LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid) Chapter 1

LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid)


Chapter 1





Kibum shouts happily. He went inside his parents’ room to wake them up. It’s Sunday and Sunday means it’s Kibum’s day. He’s always excited every Sunday because that’s the time wherein he can spend his whole day with his mommy and daddy




Kibum shouts again. He happily climbs on the bed and start jumping happily


“Mommy, daddy, wake up! Wake up!”


He crawls towards his father and starts shaking him


“Daddy, wake up”


Kyuhyun grabs a pillow and covers his ear, ignoring his son


“Daddy, wake up”


“Honey, it’s still early. Please go back to sleep”


Kibum pouts. He stares at his sleeping mother and crawls towards her. He lay down beside Sungmin and carefully touches her beautiful face, waking her up




Sungmin slowly opens her eyes and stares at her son


“Mommy, are you awake?”


Sungmin nods at him and hugs him tight


“Why are you here?”


“I just want to wake you and daddy, but he just ignores me”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun and notice the pillow on his face


“He told me that it’s still early”


Sungmin yawns and stares at the clock. It’s already eight in the morning. She stares at her son


“Honey, what time did you wake up?”




“Why so early?”


Kibum smiles at his mother


“Because it’s Sunday and I really need to wake up early every Sunday. I need to wake you and daddy because it’s Sunday. Please wake up now mommy. I want to go at the amusement park. We’re going to play there and then we’re going to eat ice cream and cake later. We’re also going to visit Aunt Hyukkie at the hospital and I’m going to see my baby cousin”


Sungmin smiles at him and brushes her nose from his


“You have so many plans every Sunday. Arasso, you need to take a bath now so we can go and have fun”


Sungmin told her son happily. Kibum pouts


“But daddy is still sleeping. How can we go if he’s still sleeping?”


“Don’t worry honey. I’ll wake your dad”


“What if he doesn’t want to wake up and just ignores you like what he did to me?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Your dad can’t do that. Just trust mommy, arasso?”


Kibum smiles brightly


“You tell you nanny to bathe you or do you want me to do that for you?”


Kibum shook his head


“As much as I want you to bathe me, but you need to wake daddy. I’ll just ask nanny to bathe me”


“Ok. If that’s what you want”


Sungmin kissed her son’s cheek and hugs him tight


“I love you so much honey. You’re such an adorable kid”


“I love you too mommy”


Kibum kissed his mother’s lips. He crawls towards his father who is still sleeping. He slowly removes the pillow on his face and smiles at him


“I love you too daddy. Don’t be jealous ok?”


Kibum kissed his father before jumping off the bed


“I’m going now mommy”


Sungmin nods happily. Kibum went out of the room happily


“He’s so cute and sweet”


Sungmin giggles happily. She stares at Kyuhyun who is still sleeping peacefully


“He must be very tired because he really sleeps so late because of reviewing some business reports and doing a lot of business proposals”


Sungmin crawls towards her husband. She stares at his gorgeous face




Sungmin whispers to him. She slowly brushes her fingers on his face


“Baby, wake up now”


Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand, stopping her from brushing her fingers on his face


“Minnie, please, I’m still sleeping”


“But you need to wake up now or else our Key will be sad. It’s Sunday and it’s his day”


“We can go out after lunch”


“He has a lot of plans today and we won’t finish all of it if we go out after lunch”


Kyuhyun slowly opens his eyes and stares at Sungmin


“Come on. Key is already preparing and he’s really excited”


Sungmin holds Kyuhyun’s face


“I know that you’re tired and still sleepy, but it’s Sunday. Every Sundays is reserved for Key. It’s the only day that we can spend a lot of time with him since we’re both busy working”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“I’m going to take a bath first, arasso?”


Sungmin was about to go out from the bed when holds her hand, pulling her for a hug


“Let’s take a bath together”


Sungmin shook her head


“No way!”


Kyuhyun smiles at Sungmin


“Then I won’t wake up if you will not agree on it”


“Yah! What the hell is that?”


“There’s nothing wrong if we take a bath together”


“Stop being naughty”


“I’m not”


Kyuhyun starts tickling Sungmin




Sungmin get off the bed and starts running


“Kyu, please, stop it. I don’t want to play...AHHHHHH!!!”


Sungmin starts running again when Kyuhyun run towards her




Sungmin shouts




Kyuhyun shouts happily. Sungmin stops running and smiles at him


“Fine, I surrender. You can catch me now”


Kyuhyun run happily towards her. He carries her on his arms. Sungmin wraps his legs around his waist and her arms around his neck


“I think we should plan for another baby, what do you think?”


Kyuhyun asks Sungmin who just smiles at him


“Don’t smile at me. I’m asking you baby”


Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun’s lips


“I’ll think about it”


“Come on baby. Key will surely be happy if he will have a sibling. Maybe a baby girl will do”


“What if it’s a baby boy again?”


“Then we’re going to make a baby girl. We’re not going to stop until we have a baby girl”


Sungmin pouts


“Yah! What the hell are you talking about? I’m not a baby maker”


“I’m not saying that you’re a baby maker. I’m just saying that we should have a baby girl since you want to have a daughter. If we already have a baby girl, you’re going to stop buying some girl stuffs for our Key”


“Since when did I buy girl stuffs for our Key?”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“That pink dress is not girl stuff? You even bought him a ballerina costume and a bunny head band and some fairy wings and you don’t call that girl stuffs? Honestly, Key is a boy and not a girl. Why do you need to dress him like that?”


Sungmin laughs softly


“But he looks so cute and very beautiful when he becomes a girl”


“But he’s a boy ok. That’s why we need to have a baby girl”


“I want to have twins”


“That’s not possible”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips, pinning her on the wall. He starts kissing her neck, but Sungmin stops him




Sungmin bites her lips as she brushes her fingers on Kyuhyun’s soft lips


“Maybe we can plan for another baby inside the bathroom, what do you think?”


She asks Kyuhyun seductively


“Someone is trying to seduce me again”


Sungmin frowns


“Fine, if you don’t want th—“


Kyuhyun kissed her lips to stop her from talking


“I didn’t say that I don’t want”


“Then let’s take a bath now before I change my mind”


Sungmin winks at him. Kyuhyun smiles brightly and carries her inside the bathroom






Kyuhyun was staring at his son while frowning


“Daddy, how do I look?”


Kibum asks his father happily. Sungmin starts laughing at the corner. Kyuhyun stares at her


“Baby, will you please stop laughing? It’s not funny ok”


Sungmin ignores him as she continues to laugh. Kyuhyun stares at his son who is smiling brightly at him. Kibum was wearing his ballerina costume and the bunny head band that his mom bought for him


“I look so beautiful, right?”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath while controlling his anger




“Yes daddy?”


“How many times do I need to tell you that you’re a boy and not a girl?”


Kibum just smiles at him


“I told you not to wear girl stuffs, right?”


Kibum nods his head


“Then why are you wearing that ballerina costume and that bunny head band”


“Mommy was the one who bought this for me. She told me that I look so cute and beautiful whenever I wear girl’s clothes”


Kyuhyun bite his lips because of anger


“But it’s not appropriate for a boy to wear a girl’s clothes”


“But mommy...”




Kibum gulps nervously when Kyuhyun raised his voice, releasing his anger


“We’re going at the amusement park ok. For heaven’s sake Cho Kibum, you’re a boy and not a girl. You supposed to listen to me. Stop wearing girl’s clothes. Go to your room and change your clothes now before I completely lose my temper or else we’re not going out today. You stay here at home”


“But daddy...”




Kibum jumps when Kyuhyun shouts


“I’m sorry daddy”


Tears start forming in Kibum’s eyes


“I’m sorry daddy”


He run towards Kyuhyun and hugs his legs


“Please don’t get mad at me”


Kyuhyun stares at his son whose tears are about to fall. Kyuhyun sighs and carries him on his arms


“Your mommy really teaches you a lot about aegyo. You’re really expert like her”


Kyuhyun pinches his son’s cheek


“Daddy is not mad”


“But you’re shouting awhile ago”


“That’s because you’re being a hard headed boy again”


Kibum hugs his father


“I’m sorry daddy. I’m going to change my clothes now. Are you still mad at me?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“You change your clothes now so we can go”


Kibum nods at his father


“You put me down now daddy so I can change my clothes”


“You need to kiss me first”


Kibum smiles and kissed his father’s lips


“That’s sweet”


Kyuhyun puts his son down


“Change your clothes now”




Kibum smiles brightly and go upstairs with his nanny to change his clothes. Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin who is sitting on the floor, still laughing


“Why are you sitting on the floor my brat Princess?”


Sungmin stand up and walks towards him


“He looks beautiful, right?”


Kyuhyun frowns at Sungmin. He pulls her closer to him


“Baby, please stop dressing your son as a girl. Key is a boy ok”


“But Key is so cute when he dress like a girl”


“But still...I don’t want him to dress like a girl”




Sungmin wraps her arms around Kyuhyun’s neck


“You’re such a sweet daddy. You also can’t resist your son”


“That’s because you’re teaching him a lot of aegyo. How can I resist a cute four year old kid who always flashes his puppy eyes whenever you’re reprimanding him? He even knows how to pout like you”


“You’re just spoiling him”


Kyuhyun brushes his nose from hers


“Key is just like you”


“In terms of beauty and cuteness, but he gets a lot of his attitude from you. He’s so hard headed boy like you. I hope when he grows up, he wouldn’t be a short tempered man like you”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Guess who’s talking”




Kyuhyun laughs softly and gently brushes his lips from hers. Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin gently. He wraps his arms around his wife’s waist, pulling her closer to deepen their kiss


“Mommy, daddy”


Sungmin pushes Kyuhyun away to stop their kiss. They stare at their son who is standing at the stairway, staring at them while blushing


“Did I disturb you?”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun stare at each other. Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin. Sungmin smiles at their son


“Of course not honey. Your dad and I are actually waiting for you”


“While kissing?”


Sungmin coughs. She walks towards her son and kneel to have the same level to him


“Honey, your dad and I love each other so much. It’s one way of expressing our love for each other”


Sungmin sighs while staring at her son’s confused face


“Aigoo! How am I going to explain that to you?”


Kibum suddenly flashes a smile


“It’s ok mommy. You don’t need to explain. I understand how much you love daddy”


Kibum hugs his mother. Sungmin carries him on her arms


“Let’s go now or else we won’t finish all my plans today”


“Arasso master”


Sungmin smiles at him and go out. Kyuhyun follows them outside. He opens the back seat for Sungmin. Sungmin carefully put down Key on the car seat and put his seatbelt on


“Behave and seat properly”


Kibum nods happily. Kyuhyun closed the door and opens the passenger’s seat for his wife


“Thank you”


Sungmin went inside happily. She wears her seatbelt as Kyuhyun closed the door gently. He went inside the driver’s seat and wears his seatbelt




Kyuhyun look at his son


“You’ve got pink lipstick on your lips”


Kibum smiles at him. Kyuhyun wipes his lips




He stares at Sungmin who starts laughing at him


“Stop laughing because you’re the one who puts lipstick on my lips”


Sungmin gets a tissue paper inside her bag and wipes her husband’s lips happily


“I’m sorry baby”


“I told you to stop laughing”


“I’m just happy ok”


Sungmin smiles at her husband


“There you go. You can drive now”


“Thank you”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips. He stares at Kibum who is smiling brightly at them


“Why are you smiling so brightly honey?”


“I’m just happy daddy because you and mommy love each other that much”


Kyuhyun and Sungmin smile at him


“Are you ready for your adventure today?”


Kyuhyun asks his son happily. Kibum giggles happily


“Yes daddy”


“Fasten your seatbelt Prince Kibum because our rocket shall launch now”


“I’m so excited”


Kyuhyun smiles at his son and starts driving the car









“Mommy, I want to go at the safari world. I want to see the animals, let’s go”


Kibum keeps on pulling his mother


“Wait a second honey”


Sungmin carries him on her arms


“We need to wait for daddy”


“Where is daddy?”


“He’s just talking to someone over the phone”


Kibum suddenly frowns


“But it’s Sunday mommy. Daddy promise that he won’t take any phone calls every Sunday because it’s my day”


“Daddy needs to answer that phone call because it’s important”


“More important than me?”


Sungmin shook her head and kissed her son’s forehead


“Honey, don’t think like that. Of course you’re the most important person in our life. Daddy just needs to answer that call because it’s really important. Just understand him ok?”




Sungmin stares at her son’s sad face


“Let’s walk around slowly while waiting for daddy, arasso?”


Kibum nods sadly. Sungmin sighs and starts walking slowly


“What do you want to do next after we go at the safari world?”


Sungmin asks Kibum, but he’s not answering. He just stares at his mother sadly


“Honey, please smile now. We’re not going to enjoy your day if you’re going to be sad”


“I’m not enjoying this day because daddy needs to answer a lot of phone calls. Why is he being busy all the time? I’m just asking for one day”


“I have a great idea”


Sungmin smiles at him and walks towards Kyuhyun while carrying Kibum on her arms. She coughs to catch her husband’s attention. Kyuhyun stares at them and notice Kibum’s sad face


“I’ll just give you a call later. Just call my Vice-President and tell him to attend the meeting. If he can’t attend then tell him to send some representative for me”


“Arasso Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun hangs up


“Sorry about that”


“Baby, you’re being a bad daddy. Look at your son. He’s very sad now because you keep on answering calls”


Kyuhyun’s mobile phone starts ringing again. Sungmin snatch Kyuhyun’s mobile phone before he can answer his call


“Cho Kyuhyun!”


She stares at her husband seriously


“No phone calls every Sunday, arasso?”


Kyuhyun nods at her. Sungmin turns off Kyuhyun’s mobile phone and gives it to Kibum


“You hold your dad’s mobile phone so he can’t use it”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun were shock when Kibum throws it hard on the ground




Kibum stares at his father and frowns


“No more phone calls, arasso?”


Kyuhyun carries his son on his arms. He ruffles his son’s hair


“Arasso master. I’m sorry”


He kissed his forehead and smile


“Daddy will only focus his attention to you. Are you ready to play?”


Kibum smiles brightly


“I want to go at the safari world and play with the animals”




Kyuhyun smiles at him. He holds Sungmin’s hand and they start walking towards the safari world to play with the animals








Kyuhyun and Sungmin were frowning at their son


“Honey, I told you to eat your food first before you eat your dessert”


“But mommy...”


Sungmin frowns even harder


“You’re being a hard headed boy again. Do you want mommy to get mad at you? We’re going home now and we won’t visit Aunt Hyukkie at the hospital so you can’t see your baby cousin”


Kibum shook his head. He stops eating his chocolate mousse


“I’m going to eat now”


Sungmin starts feeding him


“Did you enjoy your day at Everland Resort?”


Kyuhyun asks his son happily. Kibum nods happily while chewing his food




Kibum gets his juice and takes a sip


“I want to go somewhere”




“Can we have vacation in other country? I want to go in Disneyland”


“I’m going to check my schedule”


Kibum stares at him with puppy eyes




“Honey, you have school”


“It’s just a playschool. Teacher will allow me to go on a vacation”


“Your mom is also busy”


Kibum looks at his mother


“Mommy, please”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun




“Baby, we have meetings this week. I also need to attend some business seminars on Wednesday until Saturday. I have a lot of things to do. If you want then you go with Key”


“But that vacation won’t be complete without you. Let’s put it this way. If you can’t make it this week, how about next week or next month?”


“How about you?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I can always adjust. You’re the only one who doesn’t know how to adjust”


She holds her husband’s hand


“Come on baby. I think we’re getting busy all the time. We need to spend some time with our son. Having vacation for a week is not bad”


Kyuhyun stares at their son who keeps on nodding his head


“Arasso. We’re going in Disneyland Paris next week”


Kibum claps his hands happily


“Thank you daddy”


“No problem honey. As long as you’re happy then your mommy and I are happy too”


Kyuhyun ruffles his son’s hair


“You finish your lunch now so we can go at the hospital and see your baby cousin”


“I’m really excited to see Minho”


Kibum smiles at his parents and continue eating





After having a peaceful lunch, Sungmin and Kyuhyun went at the hospital with their son to visit Hyuk Jae. They knock on the door before going inside the room. Donghae and Hyuk Jae welcome them with a smile


“Uncle Hae”


Kibum run towards Donghae. Donghae carries him happily on his arms


“How’s my cute nephew?”


Kibum smiles brightly at him


“I’m fine Uncle. I have a lot of fun today with mommy and daddy. We went at the Everland Resort. I went at the safari world and play with the animals and then we watch the Madagascar Live there. I eat a lot awhile ago and I even eat chocolate mousse”


“That was good. You need to eat a lot so you’ll grow tall like your dad or even taller than him”


“Daddy told me that we’re going in Disneyland Paris next week”


“Wow. That’s great. You need to take a lot of pictures and send that to me, arasso?”


Kibum nods happily


“Uncle, I want to sit beside Aunt Hyukkie. I want to see my baby cousin”


Donghae smiles at him and put his down on the bed. Kibum crawls towards Hyuk Jae


“Aunt Hyukkie, are you going to stay here for a long time?”


“Not really sweetie. I’m going home on Tuesday”


“Are you going to come with us next week?”


Hyuk Jae shook her head. Kibum pouts


“Why not? I want to play with my baby cousin in Paris”


“But we need to take a rest. We can’t travel yet because I need to regain my strength. Giving birth is really hard and your baby cousin is not yet allowed to travel because he still needs to stay home and grow like you”


“If he’s already grownup, we can play a lot?”


Hyuk Jae nods happily. Kibum stares at his cousin who is sleeping peacefully on his mother’s arm


“Can I touch his fingers?”


Hyuk Jae nods at him. Kibum smiles and touches his cousin’s fingers carefully


“Minho, you need to grow fast like me so we can play at Disneyland Paris”


They smile at Kibum who keeps on talking to sleeping Minho. He stares at his father




“Yes honey?”


“I want to have a baby sibling”


Hyuk Jae and Donghae suddenly laugh while staring at Kyuhyun and Sungmin who start blushing


“Well, your mom and I will talk about that”


“When are you going to talk about it?”


Kyuhyun stares at his son


“Honey, why are you asking question like that?”


“I just want to know when you are going to talk to mommy so I’m going to have a baby sibling tomorrow”


Donghae starts laughing hard


“Key sweetheart”


Donghae ruffles his nephew’s hair


“Your baby sibling won’t arrive instantly. Your daddy and mommy must talk seriously before your baby sibling arrives”


“What are they going to talk about?”


Kibum asks his uncle curiously


“It’s nothing. It’s between your mom and dad. You can’t meddle on their business because if you do, your baby sibling won’t arrive soon”




Sungmin starts to blush


“What the hell are you talking about? Stop talking like that to Key”


“Minnie, I’m not saying anything. I’m just explaining to Key that he should behave and don’t disturb you and Kyuhyun. There’s nothing wrong with that”


“But still...”


Kibum holds his mother’s hand


“Mommy, you’re going to talk with daddy later right? You’re going to talk with him about my baby sibling, right?”


They start laughing while staring at Sungmin who is blushing hard while staring at her son blankly


“Aigoo! My head suddenly ache”


Sungmin holds her forehead. Kyuhyun smiles at Kibum


“Don’t worry honey. Mommy and I will talk about it later. We’re going to talk about it seriously, right Minnie?”


Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin




Sungmin pouts and just sit beside Hyuk Jae and start playing with Minho’s little fingers. Kyuhyun carries his son on his arms


“Daddy, you’ll talk about it with mommy later right?”


Kibum whispers to him


“You really want to have a baby sibling?”


Kibum nods happily


“Arasso. I’ll talk to your mom later”


Kyuhyun winks at his son who starts giggling happily while thinking about his baby sibling





Sungmin was sitting on the bed while reading a book. Kyuhyun went out from the bathroom after having a warm shower. He sits beside his wife and kisses her cheek


“What are you reading?”


Sungmin shows him the title of the book


“Can you just continue reading tomorrow? We need to talk”




“Our second baby”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun


“Are we on a hurry?”


“You heard your son. He wants to have a baby sibling”


Kyuhyun snatch the book away from Sungmin’s grip. He puts it on the table


“What do you think about it?”


Kyuhyun asks Sungmin curiously. Sungmin stares on him




She sits on his lap and start wrapping her arms around his neck


“I want a baby girl this time”


“What if it’s still a baby boy?”


Kyuhyun starts kissing her lips gently


“It’s fine with me”


“Then we need to have three adorable kids if the second baby will still be a baby boy”


Kyuhyun laid her gently on their bed. Sungmin brushes her fingers on his gorgeous face


“Two is enough. It’s really hard to get pregnant and give birth”


“Ok. If that’s what you want then it’s fine with me”


Kyuhyun starts kissing her neck, her skin gently. Sungmin bites her lips when Kyuhyun starts caressing her s gently. He was about to kiss Sungmin when Kibum enters their room. Sungmin immediately pushes Kyuhyun away from him




Kyuhyun sits on the bed while staring at his son


“What did I told you before?”


Kibum gulps nervously while staring at his father’s serious face


“Knock first before entering the room”


“Did you knock before you enter?”


Kibum shook his head nervously


“Do you want to practice it for hundred times?”


Kibum shook his head


“Do that again next time and you’ll be knocking on the door the whole day”


Kyuhyun sighs


“Why are you here?”


Kibum walks towards the bed. He climbs on the bed carefully while holding his giant panda bear


“Can I sleep here? I’m scared of the rain because it starts pouring so hard. I just can’t sleep”


Sungmin sits on the bed and hugs her son






Sungmin pouts at Kyuhyun


“Kyu, Key is scared”


“Arasso. I get it”


Kyuhyun sighs and lay down on the bed


“Is daddy mad at me?”


“Of course not honey”


Kibum crawls towards his father


“Daddy, are you mad at me?”


Kyuhyun pulls him closer and hugs him tightly


“I’m not mad. I just want you to learn how to knock before you enter the room”


“I won’t do that again next time”


Kibum hugs Kyuhyun






Kibum moves closer


“Did you already talk to mommy about my baby sibling?”


Kibum whispers. Kyuhyun laughs softly


“I was about to talk to her, but you came in. Maybe I can try again next time, but you need to wait for your baby sibling, arasso?”


Kyuhyun gently pinches his son’s nose


“You go to sleep now”


Kibum lay down between his parents


“I love you mommy and daddy. Thank you for this day”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun kissed him. Kibum smiles at them and hugs her giant panda bear. He slowly closed his eyes when Kyuhyun starts singing a sweet lullaby for him and for Sungmin

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Hi Writer

Can you write a kyumin story, based on their childhoods story

Minh-Phungly #2
Chapter 27: Omg, i really love all of ur KyuMin Storys
Thx u so much author nim ;)
sooeunhae_15 #3
Chapter 27: Another good story unnie :)
i love the first part and this sequel :)
you're really good :)
kyumin99 #4
Chapter 27: Amazing sequel .....love this sequel so much.Hope you'll write more fics
Chapter 13: Im so scared to procced reading this fic .. afriaed of what will happen to them ... but ib the same time still want to know what will happen
Whats the father plan and what will happen to the mother the kyumin couple .. is anything going to happen to key .. i just had the feeling while reading ... how about hae .... i really hope nothing big and bad will happen to the good guys .. i really hate sad endings ... fighting to me cx
Chapter 2: This was verrrrry HOT ... xb
I really loved it so much xD
ayawani #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much Lee Donghae for beating Kyuhyun..as a reader i'm proud of you,such a great big brother you are..
ayawani #8
Chapter 19: Urrrgghhh..i just want to throwing colourfull cursing words so very much to Cho Fu*king Kyuhyun in this chapter..
Man still a man after all..aarrrghhh Kyuhyun..YOU!!..ARRGGGHHH..
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 27: Key, lock, chain.. OMG I don’t need kyu-brain-type of husband hahahaha it's so weird hahaha. I feel like watching a tele drama while reading thw whole story! I had my own casts too. Well except for those who are named. "If u kniw what I mean" hahahaha. I mean like Kyuhyun's mom, Sungmin's dad. Hahahah. I have been reading this for the first time in 3 days straight. And my eyes are all puffy with all the angst. (Hate u for that) hahaha joke. I love how kyu sticks to min til the end. I love how he tried hard to please her just to bring her back. Kyu and Min's character as husband and wife is soooooo realistic. (Yeah so that's why I kept on crying..) been there done that, hahaha. Anywaaay.. I so love ur story. I hope u don't mind giving me a soft copy? Well u know,,, hahaha I swear I will recommend this to my future son. I want him to be like hae. Like seriously... He's just an amazing brother. While reading the sequel my mind keeps on saying.. "ahhhh I need an older brother like hae..or a son like hae.." his character is just oh-so-perfect. Though I am not really used to him being on top. Hahaha. But this story is so daebaaak. I don’t know what to say anymore. Sure the plot is so predictable sometimes but it's all worth it. I don't mind reading it again.. boys especially husbands and older brothers should read this,. Or boooys, for future reference? Hahaha, I'm blabbing,
Thaaaanks for writing this. I enjoyed reading ur story., ^^ it's been on my reafing list for 4 mons and I just got a chance to read it now, I hope you'll write something like this again soon. ^^ you wonderfully wrote it til the end. ^^