Somewhere Far Away

She's Your Sister?!

“Oppa, you know I’m unable to lie in your eyes. Does it look like I’m lying and saying nonsense now?” L.Joe stared into your eyes intensely. You weren’t blinking at all. Everyone else let out a big sigh. “It seems like she’s right.” L.Joe said. “Let me ask just one question: do you know where he is? Since you believe that Chunji hyung is trying to send you a message.” Niel asked.

L.Joe shushed him and shook his head as a sign to make him stop. “Aniya oppa, it’s okay. I can do this.” You said, a bit tired. You walked over to Niel, but unstably. You lost your balance until CAP caught you. “______-ah!” You gestured him an “OK” sign and said “I admit I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing right now but I do know I can feel his aura at times when I do hear him. I just have to keep trying. I will eventually figure out where he is.”

You left to go outside for fresh air out of frustration. “____-ah…” L.Joe called out, but Ricky stopped him. “Let noona be alone for a while. She’ll call us if anything happens.” “Niel, you shouldn’t have pushed her. She just recently got better. As you can see she was still unable to stand up for a long time without me having to catch her.” CAP said. The boys went to their rooms for rest after the family feud, as L.Joe pulled the blinds down and slept.


You forgot that you just barged out of the house without covering yourself with a mask as you might be recognized by fans. You didn’t care to be recognized or not at this point. You didn’t want to go back to the house as you’re still upset with Niel. You decided to walk into a café to calm your anxiety. “Oh? It’s _____-ah! Uh, excuse me. May we take a photo with you?” One of the fans and her friends came over to your table and requested to take a picture. You happily obliged. “Ne!”

After the mini selca request and autograph signing, you went back to sipping your coffee. Your phone rang, but you didn’t pick up as it was Niel who called. Probably to apologize to you for what he’s done. You didn’t want any distractions from anyone, so you turned off your phone completely.

Back at the house….

L.Joe wasn’t really sleeping. He’s worried sick for you and wondered if you’ll be okay on your own. Ever since you were young L.Joe couldn’t let you go out on your own because you’re afraid of the dark and walking alone. There was an incident that occurred one time that you were coming home late from school during your university days and suddenly you just out. Luckily L.Joe was nearby and heard your scream so you were okay, but psychologically you were damaged because of it. By this time, he couldn’t take it and decided to call you. You were just walking home after letting out steam. You turned your phone back on after a while. Again, you stopped to fulfill the fans’ wishes on the way.

-Phone rings-

“Hello?” Finally, you picked up. “_______-ah! Oh for heaven’s sake! I’ve been worried sick about you! Where are you? Are you okay? Are you scared?” You laughed. “Oppa, I’m fine. I’m actually on my way home right now. I realized I went out longer than I expected. It’s getting dark, but I’m trying to get home before…” You paused as you didn’t want to relive that traumatic experience. You continued afterwards. “I’m sorry oppa. I’m actually ten minutes away. Come outside and get me?” L.Joe was relieved to hear that you’re okay after even that short pause. He understood what that meant. He didn’t want you to know he’s still worried for you so he laughed at your childish request. “Alright princess. I’m coming!”

L.Joe was right. It is way past your curfew and it is getting unbelievably dark now. You felt your anxiety slowly creeping up on you again as you are nearing your front door. “It’s okay _____-ah. You’re almost home. Look, there’s a light lit up within a few steps ahead and a person standing there waiting for you. Come on, _____-ah!” You said to yourself. Seriously though, you were a couple of minutes away from your front porch. You can see a light lit up and L.Joe is standing right there waiting for you. He waved to you to come quickly.

 You were walking when suddenly you just stood in place. A few miles away from L.Joe. You suddenly started trembling really badly and your vision went out. –SHRIEKS- You let out a scream. What happened? You hit the ground shortly after and your hearing started to fade out. The only thing you remember last was L.Joe running to you and carry you back inside. 

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Hello my subbers! Long time no update! I'm soooo sorry! I DO have a new chapter written! Don't worry!! Thank you for being so patient! Please don't unsubscribe! I'm still an active author!!! And there will be a surprise once this story is finished!! ^^" Kamsamnida everyone!
Winnerikonab #2
naylaa #3
Chapter 19: I'll wait your update authornim^^
Chapter 19: herroooooooooooo my subbers! I hope you're all still here! I'll be updating more chapts regularly (I hope! Uni's killing me ppl!!~) Please continue reading on! You'll be surprised by the very end! what's gonna happen next? What do you want to happen in the story? I may just pick your happy ending. You never know!~ Read on to find out!
katcha #5
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! NOOO!
I want to cry but can't people are around T^T
Chapter 14: CHUNJI!!!!!! He's dead :''( WAE? WAE?
randomm #7
Chapter 14: he's dead....:'( WAE!!!!
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN. I hope she doesn't die.
I'm glad everyone is liking the new chapter ^^""
Again, thx for reading my story! Keep those subscribers coming!
Chapter 11: that bish a crazy ___ lesbo i swear if there is a person like her existed in this world i would put her in the mental hospital she cray cray!!!!!!!