrapped her arms on Amber’s waist, giving Amber a back-hug. She wanted to comfort Amber as if saying and give assurance that Amber can trust her to spill whatever bothers her mind.

“Krys…”, Amber finally gave in. She knew she can’t keep this to herself. She knew Krystal is there for her.


“What if… what if nobody like my album? What if…”, Amber couldn’t finished her words. Krystal just tightened her hug and gave her a kiss on her neck. Amber then brought her hand to hold Krystal’s hand.

“Am, look at me”, Krystal lose her hug on Amber and turned Amber’s body to face her. When she finally see Amber, she can see a worriedness drawn on Amber’s eyes. “You should trust yourself. You are an amazing artist and that’s one of many many things that I love about you. “, she caressed Amber’s cheek softly.

“Yeah… But I am scared…, if my songs will not meet people’s expectation. What if I failed?”, Amber’s voice was shaking.

Krystal shook her head. “You won’t.”, she said it firmly.

“I already felt like a failure during my last couple of years when I was still in SM. I really don’t want to have that kind of feeling again. It was… depressing, embarrassing..”, Amber said again, she avoided her gaze from Krystal’s.

Krystal ran her fingers through Amber's short hair. “You should trust our fans, Amber. They will not leave us, leave you, never. Your songs are great and I am sure lots of people will like it because they can relate to it. You’re not afraid to show your true colors and people admire you for that. Trust me, it is going to be great.”

The words that escaped from Krystal’s lips sent a heartfelt feelings to Amber. Amber turned her head back to face Krystal and she seemed to be hypnotized by the way Krystal looked into her eyes. There was a sincerity there, soft but encouraging. Krystal believes in her, she always have. And Amber never felt so blessed to have Krystal in her life because when Amber hits her vulnerable state, Krystal will be her anchor.

Amber pulled Krystal in a hug in attempt to show Krystal how thankful she was that Krystal is being.. Krystal. “Thank you, princess. For always believe in me.”, she mumbled, but slowly a smile appeared on her lips as she felt one problem has lifted up from her shoulder.

“Let’s go inside. Its getting colder here.”, Krystal said and guided Amber back to the living room.

“Wait.”, Amber held her step and pulled Krystal back.

“Huh?”, Krystal turned her head to see what’s going on.

“I love you.”, Amber pulled Krystal’s waist closer to her, then she gave Krystal a sweet peck on her lips.

“I know.”, Krystal giggled.


“Fine. I love you too.”, Krystal finally replied and hugged Amber.

Once they were back inside the living room, they plopped themselves into the couch again. They intertwined their fingers, holding it tightly like they didn’t want to let it go of each other.

“What you going to do tomorrow, Am?”, Krystal laid her head on Amber’s shoulders, like she always do.

“Be with you. Why?”, of course Amber will use this chance to be with Krystal as much as possible. Every minute with Krystal is priceless and Amber didn’t want to waste it.

“I have shooting tomorrow.”, Krystal pouted, remember her schedule for tomorrow and the fact that she couldn’t spend her day with Amber.

“Then I’ll be there.”, Amber smiled and kissed Krystal hand.

Krystal expression changed and turned bright. “Really?”

Amber nodded. “Of course. Have I ever miss visiting you on set?”, then she chuckled.

Amber had never failed to come visit Krystal everytime Krystal had to filming. That is one thing that never change from their relationship, whether as lovers or as friends or as whatever. That is one of Amber’s habit that Krystal loved. Amber constantly supported her in whatever she does.

The next day, Amber kept her promise, like she always had. She showed up at Krystal filming set while Krystal was still have some scenes to shoot. And as always, Krystal felt her stomach tingling when she saw Amber, waving her hand and flashing her innocent smile at Krystal. Then Amber just sat at wherever place that she could find to sit, waiting patiently until Krystal can have her break.

“Cute.”, suddenly Krystal’s co-star and giggled. She poked Krystal and pointed at Amber. “Look at how she looked at you. Cute.”, she repeated.

When Krystal looked at Amber, she was astound. The way Amber stared at her was just so unbelievably overwhelmed, as if Krystal is the only one that Amber see, no-one else and nothing else, just Krystal. Amber tilted her head and smiled, a smile only for Krystal. Oh how Krystal just wanted to run to Amber to shower her with kisses.   

 “Does she always like that?”, her co-star teased again.

“Huh? Uh.. well.. ”, Krystal stuttered, suddenly felt her blood came rushing to her face. She was so embarrassed as her co-star caught their moment and she was 200% sure that her face looked like a boiled crab right now.

Her co-star laughed and she patted Krystal’s shoulder. “You’re lucky to have someone like her.”

Krystal just looked at her co-star in dumbfounded. She plainly didn’t know how to react. But in her heart, in her mind, she knew what her co-star said is true. One thing that never change, is how Krystal always feel that she is lucky to have Amber.  


A/N : This chapter is all about fluff.. fluff..



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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
12 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2072 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!