I Can't Do Anything Right

She's Your Sister?!

That night, you lay awake on your bed thinking about all that’s happened today. “I can’t believe I’ve got amnesia. Why is everything happening to me? Ugh, this is the worst!” You raged. You stared into the ceiling in daze, just daydreaming, suddenly, you heard a knock on your door. “It’s late, who could it be?” You went to answer it. “Hi noona!” Ricky came out, hugging you. You were taken aback, but you said “Oof! What are you doing here, Ricky-ah?” “Oh, it’s not just me, look!” Ricky moved aside and all of Teen Top showed up before your eyes. “Wow! Ok, is there some kind of special occasion that I don’t know about?” You laughed.

The boys stepped into your house to get more comfortable before telling you more. You offered them water, then you sat on your bed, full of attention. “So, what’s up?” You asked brightly. “____-ah, the reason me and the hyungs are here is because we want to be your guardians from now on and protect you from SooJin and other harm.” Chunji said. “Heh, but why? I’m perfectly fine. I mean, I have forgotten my memory, but I don’t have a broken leg or anything.” “Well, yes, but seeing how you’re gonna be vulnerable or get bullied by SooJin more, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He said, holding your hand.

“Ehhh! Chunji hyung, you sound like you’re confessing to her. So cheesy!” Chunji’s face blushed. So did yours. “Oh! ____’s face is red! Haha!” L.Joe shouted. “Ahh! Oppa!” You said, pouting and threw a pillow to his face. “Ow!! Hey, as your oppa, if you and Chunji started dating, I would approve. Now Chunji, you and I might be called ChunJoe, but just to let you know, it’s only for the fans. I’m completely STRAIGHT. Don’t think the other way around.”

“Haha! What are you talking about? I…I only like ______-ah as a sister! Nothing else! Right _____-ah?” Chunji asked. You blushed. “N-ne!” CAP interrupted. “Ok! Anyway, let’s get back on topic. So, what do you say, ____? We really wanna be your guardian angels and look after you. Just once you get your memory back.” You thought about it for a moment. You looked at Changjo and Ricky with puppy eyes. “Don’t worry, noona. We might be younger than you, but you know you can count on us!” Ricky told you. “Hmm…ok. Deal. But I have a condition. Please, please don’t check up on me every five minutes. You guys have your own lives too!” You pouted. The boys laughed. “Deal! But at least call or text either one of us to let us know how you are.” L.Joe said.

“And….before we go, we want to give you something.” Chunji said. He then, pulled out a beautiful angel wing necklace and put it on you. “Oh…you guys! You didn’t have to do this.” You said in awe. “Consider it as a gift from all of us to you. Wear it at all times and don’t take it off. Oh, except when you go shower, but don’t lose it!” Chunji told you. You were touched that Teen Top gave you such a beautiful present. You hugged Chunji and L.Joe. “Gomawo everyone. I’ll definitely keep this and treasure it well.” You said. “Hey! We don’t get hugged?” Niel whined. “Haha! Arasseo. Come here you!” You gave in and gave the rest of the boys their hugs.

Finally, you said your goodbyes to Teen Top and got a good night’s sleep. When Teen Top got back to their dorm, they checked their phones. What you don’t know is that the necklace Chunji just gave you, has an installed small GPS tracker and mini camera fit in there, so they’ll know and see where you are at all times. I know, I know. You said that you didn’t want them checking up on you every five minutes, but they really care about you, so that’s why they had to do this. “Good. She doesn’t suspect a thing. She’s safe now. That’s all that matters.” Chunji said.

The next morning, you had to go meet with Joon Kyu and practice your dancing. “Good morning _____-ah. Uh, Andy already told me about your temporary….illness. It’s alright. We’ll take it slow. Try not to blame yourself if you forget some moves. No pressure, ok?” Joon-Kyu smiled. You nodded slowly and started back in the very beginning of the dance. “And….1, 2, 3, 4……5, oh, turn here _____! 6….7, and….8!” Joon-Kyu laughed. “Nice try _____. Let’s try again, but a bit slower, ne?” You apologized for being so troublesome because you messed up a lot during that first try. When you finished practicing for the day, you were resting and decided to phone L.Joe.

“_____....” “Guys! Stop practicing for a sec. It’s ______. “_____-ah, what’s up?” “Ah, annyeong L.Joe oppa. Aniyo, nothing’s wrong.” You sighed. “Really? You can tell me ____-ah. The others are with me if you need them. They’re listening too.” L.Joe put you on speakerphone so the others can hear you. “Oh, well, it’s really nothing,but during dance practice with Joon-Kyu oppa, I kept on messing up and forgetting some moves already. It’s really hard and I feel like I’m giving oppa a hard time about me….ah, well, you know.” You said.

“Oh. It’s alright _____-ah. Like Joon-Kyu hyung said, don’t be so hard on yourself. He understands and will take it slow for you. Don’t worry.” Chunji said. You smiled at his comment. For some reason, whenever Chunji says something, you’ll smile and feel better. You laughed. “Gomwa Chunji oppa.” “Ehh…hyung, everytime words come out of your mouth, it seems like ______ noona feels better instantly. Are you sure you don’t have a thing for noona?” You heard Niel yelling at Chunji. “Yah! Aniya! Like I said, we’re just friends. You! Stop thinking so far. Aish!” You laughed. “Anyway, We’re all here if you need us. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.” CAP wisely said. “Arasseo oppa. I’ll keep all of your advices in mind. Oh! Time to go. Gotta practice my singing. Don’t worry guys, I promise I won’t feel bad and put so much pressure on myself. Talk to you soon! Annyeong!” You said, and hung up.

You went to an empty room and started to practice singing along with the instrumental track. While singing, you forgot some of your lines, but you remembered CAP’s advice  in mind and told yourself it’s ok and just keep going. “Hmm…it’s _____ singing. Should I go in and bother her? But she’s already miserable with amnesia…” SooJin said, passing by. “Eh…who cares? It’s _____. I’m not even her friend.” So, SooJin went for your practice room. “Where have you been all my ------“ The sound of the door opened with a bang and scared you. “Ahh! S-SooJin. W-waeguraeyo?” You said, trembling with fear. You were backing up and dropped your phone. You were gonna press speed dial 2 for Chunji, but too late now. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know anyone was in here. Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to check up on you and see what you’re up to.” SooJin’s voice sounded fake and sarcastic. “I-I’m fine. Why don’t you leave? I’m kind of busy right now.” “Aw, but I wanan hang out with you.” SooJin said, coming closer to you, almost touching your body. You backed up even more, but you hit a wall. She cornered you. You are freaking out.

“S-SooJin…what are you doing? You’re too close.” You said, nervous. She carressed your face. You let out a shriek. “Don’t be scared…but then again, you should be because I’ve been watching your every move Lee ______. You like Chunji, don’t you? Don’t deny it ____-ah. I know everything. Not only will I take your brother away from you, but I will also take Chunji too. You better watch your back ______-ah.” SooJin said her last words and pulled you close to her face, making you look her in the eyes. You screamed. What’s surprising is, what she did next. To make you stop your screaming, she dared to actually lock lips with you! She actually kissed you! A girl and girl! She took your first kiss away. She her lips and just walked away. You just stood there, too shocked to even move. Your necklace Teen Top gave you was blinking furiously. Teen Top heard fast beeps from their phone, heard your screams and ran to your room.

“_______-ah! Gwenchana?!” Chunji said. “She…s-she…” Before you could finish your sentence, you lost all energy and fainted. Chunji ran to your side before you hit the ground. “Andwae! ____! ______! Yah! Can you hear me?!” Chunji yelled, shaking you.

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Hello my subbers! Long time no update! I'm soooo sorry! I DO have a new chapter written! Don't worry!! Thank you for being so patient! Please don't unsubscribe! I'm still an active author!!! And there will be a surprise once this story is finished!! ^^" Kamsamnida everyone!
Winnerikonab #2
naylaa #3
Chapter 19: I'll wait your update authornim^^
Chapter 19: herroooooooooooo my subbers! I hope you're all still here! I'll be updating more chapts regularly (I hope! Uni's killing me ppl!!~) Please continue reading on! You'll be surprised by the very end! what's gonna happen next? What do you want to happen in the story? I may just pick your happy ending. You never know!~ Read on to find out!
katcha #5
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! NOOO!
I want to cry but can't people are around T^T
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! He's dead :''( WAE? WAE?
randomm #7
Chapter 14: he's dead....:'( WAE!!!!
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN. I hope she doesn't die.
I'm glad everyone is liking the new chapter ^^""
Again, thx for reading my story! Keep those subscribers coming!
Chapter 11: that bish a crazy ___ lesbo i swear if there is a person like her existed in this world i would put her in the mental hospital she cray cray!!!!!!!