In Too Deep

In Violation Of The Bro Code
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Note: Chapter 3 is here. After the wonderful support i'm getting from my readers, I decided to try and complete chapter 3 and deliver a little earlier than usual. The love i'm getting for this story is amazing. i'm so thankful to you guys for that.

This chapter introduces some more characters, from ATEEZ and Monsta X. Ofcourse more will come as we proceed with the story. This chapter is a bit angsty, but nothing too bad. It's just a phase I feel is necessary to bridge the space between the point at which Jaebeom decides he is going too far with Youngjae, then tries to avoid him and the point when they realizes that's impossible.
In the next chapter we'll finally get to see some romance between the other couples in the story. I'm not sure though when that chapter will be ready. It's taking me some time. I trust and hope that you guys will be patient as always.




Once Jaebeom is gone, Joy rushes into Youngjae’s office to talk to Youngjae about Jaebeom. At first she animatedly babbles on about how hot he is while totally oblivious to Youngjae’s change of mood. She does however notice it when she is about to make enquiries on how Youngjae’s lunch date was.

“Boss, are you okay?” Joy goes to join Youngjae on the couch where he is still brooding.

“I’m so confused.” Youngjae mutters. I was excited about inviting Jaebeom hyung here and everything was going so well. He even liked my décor. All my friends hate it.”

“Then what happened?”

“He cancelled plans with me for this Friday because he has a date on the same night. I was going to officially ask him out this Friday.”

Joy winces, “ouch.” Reaching out, she pats Youngjae’s arm in comfort.

“Maybe it’s a bit presumptuous of me but I really thought he and I had something going.”

“That’s the vibe I got when I came through here earlier.” Joy sighs. “I’m guessing none of this is easy for him since he is your ex’s best friend.”

“Sometimes I get so wrapped up in having fun with Jaebeom hyung that I forget the predicament we’re in.”

“I wish there was no predicament. You two seemed so happy having lunch together this afternoon.”

Youngjae just smiles sadly and doesn’t say anything more.


The guy Mark set Jaebeom with isn’t bad at all. In fact Jaebeom can’t believe people so sweet still exist. His name is Lee Jooheon. The moment they link up at the movies, he asks to be called Jooheony because that’s what he prefers. Jooheon is just about Jaebeom’s height, and he has the cutest combination of dimples, soft plump cheeks and tiny eyes Jaebeom has ever seen.

Though Jooheon’s suave black dress pants, neat white short and red trench coat outfit contrasts sharply with his cute looks, it just fits somehow and Jaebeom ins’t complaining at all about the style. Jaebeom is glad he is dressed to impress as well tonight in his navy blue dress pants and matching jacket. He thought the full dress shirt and tie would look too serious, so he went with a white t-shirt without the suit.

“What movie should we see?” Jooheon asks while they are buying some snacks.

“What do you like?”

Jooheon pouts his lips as he wonders off in thought. Jaebeom’s gaze is instantly drawn to those lips and how endearing Jooheon looks. There is a sweet guy right in front of Jaebeom yet he can’t stop thinking of Youngjae. He misses Youngjae. They haven’t seen each other or kept in touch since the day they had lunch together at Youngjae’s office. The fact that Youngjae was upset when Jaebeom left only makes things worse. Regardless, he puts on a smile and does his best. Dating other people might be what he needs to get over Youngjae.

“Fantasy.” Jooheon finally replies and that’s how they end up choosing Maleficent II: The mistress of evil.

Jaebeom doesn’t even like fantasy films, but the experience goes rather well with Jooheon excitedly leaning towards Jaebeom every now and again to whisper about some fine points of the movie.

After the movie, they head to a ramen place nearby. They are babbling about the kind of music they like and Jooheon mentions someone by the name of Changkyun. Apparently Chankyun introduced Jooheon to the best rock music he’s ever heard. All of a sudden Jooheon falls silent and he looks at Jaebeom with such seriousness.

“Jaebeom hyung, I feel like you are a really nice person and that’s why I’d like us to keep hanging out…as friends.”

Jaebeom just stares; stark shocked that he has just been friend-zoned by his date. “Excuse me?” Maybe Jaebeom sounds a bit waspish, but that’s not his fault.

“It’s nothing wrong with you or me.” Jooheon rushes to explain and then he grimaces. “Okay the truth is that I’m already seeing someone else, the guy I just talked about. Changkyun.”

“Then how did you end up on a date with me?”

“Mark hyung is my senior at work, so it was hard for me to say no when he asked me to go on a date with his friend.”

“You couldn’t tell him you have a boyfriend?” Jaebeom feels so embarrassed and humiliated, like he is so desperate that his friends are out there forcing people to date him. All this bull wouldn’t be happening if he could just date Youngjae without causing a civil war.

“Technically I’m single because Changkyun and I aren’t official yet. We like each other and we’ve been hanging out but it’s nothing serious yet. I told Mark hyung I was single.”

Jaebeom is speechless as Jooheon continues looking apologetically at him.

“I’m really sorry.” Jooheon adds.

As awkward and miffed as Jaebeom feels about all this, he can’t deny the fact that he is also slightly relieved. The situation he is in with Youngjae is complicated, but Youngjae the man he wants. Jaebeom has been dating other people for years now yet he never forgot Youngjae. It was stupid of him to think this one date tonight would change something.

“Its okay, Jooheon. I understand. I’m glad you told me the truth.”

Jooheon visibly sighs in relief. “So we can continue hanging out?”

“I’d like that.”

Jaebeom doesn’t want to be so quick to say he tried and then rush back to Youngjae, but well…. he did try and he is going to go back to Youngjae.


Yuta is narrating to Youngjae what a great day he had with Sana at the amusement park a few days ago. It’s Wednesday evening and they are skyping again. Youngjae ate out alone this evening because he doesn’t feel like cooking when he is in such a sour mood. Coco is lying in his arms on the bed with the laptop in front of them.

“We have a belief here in Japan that if you kiss a girl you like in the Ferris wheel, she’ll be yours forever.” Yuta is saying.

“Is that really a thing?” Youngjae is really trying to sound enthusiastic despite how heavy his chest feels.

“It is and I really wanted to kiss Sana.”

“You should have.”

Yuta sighs, cupping his cheek in his palm and resting it on his elbow. He is also lying on his bed. “I didn’t want to surprise her.”

“I also get that. However, you need to make a move already before someone else does.”

“I know. I can the perfect date planned and then I’ll really ask her out.”

Dates and plans to officially ask someone out just reminds Youngjae of the plans he had with Jaebeom for this Friday.

“Is everything alright, Jae? You’re quieter than usual.” Yuta notes

“I’m okay.” Youngjae tries for a smile, which only makes him feel worse somehow. Yuta shakes his head unconvinced.

“You’ve been all sunshine lately since your future husband came back to town, and now suddenly you’re gloomy. Is Jaebeom hyung leaving town again?”

“No, but he is seeing other people.”

“I don’t get it. I thought you two have something going.”

“I did too, but then yesterday he suddenly told me that he has a date with someone else this Friday.” Youngjae lets out a shaky sigh. “I’m so confused.”

“Did you sleep with him?”

“What? No. I would have told you.”

“Thank goodness, cause that could make things far worse. it sounds like Jaebeom hyung is confused and you don’t want to be all that’s serious with someone like that. not until he makes up his mind anyway.”

“So what should I do?”

“Do you want my honest opinion?”

“That’ll be helpful, yes.”

“I think Jaebeom hyung realised that he is in too deep and he panicked. In an effort to put some space between the two of you, he decided to try dating other people.”

The weight in Youngjae’s chest only weighs deeper. “I kind of thought the same thing. The truth is I’m scared too. I just thought….” He trails off, the thick lump forming in his throat smothering whatever he’s about to say next. I thought Jaebeom and I could weather the storm.

“Sorry to say it, but your situation is just ugly.”

“I thought you were on my side.”

“I am and I want to see the two of you happy. It’s also true that none of this will be easy for the two of you. The sooner you get your head out of the clouds, the better. If you truly want to be with that guy, you need to prepare for a battle. If not, give up now and cut ties with him.”

Yuta’s words sound so cold and harsh especially now when Youngjae is already feeling like a huge rock is crushing his heart. At the same time he is also right and all this is a lot for Youngjae to think about. Being with Jaebeom is amazing and there is nothing he wants more than to have him, but the consequences can’t be ignored. They are grown men now and they both have responsibilities ad loyalties to protect. Youngjae’s breakup from Mark wasn’t ugly.

They are not friends now, but they are very civil with each other especially because they are raising Coco together. Youngjae would hate to destroy the peace between him and Mark. More importantly he would hate to ruin Mark and Jaebeom’s friendship.

Youngjae has never had such a hard time deciding whether to be selfish or selfless. He’s always thought that selflessness is the best virtue for a man to have, but liking Jaebeom has changed a lot for him.

Maybe it’s a good thing that Jaebeom has put this space between them right now. It hurts like hell, but it’ll give Youngjae the much needed time to think and decide what to do.


Jinyoung’s opens his eyes when he hears his bedroom door open and then close. This is followed by the soft sound of footsteps padding on the floor. Thereafter, someone joins him in bed and puts their arm around his waist.

Jinyoung smiles fondly. “You’re never this needy. What’s wrong?” Not that Jaebeom is unwelcome, but it’s a Wednesday night at around 11pm. They should both be sleeping if they expect to make if for work on time tomorrow.

“I miss Youngjae.” Jaebeom replies, voice muffled by Jinyoung’s pillow.

“You miss another man and you’re curling up against me?” Jinyoung scoffs. “How disloyal.”

There humor is there in Jinyoung’s comment, his voice, yet Jaebeom can’t bring himself to manage a mere smile. His chest hurts so much. The only other time he felt his way in his life was when his parents got divorced; this relentless deep searing pain in his heart that makes him want to cry all the time.

“I miss him so much.” Jaebeom whispers brokenly.

When Jinyoung told Jaebeom to stay away from Youngjae, he clearly underestimated the weight of Jaebeom’s feeling for Youngjae. Now Jinyoung feels so bad for his friend. He can’t stand seeing Jaebeom suffer like this.

Jinyoung twists and turns under the covers until he is facing Jaebeom. It’s dark so he can’t really see Jaebeom’s face, but the way Jaebeom is clutching on to Jinyoung’s pillow says it all. Jinyoung feels his heart break some more. He reaches out with his hand to caress Jaebeom’s hair in a way he always does when he comforts Jaebeom. This certainly isn’t the first time Jaebeom is crawling into Jinyoung’s bed, teary-eyed in the middle of the night. Jinyoung is certainly not a stranger to doing the same either. This kind of thing isn’t strange or embarrassing for them.

This is how their friendship is, even with Jackson and Mark. They’ve all endured a lot as friends and been there for each other in the hardest times. There are few things as precious to Jinyoung as this friendship. That’s why he is doing all he can to protect it. At the same time he kind of understands how Jaebeom has lost sight of all that. Love can make you do strange things. Jinyoung should understand that very well, what with him being stuck in a relationship with Jackson that he should have let go of ages ago. Letting go of a first love is hell.

“Ask yourself what hurts more- losing Youngjae or Mark.” Jinyoung finally speaks, whispering because it’s so quiet and he doesn’t want to disturb the serenity.

Jaebeom lifts his head to talk more directly to Jinyoung even though he can’t see his face. “I don’t know. I don’t want to know.”

“You just want to be with Youngjae.” Jiynoung finishes for him. “Well that’s not up to you. We can’t always have what we want.”

“I wish I had half your courage.”

“Courage?” Jinyoung scoffs again and retracts his hand from Jaebeom’s hair. “I can’t even break up with Jackson because I’m afraid of disturbing the balance of things.” He pauses for a moment. “I’ve grown… attached to him I guess. To you guys. Before he was my boyfriend, he was my best friend. I’m not sure we’ll just revert to being friends again after I’ve broken up with him.”

Jaebeom has been so lost in his own head and his own problems that he shamelessly forgot about Jinyoung’s struggles. Regardless, he is not too far gone to sympathise. “I understand what you’re saying, but it’s also not fair that you’re suffering like this. We are all afraid of the consequences of our actions, but at some point you’re going to have to talk to Jackson about this.”

“You’re right.” Jinyoung sighs deeply. Now he’s the one getting teary-eyed. This is so damn pitiful- two friends lying in bed and holding back tears over matters of the heart. Jinyoung is glad to have Jaebeom here with him though. It’s better than being alone. “I’ll talk to Jackson soon.”

“He’s so crazy about you. I’m sure he’ll understand well before he does anything else.”

“I hope so. Maybe you should talk to Mark about Youngjae. That’s something you haven’t done since all this started. Maybe we’re both stressing over nothing.”

“We’ve all discussed this before back in college and we agreed that dating a friend’s ex is messed up.”

“College was 8 years ago. We don’t know Mark’s take on that.”

That’s a good point. Jaebeom supposes it’s worth a try. One conversation with Mark could save him a whole lot of anguish. “Alright, I’ll ask.”

“Good. Let’s go to sleep now.”

“Should I go back to my room?”



Two days when Jaebeom is grocery shopping with Mark, he decides to take the opportunity to talk to Mark about Youngjae. The topic is so hard to bring up when their regular conversation right now has nothing to do with dating or exes. Probably thanks to some work of divinity, an opportunity presents itself when Mark stirs Jaebeom to the dog food isle to buy food for Coco. It’s now or never.

“So, how is Youngjae these days?” Jaebeom tentatively asks while Mark is carefully looking at the labels on the dog food varieties. It seems there is a kind he favors for Coco.

“Good.” Mark mutters absently.

“Is the co-parenting still working out? Nothing weird there?”

“None at all.” Mark finally lifts his gaze to regard Jaebeom. “Well to be exact, someone Youngjae d

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Chapter 8: I mean, WHAT ELSE COULD PEOPLE ASK FOR IF THE ENDING IS PERFECTLY GREAT!? I love it! I've said this before in "Restoring rubbished love", but your character's description is not joke. Like, I could swear this was leggit happening in real life. I love the complexity and the cuteness overall that filled every corner in the story. Very well-structured (as always) and astonishingly heartwarming. The way you poured Mark's emotions, I could feel it as my own. Even though, the word "betrayed" sounds too exaggerated to me, I understood what you wanted to say. During these last two chapters I tried to walk on Mark shoes, wondering what would I do if something like that happened to me, and my only answer was awkwardness. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind, but it surely would be weird. Maybe, If my break up was recently and a friend of mine went to date my ex the next week, then I would feel betrayed.

But other than that, WHAT A WONDERFUL STORY! I said this before, a very easy to read and to folow story. You have great talent in your hands, and I hope you can continue pursuing this hobbie <3 Another point I was forgetting to mention is the fact that you were able to develop JB and Youngaje's relationship smoothly, not pressuring their first kiss or their first time together. Everything was building up slowly, making us readers wait agonisingly for those moments to happen. EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE :) Congrats once again to make me fall in love with one of your stories. Now I will continue reading "Coming home" which already sounds inviting and interesting.

Btw, there were so many characters I could barely recognise them all, but I loved the inclusion and variety it provided to the whole story-line :) <3
Chapter 8: I mean, WHAT ELSE COULD PEOPLE ASK FOR If THE ENDING IS PERFECTLY GREAT!? I love it! I've said this before in "Restoring rubbished love", but your character's description is not joke. Like, I could swear this was leggit happening in real life. I love the complexity and the cuteness overall that filled every corner in the story. Very well-structured (as always) and astonishingly heartwarming. The way you poured Mark's emotions, I could feel it as my own. Even though, the word "betrayed" sounds too exaggerated to me, I understood what you wanted to say. During these last two chapters I tried to walk on Mark shoes, wondering what would I do if something like that happened to me, and my only answer was awkwardness. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind, but it surely would be weird. Maybe, If my break up was recently and a friend of mine went to date my ex the next week, then I would feel betrayed.

But other than that, WHAT A WONDERFUL STORY! I said this before, a very easy to read and to folow story. You have great talent in your hands, and I hope you can continue pursuing this hobbie <3 Another point I was forgetting to mention is the fact that you were able to develop JB and Youngaje's relationship smoothly, not pressuring their first kiss or their first time together. Everything was building up slowly, making us readers wait agonisingly for those moments to happen. EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE :) Congrats once again to make me fall in love with one of your stories. Now I will continue reading "Coming home" which already sounds inviting and interesting.

Btw, there were so many characters I could barely recognise them all, but I loved the inclusion and variety it provided to the whole story-line :) <3
Chapter 4: Okay, so I didn’t comment on the other ones because I was so intrigued about what was going to happen. Luckily, the amount of angust in here isn’t to die for! And that’s really great! So far, I am truly enjoying this story, and every detail you incorporate. The scene where YoungJae is in his office with Kihyun is so realistically accurate that somehow I felt terribly sad for him. Also, really relatable story kihyun has. Sometimes, I’ve felt like I don’t deserve love or the attention that I receive. People is really nice when complimenting me and I just feel hopeless and ashamed, so I could clearly feel what he was feeling! GOOD JOB ON THAT! The last scene with YoungJae and JB was amazingly cute! I needed this moment! I can’t wait to read the next chapter! :) ❤️
You love everything so far? Wow! That's amazing feedback. Thank you for the compliments ❤️ this is one of the few times I worked hard to include several POVs considering how hard that is, sonom happy that it's working for you. The couples are mostly members of my favourite bands. I hope you won't get too bored reading the ones that aren't your favourite. I hope you'll like the development and stick around till the end of the story. No pressure. Take your time❤️
You love everything so far? Wow! That's amazing feedback. Thank you for the compliments ❤️ this is one of the few times I worked hard to include several POVs considering how hard that is, sonom happy that it's working for you. The couples are mostly members of my favourite bands. I hope you won't get too bored reading the ones that aren't your favourite. I hope you'll like the development and stick around till the end of the story. No pressure. Take your time❤️
Chapter 1: OMG!! I just started to read this, and it is amazing!! I love everything so far. The story seems easy to follow, and the idea of portraying both, Youngjae and Jaebum, in other working scenarios was a really clever idea. I'll continue reading to see how the story develops!! Including more characters makes it also really entertaining and varied :) <3
collin12 #7
Chapter 8: This was so cute omg!!! I was scared for a second because they hadn’t made up and it was already the epilogue chapter. I’m so glad they’re all happy lol I’m acting as if this was real. Great job on the story and writing!!!
Ahgasereis #8
Chapter 8: Soo cute!!!!
Chapter 8: The story was going well until the part were jackson got upset by not being told by hia boyfriend re:jb/yj. It wasnt his story to tell in the first place. And mark, was just irrational. It's his ex. If he knew they liked each other since school days, he should have seen it coming right at his face. ?????
Chapter 8: The story was going well until the part were jackson got upset by not being told by hia boyfriend re:jb/yj. It wasnt his story to tell in the first place. And mark, was just irrational. It's his ex. If he knew they liked each other since school days, he should have seen it coming right at his face. ?????