Chapter 10

The Last Hunt

If there was one thing that Dongmyeong noticed while staying at Yunho's pack house, it was that everyone seemed to avoid talking about San. It was like they danced around the subject of San, and when Yunho asked about him Byungchan had said he had gone to find Yeosang and Mingi again.


"Why are you guys avoiding talking about San?" Asked Dongmyeong as he got to spend time with Byungchan while Yunho was doing something with MK who had recently returned from missions. "No one really talks about San until he actually shows up," said Byungchan as he shrugged. "You seem to avoid talking about him in general," said Dongmyeong.

"Does it really seem that way?" Asked Byungchan. Dongmyeong nodded. "It's just weird," he said. "We'll say where he is at this current time, which last I heard was that he was going to find Yeosang and Mingi so," Byungchan said, shrugging. Dongmyeong hummed in response.

"It's like how everyone keeps avoiding talking about your brother isn't it?" Asked Byungchan. Dongmyeong blinked in surprise, looking at Byungchan. "How'd you know about that?" He asked. "Who do you think gets the most information here in North America?" Asked Byungchan. "We get information quickly about who's coming to visit and for what reason," he said. "It wasn't hard to get your file from both Yedam and Mashiho," he said.

"You're not going to use whatever you know about me to your advantage are you?" Asked Dongmyeong. "Of course not," said Byungchan. "Why would we do something like that?" He asked.

"You can use anything you know about me to your advantage, but you won't?" Asked Dongmyeong. "Despite all you've heard about Kris's pack as a whole, especially my side, we're no different from other packs," said Byungchan. "The only thing that sets us apart from the others is just who runs it," he said. "I see," said Dongmyeong.



"You seem more relaxed," said Dongmyeong as he and Yunho were sitting on the bench a few feet from the lake behind the house. "I'm always relaxed when I'm home," said Yunho.

"I can see that," said Dongmyeong. "Why is that though?" He asked. "Considering your history anyway," he added. "They proved to me that I can trust them," said Yunho. "Hongjoong was the first to accept me for who I was," he said. "I think Seungwoo saw himself in me," he said. "It's a dangerous life we live, as soldiers anyway," he added. "But they try to make things easier for us," he said.

"Life as a part of the supernatural world itself is dangerous," said Dongmyeong. "True," said Yunho. "But it's good they do that for you," said Dongmyeong. "Not many would go to such lengths, especially concerning your past," he said. "They proved me wrong, and now I am able to put my full trust in them," said Yunho.

"So I heard one of your own left," said Dongmyeong. "Minseok? He was in Jinyoung's side of the pack but yes," said Yunho. "What was he like?" Asked Dongmyeong. "He was their youngest, in the subpack and that side of the pack as a whole," said Yunho. "Apparently his tracking was almost on par with Gongchan, who is only second to Jinyoung when it comes to tracking," he said.

"Why did he leave?" Asked Dongmyeong. "I don't know," said Yunho as his expression turned blank. "Apparently he couldn't handle it," he said. "But I think it was a more personal issue, because Yedam keeps up with him whenever he can," he said. "I see," said Dongmyeong.



It was Yunho's turn to be woken up by whimpering coming from his right, his eyes opening as he turned his head to spot Dongmyeong curled up into a ball, whimpering from whatever nightmare was plaguing his mind. Yunho sat up, reaching over and gently shaking Dongmyeong awake. Dongmyeong woke with a start, moving to smack the hand away as he sat up.

"What the hell?" Asked Dongmyeong. "You were having nightmares," said Yunho as he let his arm drop to his side, looking away from Dongmyeong. "I see," said Dongmyeong as he rubbed his face with his hand, sighing as he let his hand drop to his side.

"Come on," said Yunho as he got up, going to grab his phone and putting it in his pocket before leaving the room to go outside. Dongmyeong quickly got up, grabbing his phone and following Yunho downstairs and outside.

It was the moonlight that highlighted the nasty scar across Yunho's back that caused Dongmyeong to freeze in place, a gasp escaping him as he noticed just how bad it looked. "What?" Asked Yunho as he turned his head to look at Dongmyeong. "...Nothing," said Dongmyeong as he shook his head. "You just forgot to put a shirt on," he said. "Uh huh," said Yunho as he continued walking, going to sit at the bench that had become their hangout spot. Dongmyeong shook his head and continued walking, going to sit beside Yunho.

"When are you due home?" Asked Yunho. "Whenever you feel fine enough to head back," said Dongmyeong. "Cool," said Yunho as he nodded. "We'll head back when San decides to show up," he said. "When is that?" Asked Dongmyeong. "Soon," said Yunho as he nodded. "How soon is that?" Asked Dongmyeong.

"In the morning?" Came a voice, causing Yunho to smirk. "You have the best timing San," said Yunho. "Hello San," said Dongmyeong. "Hello werewolf," said San. "Behave will you?" Asked Yunho. "Yeah yeah," said San, earning a scoff from Yunho.

"For being the older twin, San looks like he's more in charge than you are," remarked Dongmyeong. "Back in my home pack, San was a hunter and he hunted for food for the family and we sold what we weren't using," said Yunho. "I was damn good at it you got to admit," San said, puffing out his chest in pride.

"Anyway," said Yunho. "Hunters held a higher rank in the pack than the soldiers," he said. "I was at the bottom, but San always made sure I had food," he said. "Right," said Dongmyeong. "So I have a bit more respect for him, despite me being the older twin between us," said Yunho. "I get it," said Dongmyeong.

"I think it's why it took so long before we were abandoned," said San. "I fought for us to stay in the pack," he said. "Didn't fight hard enough it seems," said Yunho. "I tried alright?" Asked San. "I'm not blaming you," said Yunho. San hummed in response.

"What was it like for you?" Asked Yunho as he looked at Dongmyeong. "I don't know," said Dongmyeong. "We were both kicked out when we started changing," he said. "So I've been exposed to werewolf hunting at a very young age," he said. "But I assume things were run the same way," he added. "My father was the main alpha and one of the toughest people you'd ever meet," he said. "My mother was his pure blooded mate," he added. "Never found out what she did though, since she mostly raised my brother and I," he said.

"You weren't kicked out though, from what I understand," said Yunho. "No," said Dongmyeong. "I killed my home pack in a fit of rage because my brother was "killed," he said putting up fingers in an air quote around the word killed. "You did this just a few weeks after you both started changing?" Asked Yunho. Dongmyeong nodded. "I didn't realize that my father was doing it to protect Xion but," he said, sighing. "It happens," said Yunho. "That it does," said Dongmyeong.

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Chapter 16 edit: For those who were wondering what kind of image Xion drew, I commissioned a friend to make the drawing come to life :D credits in the author's note at the end!


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1877 streak #1
congrats on winning the bid!^^
Congrats on winning the ad bid!
This looks interesting, so I'll definitely have to sub and check it out soon!
Congrats on winning the bid!
Congrats on the ad bid!
Damia_Song123 #5
Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
congratulations ♥♥ this is definitely worth it
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
I'm down for this ♡♡♡♡