Chapter 11

I miss you, I love you

Jihoon was looking at Bomi while she was studying, she had her glasses on and was studying very hard before they went back to school. Bomi turn to look at Jihoon.

"Why aren't you studying huh?" ask Bomi.

"Because I was going to ask you, when we have a month break from school what are you going to do?" ask Jihoon.

"When is that again?" ask Bomi.

"In a couple of days" said Jihoon.

"Really? And we're just about to go back to school too" said Bomi.

"I know that, well let's hang out for that whole month together okay" said Jihoon.

"Okay then" said Bomi, "now get back to your studies!"

Jihoon smile, "alright ma'am" said Jihoon as he saluted and continue his studies.

Bomi slightly look at Jihoon studying as he was working hard on his studies. Bomi smile and continue studying as well.

Jungyoon was at work and she was fashion designer. Looking at her models and designs were not her thing at the moment. Her mind wasn't there at all.

"Jungyoon what do you think so far?" ask one of the co-worker.

"Oh mianhe, well it looks good, just add a bit of this and this to it" said Jungyoon as she was adding some stuffs on the model.

"There you go" said Jungyoon.

"No wonder you're top designer" said the co-worker as she complimented Jungyoon.

"Thank you, well I am going to go take a break okay" said Jungyoon.

"Alright then" said the co-worker as she continue observing the model and the outfit.

Jungyoon sat on a bench outside her work building. Jungyoon look up at the sky and it was beautiful blue day.

"Such a beautiful day for a beautiful woman sitting here alone" said this man.

Jungyoon turned and saw Taecyeon and he smile at her.

"What are you doing here?" ask Jungyoon.

Taecyeon walk to her and sat next to her and look at her, "Jungyoon, I am sorry of what happen between us, but to think of it, I miss you and last of all I love you" said Taecyeon.

Jungyoon didn't say a word.

"I thought that we would be stronger if we can seperate but then as I think of it, I shouldn't make you suffer anymore like this, I should enjoy the moment with you when I get the chance. One thing in life I don't want is to regret, to regret not spending my happy moments with you, so this is my confession, can we start over again?" ask Taecyeon.

Jungyoon eyes got teary and nodded, "neh, I would love that" said Jungyoon as she hug Taecyeon.

Taecyeon smile and took a deep breath and hug her back.

"Let's spend our happy moments forever and let's spend this beautiful day together" said Taecyeon.

"Alright then" said Jungyoon as she was crying as her head is on Taecyeon's shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you very much for being by my side again oppa" said Jungyoon.

"No, thank you, thank you for waiting for me and still stood by my side" said Taecyeon.

"hmm" said Jungyoon as she nod her head on Taecyeon's shoulder.

"Let's go eat" said Jihoon.

"I'll go cook" said Bomi.

"No, let's go eat out" said Jihoon.

"Wae? You aren't rich are you?" Ask Bomi.

"I am, why do you think I live by myself in this house, my parents are never with me so yeah" said Jihoon.

"I see, but I don't want you to use your money though" said Bomi.

"Come on" said Jihoon as he grab Bomi's hand and took her out to eat.

Jihoon and Bomi were walking together kind of far from each other and they saw a lot of couples and look at each other uncomfortably. Jihoon scratch the behind of his head and went closer to Bomi's hand and grab her hand.

Bomi look down at their hand and look at Jihoon. Jihoon wink and smile at Bomi, "come on" said Jihoon as he walk to these food markets outside.

Jihoon made Bomi try all these new things that she's never eaten before in her life. Bomi wasn't so picky so she tried and rate the food, Jihoon fed him and Bomi as well.

"Oh let me try to get this" said Jihoon as he put in some money and try to get a stuff animal. The first try, he grab a bear.

"Oh, oh, oh" as the bear drop "Ahh, Aigoo, one more" said Jihoon as he put the money in the machine, Bomi smile and continues watching him. The second try, he went for the same bear and when the thing grab the bear he slowly watch it and he finally got the bear.

"Yeah!" said Jihoon as he cheer and so did Bomi. Everyone look at them, they realize that people were watching them so they stop cheering, Jihoon grab the bear and hand it to Bomi.

"For me?" ask Bomi.

"Neh, for being a great person by my side" said Jihoon.

"Thank you, this is the first gift I ever got from a person" said Bomi.

"Really? I would've thought Taecyeon got you some stuffs" said Jihoon.

"He did, but this was the first thing I got from a person who tried hard to get it" said Bomi.

"Well special me, always forever keep me in your heart then" said Jihoon.

"Where are we going to now?" ask Bomi.

"Many more places" said Jihoon.

"Yah, are you just being like this because you don't want to study huh?" said Bomi.

"Come on, we've been studying for like 3 hours, let's relax, araso" said Jihoon.

Bomi smile, "okay then" said Bomi. 

Jihoon grab her hand and they continue walking to places.

Taecyeon and Jungyoon were walking hand and hand together at this beautiful place where the blossoms blooms in the spring and summer.

"Remember this place?" ask Taecyeon.

"Neh, this place was lovely" said Jungyoon.

Taecyeon and Jungyoon thought back when they first met, it was this place.

Jungyoon was taking pictures because she was fashion desginer, Taecyeon is a business man so he was trying to find places so that people can come and do their entertainment things.

"One, two, thr--" as Jungyoon step back and was about to fall, until Taecyeon caught her. Jungyoon look at Taecyeon and Taecyeon look at Jungyoon.

"Are you okay?" ask the model and other workers.

Taecyeon help Jungyoon stand up, "mianheyo," said the both of them.

They both smile at each other, "I'm sorry are you okay?" ask Taecyeon.

"Neh, are you okay?" ask Jungyoon.

"Yes I am, well I am sorry if I came at the wrong time" said Taecyeon.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I bumped into you" said Jungyoon.

"It's okay" said Taecyeon.

"Well..." said Jungyoon.

"You can resume what you were doing, they're waiting for you" said Taecyeon.

"Oh right, thanks, well bye then" said Jungyoon.

"Bye" said Taecyeon as he left and Jungyoon continue taking pictures.

Jungyoon was wrapping up her show from taking pictures, a man with a fimiliar face appear upon her.

"Oh hey it's you" said Jungyoon.

"Yes it is me, by the way you were busy so I waited, my name is Ok Taecyeon and what's your name?" ask Taecyeon.

"My name is Yang Jung Yoon, nice to meet you Taecyeon" said Jungyoon.

"Well are you free now?" ask Taecyeon.

"Yes... Why?" ask Jungyoon.

"Because I want to ask you out on a first date, if you don't mind, I just want to get to know you a bit more if that's fine with you" said Taecyeon.

"Oh sure, I don't mind" said Jungyoon.

Jungyoon and Taecyeon was sitting on the bench, "this was the best moment of my life, I was so happy that I got to meet a beautiful woman like you" said Taecyeon.

"Me too, you were one brave man" said Jungyoon.

"Come on, I want to show you somewhere" said Taecyeon.

"Where?" ask Jungyoon.

Taecyeon grab her hand and walk her to his car.

"Yah, Jihoon, where are you taking me?" ask Bomi.

"You'll see, it's not the right time, so I can't take you there yet, let's just hang out for awhile okay" said Jihoon.

"Aigoo, I should've stayed home" said Bomi as she crouch down.

Jihoon look at Bomi, "what's wrong?" Ask Jihoon.

"My feet hurts now" said Bomi.

Jihoon thought, and turned around, "get on my back" said Jihoon.

"Ani, I am fine" said Bomi.

"Come on" said Jihoon.

Bomi went to Jihoon's back and Jihoon piggyback ride Bomi.

"Let's go" said Jihoon with a smile, Bomi look at Bomi as smile as well.

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Chapter 17: OUCH. Sorry for not commenting. I really hate you Jihoon you made Bomi so sick and hurt! AARGHH!
Chapter 6: aigoo. bomi likes taecyeon. ouch! pls update soon
Chapter 5: Jihoon and Jungyoon! I hate the both of you so much!!! >< aargh!
Chapter 1: I hate the girls who hate bomi. ><