
“You hungry?” He asked.

“A little bit. We took such a long time back at the shop…”

“What if we eat out before we go back to the hotel?”


“Hmm… You seem tired. Let’s just go back home then let’s order room service.”

“Sounds better…”


We went back to the hotel and up to our room.


“You craving for anything?” He asked.

“Steak.” I grinned.


“Hey, Justin.”

“Huh?” He looked up from the phone.

“Is it ok if I take a quick shower?”

“Sure. I can manage. I’m going to take a shower myself, as soon as I finish calling for room service.”

“Cool. Thanks.”


After about thirty minutes, I came back out. He was nowhere in sight. Showering, I suppose. I took a seat on the couch, the TV and watched Music Bank. After 30 minutes, Sehun came back out from the shower.


“Food not here yet?” He asked.

“Duh?” I answered.

“Why is it taking such a long time? I’m starving…” He said as he sat down on the couch next to me.

“I have no idea… Could you try calling again?”



And so he did. The food came after about five minutes. We were chatting as we were eating…


“So…” He started “How’s the love life?”

“Nonexistent. Thanks for asking. Haha.” I answered.



“How could a girl like you not have a boyfriend?”

“A girl like me?”

“Yeah. You’re pretty, smart, accomplished, sweet, and all that. You’re the complete package! Tsk. Those guys are missing out on a lot, huh?”

“Maybe… Maybe not… Haha.”

“But you’ve had a boyfriend before?”

“Yup. One when I was in high school. Two during college. It didn’t get too serious though…”


“Well, for one, I got too busy with schoolwork then second, there really wasn’t any chemistry between us… you know? There weren’t any sparks, or whatever they call it…”

“Oh… I see…”

“How ‘bout you?”

“Well… None at the moment… No commitments yet, I mean. But I met this girl very recently… We’re just enjoying each other’s company for now. Nothing too serious…”

“Nice. Where’d you meet her?”

“Back at San Francisco.”

“Oh… I see…”

“I’m not sure though… She might not like me the way I like her… As for the moment, I know I treasure every minute I have with her…”

“Ah… Then ask her…”

“I’d rather not… I guess if we were meant to be together, she’ll come around in her own time.”

“I see… Good luck with that…”

“Thanks. I guess I needed that…”

We talked about sports, music, TV shows, movies, hobbies, and other little stuff after that. I admit it… I got a bit heartbroken when he told me that there was this other girl… I tried my best in not looking affected, I guess I’m succeeding at it… After dinner, I went to bed. I tried to sleep, once again, but I really can’t. I don’t know why he has this great effect on me. Have I really fallen for him? Oh, come on. I met the guy three days ago. But… the heck with it. I really don’t know anymore. One

hour of twisting and turning on my bed, I couldn’t take it. I went out to make some hot chocolate, just to make me calm down. I saw him at the coffee table, staring out into space, looks like he’s deep in thought…


“Hey.” I said.


He ignored me.


“Hey?” I repeated. “Sehun?”


“He- huh?” Looked like I distracted him.

“Why are you still up?”

“Just thinking.”

“Thanks Captain Obvious.”


“What were you thinking about? Looked pretty serious.”



“I meant, you, why are you still up?”

“Still can’t sleep. You haven’t answered my question though.”

“I was thinking about the girl I told you about.”

“Ah.. What about her?” Poker face I said.

“I was thinking about what you told me… Maybe I should tell her before some other guy does…”

“Maybe you should. Maybe you shouldn’t.”


“I don’t know. Don’t take advices from me, especially when it comes to love. I’m not so good with it.”

“I’m getting confused…”

“About your feelings for her?” Yes. I’m still hoping.

“Nope. I’m pretty sure about what I feel for her.” Damn it… “I’m not sure about what to do…”

“Oh… I see…”



A/N: Not yet edited. LOL. ♥

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Update TT~~TT
dear author, update please T_T dying dying dyiiinng
Update soon~^^ I can't wait~!!
alyssa27 #5
I really hope it would be her! >.< I'm excited, keep updating soon! ^-^
update soon!!~~ ^^ <3
XOaddictedXO #7
Bet he's proposing to her! kkk
update soon <3
Wouah :O i'm so excited, sad for ___,curious,happy because you updated... What will happen soon ??!! ^^
Thanks for updating ! I was waiting for this chapter ! Update soon !!
I'm so curious about what's going to happen next. >.<