14- Final-

Don't Say Goodbye

The rest nods, with eyes full of doubt. “Is it safe for her to stay here with hyung?” Junhyung sends a death glare and the maknae hides behind Yoseob with a whimper. Stomachs started growling and all the members patted their stomachs in embarrassment. Ji Eun stands up and giggled at the boys, before nodding to the kitchen “I will go and cook dinner. Can anyone help me out?” Yoseob smiles while Dong Woon jumps up “Me!” he exclaims while the others just shake their head at his silliness. The two joins her in the kitchen. Laughter could be heard as the three starts to cook dinner. Junhyung makes a face and tries to concentrate on the TV. “You’re jealous aren’t you?” Gi Kwang teases him, nudging him with a grin. “Shut up.” He mutters in response while the rest of the members chuckled at how childish he is being.

Ji Eun was able to relax around them, and they tries to visit as much as they can. They came to the house early in the morning while Junhyung got up sleepily. “Why are you guys here again?” he greeted the members grumpily while they pushes him aside. “Ji Eun!” Dong Woon says and beams as Ji Eun came down from her room. She returns the smile and the two began to talk animatedly. Junhyung watches with narrowed eyes, feeling unsettled by the way she laughs and talks to Dong Woon. Yoseob sniggers and sang with a cheery voice as they passed by Junhyung. “Someone’s jealous~”

The boys always visit Junhyung now, mainly because they enjoy Ji Eun’s cooking. Ji Eun enjoys their company too, for there is never a boring moment whenever they are around. She finds herself getting closer to Dong Woon and thinks of him as a younger brother, finding him cute and charming. He would always stick with her, following her around like a puppy. It was funny to see the tall maknae trailing behind a petite girl like Ji eun, but Dong Woon doesn’t mind being teased about it.

Yoseob never fails to make her laugh, and they can have conversations for hours without running out of topics. With Hyun Seung, she was always confused and puzzled by the things he says but she finds him interesting in his own way. Gi Kwang is fun to be around, and the two of them would always be the target of the other member’s pranks. He is shy though, so it took longer than the other members for him to open up to Ji Eun. Doo Joon was like an elder brother, listening to her troubles and treating her like a little kid. He gets protective of her sometimes but Ji Eun doesn’t mind, for she misses the feeling of having a family. Little by little, the seven of them became a close knit family.

“When are you going to reveal your relationship to the public? You guys should go out on dates, not stay in the house all day.” Doo Joon confronted Junhyung about this as he caught her looking at couples strolling outside longingly. “I will have to ask her about it first.” Doo Joon nods and pats his shoulder. “I know it is hard, but as time goes by, everything will work out fine.” Ji Eun lies on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and lost in thought. She feels envious when she sees Doo Joon and Gi Kwang with their girlfriends, showing their affection openly and going on dates. They were able to do that because their relationship was publicly known.

She sighs as she starts to think about Junhyung and her. Junhyung is extremely shy to her surprise, and he rarely initiates skin ship. He was adorably awkward, unsure what to do or say. That was one of the reasons why she likes him. It is endearing to see such a confident and charismatic person onstage be so vastly different offstage. There was a knock on the door and Junhyung peeks in cautiously.

“I need to talk to you about something.” The serious tone in his voice makes her nervous about what he is going to say. She pats the space next to her on the bed. Junhyung gulped and rubs his hands together before sitting carefully next to her. “Um…so.” He starts and fails to continue. Ji Eun waits patiently as silence fills the room. “Do you think we should make our relationship public?” he blurts out in a rush while her expression changes to one of surprise. She laughs at the question while Junhyung gives her a weird look. “Will it affect your career?” she asks after calming down, holding his hand tightly.

“It won’t. I’m sure the fans will understand.” He answers reassuringly, before placing a gentle kiss on her hands.

They never spoke about the matter the next morning, but before he went for his schedule he shouts back for her to switch on the TV at 6. Confused at why he would insist on something like this, she turns the TV on at 6 just like he had asked her to. BEAST was on a variety show, and she watches intently, seeing the professionalism of the members was a first for her. Then came the standard question of their ideal types, and she could see the host hesitating before asking Junhyung. Looking straight at the camera, he says “My ideal type is someone who cooks well and takes care of me well.” At the description, the host took it as an opportunity to continue “Is there anyone on your mind now?” he nods and answers “Yes. In fact, she is my girlfriend.” The host was astonished, and so is Ji Eun. She didn’t expect him to reveal their relationship so quickly, but a smile appears as she remembers how confidently he has said it.

Pulling her out of the house as soon as he came back home, Ji Eun tries to pull his hand away as she has difficulty catching up. He strides to the car and opens the door for her, and she sits beside him with a confuse expression. “Where are we going?” he turns to her and pats her head “Don’t worry, I will protect you.” They stop in front of a park and Junhyung held her to a bench. There, he starts to play the piano on his ipad. The familiar melody of their song comes up and he hands a piece of paper to her. On the paper were the lyrics of the song. He begins to sing, all the while staring into my eyes.



The first time I met you,

It was as if an angel has fallen

Wounded and injured,

It hurts my heart so badly.

Why do I feel this way?

Who is this beautiful stranger?

I ask myself in my head as I stare at the angel.

Trying to turn away, I try to do what my brain tells me to do.

But my heart says otherwise, and I took in the fallen angel that is you.


Ever since that day,

Things began to change

Little by little,

We fell for each other.

Does She (He) feel the same way about me?

I ask myself as I stare at you.

(Ji Eun)Like a red string,

Fate held me to your doorstep

Lost and scared,

You were the only one who helped me

Your warmth makes me selfish,

To yearn for more of your love,

For you to only look at me,

With a smile on your face.

But reality sinks in,

And I was taken away.

The days you were gone,

Guilt filled my whole being,

It was the right thing to do,

So why do I feel otherwise?

Your crying face haunts my mind,

And I fought to save you.

When you came to save me,

I thought it was a dream

I prayed to not wake up

From this dream that you came

Waking up in your embrace,

I smile to myself

For it was all real,

And you were here to stay.

Fate brings us together,

And we fell in love,

Everything seems possible,

When you’re here with me.

The words I want to say,

Is just 3 little words,

It’s short but it conveys,

All that I feel for you.

All I want to say is,

I love you.


Everyone else was gone, and it was just the two of us, singing our hearts out, telling each other what we feel. As the song ends, applause breaks out and we were in the park once more, surrounded with a large group of people. Junhyung holds me by the shoulders, and announces to the group “Hello. I am BEAST’s rapper Yong Junhyung. And this girl here.” He squeezes my shoulder lightly “Is my girlfriend, Kang Ji Eun.” He smile at me affectionately as people began to take out their phones, taking photos of the two of us. Someone from the crowd rushes forward and hugs me tightly, taking me off guard. “Ji Eun, I’m so glad to finally meet you!” a doll like girl holds her hand out with a friendly smile. “I’m Hara.” she shakes her hand with a smile.

Things went viral from then on, whenever we are going out on dates, there would be hordes of people, even some claiming to be my fans and asking for my autograph. The general public accepts the two of us, though there were some who were unhappy about it. They kept their options to themselves though, and things were smooth sailing between us. Hara was still close friends with Junhyung, and she became one of my best friends too.

The past never fails to haunt me when I visit my uncle in the prison, but he has turned over a new leaf. He regrets doing all those things to me, and begs me for forgiveness. Though everyone tells me not to, I forgive him. He is my only kin after all, how can I hate him forever? Besides, the past is the past. I am happy with my life now, even though it gets crazy sometimes. I was glad I met Junhyung, for he is the one who gives me hope, who save me from my nightmare. We won’t leave each other ever again, and he promises me that with every embrace. “Don’t leave me ever again.” He whispers into my ear as he my hair. I smile in response. “I won’t.”


A/N: The song lyrics are not from any song, it is just someting I cam up with. Thank you for reading :)

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Chapter 14: Great! I like 3 stories of ur's! "not all idols are same, lights go on again and don't say goodbye." This 3 stories are really jjang! I love it!
Chapter 12: bang!
hope yoseob guess it wrong
Chapter 9: Gosh!!! Wth!!! Omg!!! Poor JiEun!!!!