Chapter 4

The Last Hunt

Yunho decided to explore like he had said he would after breakfast, getting changed into more presentable clothes and his favorite hoodie before heading out the backdoor, shouting that he was going for a walk. He wasn't expecting anyone to join him, but he knew someone would come looking for him eventually if he didn't return in a few hours.

San walked into view after a few minutes and went to walk beside Yunho, the both of them enjoying the comfortable silence for a few minutes before Yunho decided to speak. "I thought you left already," said Yunho as he turned his head to look at San. "No, not yet," said San as he shook his head. "I'm not needed anywhere yet anyway," he added. "I see," said Yunho as he nodded.

"A nice area," said San as he looked around. "Yeah," said Yunho. "So much land to get lost in without running into the humans, reminds me of the pack house," he said. "It's expected up there though," pointed out San. "Of course," said Yunho.

Footsteps alerted them to someone else's presence, and Yunho and San turned around to see Dongmyeong walking over with Xiao. "Oh, it's the werewolf from last night," said San. "San, behave," said Yunho as he slapped San over the back of his head earning a whine from San as he rubbed the back of his head. "Oi," San said with a scowl. "Yes San, behave yourself," Dongmyeong said, shaking his head in amusement as the corners of Xiao's lips turned up in a smile.

"Come to join us for a walk?" Asked Yunho. "Yeah, for a bit," said Xiao. "If you or San don't mind of course," he added. Yunho turned to San who shrugged. "Sure," said San. "Let's go then," said Yunho, waiting until Xiao and Dongmyeong walked over to stand beside him before continuing his walk with San with Xiao and Dongmyeong following after him.

"So where's the rest of the pack been?" Asked Yunho. "The other 'shifters other than Sunyoul, Kogyeol, Hwanhee, Changhyun and I are doing separate things with other hunting teams at the moment, I'm sure you've heard of what we do," said Xiao. "Yeah," said Yunho. "Changhyun updates Wontak whenever he can to tell him where the rest of your pack went," he said.

"Youngjo and Hwanwoong are with Hwanhee at the moment, and Changhyun and Hwanhee are doing missions," said Dongmyeong. "I was with Hwanhee for a bit but I had to head home when Wontak asked me to meet him," he said. "I see," said Yunho.

"What were you doing before coming here?" Asked Dongmyeong. "I was home," said Yunho. "Byungchan had basically demanded for Wontak to let me have a break so Wontak gave me one," he said. "I had just come back from like a 3 year long mission in Asia so I needed to just be home for a bit," he said. "Damn," said Xiao.

"I remember my missions getting that long a few times," said Dongmyeong. "It's much easier if you don't have a pack, but it's harder on the hunters who belong to a pack because the pack can lose that hunter at anytime basically," he said.

"It ," said San. "I wasn't there for the whole thing and I wish I was," he said, sighing. "Hey, I made it back didn't I?" Asked Yunho as he patted San on the shoulder. Dongmyeong observed the way the two brothers interacted with each other with a slight tilt of his head before turning to Xiao who shook his head.

"Well, at least this will be your last mission," said Xiao. "Wontak did say you wouldn't go out like those who retire apparently," he added. "Something about being important to the rest of the pack I'm in or something," said Yunho as he shrugged.

"You're in Kris's pack aren't you?" Asked Dongmyeong. "I am, I'm under Byungchan who controls the subpack I'm in," said Yunho. "Byungchan's the general right now on his side of the pack," he added. "Though most people know of Seungwoo who led our side of the pack," he said.

"Well, I can tell which side of the pack you belonged to, considering the icy exterior you carried," said Dongmyeong. "But anytime San is here I can see the ice melt," he said. "You've run into the others then?" Asked Yunho. "Mostly Seungwoo," said Dongmyeong. "I met him a year ago when they asked for my team and I," he said. Yunho hummed in response.



They ended their walk at the pond, with the fox appearing for a few minutes and Dongmyeong was able to give it a piece of jerky before it headed off to whereever it went. "I think it's getting used to our presence," said Yunho as he watched the fox walk away. "I doubt it," said San. "I was here yesterday after hunting and didn't see a fox, this is the first time I've seen it," he said. Yunho hummed in response, turning to the water and bending down to pick up a rock before skipping it across the water.

"No one believes the fox even exists until they come out here with Dongmyeong," said Xiao. "I always have food," Dongmyeong said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Though I had a different fox for a time, this one's a different one from the one from before," he said bending down to pick up a rock before straightening and skipping it across the water.

"Well," said San as he stepped away from the group. "I'm going hunting then I'm heading off," he said. "I am needed elsewhere afterall," he added. "At least try and visit again soon," said Yunho as he turned his head to look at San. "No problem," said San as he nodded, turning and sprinting off to hunt. "Bye San!" Dongmyeong called after him. Xiao shook his head in exasperation at San's antics before looking back out at the water.

"It was a nice hike," said Yunho. "We spent the whole day out here it seems," said Dongmyeong as he looked down at his phone to check the time. "I'm surprised no one has tried coming to look for us yet," he said. "I told them not to bother us unless it was really important," said Xiao. "Perks of being the main alpha," Dongmyeong said with a snort, earning a snicker from Yunho as Xiao sighed in annoyance at Dongmyeong, shaking his head.

"I never got to ask but," said Dongmyeong as he hesitated a bit, shifting slightly as he looked down at the ground. "Where'd you get the scars on your body from?" He asked, turning to look at Yunho. "I saw that question coming a mile away," Yunho breathed out as he sighed, shaking his head. "I don't want to tell you yet," he said. "It's not like I won't tell you," he added. "I just don't want to tell you yet," he said. "Alright," said Dongmyeong.

"Let's head back then," said Xiao. "Before they really start coming to look for us," he added. "Sure," said Yunho. "You got your curiosity fulfilled and got to spend the day with San," said Dongmyeong. "It's funny because he never stayed this long before," said Yunho as he turned and started walking back with Xiao and Dongmyeong. "Probably because you were so relaxed with us," said Xiao. "Probably," said Yunho as he nodded.

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Chapter 16 edit: For those who were wondering what kind of image Xion drew, I commissioned a friend to make the drawing come to life :D credits in the author's note at the end!


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1877 streak #1
congrats on winning the bid!^^
Congrats on winning the ad bid!
This looks interesting, so I'll definitely have to sub and check it out soon!
Congrats on winning the bid!
Congrats on the ad bid!
Damia_Song123 #5
Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
congratulations ♥♥ this is definitely worth it
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
I'm down for this ♡♡♡♡