Chapter 7

The Last Hunt

"The only way this would be a perfect visit is if San was here," said Yunho as he looked out towards the forest from the railing on the back deck. "And Wooyoung," he added. "Did San come visit at least?" Asked Jongho as he stood beside Yunho. "For a little bit," said Yunho. "He was here with me an entire day once, we just went on a hike through the forest," he said. "I'm sure he'll come for a visit again soon," said Jongho as he patted Yunho on the shoulder.


"So you've met San?" Asked Hongjoong as he walked with Dongmyeong to the pond. "Yeah," said Dongmyeong. "I was surprised to see him, I expected a completely different person from who I met," he said, earning a chuckle from Hongjoong. "San does have that sort of effect on people," said Hongjoong.

"I didn't know Yunho could be so... Emotional around people he knows," said Dongmyeong. "Believe me, he's much different at home than he is here," said Hongjoong. "The emotionless front is more due to which pack we belong to," he said. "Seungwoo did drill it into our heads that things were ran differently with him than the other generals," he said. "Byungchan and Jongho are the odd ones out, but that's because they both came from Jinyoung's side of the pack," he said.

"Hunting does have a part in it though," said Dongmyeong. "That it does... That it does," hummed Hongjoong as they reached the pond.

"No fox today it seems," said Dongmyeong as he looked around, half expecting the fox to show up. "Did you bring any jerky with you?" Asked Hongjoong. "No, but he usually shows up anyway," said Dongmyeong as he shrugged. Hongjoong hummed in response.



"So that's why you're here," said Hwanhee as he walked over to stand beside Yunho who was still talking with Jongho. "Yeah, Xiao explained it I'm guessing?" Asked Yunho as he turned his head to look at Hwanhee. "Gave me the gist of it," said Hwanhee. "I'm surprised Wontak decided to do something now of all times," he said, leaning against the railing.

"Was it that bad?" Asked Yunho. "In the beginning it was," said Hwanhee. "Dongmyeong's seemed to somewhat have moved on, with some help from Hwanwoong it seems," he said. "He still lashes out when anyone mentions Xion's name but I guess I was expecting him to be out of grief by now," he said.

"Grief changes people," said Jongho. "Some more than others," he added. "We've all had our fair share of grief, but nothing hits harder than losing someone close to you like Dongmyeong did," he said. "Especially to lose someone like Dongmyeong did," he added.

"He had a choice," said Yunho. "But he chose the harder option because he couldn't see anyone else doing what he did," he said. "In the end it still hurts like hell, no matter who did it," he said.

"It's why I fear the day you end up dead," came San's voice as he walked into view. "San!" Said Yunho as he smiled, the smile lighting up his face. "Hey San," said Jongho as he waved. Hwanhee blinked, before waving awkwardly. "Hello San?" He asked.

"Oh, someone who doesn't know me?" Asked San as he tilted his head to the side. "San, this is Hwanhee, Hwanhee this is San, my twin," said Yunho. "Nice to meet you," said Hwanhee. "Likewise," said San as he nodded.

"What brings you back here?" Asked Yunho. "Finally found Yeosang and Mingi, have yet to find Seonghwa though," said San. "Hm," hummed Yunho. "I don't know where Seonghwa is," he said. "Last I checked he was visiting Jaehwan and Zuho?" Asked Jongho as he looked thoughtful. "I was going there next," said San. "Say hello to Seonghwa for me," said Yunho. "Will do," said San before he turned around and sprinted off. "By San," Yunho called after him.



"You guys just missed San!" Called Yunho as Hongjoong and Dongmyeong walked into view after returning from the pond. "Aw, really? What'd he come by for?" Asked Hongjoong. "Just to say he found Yeosang and Mingi," said Yunho. "But he couldn't find Seonghwa so he was going to Jaehwan's place next," he said.

"Well you guys are gonna miss dinner if you don't hurry up and get your food," called Xiao as he came outside. That got Hwanhee and Yunho to rush inside, with Dongmyeong following behind them. Jongho and Hongjoong exchange glances before heading inside with Xiao.

"So you met San?" Asked Hongjoong as he sat beside Hwanhee at the kitchen island with food. "Mhm," said Hwanhee. "What'd you think?" asked Hongjoong. "I dunno," said Hwanhee. "He's very... Outspoken?" He asked.

"That's very unusual for San," remarked Yunho from his spot at the kitchen table. "I mean I guess I was here so I see where you got that from but," he said, shrugging. "He's usually more quiet and reserved," he said. "But his usual "come for a minute, catch up, then go" style is still there," he said.

"That sounds like San," said Hongjoong. "He was literally there for like 2 minutes," said Jongho. "Said hello, got to say where he was headed next then left," he said. "I told you he wouldn't be a problem," said Yunho as he turned to Xiao. "I never doubted you," said Xiao.



Hongjoong and Jongho eventually had to leave, promising to return as soon as possible when Byungchan started asking for them to come back to the pack house to get some things done before they had to go find Wooyoung, who had been silent for a few months now.

"Say hi to San for me, if you see him," said Yunho as he stood outside with Dongmyeong to send Hongjoong and Jongho off. "We will," said Hongjoong. "Have a safe trip home, and tell Byungchan that I'm fine," said Yunho. Jongho waved before he ran into the forest with Hongjoong following after him.

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Chapter 16 edit: For those who were wondering what kind of image Xion drew, I commissioned a friend to make the drawing come to life :D credits in the author's note at the end!


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1877 streak #1
congrats on winning the bid!^^
Congrats on winning the ad bid!
This looks interesting, so I'll definitely have to sub and check it out soon!
Congrats on winning the bid!
Congrats on the ad bid!
Damia_Song123 #5
Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
congratulations ♥♥ this is definitely worth it
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
I'm down for this ♡♡♡♡