The Audition

She's Your Sister?!

You and your bestie, Chae Rin were in Hongdae for a  girls day out. You girls just went all out and with spending your money. You bought coffee, dubbokki and even some new clothes for your wardrobe “Wow! _____, don’t you think you’re spending just a tad bit too much? Haha!” Chae Rin asked you. “I’m never spending too much when I’m with you, Chae Rin! Us girls just have to get our hands on something!” You said. “Aish, this girl. Alright. Whatever you say.” She gave in. You and Chae Rin walked around Hongdae more until you stopped in front of a poster. “Chae Rin-ah, come look at this.” You called to her. “YOU COULD BE THE NEXT KPOP STAR! AUDITION FOR T.O.P MEDIA ON NOV.23!” Chae Rin read. “Omo! That’s the company Teen Top’s under! You know how much I love them! If I get in, I’d be able to meet them and they are my sunbaes too!” You said, fangirling. “Haha! That’s right! Hey! Why don’t I audition with you? I mean, I know I don’t know much about Teen Top, but if I get in, we’ll be working together!” “That’s a great idea! Oh hey, isn’t tomorrow  Nov.23? OMG! Better start practicing. Let’s go home now and rest up.” And so, the two of you went back home and rested and promised each other you’ll meet up in front of T.O.P Media.

“Annyeong, Chae Rin. Are you ready for your audition?” You asked. “I don’t know about this, _____. What if one of us doesn’t make it in?” Chae Rin worried. “Don’t fret, even if one of us doesn’t get in, the other one must go on and continue to live their dream! Promise me that if one of us doesn’t get through to this audition, you can’t cry and just learn to move on and continue to live their dream, araeso?” You said. Chae Rin nodded and when the doors opened, all the girls and boys rushed in to get started with their audition. 

Around you and Chae Rin, you realized ther are kids from all around the world, all with different talents and you guys got nervous. Every child that’s come out of the audition room has either come out with a smile or a crying face. “Wow..tough crowd. I feel bad for the kids that didn’t make it in.” Chae Rin whispered to you. As time passed, more and more kids went in. Finally, it was your turn. “Number 243, please come in.” One of the staff unnis called. “Good luck ____-ah!” Chae Rin said, doing the “fighting” pose.

“Annyeonghaesaeyo! I’m number 243 Lee _____-imnida.” “Ne, annyeonghaesaeyo Lee _______-ssi. What can you do for me today?” Andy asked.  “I can sing, dance and rap.” You said. “Alright. Dance for me first.” So, you danced to Teen Top’s “Crazy.” You were so focused and the choreography was precise and on beat. Andy watched you carefull and was surprised at how smooth you move. “Well, that was truly a performance Miss Lee. Your moves are precise and you move very smoothly and fluently. Very sharp, very charismatic.” “Ah, kamsamnida!” You bowed. “Alright, next I want you to do your rapping for me.” With that note, you took a deep breath and started to rap to L.Joe’s part in “Crazy”. Again, Andy focused on on the speed and clarity of the words. He was yet again, impressed by your rapping skills. He clapped and said “The speed is very good and I could understand the words clearly. You must’ve practiced very hard to master L.Joe’s rap.” You nodded and smiled at Andy’s comment. Well, I can tell you have potential of becoming a K-pop star. I just need to hear your singing and then I’ll tell you your results.” “Ah, ne!” Lastly, you sang to “I Choose To Love You” by Hyorin. After that powerful vocal performance, Andy gave you feedback and results. You were all nervous and you were sweating. “Well Miss Lee, your singing was very enjoyable and you have a stable voice. You just need to work on controlling your breathing and master the high notes.” You took Andy’s comments into consideration. He continued “Your rapping is very smoothing and there was no hesistation. I understood every word you said. Although, the speed of the rapping wasn’t consistent. Lastly, your dancing…….I don’t have any feedback for it because it was 100% flawless.” He said. “Kamsamnida!” As for the results…..congratulations! You have made it pass our audition! Please pack your bags and see me next week at 8AM.” You screamed and thanked him with a bow. You promised him that you’ll see him again next week.

“How’d it go? How’d it go?” Chae Rin asked, eagered. You took a deep breath before answering. “I…..MADE IT!!” “Omo! Chukahae! Jeongmal? That’s amazing! Now it’s my turn!” “Number 244, please come in.” The staff unni called. Chae Rin then entered inside while you went out and waited for her. “Annyeonghaesaeyo. Shim Chae Rin-imnida.” When Chae Rin came back up from her bow, she suddenly recognized the judge. She doesn’t know much about K-pop, but she remembered you telling her that the judge is the maknae from the legendary boy group Shinhwa. Chae Rin snapped out of her daze and focused on what Andy has to say. “Annyeonghaesaeyo Chae Rin-ssi. What will you do for me today?” He asked. “ I will sing and dance.” She said. “Alright. Sing for me first.” Chae Rin started to sing to Park Bom’s “Don’t Cry.” Andy payed close attention to Chae Rin’s voice. He noticed that she was slightly off-tune and was singing the song an octave lower that the original key. “Very good. It was enjoyable.Now, can you dance for me please?” Andy said. “Ne!” Chae Rin said, enthusiastically. The track started to play Teen Top’s “No More Perfume on You.” Chae Rin danced, but she paused and stumbled during the dance. Andy noticed it all. When the track finished, it was time for Andy’s comments. “Well, Miss Shim, I certainly enjoyed this audition of yours. Your singing was by far the best out of the two, but you were slightly off-tune and you sang the song an octave lower than it was suppose to be.” Chae Rin got hurt by Andy’s comment, but she continued to listen to what else he had to say.

“Your dancing however, wasn’t all that fluent and smooth. You stumbled and paused for a duration of time while the track still played. But it was still a very enjoyable audition to watch. Unfortunately, I’m sorry, but you didn’t make it through the audition. But please come back next year.” Andy said. And with that, Chae Rin’s audition ended just like that. “Chae Rin-ah! How’d it go? You passed, right?” You asked. Chae nodded a “no.” Your expression just fell. “Chae Rin…I…I really don’t know what to say. know what? I’m just not gonna go. If you didn’t make it in, then I’m just gonna forfeit mine.” You said, going in. Chae Rin grabbed your wrist to stop you. “No! This is your dream _____-ah. You will not forfeit and go meet Andy oppa tomorrow. As a friend, I’m happy for you that you got a chance to live your dream. Go. I’ll be rooting for you.” Chae Rin praised you. You smiled and hugged her. “I’ll never forget you. I’ll call and text you as much as I can.”  

By next week, you will start a brand new life as a rookie trainee under T.O.P. Media.

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Hello my subbers! Long time no update! I'm soooo sorry! I DO have a new chapter written! Don't worry!! Thank you for being so patient! Please don't unsubscribe! I'm still an active author!!! And there will be a surprise once this story is finished!! ^^" Kamsamnida everyone!
Winnerikonab #2
naylaa #3
Chapter 19: I'll wait your update authornim^^
Chapter 19: herroooooooooooo my subbers! I hope you're all still here! I'll be updating more chapts regularly (I hope! Uni's killing me ppl!!~) Please continue reading on! You'll be surprised by the very end! what's gonna happen next? What do you want to happen in the story? I may just pick your happy ending. You never know!~ Read on to find out!
katcha #5
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! NOOO!
I want to cry but can't people are around T^T
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! He's dead :''( WAE? WAE?
randomm #7
Chapter 14: he's dead....:'( WAE!!!!
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN. I hope she doesn't die.
I'm glad everyone is liking the new chapter ^^""
Again, thx for reading my story! Keep those subscribers coming!
Chapter 11: that bish a crazy ___ lesbo i swear if there is a person like her existed in this world i would put her in the mental hospital she cray cray!!!!!!!