Chapter 18



Chapter 18

“Chunnie! Let’s go on date!” Junsu spoke as he hugged Yoochun and kissed his lips. Yoochun was left speechless of course, who could resist such a cute wish from Junsu?

“OK, where do you want to go?” Yoochun asked as he moved closer to Junsu, stole his lips once again. Yoochun had decided, he should be the man in the relationship, just like before. That’s why he should be the one who made move, not Junsu.

“Theme park!”

Junsu’s answer got the hell out of him. Out of all places, why must the freaking theme park?! Yoochun needed to admit, he hated theme park because what happened two years ago and he knew Junsu felt the same as he did, but why?

“Why?” Yoochun asked.

“Eh? Because I want to play the attraction of course!” Junsu faked a smile. He knew both of them were afraid of the theme park, but he wanted to end that fear.

“OK,” Yoochun nodded as he got his keys. Later on, he and Junsu got into Yoochun’s gorgeous Audi R8 and drove to the theme park. It’s still 11 o’clock in the morning after all; they could play at the theme park the whole day if they wanted.

“Chunnie~ How do I look?” Junsu asked, he’s wearing white polo shirt and a black short; he’s just so cute an innocent like a schoolboy. Meanwhile, Yoochun was wearing white shirt with gray short-handed cardigan and dark green short.

“Cute~” Yoochun teased, “And it mixed with well with my cloth…”

Junsu blushed, it’d been long time he had seen Yoochun like this, teasing him like normal couple did. Junsu hid his face with his palms as Yoochun laughed and messed up his hair.

“Yaaa! Bad Chunnie!” Junsu whined cutely as he made his hair and Yoochun smiled.


The sky was clear blue, decorated with the white cloud; such a good day to have some fun. The air was fresh and the breeze was so comfortable. The theme park wasn’t as crowded as it should be, that’s a relief.

Yoochun told Junsu to wait as he bought the ticket for the two of them. They got full-ticket, which meant they could play all the attraction as much as they wanted. Junsu jumped in excitement.

“Chunnie! Carousel!” Junsu pointed to the first attraction he saw. He really liked playing the carousel because it’s simply peaceful. Junsu could see his Chunnie’s smiling face when he looked left, and when he looked right, he could see his surroundings while the horse moved around.

“Chunnie! Chunnie! Let’s play that!” Junsu said in excitement as he pulled Yoochun to the boom-boom car.

“Calm down, Su,” Yoochun spoke,” We got all day…”

“But I can’t calm down. I’m too excited!” Junsu admitted, even though he still kind of afraid of the theme park, but his childish wish to play all the attraction was far stronger than his fear.

And so they played the boom-boom car, Junsu chose the red cool car as for Yoochun, he got himself a blue stylish car. Then, the bell rang and they began to drive around. Playfully, Junsu bumped his car to Yoochun’s as the man surprised. Yoochun wouldn’t let Junsu win; he fought back and bumped back. They laughed and teased each other, enjoying their date.

The car didn’t satisfy Junsu, he still wanted to try others. He pointed to the flying bird attraction (we rode a big bird and when we pushed the button, the bird went up on the air). It’s supposed to be children’s play, but Yoochun decided to fulfill Junsu’s wish. Nothing went wrong, just few people whispered why they rode it, but they could care less.

“Umm…” Junsu blushed.

“Why are you blushing?” Yoochun asked as he helped Junsu off the big bird.

“I don’t know this attraction is for children…I thought…” Junsu ended up even redder.

Yoochun shook his head as he laughed, causing Junsu to smack him on his tummy.

“Yaaa! What’s that for?!” Yoochun hissed.

“For…laughing on me…” Junsu pouted. Yoochun never could get enough of Junsu.

“I’m sorry, Su…” Yoochun spoke,” I thought you know about it…”

“Hm, never mind, let’s go!” Junsu said as he pulled Yoochun again. They played all the attractions in the theme park. It’s evening when they finished everything. The sun already setting and the sky became dark.

“So, ready to go now, Su?” Yoochun asked as he winked,” I’ve made a reservation…”

“OK, but can I get into the last one, please?” Junsu pleaded, Yoochun of course couldn’t resist it.

“Let’s play the giant wheel!” Junsu spoke as he wanted to pull Yoochun, but Yoochun wouldn’t let him. The man just staring at Junsu in an awkward way, Yoochun didn’t have any idea what was on Junsu’s mind.

“Come on! Just once! Pleaseeeeee…”

“Su, I thought you don’t like giant wheel…”

“I…I---“ Junsu shuttered with his saying, but managed to continue,” I’m afraid of giant wheel, and so you do, Chunnie…”

“That’s why---“

“That’s why we need to overcome this fear!” Junsu smiled as tender as he could and he kissed Yoochun on the lips, reassuring him,” Everything will be fine, I promise…”


“Wow! I can see the whole theme park!” Junsu spoke as he looked out from the window, he amazed the view. He didn’t realize what’s happening to Yoochun.

Time passed and Yoochun was as silent as rock, Junsu didn’t like it. That’s why he decided to look at his opposite, just to discover Yoochun trembling and sobbing silently.

“Chunnie! What’s wrong? Are you OK?” Junsu immediately asked as he hugged his Chunnie. He was completely shock; he never knew Yoochun could fear the giant wheel like this.

“Please…I want…to go…out…from here…” Yoochun shuttered as he sobbed, he was so afraid and the fear was like eating him alive.

“OK, calm down, Chunnie ah…Just one more round…” Junsu caressed Yoochun’s hair, telling him that everything will be fine, yet, he knew, the giant wheel ride might took another few minutes.

“No, please…I want to get…out now,” Yoochun spoke, Junsu became more panicked. He couldn’t possibly stop the giant thing by himself, could he? Or maybe, he should jump out from the window and knock the machine off, which could have killed him instantly.

“Chunnie, listen…Listen to my heartbeat…” Junsu tried to get Yoochun’s attention,” They beat for you, Chunnie ah…Don’t you like it?”

“I…I love…it,” Yoochun admitted as he closed his eyes. He just did what Junsu told him, Junsu’s heartbeat really calmed him down.

“Shhh…It’s going to be fine, because I’m here for you, Chunnie ah,” Junsu spoke as he kissed Yoochun’s forehead. He never could get enough of the wide forehead; it’s simply addicting to be kissed.

“Hm,” Yoochun nodded, and so few seconds passed and Yoochun already stopped crying. Yoochun embraced Junsu as he whispered,” Kumawo…Su…”

“Chunnie…What’s wrong?” Junsu decided to ask once again.

“My…My parents…and little brother…Yoohwan…They died exactly at the same day…Junho died,” Yoochun spoke as he hid his face on Junsu’s shoulder.


“They…were…in the…giant wheel…I didn’t know that time…I should have gone there faster…I’m always this useless,” tears started to stream out from Yoochun’s eyes. Meanwhile, Junsu felt like a lightning struck him once again, he never knew about this. All he cared for was his Junho hyung, he didn’t know Yoochun was losing too.

“No, Yoochun ah, it’s not your fault,” Junsu tried to conceal Yoochun.

“It’s my faulth…If only I never rebelled against them…Those horrible things wouldn’t happen,” Yoochun spoke,” Junho would be alive too…And you could have happily ever after with your hyung, Su…”

“What do you mean?” Junsu asked, he was shocked till the bits.

“My parents wanted me to be a doctor, but I rebelled and said I wanted to be a police, who ended up to be a national security…That’s why they put their hope on my little brother, Yoohwan…I’ve lost my relationship to them, they didn’t want to admit me as their son…” Yoochun explained,” If only I’ve listened to them, I would know they’re there that day and I could save them…And I’d never be a national security and never met Junho or you, Junsu…And Junho would be still aliv---“


Yoochun was shocked; he didn’t know this was coming. Junsu slapped him right on his cheek, leaving redden mark.

“Don’t you dare to say that! Park Yoochun!!!” Junsu shouted as tears made their ways on Junsu’s cheek too.


“I…I never…” Junsu sobbed,” I never regretted that I met you…”

“Su…” Yoochun bit his own lips, he didn’t like being this weak in front of Junsu and he certainly didn’t like Junsu crying. Yoochun wiped Junsu’s tears as he spoke,” Mianhe…”

Junsu nodded as he cried inside Yoochun’s embrace, he poured it all. To be frank, Junsu was also in fear, but he hid it well, but not till now. Both of them broke down as the bad memories replayed themselves in their mind, but they knew they needed to be strong and move on.

“It’s OK…You can cry all you want, Su…Because I’ll cry till my tears dried,” Yoochun sobbed,” So that…I can be strong once again…to protect you…”

“Chunnie…I…I love you…” Junsu’s confession really made Yoochun heart felt safe; because he knew he wouldn’t be alone anymore. Junsu was there for him.

“I love you…Su…” Yoochun spoke as he wiped Junsu’s tears and his. He smiled tenderly as both of them made the distance decreased. Their lips locked once again; a kiss that symbolized their promise to be there for each other.

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Chapter 17: yayyyy~ I'm happy for them both. hehe X'D
nanapham #5
Chapter 25: Aww they are all stil alive great story happy ending ;)))
Chapter 25: aigooooooo love this one~~~~ i read it in one sit aiiiiishhhhh nice^^
Chapter 25: wow, i read it in one go, though i have blood shot eyes but i loved it, that is one fic i'd love to watch turned to a movie :)
Chapter 25: i'm so afraid to think the trio couldn't make it... eventually they survive.. =)
kyouya3 #9
@oconxs yes hehe
oconxs #10
happy ending :D