Hard to Hide

Save Me

Your POV

It’s hard to hide from everyone at school that I’m sick again and this time I’m more than likely going to die. I hide it from everyone but it seems that it’s harder to hide. Today I’m trying to stay quiet in class but when I start coughing again I cover my mouth and walk up to the front of the room and ask the teacher to get a drink of water.

When I exit the room I run to the bathroom and secretly glad that they changed the sinks to automatic a few years ago. I wash the blood from my hands and then wash my hands again. I check to see if any blood was on my face; my luck was granted because none was not even on my lips.

I smile at myself sadly, “Come on Mei you can do this. You are strong. You’ve survived once and you can do so again.” I nod to myself after giving myself a pep talk.

I look at myself again before I leave the bathroom and go to the water fountain to get a drink of water so I can get the irony taste of blood out of my mouth. I stick my hand in my pocket, find cough medicine, and hope that it’ll be able to help me with my cough for at least the rest of the day.

The rest of the month my cough fits become more frequent and Dr. Lu doesn’t know what’s wrong with me she says that my blood tests aren’t the same as they were when I was dying before. She told me that she had no idea what’s wrong with me.

I simply sigh and look up annoyed that everyone looks down at me still claiming I was the ill princess. After my first week of coughing fits I had ten people each day come up to me asking if they could give me a ride home.

Today is no different you’d think they’d stop but they haven’t. I sigh but when I see Lay I can only think of one thing getting rid of my admirers who are driving me crazy.

I raced over and grabbed Lay’s arm, “Lay-sii you promised you’d walk me home today. So can we head out already?”

Before he can answer Luhan walks in and grabs my arm, “Sorry Lay but Mei has an appointment with my mother.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Lay and secretly in my head; I’m wishing that I was holding onto Lay instead of Luhan.

Lay’s POV

I watch as Luhan pulls her away. Damn I need to help her but I don’t know how… How can I help her without being figured out? She’d be scared of me. I don’t even know the extent of my powers much like the guys. I don’t’ know if I’m strong like everyone else. I can heal flowers and that’s all I truly know.

I walk home alone and find myself home alone. I sigh as I sit down in my room. I play with a knife that I forgot to bring to the kitchen.  

Your POV

I talk with Luhan’s mother as she goes over more tests that I wonder how I’ll be able to pay it all off. Still I go through with them.

“I’m sorry Mei that this was put off for such a long time, but I know that you must be having trouble hiding this from everyone.”

I sit there in front of her desk glad that I hear Luhan leave to hang out with his friends of Exo.

Luhan’s POV

I tricked my mother and Mei into believe I left the house and sat in front of my mother’s home office door.

I hear my mother ask Mei about how hard it is for her and when she answers I feel myself die a little inside for both her and for Yixing who is completely in love with her.

“It is. I started to have coughing fits so I have to take a high dose of cough medicine and eating cough drops like crazy along with drinking gallons of water a day. This is getting hard for me to. I’m trying to hide this as just an asthma problem but it’s hard to. I can't take this anymore if this keeps going on I could just die. I don’t want to die but I think if this keeps up I would accept it with open arms.”

I cover my mouth and pray that she’s just saying that but knowing her she’s probably telling the whole truth.

I sneak out of the house quiet as possible. As I leave my house I call up Kai as I slip into my backyard.

“Yeah, Kai can you get me so we can visit Lay?”


In a flash, he’s standing right in front of me with his cocky grin. I simply roll my eyes as I said, “So why do I have to take you to Lay?”

“Cause you imbecile I have something I need to tell him about Mei.”

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This was and is a beautiful story <3
Made me feel emotional and warm all at the same time!
...........awesome fic
I hope she'll go find lay and say sorry to him!!!!
Ji-NaNa #4
Chapter 6: Please keep updating... Its getting interesting
Omg i hope he healed her forever....
or atleast his power was strong enough to heal her!