Clear Up My Confusion

Save Me

Your POV

Am I mean?

Am I evil?  

I pushed Yixing way from me, again.

I pushed him away after he saved my life.

I keep on walking not noticing that I’m heading to the shrine by my home.

I smile when I see the old priest sitting in front of a moral that he had put to the side for those who had died recently.

He puts a picture of the person up with their name on it so that they’ll never be forgotten.

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder.

“Oh Mei you scared me?”

“I’m sorry.” I look away from him ashamed. “Hello, Kim-ssi,” I say as I look him in the eyes I let him see my unshed tears and guilt ridden eyes.

“What is wrong?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yes, please come in.”

I follow him passing the moral I stop and bow to the pictures and reach up touching my friends picture the one I took a few days before she died. Like me, she was sick but it wasn’t supposed to be terminal but she died before I did.

I wipe away my tears, smile at the picture, and promise myself to pay my respects to her at her grave later.

Priest Kim smiles at me as he sits down at his small table inside the shrine, “Please Mei-ah have a seat.” I sit down and he starts talking again, “What is bothering you?”

I look at him, “What would you think if I told you that you don’t have to worry about putting me up on that wall as soon as I told you.”

“That’s wonderful news,” he gushes but something sounds off… I shrug the feeling off.

“Do you believe that there’s real magic out in the world?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the power to heal someone that was bound to die in less than a few days.”

“I believe that there are such things that can cause that in this world it’s just a matter of if you let it find you. You can’t go out looking for such a thing.”

“I know that much I spent the first few years after I got sick looking for something like that but instead I finally caved in and told myself if I got sick again I wasn’t going to fight it. I was going to die with no regrets, but it found me, the power that saved my life after I got rid of my regrets and shames.”

I let my tears fall down something that I’m almost ashamed of.

Priest Kim hands me a tissue for I can wipe my eyes.

“Thank you,” I murmur after accepting it.

I wipe away my tears glad that I didn’t’ wear any make-up today.

“Kim-ssi, am I evil?”

He looks up at me shocked, “Why ask such a foul lie? You are the kindest girl that I’ve met in a long time. Who told you that you are evil?”

“No one did. I just feel that way. I mean I was healed but there are so many more people who deserve to be healed more than I do.”

“That maybe what you see, but I believe that there’s something in your future that the gods want you to live for. Remember I told you that you have a bright future that’s filled your very own personal mountains to climb over to reach true happiness.”

I nod my head and look at the time, “I’m sorry but I should head home.”

He nods his head and I bow to him and well I leave I bow to the pictures of those who have passed again wishing them happy afterlives hoping that they had died with no sorrows or regrets in their hearts.

I leave the shrine and head towards the cemetery.

When I reach it I touch the graves as I walk past them to my friend’s grave.

I sit in front of the grave and smile at it.

“Hey Ray how are you? I’m fine myself I guess you’ll have to wait longer for us to see each other again. I don’t even think I’ve stopped by after I was told that I was sick again.” I chuckle, “Some friend aren’t I. I barely come see you anymore like I use to. Did you know about Yixing? I mean you were Kris’s girlfriend until you died. Did you ever tell him, because he was so broken up when we told him that you died during the night two years ago. You were so mad at me when I told you that I pushed Yixing away from you. You chased me around yelling at me about how stupid I was being. Yet I never knew if you told Kris if you were sick.”

“She did tell me,” I hear someone say behind me.

I jump up and look behind me to see Kris standing there looking down at me.

“Oh Kris,” I say confused by why he’s at the cemetery so late in the day.

“I’m here to visit her like I do every day. It’s odd to see you here.”

I nod my head as I touch the grave, “So she told you about her being sick?”

“Yeah it was the second that it happened. She called me up after texting you about what had happened. She told me that she had to tell me in person but I talked her to do it on the phone. When she told me, I ran all the way to her house from mine to check on her. She was afraid to face me. I asked Lay about it when I got home later the next day. He told me he wasn’t sure how strong his gift was.”

“You knew about Yixing’s gift?”

“Yeah like him I have a gift it’s just different from him all of us of Exo have a gift.”

I nod my head and smile at him, “Oh yet he didn’t tell me.”

He nods his head as he looks over at me, “Yeah he was afraid to tell you. You ran away from him today after he saved you right?”

It’s stupid to say that as a question still I answer him, “Yeah I ran away because I thought I was going to die by next week yet when I thought I had died I’m brought back by the 1 person that I’ve loved in my life besides my family and Ray. He brought me back with a gift that he never told me about. He could have told me.”

“I think inside you knew about it. Don’t’ you remember how whenever you were hurt no matter what it was emotionally or physically he’d be able to heal the wounds? I think you are the other half of him. The half that completes his gift.”

“Was Ray your other half?”

He nods his head, “Yes, she was. She healed my wounds and gave me a way to focus more. I never thought that it’d be like that. Yet when it happened I was realized that it was someone that I had loved from afar.”

I laugh at him as I look him in the face, “That’s cute Kris.”

He shrugs his shoulder, “Yeah whatever… You should go talk with Yixing before he does something stupid alright.”

I nod my head but look back up at him, “Kris… I think I heard someone saying something about him leaving today.”

“I think he would have told us before he left.”

I nod my head and turn to leave but hear Kris call my name then something fly through the air. I turn around and catch it to see a ring with a unicorn design in it.

“What’s this?”

“It’s to show that you’re his other half. He has a ring just like that those rings are one of a kind.”

I nod my head and race towards Yi Xing's house.



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This was and is a beautiful story <3
Made me feel emotional and warm all at the same time!
...........awesome fic
I hope she'll go find lay and say sorry to him!!!!
Ji-NaNa #4
Chapter 6: Please keep updating... Its getting interesting
Omg i hope he healed her forever....
or atleast his power was strong enough to heal her!