8 - Flashback 2015

Endless Journey


Krystal took a glance on her private phone and saw Amber’s text while listening F(x) songs inside the car.

Amber : Why don’t you pick up my call?? L

Krystal smiled lightly seeing the text. She was doing VLive for F(x) newest album 4walls alone, well it was with her manager but without her other members. She called Amber before when the VLive just started but the line got cut off when they were about to do a facetime. Her smile grew larger when she remembered that Amber said she was thinking of Krystal when Krystal asked what she was doing. Krystal knew that Amber might be joking, but still, that words created mass of butterflies in her stomach. After that, Amber kept calling her but Krystal still unable to pick it up as she was concentrating on the comments for the VLive, she was not really good at this as she needed to split her attention between talking, reading comments and calling Amber at the same time. She quickly typed to text Amber back.

Krystal : Can you wait? I need to concentrate in reading thousands of comments. I’ll call you back.

Amber : L L Do you want to hang-out after your VLive? I feel bad ‘coz I can’t join you for the VLive. I promise I will treat you a good supper.

Krystal : Deal!

Krystal turned her gaze back to the comments section on the ipad, trying to read as many as possible and she completely forgot that she also needs to talk. Until her manager said that Amber was calling non-stop so she better pick it up.

On the other side of Seoul, someone also smiled widely seeing a reply on her phone. Amber was waiting for Krystal to call her but she ran out her patience. She practically left her business meeting just to have conversation with Krystal. So she decided to call Krystal instead and luckily, Krystal picked up her call this time. They had a really good and fun conversation while listening to their songs in 4walls album. Amber can sensed that Krystal was so happy and proud of what they have produced in the new album. She the VLive on her laptop and saw Krystal was dancing comfortably inside the car, while giggling and singing at the same time.

Alright, Krys. Have fun.”, it was time for both of them to end the call.

Mmm.. Bye..”, Krystal replied while waving her hand to the VLive screen when Amber continue saying goodbyes to the fans.

See you later….”, when Amber said that, she just realized that it was a wrong move and she cursed herself silently while covered her own mouth. Did she just blurted out to the people around the world that she will meet Krystal past midnight? And worse, what if her girlfriend heard that? Amber just prayed that Ellin was busy and did not have time to watch the VLive, it was Krystal after all, not Amber who was doing the VLive right now.

She paused for a second and quickly added “At.. at practice..”, Amber stuttered a little bit. But then, she realized again that her damage control just make it worse and she was face-palming herself. Who would have practice around 1am? When she ended the call she can felt her blood rushed to her face. She was embarrassed. But then she shook her head and hurriedly back to her meeting to forget about the embarrassment she had earlier. 

After the VLive was over, Krystal rushed herself to go to Amber’s apartment as she promised. Hanging out with Amber always made her happy. For this past months, everything was so chaos within F(x) until Krystal didn’t have the time to think about her feeling towards Amber anymore. There were many mixed feelings inside Krystal about other things that was forcing her to push aside anything related to Amber. They had a back to back meeting discussing about Sulli’s future with F(x) before finally Sully decided to leave. It was heartbreaking for Krystal, imagining that she would not do any promotion with her best friend anymore. In the middle of that, they were busy preparing the 4walls album. Everything seemed to happen so fast, it was confusing, upsetting yet exciting all at the same time.

“Where is the super supper that you promised me?”, Krystal asked when Amber greeted her with a grin.

“Uh… I got pizza and.. beer.”, Amber chuckled nervously, knowing that her offer may not really that appealing.

“Beer??”, Krystal furrowed her eyebrows. “That is your definition of supper?”

Amber laughed. “Beer is pizza’s best friend. Come on, you’re American, right? Be an American, then.”   

Krystal rolled her eyes while letting herself in. But she ended up taking the pizza anyway and decided to drink the beer when Amber handed her the beer.

“How was the meeting?”, Krystal asked, she plopped herself on the sofa.

“It was great. Got some ideas for my projects. Until you called me and force me to get out of the room.”, Amber teased then she drank her beer.

“Yah! I was panic, it was scary doing the VLive alone and I don’t really know what to do.”, Krystal retorted.

“Why didn’t you ask me to do it with you?”

“Well ----“, before Krystal can answered, Amber’s phone rang. Krystal immediately knew, it must be her girlfriend who was calling at this hour. Amber checked her phone and then signaling to Krystal that she had to take the call.

Hi babe!”, knowing Ellin is the caller, Amber answered it in a playful voice. Krystal moved away from Amber. She still didn’t like it when she has to witness Amber being lovey-dovey with her girlfriend.

Where are you? Are you with Krystal?”, instead of saying hello, Ellin was bombarding Amber with questions.

What? Uh… How did you..”, Amber looked panic as Ellin held her up with sudden questions about Krystal.

I saw the VLive. So just answer my questions, Amber.”, Ellin pressed her again. Amber stood up from the sofa and just walked back and forth. Confuse on how to answer the questions. The words ‘I am doomed’ kept replaying in her head as apparently Ellin watched the VLive.

“Yeah, she’s here. But its only for a meeting. We need to talk about F(x) stuff.”, she reasoned and she took a glance to Krystal who was munching her pizza. Krystal pretended to eat, but she heard it clearly that Amber tried to cover up and made up some excuses on why Krystal was in her apartment.

Cant you do it tomorrow? And where is Luna and Victoria, why only two of you?”

Ah.. uh.. they ---“, before Amber can even think on how to answer that, Ellin cut her off and kept talking.

You better not lying to me Amber and behave yourself.”, Ellin said sternly in a low voice.

Why did you watch the VLive anyway?”, Amber asked.   

“Don’t try to change the subject!”, Amber can heard that Ellin was getting angry. “FYI, I watched that because I wanted to support your group. But instead, I heard that you said you were thinking of her when she called you on the VLive. Are you kidding me??”,  she continued as she raised her tone.

“It was a joke!! Okay, it was a joke! There is no way I was thinking about someone else other than you!”, Amber shouted in frustration. She knew that Ellin will brought this thing up. Again, she turned her gaze to Krystal.

Krystal quickly lowered her head, avoiding Amber. Hearing that from Amber, she was sure that Ellin was angry due to Amber’s saying that she was thinking of Krystal on the VLive earlier. She can feel her heart dropped, she bit her lower lip as she was now convinced that Amber was indeed, joking when she said that. A part of Krystal wished that Amber really thought of her, but maybe that’s just Amber. She liked to joke around and Krystal felt that her heart was being played this time. But of course, it was not Amber’s fault that she felt that way, it was her own fault. She shouldn’t invested anything to someone who are attached to someone else now.

Amber moved away from Krystal and went to her room, she didn’t want Krystal to hear all the conversation with Ellin, plus, it was more of a fight rather than a pleased conversation. Amber was back to the living room after 10 minutes and her face looked gloomy. Krystal can tell that she was upset.

“Sorry.”, she mumbled, then rested her body to the couch, drinking her beer immediately.

“Why did you lie to her and said that we have F(x) meeting? Why didn’t you just say we are hanging-out?”, Krystal suddenly asked. If there was nothing going on between them, why Amber had to hide the truth from her girlfriend.

Amber sighed. “Come on, Krys. It is not that I lied. I just need to ----- well, she is jealous.”, she finally stated the obvious.

“Why is she jealous? We’re just friends, right?”, Krystal didn’t know why but she just kept blurted out questions.

“You’re my ex-girlfriend, Krys. Eventhough now we’re friends, but still doesn’t change the fact that we dated before.”, Amber answered again, then she took a big gulped on her beer.

“Why cant she trust you? It is not like, we still have feeling to each other. ”, Krystal was well aware of what she was trying to do. It was not a very noble for sure, but she cant help herself trying to dig out Amber’s feeling towards her now.  

Amber flicked her tongue. “Why you keep asking me questions?”, she started getting annoyed by Krystal. “Maybe you will do the same if you were in her position. Oh as far as I can remember, you were also like that. So you must’ve known the answer why she doesn’t trust me.”, Amber scoffed. Amber didn’t mean to talk about their past, but she was getting irritated when she had to answer all of the questions from these girls so she just saying whatever crossed her mind.

Krystal was taken aback with Amber words. “We’re not talking about me, Amber! I can’t believe you just compare her with what I did!”

 Amber startled when she realized that she might be over the line. “Uh.. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”, her voice become soft as she put down her beer and scooted closer to Krystal.

“…..”, Krystal just kept quiet. She pouted and her face hardened. She didn’t come here to have a fight with Amber so she tried hard to suppress herself from getting angry.    

“Krys..I am really sorry. It’s just, having a fight with her stressing me.”, Amber massaged her own temple while fixed her eyes at Krystal. “Please, don’t get mad with me too.”

“……”, Krystal still kept shut. She crossed her arm and avoiding Amber’s stare.

“Puhleeaseeee…”, Amber suddenly begged with her oh-so-cute-but-actually not- voice, trying to do aegyo to Krystal. Her not cute aegyo succeeded to get Krystal’s attention as Krystal turned her face to see Amber, with a disgusted look.

“Stop doing that! It does not suit you!”, eventhough Krystal’s voice sounds annoyed, a trail of smile slowly appeared on her lips.

Amber grinned widely when she finally saw Krystal’s smile. “But it worked! You talk to me.”

Krystal let out a defeated sighed. “Fine! Let’s just watch a movie. What do you have here?”

Amber happily get the tv remote and started to change the channel to find an interesting movie to watch. They ended up watching some romantic comedy movie, which actually the ones that they have watched it before. During the movie, Krystal suddenly moved herself closer to Amber and rested her head on Amber’s shoulder. This was Krystal's favorite position whenever they watched a movie when they were still dating before. She liked using Amber’s shoulder as her pillow. Krystal always felt save whenever she did this, she felt that she could rely on Amber as if Amber’s shoulder was made for her. And Amber just let her.

They watched the movie in silence and when the movie was finished, Amber found that Krystal had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She smiled while she examined Krystal’s side features. Her sharp jawline, her pointed nose and her fair skin, Krystal looked so beautiful even when she was asleep. Amber chuckled herself when she realized that she was still admiring Krystal like she used to.

“Krys…”, she whispered trying to wake Krystal up, but Krystal didn’t budge.

“Soojungie…”, she called louder and shook Krystal’s body lightly. Krystal finally stirred from her sleep and open her eyes. “The movie has finished. You fell asleep.”, Amber explained, letting out a small laugh.

“Ah.. sorry..”, Krystal slurred.

“Do you want to sleep here? It is so late now I don’t think you should go home.”, Amber patted Krystal’s head.

“Are you sure I can stay? I don’t want you to get into trouble with your girlfriend.”,  Krystal asked worriedly while rubbing her eyes.

Amber shook her head. “It will be alright. Besides, no 'funny business' tonight, I promise.”, she teased and Krystal immediately slapped her shoulder.

“Yah! What do you think would happen if I stay here?  Don’t be a byun!”

Amber just laughed hard hearing Krystal's response, but she can see Krystal tried to refrain herself from smiling.

“Let’s go to bed, princess.”

Krystal’s face flushed when she heard what Amber just said. It was so weird hearing that kind of words from Amber’s mouth now. As if Amber casually asked her to spend the night together, like the way she used to when they were still dating. She followed Amber anyway, although she knew that they will only have an innocent sleep-over, as friends would have.  


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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
12 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2072 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!