25 - Flashback 2018 Part 2

Endless Journey

The alarm sound were so annoying until Amber forced to open her eyes. She tried to move and sit up on the bed but something prevent her from moving as an arm still circled firmly on her waist. She turned her gaze and smiled when she found a Krystal, still sleeping soundly next to her. This moment was one of the time Amber wished to happen everyday. Krystal sleeping next to her, as her official girlfriend. Amber moved Krystal’s hand carefully from her waist and she sat up on the bed. She stared down at Krystal and could not help but to admire Krystal’s beauty. She cannot believe how she was able to found someone this beautiful and dreamy.

“I am so lucky to have you in my life. How can you be this pretty, princess?”, she whispered in Krystal’s ear and then kissed her cheek gently.

Krystal stirred in her sleep and mumbled something. But she went back to sleep and didn’t wake up. Amber chuckled and caressed Krystal’s hair.

“It’s time to wake up, birthday girl.”, Amber said, a little bit louder this time. They were just celebrating Krystal’s birthday last night, they had dinner in  fancy restaurant and Amber spent the night at Krystal’s place after wishing Krystal a happy birthday at midnight.

“Uhm…”, Krystal opened her eyes slowly, only to find Amber with her cute smile in front of her. Krystal automatically smiled as well. But her sleepiness win over her and she didn’t want to wake up this soon. “10 more minutes.”

“No, princess. You have to wake up. You have shoot today.”, another kiss planted by Amber on Krystal forehead.

“Noooo…”, Krystal groaned and turned her body around, her back now facing Amber. “Cuddle with me, Am.. 10 minutes okay.. I feel cold.”, even without looking at Krystal’s face, hearing how cute Krystal asked the questions made Amber cannot hold the urge to immediately wrapped her arms to Krystal’s.

“Mmmhh…I miss this, stupid.”, Krystal said while she closed her eyes, enjoying Amber’s warmth on her body. She held Amber’s hand and kissed Amber’s knuckle.

“Me too, princess. I can’t believe that I woke up next to you, giving you morning kisses.. It’s surreal.”, Amber moved her body closer to Krystal and sniffed Krystal’s hair.

Their enjoyable morning got disturbed again by the sound of Krystal’s alarm. Krystal groaned again, didn’t want to wake up and still did not want to relish Amber from her.

“As much as I want to do this all day, but you need to wake up, Soojungie.”, Amber kissed Krystal’s shoulder and let go of her arms.

“Waaeee…??? Where are you going??”, Krystal protested and turned her body to face Amber. Amber just looked at her, smiling sweetly at Krystal as if she was seeing an angel.

“You look so beautiful in the morning.”

Krystal’s face turned slightly pink, didn’t expect to get a compliment from her girlfriend this early in the morning. But she giggled anyway. “It’s been a long time since I heard the cheesy line from you in the morning.”

“Well, actually you look like mess. Your hair look like medusa.”, Amber laughed, which earned an icy glare from Krystal.

“No morning kiss for you then.”, Krystal pouted and threatened. She got herself up from the bed and ready to walk to the bathroom.

“Nooo… princess… Please, forgive this servant of yours. Give me your morning kiss!!”, Amber immediately grabbed Krystal’s waist and pulled her back to the bed.

“No!! Let me go, stupid.”, Krystal giggled again, trying to let herself go from Amber’s embrace.

“Give me a kiss first.”, Amber tightened her grip on Krystal’s body.

“Nooooo…. You’re soo annoying!”, Krystal still struggled, but Amber was too strong.

“Aaah, but on a second thought… your breath stink.. So, I don’t think I want your kiss.”, Amber joked as she released Krystal.

“YAH!!”, Krystal yelled. “Fine! No for you then!”, she slapped Amber’s chest playfully, but she pouted and she turned her face away from Amber.

“I’m kidding… I’am kidding..”, Amber pinned Krystal down to the bed, and showering her face with kisses.

“Amber! Stop, stop! I will be late if we keep doing this..”, Krystal shrieked, despite her hands automatically welcomed Amber in her arms.

When Amber’s lips found her neck, Krystal cannot fight it anymore. She let out a soft moan and the thought that she had to rush to take a shower and go to the set was gone immediately. Amber’s feather kisses has succumbed her to a world where Amber is the only thing that she needed right now.

“I like your smell in the morning. It’s addicting. ”, Amber whispered while trailing her kisses from Krystal’s neck to her bare shoulder.

That’s the last words Krystal’s heard from Amber. After that, everything felt like she was in heaven and all she could hear was her pleasured moan, surrender herself under Amber’s touch.

After their morning session was done, Krystal rushed to take a shower while kept protesting to Amber on why Amber had to seduce her until Krystal only have one hour left to get ready and go to the filming set., Amber just laughed hearing Krystal grumbled as she could actually saw Krystal slipped a smile between her grumbling, unable to hide her satisfaction.

“What you doing after this, Am?”, Krystal asked while putting her clothes after she finished showering.

“I am going back to sleep. Then I will go to SM, discussing some stuff.”, Amber replied, she plopped herself back to the bed and hugged a pillow.

“You won’t be seeing me today??”, Krystal asked with a slight disappointment in her tone.

“I will. But later I think. Besides, you will have dinner with Jessica unnie, right? I will see you after the dinner, okay.”

Krystal’s face turned brighter when she heard that. She checked her phone and informed that her manager has already waiting for her. She checked herself in the mirror one more time and then ready to leave.

“Ok. Oppa is here. See you later, babe. I love you.”, she gave a peck on Amber’s lips, grabbed her bag and coat to leave.

“Love you too, princess. Fighting!”, Amber shouted when Krystal shut the door.

Amber smiled for maybe a minute even after Krystal was gone from her sight. She felt so happy at this moment. Everything was going so perfect between her and Krystal. She got her girl back, she can love Krystal freely this time, and she felt that she valued her relationship with Krystal more. The long journey they had, it changed Amber’s feeling towards Krystal, in a good way of course. Sometimes she pinched her own cheek to convince herself that the world she lives in now was real, not a dream. She felt like she was teenager again, feeling young again, falling in love until her world turned upside down. Getting back together with Krystal was the best decision she ever made.

Amber actually lied when she said to Krystal that she will go to SM building to have a meeting. She was planning to buy a cake for Krystal and then decorate the van that will be parked in Krystal’s filming set with the help of manager oppa and SM staffs. She wanted to surprise Krystal, she wanted Krystal to feel special the whole day as today was her birthday. She will make Krystal felt like she was a princess for today.

Amber went outside the room to make a coffee. She brew the coffee with the coffee maker while humming her own song ‘Three million years’. She felt that song was fit to describe her feelings now, she is so in love and crazy about Krystal.

Suddenly the door house was open and Jessica burst in, making Amber startled in her chair while she sipping her morning coffee.

“Geez, unnie! You scared me! I almost choke on my coffee.”, Amber said when Jessica was already stood before her.  

 “Yah. Why you’re not ready yet? What time you want to go to buy a cake?”, Jessica asked, she sat on the sofa when she saw Amber was still enjoying her time. Amber was going to buy the cake with Krystal’s sister, as Jessica also wanted to buy a cake for Krystal.   

 “Give me time to finish my coffee first, unnie. Then maybe another half an hour to take shower and get ready.”, Amber plead and laughed.

Jessica stared at Amber and examined her. Jessica knew there was something different about Amber. She was glowing and she could not stop grinning.

“Amber, you look….--- ”, Jessica didn’t finished when she got the idea in her head on why Amber was like this. The confirmation was getting clear when Jessica spotted a slight red mark on Amber’s collarbone.

“what?”, Amber gulped her coffee and smiled mischievously.

“Oh….eeewww!!!”, Jessica made a disgusted face. “Don’t tell me you guys…. --- eeewww.. go take a shower now. I don’t want to imagine what happened to you and my sister.”

Amber just laughed and went to the bathroom immediately, leaving Jessica who was trying to get rid an image of her sister and Amber doing y time in her head.

On the filming set, Krystal felt like she could not stop smiling all day long. Her co-stars and staffs thought it was because of her birthday, well.. that part would be true. But it was actually more than that for Krystal, she felt that this particular birthday was special to her. She felt complete, she has a job that she enjoyed, she has family who loves her and support her career, and she has Amber now by her side. Everything in her life was so perfect and she couldn’t ask for more.

Getting back together with Amber made everything felt so dreamy for Krystal. She always woke up with a smile on her face, she always lived her days with enthusiasm and she always giggled like a fool whenever she was thinking about Amber, just like someone who experience the first love. But what amazed her was, she fell in love over and over again with the same person.

By the time she finished her filming, Krystal walked towards the van to talk to manager Oppa to send her to a restaurant where she will be eating with Jessica. When she opened the door of the van, Krystal’s jaw dropped as she saw what has been prepared for her.

The van has been decorated with birthday trinkets, where balloons have been attached and a tiara has been prepared for Krystal to use. Before Krystal could say anything, a birthday song can be heard and manager oppa and some of the SM staffs came singing the happy birthday. In the midst of them, Amber appeared carrying a birthday cake with a big smile on her face. Candlelight on the cake illuminated Amber's face in the dark of the night, allowing Krystal to see how sincere Amber's love for Krystal which can be seen from her eyes.

Krystal was touched until she could not say any words from her lips. A tear fell from her eyes when she saw the view of people who she loved made a birthday surprise for her. She walked closer towards them and by the time they have stopped singing the happy birthday, she closed her eyes, praying for her birthday wishes silently and then she blew the candle.

“Happy birthday to our Ddudongie.”, Amber said while she put the cake inside the van. Manager oppa and all the SM staff clapped her hands and wishing her a happy birthday one more time, taking turns giving their wishes and pray for Krystal.

“Yah!! You lied to me! You said you want to go to SM to discuss some stuff.”, Krystal playfully slapped Amber’s cheek and pushed Amber’s head away.

“Hey! This is what I got for surprising you on your birthday?”, Amber yelped and pretended to be hurt by putting her palm on her own cheek. The whole staff who witnessed that laughing in an amusement.

“Well, this whole thing is actually Amber’s idea.”, manager Oppa suddenly said, she tap Amber’s shoulder.

“Really? Did you decorate all of this??”, Krystal asked in surprise, still can’t believe that Amber still didn’t stop giving her a special treatment on her birthday.

“Technically, I was not lying. I did talk and had discussion with the staff to prepare this.”, Amber grinned. “They were helping me decorating the van.”

“Sooo…Where’s my wishes, servant?”, Krystal teased and winked to Amber.

Amber playfully made a salute gesture and said it loudly. “Wishing you, my majesty, a wonderful birthday. Stay pretty, stay healthy and stay lovely.”

Krystal giggled when she saw the antics of Amber, being dorky in front her and all of the staff. However, Amber then leaned closer and kissed Krystal’s cheek. “Happy birthday, again… to my beautiful princess. Love you always. ”, she whispered this time, so all the people there can’t hear it.

After Krystal took a photo inside the van and had a mini celebration with all the film crew and SM staff, it was time for Krystal to go meeting Jessica for their dinner. Manager Oppa will drop Krystal at the restaurant and Amber offered to join them to send Krystal to the restaurant as well.

Inside the van, both of them took the back seat so they can sneakily interlace their fingers and maybe, steal one or two kisses behind their manager oppa. Although they already informed their members that they were back together, to which, obtained full support from their members, they decided to hide it from manager oppa. They didn’t want the manager to get into trouble or having a hard time to protect their relationship. Both of them felt that they have matured enough now so they can take care of themselves, without troubling people around them.

When they announced to F(x) members that they were back together on their group chat, both Victoria and Luna immediately asked for a video call. Victoria kept screaming in enthusiasm and Luna bombarded Amber and Krystal with a lot of questions. Actually both Victoria and Luna knew that the pair was struggling this whole time, trying to define what kind of relationship they had and searching for what they really want for their relationship. Sometimes Amber or Krystal will talked about it to Victoria and Luna about their problems, and being the good friends they were, both Victoria and Luna always tried to give a neutral advices, without siding to one of them.

“Thank you for today, babe. It was…. beautiful. I was really touched. I didn’t expect to get another surprise from you.”, Krystal said softly, she kissed Amber’s hand.

“You’re welcome, princess. It was nothing, I just want to make you feel special on your birthday.”

“When it comes to you, I am always feel special.”, Krystal smiled, showing her gratitude towards Amber. “By the way, you sure you don’t want to join me and Jess for dinner?”

Amber shook her head. “It’s okay, Soojungie. We already had our dinner yesterday. Now it’s time to spend time with your sister. Besides, you will find me later in your house when you come home.”, Amber squeezed Krystal’s hand.

“Soojungie, we’re here.”, manager Oppa informed that they have arrived at the restaurant.

“I’ll see you later, love.”, Krystal said and smiled to Amber.

It was nice, having the thought that Amber will waiting for her tonight. It was wonderful, knowing that she will have Amber, and not just for tonight but for another thousand night to come. As for Amber, it was pleasant to know that whenever Krystal goes, Krystal will always come home to her arms.  

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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
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Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
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Pls comeback authorniiim
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Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
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Chapter 29: Please update this story author
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Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
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Chapter 29: Welcome back author!