29 - One Weak Moment

Endless Journey

Nobody expect the covid-19 pandemic effect would be this big. It started to become hard to travel, many countries imposed a lock-down policy, and because of this, many long distance relationship have falling apart, and Amber and Krystal's relationship is no exception.

At first they tried to cope-up with the situation, hoping it could get better soon so they can meet each other. Unfortunately, it dragging so long and they have to re-think and took precautions everytime they made plans to fly to see each other. They both missed each other too much, but there was nothing much they can do.

By the time things got slightly better, both of them need to start their schedules for activities that has been suspended due to the pandemic. Krystal’s and Amber’s schedule started to pack and they found an obstacle again, finding times to meet. They started to have a little fight once at time, mostly because they just frustrated about the situation, but Krystal's anger finally exploded when Amber said she couldn't come for Krystal’s birthday.

“WHAT???”, Krystal screamed on her phone, facing Amber on the video call. “It’s my birthday!!!! How can you say you cannot come? Many people are starting to fly abroad now!!!”

“I know, Krys.. I know..”, Amber winced. “Look, I have to shoot for my new show. Come on, it’s not worth it if I have to come there for two days and then go back to LA.”

“I DON’T CARE! It’s my birthday!! Can’t you make sacrifice for me???”

“Stop screaming, Krystal! It’s not that I don’t want to make sacrifice. But the timing is not right. It would be better if I come for Christmas or new year and spend more time there with you!”, Amber defended herself. “Why don’t you come here??”, Amber scoffed.

“I have to attend many events!! Besides, it’s my birthday, why would I be the one who come there?”

“Oh, so I must understand about your work and you can’t understand about my work?”, Amber raised her eyebrows.

“It’s not about work!! It’s about my special day! GOSH Amber? Why can’t you understand that?”, Krystal grunted, she gritted her teeth impatiently.

“You didn’t come for my birthday due to your work and I accept that! What’s the difference with my situation now?”, Amber retorted back.

“That’s not the point!!!!”

“Why? Because you think your work is more important, or because you think your work is more prestigious that mine, Ms Krystal Jung the idol turned into this actress???”

“What the ----“, Krystal’s mouth opened hearing what Amber just said. How on earth Amber can say something like that. “HEY! That’s not fair!”, she finally responded.

“What not fair? SO IS IT TRUE THAT YOU THINK LIKE THAT?”, Amber’s voice getting louder and louder. “I know how successful you are as an actress now. So everything about your work is important to you. While me…heh.. -- ”, Amber chuckled sarcastically.

“NO, AMBER! I can’t believe you would think that I am that shallow.”, Krystal gave her glare, then hung-up the phone immediately. How come this fight turned into something about work? How come this fight turned into an issue about Amber’s insecurity?

Amber kept calling her back but Krystal didn’t answer it. Amber finally gave up her call after left like, tons of missed calls and getting tired of being ignored by Krystal.

4 days after the fight, they didn’t communicate at all. Krystal was still too much of her pride and she didn’t want to call Amber first. Apparently Amber on the other hand, also felt the same and she didn’t plan to contact Krystal either. Krystal actually felt really lonely, and utterly disappointed to think that she would spend her birthday without Amber. It’s been months since they met each other, and Krystal felt like she was going crazy. Seeing and talking with Amber on the phone was surely different compared to felt Amber’s warm embrace beside her.  

Krystal was at SM building to discuss her contract with SM that already been expired, when she suddenly bumped into her ex-boyfriend at the hall.

“Ah, Krystal. How are you? Long time no see.”, Jongin smiled.

Krystal chuckled wearily and responded politely. “I am good, Jongin. How are you?”

“I’m fine. Well, I’ve heard you will leave SM. Is that true?”, Jongin raised his eyebrows.

“Uhm… ---“, Krystal hesitant to answer it first. But it was Jongin anyway, she trusted him and decided to tell him her decision. “I guess so. I think I will move towards drama for my future and SM maybe is not the best… -- place for me for that purpose.”

“Ahh..”, Jongin nodded a few times. “In that case, I may not meet you again after this. Can we maybe.. – have a coffee? Uhm, why don’t we just have coffee at the SM café? You know, to avoid the unnecessary gossip.”

Krystal was stunned with the sudden invitation from Jongin. She bit her lip, showing her hesitance once more. But she figured that it was a friendly invitation, she knew Jongin for a long time after all and coffee at this windy afternoon sounded not that bad. Finally she nodded.

“Okay. Lets.”

On the other part of the world, Amber was getting crazy since she was dying to call Krystal. But she was still angry inside and she was scared that they will ended up fighting again if they talk. Krystal was not the only one who got frustrated, Amber also suffered so much because this pandemic made everything difficult between her and Krystal. Yes, they communicating everyday, even they always tried to find time to at least call each other every day to keep the spark. But the longing of meeting each other was getting worse every single day. The frustration didn’t help either, it just made them becoming short-tempered and easy to get into a fight with each other.

Amber was at her friend’s apartment, having a little house party, drinking like crazy to forget about their fight. But the alcohol turned out made the situation worse, being drunk made her urge to drunk-calling Krystal was getting hard to control. Suddenly, a new face appear and sat beside her on the sofa. Her friends actually invited their other friends as well so many new people that Amber saw that night.

Amber turned her face to the girl who sat next to her, trying to focus her eyes vision that was getting blurry. The girl was actually pretty, Amber guessed she must be mixed white-asian. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail, her skin was quite white and her big eyes were alluring.

“I heard you are an idol. Never dream one day I could met a celebrity in real life. ”, she giggled and her body moved closer to Amber.

“Huh? What?”, Amber squinted her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. The girl just chuckled. 

“She’s taken!!”, Amber heard a voice coming from nowhere, it must be one of her friends, reminding the girl that Amber has a girlfriend.

The girl laughed. She put her hands on Amber’s lap. “I’m just being friendly.”, the girl replied.

“You’re so cute.”, the girl patted Amber’s head and messed her hair. Amber smiled. In her not so sober state, she felt it was nice having someone beside her. It’s been a long time since she had someone this close to her, looking at her with full admiration.

“Who are you? You’re so pretty.”, Amber let out a small laugh and started blabbering. It was an impulse, she just started flirting shamelessly.

“Where’s your girlfriend? Why are you alone?”, the girl asked without answering Amber’s question.

“Does it matter?”, Amber smiled charmingly. “Why don’t you answer my question? Who are you?”, Amber repeated her questions to the girl.    

“I am just a fan of yours.”, the girl moved her palm to cupped Amber’s cheek. Amber gulped, realizing how close the girl was right now. This whole situation was very tempting actually.

“You’re a fan? Prove it.”

The girl smiled at Amber’s request. She took out her phone and typed something. Then suddenly Amber’s song ‘Curiosity’ was heard on her phone.

“This is you, yes?”, the girl showed her phone to Amber’s face, where Amber can find a curiosity music video played on youtube page. 

Hearing the song, Amber snapped back to reality. Curiosity was the song that Krystal really like. Krystal. The name kept repeating on her head right now. Krystal’s face popped out in her mid, her smile, her pout, her glare, her everything, her Krystal. Amber quickly shifted her body, making some distance between her and the girl.

“I ----“, Amber stuttered, she looked down and being awkward. The girl got confused with Amber’s sudden change.

“What’s wrong?”, the girl moved her body closer again, she held Amber’s hand this time.

Amber smiled wearily. “Sorry. I… -- Can you excuse me? I need a fresh air.”, she let go of the girl’s hand and immediately stood up from the couch, leaving the girl. 

Amber quickly ran to the balcony. She let out a long breath and shook her own head in silent. Clearing her mind. How can she let her guard down simply because she felt so lonely without Krystal? The distance tortured her as they have not met in months, but it didn’t mean that she could take this opportunity to have a slip with some random girl. She stared at her phone, thinking of whether she should call Krystal.

In Seoul, Krystal was enjoying her little coffee date with Jongin. It was nice to catch up actually, just being friendly with each other without any burden.

“I look forward to your new drama and new movie, Soojungie. I saw the trailer of Search, you look amazing as a soldier.”, Jongin said, complimenting Krystal.

Krystal blushed of the sudden praise. “Thank you.”

“How’s Amber?”, suddenly Jongin asked. Krystal was a bit surprised with his question. Actually Krystal never said anything about her relationship with Amber to Jongin. But Jongin always heard something was going on between his ex-girlfriend and Amber. Plus, the treatment that Krystal gave to Amber during the time he was still dating Krystal clearly showed that Amber was special to Krystal, maybe more than just a best friend.

“She’s… -- fine. I haven’t met her since a long time actually.”

“Ah. You must miss her so much.”, Jongin’s hand moved and held Krystal’s hand across the table.

Krystal was startled. She was about to withdrew her hand, but she didn’t. Jongin’s touch felt so soothing, gentle and somehow made Krystal comfortable. She missed having someone held her hand like this, giving assurance that she was not alone.

“Soojungie, do you want to have dinner after this?”, Jongin asked softly. Sensing that Krystal welcomed his gesture and may not turned down his invitation.

Krystal stared at Jongin for a while, she clearly enjoyed the closeness with him at this moment. Having someone to chat on a coffee date was really pleasant. And she liked the idea of having a company for dinner.

They both ready to bundle up their clothes, preparing to cover their face with hat and scarf to avoid any paparazzi or scandal. When Krystal stood up from the chair, Jongin suddenly realized the jacket that Krystal was wearing.

“Oh! Is that your f(x) hoodie? From your dimension 4 concert?”, he asked.

This realization hits Krystal. The jacket that she was wearing not only the F(x) jacket, it was Amber’s jacket, the one that Krystal stole from Amber after their concert few years back.  There was a reason why Krystal picked that hoodie today, she just wanted to feel Amber on her, wrapped around her body. It may sounded silly, but wearing Amber’s hoodie reminded her of Amber and made Krystal felt close to Amber, felt Amber was there with her. That’s how desperate Krystal was at this moment, craving for everything about Amber. Suddenly, the invitation of having dinner with Jongin didn’t seem tempting anymore. Why would she chose to spend time with Jongin when she had Amber to accompany her tonight, even though only through a video call?

Krystal smiled. “It was actually Amber’s. I just feel like wearing it.”

Hearing this, Jongin understand. He knew he needed to back off this time. He realized how Krystal loves Amber and how much she missed Amber. Coffee date and dinner would not replace her longing for Amber.

“Sorry, Jongin. I think… --- I have to call it a day. I have to go home.”

Jongin chuckled and nodded. “Okay, no problem. Thank you for having a coffee with me. It was nice though. And, good luck with your new company.”

Krystal quickly got out from SM Building and got into her car. She sighed inwardly. Then she took her phone and called Amber.

On the other side of the world, Amber startled and widened her eyes when she saw Krystal’s name popped out on her phone screen. Krystal, her princess, called her. Finally, after 4 days, she was the one who called first.

“Hey.”, Amber answered when Krystal face was shown.

“Where are you?? Why didn’t you call me?!”, Krystal grunted and she pouted.

“I am at my friend’s apartment. At the balcony now. Look!!”, Amber chuckled, she moved her body to show Krystal the LA landscape.

“Are you having a party? Are you drunk? Are there girls?? OMG, are you cheating on me??”, Krystal bombarded Amber with lots of questions.

Amber laughed. “Yes we’re having a party. Yes I am drunk and there are so many girls here. But no, I am not cheating on you. Never. Krystal I really miss you.”, Amber showed her puppy eyes.

Jinja? You’re not cheating on me? I will throw a rock to your head when we meet if you dare to lay a finger on another girl.”, Krystal squinted her eyes, examining Amber’s expression.

“No, princess. I just… --- I just want you.. I just miss you.”

They both went silent for a moment.

“I am sorry”, the silence were broke when both of them said in unison at the same time. Then they smiled shyly, realizing that they actually just too stubborn to admit that the fight they had just a stupid fight.

“I am sorry, Am. I don’t mean to push you to come here. But I just miss you so much. I am going crazy here, Amber. You’re so far away and I feel so lonely! And please, don’t ever think that I didn’t appreciate your job or something. You know how much I admire you, you’re great at everything you do and I am always proud of you.”

“I know, princess. And I am sorry too. I --- it was a stupid thing for me to say. I dunno why -----“

“Amber, stop!”, Krystal cut her. “We all suffered during this time, in terms of work and in terms of relationship. But that’s why we need each other. I need you to support me, and I will always be your support system.”

Amber smiled. How she missed her princess after didn’t see her face for 4 days.

“I love you!”, Amber blurted out. “And I promise I will find a time to come to Seoul if this pandemic situation is getting better. Maybe not on your birthday but maybe in November. I promise. I just need to see you. Gaaaahh!! I miss you so much, princess. And it’s killing me because we’re stuck in our place and it was not easy to just fly anywhere.”, Amber groaned in frustration.

Krystal giggled. “You say that you miss me like so many times already.”

“It’s that my F(x) hoodie?”, Amber asked after she realized what Krystal was wearing.

Krystal’s face flushed. “Why? Can’t I wearing your hoodie? Besides, it is my hoodie now.”

 Amber grinned mischievously, but she was actually happy seeing Krystal wore her clothes.

“What??!”, Krystal threw a glare at her.

“Nothing! It’s just nice seeing you wearing my jacket.”, Amber smiled again, a very sincere smile, giving Krystal an admiring  look.

“It’s not your hoodie. It’s mine!!”, Krystal exclaimed, her face flushed. She really didn't want to admit the reason why she wore that jacket, though she can sense that Amber already knew the reason. 

“Okaaay.. okaayy.. It’s yours..”, Amber finally gave up, but she snickered. “Krys, I want to go home and talk to you. This party is getting bored anyway. Are you on the way home?”

“Yeah. I just finished my meeting with SM about my contract. But are you sure that you want to leave the party? There are lots of girls there, right?”, Krystal said in her sarcastic tone, eyeing Amber with suspicious look.

Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing but my time would be wasted, they got nothin' on you baby”, as a response, Amber started singing the B.O.B and Bruno Mars’ ‘Nothing on You’.

Krystal rolled her eyes. “Chessy, Illama. Stop embarrassing yourself and go home now!”

Amber laughed. Then they ended up the call and each of them ready to go home, to be able to have a video call again later.

Krystal smiled when she hung up the phone. It’s hard for them right now. But this is them. They would not let the pandemic wins and ruined their relationship. Like they promised and they believed, there is nothing that they can’t handle now. Until they will find to meet each other again, they will be fine. 

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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
12 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2072 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!