Don't Say Goodbye


Quickening his pace before she can stop him, he hurried away. He must be hungry…why did he say he is not? she prepared another bowl of noodles for him and knocked on the door. She felt apologletic for eating his share and decided to deliver the food to him personally. “Come in.” At the sound of his voice he banlanced the tray carefully in her hands and placed it in front of him. “Eat it when you are hungry” before she left, she heard a soft mutter of thanks and she smiled. Closing the door, she went out and finished her food. The two of them ate the noodles with a smile on their face. Their thoughts were the same. Thank you.

Junhyung didn’t get much sleep that day. He was too busy composing a song. She woke up early that day. She was trying to cook breakfast but there was nothing in the fridge except for a few cans of coke. She gave up and waited for junhyung to wake up. Why doesn’t he have anything in his fridge? What does he eat then? She wondered aloud. Walking into a seemingly empty room, she found a grand piano in the middle of the room.

Without hesitation she sat down. Placing her hands on the keys, she feel like something that was missing in her came back. Her hands moved over the keys and a sad melody echoed throughout the room. The tune was like a reflection of her feelings at the moment. She had learned the piano since young, but didn’t get a chance to play it after her parents died.

Feeling better after playing the song, she sighed in content. It was always like this for her. She found great difficulty in expressing her feelings through words. So instead of writing on the diaries like other girls her age, she expresses herself by playing the piano. Pouring all the things she wants to say and expressed it through the piano keys, she felt numb now, her emotions all spent. The suffocating feeling of not letting out her emotions for so many years was lifted from her chest.

 Junhyung woke up to a sad melody. Someone’s playing the piano…is it her? Is she back? Junhyung’s thoughts had him running to the room. “Hara?!” But it was Ji eun. She jumped at his voice, startled by his tone. He sounds hopeful and excited…this is the first time I see him like this. She stood up from the bench abruptly. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry!” Junhyung tried hard to hide his disappointment. The sadness in his eyes was evident to her and she gulped. Did she make him upset? It hurts her to see someone being so sad. 


“Are you…okay?” She asked cautiously. Avoiding her gaze, he answers in an emotionless tone “Yeah, I’m fine. You can play the piano.” He gestured towards the piano. The two went to have their breakfast together, a daily routine they have developed ever since she came here. She stared at her bowl of cereals and the two of them ate in silence.

“Junhyung-ssi.” Junhyung looked at her quizzically “The fridge is empty of groceries. Is it ok if I go and buy some cooking ingredients?” Junhuyng looked at her in disbelief. “You want to go grocery shopping? There is no need for it. I don’t know how to cook.” She nodded her head eagerly, eyes brightening at the prospect of going to the supermarket. “I know how to cook. As a way for me to pay for my stay here, can I be your housekeeper?” Junhuyng was amused by her suggestion. She don’t have to repay me. I am the one who decided to help her out of my own record. He was thinking of refusing but the words that came out of his mouths were “Sure, you can be my housekeeper if you really want to.” He handed her some money for her to buy the groceries.

Clutching it in her hands, she looked at the ground. “I don’t know the way around here.” He tone was hesitant she sounds embarrassed. Junhyung don’t know why she told him that at first, until he realised what she meant and let out a soft sigh. “We are leaving for the supermarket in 10 minutes.” He muttered before going into his room. Changing into a hoodie and jeans, he put on a pair of sunglasses and set off.  The two of them strolled to the supermarket.

The whole time they were walking, Ji Eun glanced around nervously, afraid that her uncle might be around here somewhere. Junhyung noticed she was being particularly jumpy and nervous today, and patted her shoulder. “The supermarket is just nearby. We will buy the things and go home immediately.”

She stayed close to him the whole way, for fear of getting lost. When they reached the supermarket, Junhyung changed his mind. “Wait for me here when you are done. I need to go somewhere.” She looked scared but Junhyung gave her an encouraging smile and went to the nearest boutique. Pushing her into the supermarket gently, he tried to ignore the pleading look he is sending her.

 She must feel that she is burdening me. Junhyung flipped through the racks of clothes filled with every style and colour. She seems to suit pastel colours. Miniskirt? No. I think she would look better in long flowy dresses and simple tees with jeans. He narrowed his eyes when trying to find her size. I don’t know her size…guess I have to estimate. After walking out with bags of clothes, he walked into a shoe shop. Sandals,sneakers,what else? Ballet flats, pumps. Satisfied with what he had bought, he was going to walk into the supermarket to find her when he passed by the lingerie shop.

Should I go in? He stood outside and hesitated. Taking a deep breath, he entered the shop she needs this. but…he glanced over at the bras and felt himself blushing. I just have to be quick about this! He took the undergarments and hurriedly paid for it, before speed walking out of the shop

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Chapter 14: Great! I like 3 stories of ur's! "not all idols are same, lights go on again and don't say goodbye." This 3 stories are really jjang! I love it!
Chapter 12: bang!
hope yoseob guess it wrong
Chapter 9: Gosh!!! Wth!!! Omg!!! Poor JiEun!!!!