Chapter 15



Chapter 15

Ices and glass collided as they made the only noise in the vague room. Bunch of can beers, bottle of wine and vodka, even alcoholic ale designed the carpet on the floor. All of them he used to get out from the problem he was in; he was like ‘dull’ mouse inside a maze.

He gave another sip as his tears still steaming out from every corner of his redden eyes; the proof he’d been crying for all night long. He wondered, could he just die by drinking?

Hiding his face behind his knees once again, he broke down, sobbing like there’s no tomorrow. He was inside his huge mansion, with lots of servants, yet he felt alone. He missed him; he missed him so bad till he wished to die without him.

What could he do to make that person he dears the most to love him again? How to embrace him once again? He didn’t know and he’s afraid that he would never be able to. Because…Junsu had made his decision; it’s to leave Yoochun.


“What are you doing here?” there’re lots of suspicions in Changmin’s voice, Junsu could tell.

“I’m trying to find out the truth,” he spoke,” What exactly do you guys want from me?”

“We want the data that your hyung gave you,” Kibum spoke as he joined them on the couch. It’s still shocking for KiMin to see Junsu in front of them like this.


“Yes,” Changmin nodded.

“If I tell you everything on my side, would you two answer my questions?” Junsu asked. Changmin looked at Kibum’s eyes as he finally nodded.

“I don’t know where and what it is, because---“ Junsu couldn’t continue because Changmin cut him.

“Don’t you ing tell me you don’t know! You must hide it somewhere!” Changmin hissed, he was anxious because simply he wanted his and Kibum’s freedom. Once they got the data, Kangdae promised to let go of them.

“Changmin ah,” Kibum tried to calm Changmin, he knew Junsu didn’t lie; he could tell people when they’re lying and when they’re not, that’s his specialist.

“I’m telling the truth, my name till yesterday was Park Junsu, not Kim Junsu,” Junsu stated,” It’s because I lost my original memory and replaced it with the fake one.”

“What are you talking about?” Changmin asked.

“When…Junho hyung died, I replaced his existence with Yoochun, that’s why my memory before that is quite not clear and I can’t remember any data Junho hyung gave me,” Junsu spoke the truth,” I would give you the data if that mean I can end this mess…”

It took few minutes before Kibum and Changmin could understand what Junsu meant. Junsu told them everything. As it ended, he could see the two men in front of him were confused, lost, and shocked.

“Junsu-sshi, I’m sorry,” Kibum sudden apologized surprised both Changmin and Junsu,” We didn’t know about your memory replacement incident. I thought it’s your trick to play as Yoochun’s younger brother. If I knew I wouldn’t do…those…horrible things…”

Changmin couldn’t see Kibum like this; he knew how Kibum was created. Kibum originally couldn’t hurt or kill anyone, he’s too kind. Missions from the past had hurt Kibum enough, that’s why Changmin wanted to free both of them from it, and he wanted their freedom, which could only be obtained by giving the damn data to Kangdae.


“I…I was the one who gave the phone to you in the theme park, I was the one who trapped you and wanted to kill you in the hotel…I…I was…” Kibum couldn’t continue, he sobbed as Changmin hugged him. At that time, Junsu realized, he…missed someone he could hug when he cried. He missed Yoochun.

“It’s OK, Kibum-sshi, Changmin-sshi,” Junsu ensured,” I know you two didn’t have a choice either. Black Pearl must have something on both of you.”

Of course, Changmin was shocked to know that Junsu could guess their condition. He asked himself, after the hardship the younger man had encountered, how he could still care about other people. He swore he would only think about himself if he was Junsu, yet, Junsu was younger than him.

“I know that, Kibum-sshi was the one who gave me the phone from one of the thrift shops. I realized it from your ice cream, Kibum-sshi, it’s only available at the theme park,” Junsu explained as he looked at the couple in front of him, yet, he could only smile bitterly,” I knew that Changmin-sshi was the one who put the bomb in the hotel, since the receptionist said ‘someone tall’, Changmin-sshi is indeed tall. And the one who told Jaejoong hyung about our condition so he could go there to save me were you, Kibum-sshi. My guess is that you might feel bad about it…And then you got me into the mission involved Black Pearl so Changmin-sshi could kill me and got the unknown data…”

“Junsu-sshi,” Kibum sobbed,” I’m sorry….”

“It’s OK,” Junsu said as tear slipped down from his eyes corner,” I don’t really mind…Even if I died, no one would care about me…”

“He would care,” Changmin said.


“That son-of-es-Park-ing-Yoochun,” Changmin said.

“Why you hate Yoochun that much?” Junsu asked, he could tell.

“Because…He almost killed me when he wanted to save your hyung,” Kibum spoke as he wiped his tears.

“WHAT?” Junsu couldn’t believe it. Once he heard his brother was killed by Yoochun, now Yoochun was trying to save his brother. Which one was exactly the truth?

“How about, we tell you some stories as the compensation of what you’ve told us? Because I and Kibum apparently were there when everything happened…” Changmin offered, Junsu couldn’t decline, he wanted to know the truth, and so the story began.


It’s a cold night, when the street light was the only thing brightened the darkness in the theme park. No one could see clear what’s really happening, all of them were just chasing each other.

Bullet by bullet was shot, but each of them missed their target, only making violent noise as they entered the construction site. It was a dangerous site, which just behind the giant wheel.

“Damn it!” a figure cursed as he shot another bullet. Bang! It hit Kibum’s shoulder, leaving him in pain. Netherless, he kept running till they reached certain level of the construction site. And there was where the nightmare started.

“Junsu ah!” the figure shouted as he wanted to approach the unconscious Junsu, but he only discovered himself surrounded by the two men.

“Don’t move, Park Yoochun,” Changmin said, both of Changmin and Kibum were wearing mask, Yoochun couldn’t see their faces. He could only pray that Junsu would be fine. The blackout of the theme park really made him doomed; Yoochun knew it was Black Pearl plan that’s going on.

“Yoochun…” a faint voice caught Yoochun’s attention, and then, he turned around, just to discover Junho, laying on the ground, bleeding and having hard time to breath. He was afraid, what’s going to happen? Junsu was fainted on the other side as Junho was bleeding.

“Give me the data,” Changmin spoke, Yoochun didn’t know what data, but his guess that Junho knew it. It must worth something to Black Pearl, Yoochun thought.

“I’ll give you the data, as long as you let us go,” Yoochun spoke, but only to discover his shoulder being shot by one of the mask men. He cursed as he grinned in pain, trying to figure out how to survive from the two men. Then something hit him.

Yoochun took his hidden gun as he shot one of the men; right on the chest, but he missed the heart.

“Nooo!!!” Changmin shouted as he got Kibum’s lifeless body before Kibum hit the ground, then, everything was blurry for him. He just wanted to keep Kibum alive, that’s why he decided to pull back.

But Changmin could predict what would happen next. He knew the plan after all and he knew Kangdae would have plan B if he failed.  

After Changmin escaped, Junho tried to approach Yoochun by crawling, calling his name,” Yoochun, please…”

“Junho, don’t move, I’ll call help,” Yoochun spoke as he dialed the headquarters, but Junho wouldn’t listen.

“Yoochun listen,” Junho hardly spoke,” Please……”

“What?!” Yoochun couldn’t believe what he heard,” If this about the deal, I don’t want the deal anymore! I take it back! I just realized I can’t live without Junsu and that’s why I’m here, I want to help you, Junho ah…And I want to save Junsu…”

“That’s why…Kill me…” Junho spoke.

“WH---“ before Yoochun could finish, huge and bright light shook the ground, making him surprised. The huge round figure in front of him was blazing in fire, became rotten iron in seconds. He couldn’t believe it, the huge giant wheel was destroyed and he couldn’t do anything. Every single person in it was burning; no matter it were children or adult. They’re shouting for help, but Yoochun knew he couldn’t save them.

“Chun…” Junho called again, this time Yoochun took Junho by his side and asked what’s going on. Junho smiled bitterly as he said,” It’s…exploded because…I’m alive…If you don’t want Junsu to…meet the same fate…kill me…now!”

That’s when Yoochun realized everything. There’s wire connected to Junho’s chest, right on his heart, detecting his heartbeat. Then, he looked back and saw small box tied to Junsu’s body. Meanwhile, Junho took his abandoned gun on the floor as he used Yoochun’s palm to hold it.

“Junho ah,” Yoochun couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t imagine himself in this situation,” Don’t…I…”

“Please…Take care of Junsu…” Junho smiled as tears streamed down from Yoochun’s face. Yoochun just couldn’t help it, he wanted to save Junsu, or maybe he wanted Junsu for himself, he didn’t know why. All he knew was he pulled the trigger as the bullet pierced Junho’s heart, then, all of it gone blank.


“So, Yoochun was there…to save me and Junho hyung…But in the end…he…killed Junho hyung…to…save me?” Junsu asked as tears streamed out from his eyes, he was sobbing and hurting. Everything that happened was because of him. He blamed himself.

“Junsu ah…” Kibum couldn’t see Junsu like this, neither was Changmin. They could only see Junsu broke into tears.

It took their surprise when Junsu’s limp figure hit the ground and left unconscious. Kibum got Junsu up from the floor, just to discover the younger man was suffering a high fever.

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Chapter 17: yayyyy~ I'm happy for them both. hehe X'D
nanapham #5
Chapter 25: Aww they are all stil alive great story happy ending ;)))
Chapter 25: aigooooooo love this one~~~~ i read it in one sit aiiiiishhhhh nice^^
Chapter 25: wow, i read it in one go, though i have blood shot eyes but i loved it, that is one fic i'd love to watch turned to a movie :)
Chapter 25: i'm so afraid to think the trio couldn't make it... eventually they survive.. =)
kyouya3 #9
@oconxs yes hehe
oconxs #10
happy ending :D