Chapter 12

The Last Hunt

"What brings you two here?" Asked Yunho as they sat around the back porch. "San was persistent in getting us to come over," said Yeosang. "I also wanted to check on you, to see how things are," said Mingi. "So I convinced Yeosang to come here," he said. "Running into Jinwook however, wasn't planned," he said.

"I may have to ask Wooseok to come over to check on Jinwook," hummed Xiao as he looked thoughtful. "I doubt it'll help," said Mingi. "I'm older than Wooseok, if I couldn't do much for Jinwook I doubt Wooseok can," he said.

"It's been a while since you were alpha of a 'shifter pack though," pointed out Yunho. "True," said Mingi. "But that's beside the point," he said. "I was surprised my alpha's voice is still working," he said. "Once an alpha always an alpha it seems," said Xiao. "It seems so," said Mingi.

"Why are you with a vampire again? Surely you can't match their speed," said Xiao as he looked at Mingi. "I'm from China," said Mingi. "Worked for the government there," he added, shrugging. "Made some weird thing that enhanced my abilities so I'm just as fast as a vampire now," he said.

"Isn't it the thing that Jun and his pack have too?" Asked Yunho. "They recently agreed to the terms the government set or something," he said. "I don't know if it's a thing though," he added, shrugging. "It's something that I've learned recently from Chan in the group chats when Jun went to visit him," he said. "Jun was allowed to tell him since he was family or something," he said. "But he couldn't tell everyone else the full thing anyway," he added.

"Probably not," said Mingi. "I know what you're talking about though, but I got my thing a long time ago," he said. "I can show you this though," he said, lifting his shirt to reveal a tattoo on his chest directly over his heart. "Since it's no longer used anyway," he added. "Isn't that one of those contract thingies?" Asked Dongmyeong as he looked closer. "Yeah," said Mingi. "I'm bound to Yeosang by 'shifter law and this contract," he said.

"So that's why you were surprised that your alpha's voice still worked?" Asked Xiao. Mingi nodded, bringing his shirt down. "I no longer work for the government but they do tend to keep tabs on us," he said. "Where's yours then? Since I assume it goes both ways?" Asked Xiao as he looked at Yeosang. "On my shoulder," said Yeosang. "We both keep it out of view simply due to how easy it is to transfer contract ownership," he said. "I see," said Xiao.

"What brings you here again?" Asked Yunho. "Other than bringing the insane one back? Here," said Yeosang as he tossed a shot glass at Yunho who caught it. "One I don't have?" Asked Yunho as he examined it, looking to see it had come from NYC. "It's from the Statue of Liberty," said Yeosang. "Yep, I don't have this one," said Yunho as he nodded, putting the shot glass on the table.

"What's with the shot glass?" Asked Xiao. "San probably got it," said Yunho. "And asked Yeosang to give it to me," he said. "Yep," said Yeosang.

"Should see the giant stack of shot glasses in his room," Dongmyeong said with a snort, earning an embarrassed chuckle from Yunho as he scratched the back of his head. "I don't drink," said Yunho. "Says the one with a giant stack of shot glasses," Yeosang said with a teasing smirk. "Oi," whined Yunho. "I don't," he said, pouting.

"How long are you going to be here?" Asked Xiao. "We're leaving now actually," said Yeosang. "Just stopped by to catch up," he said. "What, you're becoming San now?" Asked Yunho. "What can I say, he's rubbing off on us," Yeosang said, shaking his head. "I need to hunt anyway," he added. "Mingi can stay here until then," he said.

"Don't get caught," said Xiao. Yeosang nodded and turned and left, going to hunt. Mingi watched him go, letting out a sigh as he shook his head. "What's wrong?" Asked Yunho. "He never wants to stay in one place for too long," said Mingi. "That's how vampires usually are, aren't they?" Asked Yunho.

"I'm trying to get him to be more social around people," said Mingi. "Keep at it, maybe you can rub off on San too," Yunho muttered, earning an amused chuckle from Mingi.

"So how do you two know each other?" Asked Xiao as he looked between Yunho and Mingi. "We were in the same situation," said Mingi. "Except I was with Yeosang at the time," he added. "I swore to get the both of them out and well, the rest is history," he said. "It's how San got involved with Yeosang and Yunho got to go with Hongjoong," he added. "I see," said Xiao.



Hwanhee and Jinwook walked over after an hour of just catching up with each other and everyone turned to them. "Everything alright?" Asked Xiao. "I'm better now," said Jinwook as he scratched the back of his head. "Good," said Mingi. "It's gonna be difficult if you go into another bout of insanity again," he said.

"What even caused this one anyway?" Asked Xiao. "I'm not sure really," said Jinwook as he sighed. "I wish I knew the answer to that one, but I don't," he said. "I'm normally better at controlling it than this but something just made me lose it immediately," he said.

"It could be because you ran into Yeosang and I," said Mingi. "Most would be prone to thinking that I was captured by Yeosang or something," he said, shrugging.

"I think that if it was to happen again, it may be time for someone to kill me," said Jinwook. "I am not allowing that to happen," growled Hwanhee. "If we were to kill one, we'd have to kill the other," said Mingi. "I don't want that to happen," he said.

"Hunting has proven to help with that though," said Yunho. "From observing others anyway," he added. "So technically it could work," he said. "I'm not one for hunting though," said Jinwook. "I know, but it's worth the shot isn't it?" Asked Yunho. "I guess," hummed Jinwook.

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Chapter 16 edit: For those who were wondering what kind of image Xion drew, I commissioned a friend to make the drawing come to life :D credits in the author's note at the end!


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1877 streak #1
congrats on winning the bid!^^
Congrats on winning the ad bid!
This looks interesting, so I'll definitely have to sub and check it out soon!
Congrats on winning the bid!
Congrats on the ad bid!
Damia_Song123 #5
Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
congratulations ♥♥ this is definitely worth it
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
I'm down for this ♡♡♡♡