Lee Sungmin is my Wife (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid) Chapter 24

LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid)


Chapter 24



“I’m going to miss you Aunt Hyukkie and of course my baby cousin Minho”


Kibum told Hyuk Jae while hugging her tight


“You can always visit us here sweetheart”


Hyuk Jae smiles at his nephew before brushing her nose from his


“You will also visit me at home, right?”


“Of course sweetheart, I, your uncle and Minho will visit you. We will be there when baby Lock already arrive”


Kibum flashes a wide smile knowing that any minute his baby sibling will arrive


“Be a good boy and always watch mommy”


“Yes Aunt Hyukkie”


Kibum kissed Hyuk Jae’s lips before walking towards his grandmother


“Today is daddy’s birthday grandma. I’m sure that daddy will be very happy at mommy’s surprise for him because we’re going home now”


Kibum told his grandmother while raising his head to look at her. Mrs. Lee kneel down to have the same level to her grandson who is flashing a wide smile. She hugs him tight


“I’m going to miss you. But we’re going to meet soon because I’m going to stay in your house next week”


“You’re going to help me watch over mommy?”


Mrs. Lee nods happily before kissing Kibum’s lips


“I’m going in the limousine now”




Kibum looks at Sungmin


“Mommy, I’ll go ahead. Just follow after you say goodbye to grandma and Aunt Hyukkie”


“Yes honey”


Kibum giggles happily. He’s excited to go home. Finally, after a long months being away from his father, they are already going home and live with Kyuhyun happily again. Kibum waves his hand to his Aunt Hyukkie and grandmother before running outside happily


“He’s happy”


Mrs. Lee told her daughter who is rubbing her tummy


“I’m happy that you finally decide to go home”


Sungmin smiles at her mother


“Well, I want to surprise Kyu on his birthday today. Don’t ever call him, Arasso?”


Hyuk Jae and Mrs. Lee nod happily


“Don’t worry honey dear. Hae’s driver already brings all your things back at your house and he didn’t say anything to Kyu. I’m sure that Kyu will be very happy to see you and Key again”


“I miss him so much”


“I knew that you will say that”


Hyuk Jae smiles and hugs her sister in law


“I’m going to miss you honey dear. But I’m going to visit you. Be careful of yourself and don’t be a hard headed girl again”


“Arasso Unnie. I’m going to miss this house too and of course Oppa and Minho”


Sungmin smiles at her sister in law


“Thank you so much Unnie for everything”


“You don’t need to thank us. You’re always welcome here just in case you feel like running away from home again if ever Kyu did something stupid again”


Hyuk Jae pinches Sungmin’s cheek


“But don’t worry. I know that Kyu already learn and will be better. He will take care of you a lot now and he will give you more priority now or else I’m the one who will process your divorce to him”


Sungmin laughs softly. Mrs. Lee holds Sungmin’s hands


“Wait for me there, Arasso?”


Sungmin nods like a little kid


“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”


Sungmin nods again


“I can take care of myself Umma. I’ll just ask my doctor for my possible labor date because my tummy is aching again, but I’m fine. Don’t worry. After I visit my doctor, Key and I will go straight home”


“But you need to bring your bodyguards. I’m going to call them”


Sungmin shook her head while pouting


“I’m going to be late in my appointment if I’ll wait for them to come and beside I’m not used to have bodyguards surrounding me”


“But Minnie”


“Umma, let’s stop thinking negative ok? Hara and Appa are gone. I mean they haven’t show up for a long time. Maybe all of us are just being paranoid because we still can’t believe that they are already dead”


“I’m just worried about you”


Sungmin holds her mother’s face


“I’ll be fine. See you soon at home”


“Arasso. Be careful and send my greetings to your husband”


“I will”


Sungmin kissed her mother’s cheek. She waves her hand to bid goodbye before going out of the house


“I feel something strange Hyukkie. I really don’t like Minnie’s idea in surprising Kyu. I mean, we should have inform Kyu about her moving back to their house so he can fetch them here”


“Umma, I find the surprise exciting and romantic at the same time”


“But Hyukkie…”


Mrs. Lee’s heart starts beating fast because she’s feeling something strange. She can’t understand why she’s feeling so nervous all of a sudden


“What is it Umma?”


“Nothing. I’ll just go up and take a rest”


“Are you ok Umma?”


Hyuk Jae asks her mother in law nervously


“I am”


Mrs. Lee manages to smile. She kissed Hyuk Jae’s forehead before going upstairs






“Mommy, I’m sure that daddy will be very happy”


“Of course honey, are you happy?”


Kibum nods happily


“I’m also happy honey. I really miss your daddy so much. We’re going first in my doctor then we’re going home after. You need to help me bake your daddy’s birthday cake”


Kibum claps his hands happily while nodding at his mother


“When will grandma and grandpa arrive?”


“Tomorrow in the afternoon”


“Are we going to fetch them?”




Sungmin smiles at her son and brushes her nose from his


“I can’t wait to see daddy. I hope he will go home early today”


“Don’t worry honey. I know what to do to make him go home early”


Sungmin flashes a sweet smile. Sungmin hits her head on the window when the limousine suddenly stops


“Aw! What the…”


The driver-passenger partition window suddenly opens. Sungmin’s eyes widened when he saw a man dress in black wearing a mask is already sitting at the driver’s seat


“Hello Mrs. Cho”


Sungmin gulps nervously while staring at him. She pulls her trembling son closer to her


“Mommy…I’m scared”


Sungmin hugs Kibum


“Where the hell is my driver and who are you?”


Sungmin suddenly freeze when the man pointed his gun on her forehead. Kibum starts crying




Kibum screams while trembling


“Shut up kid or I’ll blow your mommy’s head!!!”


The man told Kibum while laughing hard




Sungmin shouts




He shouts at Sungmin. Sungmin’s heart starts beating fast when two men dress like the man sitting at the driver’s seat opens the door of the limousine. Kibum starts crying really hard while hugging Sungmin tight. Sungmin starts feeling nervous. Her body is freezing. Her mind went black. Her hands are cold and trembling and she feels so helpless. Kibum cries when the man starts pulling him away from Sungmin




Kibum shouts. Sungmin holds his hand, trying to pull him away from the kidnapers. But she froze when the man points his gun on Kibum’s head. Tears start falling from Sungmin’s eyes




Sungmin’s voice starts trembling


“If you move, your son will be dead”


Sungmin stares at the man nervously as he drags Kibum out of the limousine




Sungmin shouts while tears keep on falling from her eyes. She was about to go out when someone holds her arm


“Where do you think you’re going?”


Sungmin almost forgot the other man. He wraps his hand around her neck and points his gun on her temple


“One wrong move Mrs. Cho, you’ll be death”


Sungmin wimps when the man starts brushing his lips on her neck, smelling her scent




Sungmin’s voice trembles. The man laughs at her ear


“I’m just teasing you. Don’t be afraid”


“Where is my son?”


“You’ll know it later. But for the meantime…”


The man Sungmin’s earlobe


“You need to sleep first”


The man puts a handkerchief over Sungmin’s nose and mouth making her fall asleep. He stares at his colleague who is sitting at the driver’s seat




He nods happily and starts driving the limousine, following the black car in front of them











Donghae stares at Kyuhyun who drops his glass of orange juice on the floor. They were eating together inside the conference room 1 after their meeting


“What’s wrong with you?”


Kyuhyun stares at Donghae


“I don’t know. I suddenly felt nervous and the glass just slips on my hand”


“Stop thinking a lot of thing ok?”


Kyuhyun just nods at him. He grabs his mobile phone on the table and stares at his wallpaper. It was their family picture. Donghae notice it and smiles


“I know that you miss them so much and I’m also sure that they also miss you too so much”


Donghae pats Kyuhyun’s shoulder while laughing softly, knowing about his sister’s plan


“Stop laughing at me”


“Relax Mr. Grumpy”


Donghae smiles and continue eating his lunch. Kyuhyun feels uneasy, but he can’t understand why. He feels so nervous all of a sudden and cold sweat starts coming out from his forehead. He gets his handkerchief inside his pocket and wipes his forehead. He presses Sungmin’s number


“Your call has been transferred to a voice mailbox number”


Kyuhyun keeps on calling his wife, but he can’t contact her because her mobile phone is off


“Yah! Why your sister’s mobile phone is is out of coverage area? I keep on calling her”


Kyuhyun frowns. Donghae shook his head while smiling, thinking that it’s probably included on Sungmin’s surprise plan


“So, what is your plan today since it’s your birthday?”


“I don’t know. Do I need to celebrate it?”


“Of course”


“What for? Minnie and Key is away from me as well as my baby girl”


“You’ll never know”


Donghae winks at him


“Will you please stop being a gay over me? Aish!”


Kyuhyun stands up and walks towards the intercom. He presses the number one button


“Yes Mr. Cho?”


Sooyoung greets him


“Send some janitor to clean conference room 1”




Kyuhyun go back to his seat




Donghae stops eating when he heard his mobile phone ringing. He gets it on the table and smiles upon seeing the caller’s name


“Hi honey, miss me? I’m going home after…”


“Yah! Go home…home…now”


Donghae’s smile suddenly vanished upon hearing his wife who is crying over the phone


“Hyukkie? Are you crying?”




Hyuk Jae takes a deep breath to calm herself


“You need to go home now…go home with Kyu…please”








Donghae hangs up and stares at Kyuhyun who is spacing out, thinking something so deep




Donghae holds Kyuhyun’s arm. Kyuhyun stares at him


“We need to go at my house. I think there is something wrong…I mean, Hyukkie told me that I need to go home with you”


Kyuhyun’s heart keeps on beating fast. His hands suddenly trembles


“It’s not…not…Minnie”


Donghae shook his head nervously


“Let’s just go now”


Kyuhyun just nods at Donghae. He grabs Kyuhyun’s trembling hand and drags him outside





Hyuk Jae runs towards Donghae and hugs him while crying so hard. Mrs. Lee was sitting at the corner while covering her ears. Kyuhyun walks towards her


“Umma, what happen?”


Mrs. Lee just stares at Kyuhyun while tears keep on falling from her eyes. He carries his mother in law and put her down on the sofa. He stares at Hyuk Jae who is still crying so hard. Donghae calms his wife. He holds her face between his hands


“Hyukkie, what happen? You need to tell us what happen”


Donghae notice her trembling


“Hyukkie, just relax. You need to breathe…honey”


Donghae hugs her tight. Kyuhyun and Donghae stare at each other nervously


“Where is Minnie and Key?”


Kyuhyun asks Hyuk Jae nervously. Hyuk Jae starts crying so hard again when she heard Sungmin and Kibum’s name


“Hyukkie, what’s wrong. Where are my wife and son?”




Hyuk Jae stares at her husband with fear in her eyes




She can’t speak properly. Her voice is trembling as well as her whole body. Donghae carries her and put her down on the sofa next to his mother. He runs at the kitchen to get two glasses of cold water. He immediately goes back and gives it to them, but they refuse to drink it




Donghae starts to panic. He kneels down in front of her and holds her trembling and cold hands. Kyuhyun stares at Hyuk Jae and Mrs. Lee nervously


“Honey…please speak…you need to talk to me and Kyu. What happen?”


Donghae wipes the tears on his wife’s cheek




“What…what…about them?”


Kyuhyun asks Hyuk Jae nervously


“The police calls here awhile ago…”


Hyuk Jae takes a deep breath while staring at her husband and Kyuhyun nervously. They can see fear in her eyes


“Minnie’s driver…hospital…he’s injured, but the doctor told me that he’s already in stable condition though he can’t speak because of trauma…he’s in the hospital”


Hyuk Jae starts crying again


“How about Minnie and Key?”


Kyuhyun asks Hyuk Jae while his heart keeps on beating fast


“They left in the morning…they will surprise you…Minnie and Key will go back in your house…but…but…but…”


Donghae holds Hyuk Jae’s face


“But what honey…”


Hyuk Jae can’t speak anymore because of fear and crying so hard


“Hyukkie, what happen?”




She hugs Donghae tight. One of the helpers went at the living room holding a gift


“Excuse me? Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun stares at the helper blankly


“Your driver delivers this gift for you. He said that someone delivers it at your house. He went at your office, but your secretary told him that you’re here so he drops by to deliver it”


Kyuhyun just nods at her. She bows her head before leaving. Donghae stares at Kyuhyun blankly


“What’s that?”


“Gift for me”


Kyuhyun answers Donghae while staring at the big box


“From whom?”


Kyuhyun shook his head. He unwraps the gift and was shock to see a fetus inside the box. He immediately throws the box on the floor as his body starts trembling. He falls on the floor looking so scared


“Hey, what happen?”




He points his trembling finger on the box










“Hae…it’s a fe…tus”


Donghae can’t clearly understand Kyuhyun. He stands up and grabs the box. His eyes widened upon seeing a fetus that is lying on the floor since Kyuhyun throws the box on the floor. Donghae throws up as well as Kyuhyun. They heard Hyuk Jae screaming as Mrs. Lee suddenly loses her consciousness




Donghae don’t have any strength to run. His whole body is trembling as well as Kyuhyun. He holds on the wall for support. Hyuk Jae screams again upon seeing the fetus on the floor




She was crying like a crazy woman



Hyuk Jae shouts again


“It’s not….not…not…baby…baby…Mi…hee…NO!”


Kyuhyun starts to panic upon hearing Hyuk Jae


“What do you mean Hyukkie?”


Tears start forming in his eyes. Hyuk Jae continues to cry like a crazy woman. Kyuhyun’s mobile phone suddenly rings. He stares at the unknown number




Kyuhyun answers the call with trembling voice. He heard a loud evil laugh of an old man


“Who is this?”


“Hi Kyu, miss your father in law?”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“Love my birthday gift for you? It’s your ing daughter you know?”


Kyuhyun stares at the fetus lying on the floor as tears start falling from his eyes while hearing Mr. Lee’s laughter over the phone




Donghae notice Kyuhyun’s face turns pale


“Where….where…is my wife and son?”


“Are you crying now?”


Mr. Lee laughs so hard


“What did you do to them? WHERE ARE THEY ING EVIL?”


Kyuhyun screams over the phone


“Don’t worry. You’ll see them soon as well as your baby girl”


Mr. Lee laughs devilishly


“Don’t worry. I stole that fetus at the hospital. It’s not your daughter. I’m just planning to dissect your wife’s big tummy and kill your baby girl”




“Turn your mobile phone in loudspeaker. Are you with my son?”




“Good. Turn your phone into loudspeaker so I can talk to both of you”


Kyuhyun obeys his evil father in law


“Hi Lee Donghae, can you hear me?”


Donghae and Hyuk Jae’s eyes widened upon hearing Mr. Lee’s voice


“Appa? I thought…”


Mr. Lee laughs so hard


“I’m devil sweetheart. Nobody can kill me. It’s just a show and since you are all stupid, you fall on my trap”


They can hear his evil laugh again


“Where are my wife and son?”


Kyuhyun asks Mr. Lee who is still laughing like a devil


“Listen to me Lee Donghae and Cho Kyuhyun”


He coughs to clear his throat


“I got Minnie, Key and the ing baby inside Minnie’s womb. Listen to me very carefully and I want you to obey me or else they will die”


Mr. Lee pause for a moment before continuing


“Cho Kyuhyun, I need the Cho Corporation and your Swiss account. I’ll call you again tomorrow morning to give the address of the meeting place. Don’t ever bring police or security. Just bring Hae with you. My men will give you the address tomorrow as to where you can find Minnie, Key and the baby. Don’t call a help from FBI or police officers. I’m really going to kill Minnie, Key and the baby. Do you understand?”




Kyuhyun and Donghae shout in unison




Mr. Lee laughs before hanging up. Donghae and Kyuhyun stare at each other


“What are we going to do?”


“We need to follow Hae. We need to rescue my family”


Kyuhyun holds his head


“What the hell is happening here? I feel so helpless”


Donghae didn’t answer. He also doesn’t know what to do. He admits that his father defeats them this time




Donghae looks at his wife who is still crying


“We need to bring Umma at the hospital”


Donghae just nod. His mind is blank as well as Kyuhyun. Hyuk Jae gets the telephone and calls for an ambulance





Sungmin wakes up and found herself lying on the bed. Her hands and feet are chained at the bed post. She was thinking how to escape when two people enter the room


“Hi baby girl, miss your Appa and sister?”


Sungmin’s eyes widened while staring at Hara and Mr. Lee


“I miss you”


Mr. Lee slaps her face causing her lips to bleed




“How? Are you not happy to see us alive?”


Mr. Lee smirks at her


“I’m still wiser than you guys. You can never win against me”


He told Sungmin while laughing. He stares at Hara who is smiling at Sungmin


“Hara, my baby girl, you can do whatever you want. Make her like your toy”


“Thanks Appa”


Mr. Lee smiles at Hara before leaving the room


“So, how are you Unnie?”


“Damn you ! Where is my son?”


“He’s sleeping somewhere”


Hara unlocks the chain on Sungmin’s hands and feet. She pulls Sungmin out of the bed causing her to fall on the floor. Hara flashes an evil smile while staring at Sungmin who is holding her tummy


“Oops sorry. I forgot that your pregnant”


Hara walks towards Sungmin who starts feeling uneasy because of her fall. Hara pulls her up and drags her brutally. She doesn’t care whether Sungmin already falls on the floor. She just lifted her up and continue dragging her brutally


“Hara! STOP!!!!”


Sungmin screams when she feels a sudden pain on her tummy. Hara just ignores her. She drags Sungmin inside a room and pushes her on the chair. She puts Sungmins’s hands at her back and chain it on the chair as well as her feet. She slaps Sungmin’s cheek




She told Sungmin before holding her chin tightly


“How does it feel Unnie?”


Hara laughs when Sungmin starts crying


“Please let me go…have mercy on my baby”


“What if I don’t want?”


Hara gets the scissors inside a drawer and cuts Sungmin’s beautiful long brown hair


“Do I need to shave it?”


She slaps Sungmin’s face again




“I’m not doing anything to you. Why are you doing this? I know that you’re not evil, please let me go. Let me go and my son. Hara, we’re sisters. Even though we have different mothers, we are still siblings. So please, stop doing this”


Sungmin starts crying like a kid. Hara smiles at her


“You’re not my sister. You’re a and I hate you”


“Hara, listen to me…”


Sungmin stops talking when Hara points a sharp knife on her tummy


“Go ahead and talk. I’m going to kill your baby”


Sungmin shook her head


“Well, let me see what will happen if…”


Hara slashes Sungmin’s right knee, cutting her beautiful milky skin. Sungmin screams because of pain


“I didn’t know that it will bleed”


Hara told Sungmin sarcastically before flashing an evil smile


“Oh my goodness, the cute little girl who is an expert in martial arts are crying now”


Hara told Sungmin, mocking her. Hara gets the lemon on the bed


“How about if we put some fresh lemon extract?”




Hara cut the lemon into half. She stares at Sungmin before squeezing it on her bleeding knee




Sungmin shouts because of pain. She’s feeling so weak and tired. Her tummy keeps on aching. Hara cuts the skin of Sungmin’s left knee


“Just to be fair”


She squeezes a lemon. She was laughing hard hearing her sister’s scream because of pain. Sungmin’s body feels so weak because of too much pain. Hara smiles at her and holds her chin tightly


“I’m going to make your life miserable”


She told Sungmin before going out, bringing the knife with her. She locked Sungmin inside the room before joining his father in dinner. Sungmin’s tears keep on falling from her eyes. She feels so helpless. She was thinking about Kibum and the baby inside her womb. Sungmin’s tummy keeps on aching


“Baby Mihee, please listen to mommy. Please behave. You can’t arrive now because it’s dangerous. They might take you away from me if you arrive now. Wait for daddy because I know that he will save us. Not now baby, just hang in there. Listen to me ok”


Sungmin’s contraction subside, it seems that the baby hears her. Mihee obeys her mother


“Thank you baby. I know that you feel the trouble. I’m sorry. I just want to protect you. Let’s wait for daddy ok? I love you baby. Just stay safe inside. Mommy will protect you from harm. I don’t want to lose you. Just hang on ok”


Sungmin takes a deep breath. She feels so weak because of her knees that keep on bleeding. Sungmin’s eyes become blurry as she loses her consciousness





Donghae and Kyuhyun are sitting at the living room while Hyuk Jae watches over Mrs. Lee inside her room. It’s good that nothing bad happen to her and the doctor let her go home. Donghae stares at Kyuhyun whose eyes are puffy because of crying. He can feel the agony of his best friend. Of course he also feels scared and nervous, but Kyuhyun is more scared and nervous than him


“Are you sure about this Kyu?”


Kyuhyun nods while staring at all the documents that he places on the table


“I already talk to my lawyer about this. I already transfer the name of Cho Corporation under father in law as well as my Swiss account”




Kyuhyun’s tears start falling from his eyes again


“I can’t understand why it’s happening. I’m so scared and I really don’t know what to do right now. All I know is we need to follow that evil’s will. I don’t want to lose my family. It’s just a company and money Hae. I don’t need those things. I can live without it as long as I’m with my family. They are important to me, especially Minnie. I can’t live without her. I don’t care anymore. I just want to save their lives. I can give up everything. Mr. Lee can take everything as long he will be true to his words and give me back my family”


Kyuhyun wipes his tears away and looks at Donghae whose eyes are also puffy


“I just need you to sign this…”


He gives some documents to Donghae. It is a document that contains that Lee Donghae already bought the Lee Corporation to him


“I’m not going to give that company to that evil. It’s Minnie’s company and I know how much she loves it. Buying it means that you’re already the new President of the company. We don’t need to ask Minnie’s signature or permission because it is stated that I’m also the President of Lee Corporation upon my marriage to your sister and because we merge it from Cho Corporation”


Donghae nods and sign all the documents


“We will save them Kyu”


Kyuhyun just nods blankly. He can’t think properly anymore. His mind is blank and all that he can think is his wife and kids. He feels so weak because he doesn’t know what to do. He feels so weak because he’s scared of the things that might happen. He doesn’t want to lose his wife and kids. They are very important to him. Donghae hugs Kyuhyun as tears start falling from his eyes again


“We can outshine this Kyu. Just be strong for Minnie and your kids. We can make it. We can do this together. There’s nothing wrong will happen. Just stay positive”


“I need Minnie and my kids”


“We will save them. We will put that and evil old man in jail. They will stay there until the day they die. I swear”


Donghae gritted his teeth


“I’m going to make them suffer in jail. They need to pay everything. That and evil old man will pay everything!!!”


“They will really pay everything. I’m going to make sure that they will spend their lives in jail”


Kyuhyun told Donghae while clenching his fist because of anger


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Hi Writer

Can you write a kyumin story, based on their childhoods story

Minh-Phungly #2
Chapter 27: Omg, i really love all of ur KyuMin Storys
Thx u so much author nim ;)
sooeunhae_15 #3
Chapter 27: Another good story unnie :)
i love the first part and this sequel :)
you're really good :)
kyumin99 #4
Chapter 27: Amazing sequel .....love this sequel so much.Hope you'll write more fics
Chapter 13: Im so scared to procced reading this fic .. afriaed of what will happen to them ... but ib the same time still want to know what will happen
Whats the father plan and what will happen to the mother the kyumin couple .. is anything going to happen to key .. i just had the feeling while reading ... how about hae .... i really hope nothing big and bad will happen to the good guys .. i really hate sad endings ... fighting to me cx
Chapter 2: This was verrrrry HOT ... xb
I really loved it so much xD
ayawani #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much Lee Donghae for beating Kyuhyun..as a reader i'm proud of you,such a great big brother you are..
ayawani #8
Chapter 19: Urrrgghhh..i just want to throwing colourfull cursing words so very much to Cho Fu*king Kyuhyun in this chapter..
Man still a man after all..aarrrghhh Kyuhyun..YOU!!..ARRGGGHHH..
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 27: Key, lock, chain.. OMG I don’t need kyu-brain-type of husband hahahaha it's so weird hahaha. I feel like watching a tele drama while reading thw whole story! I had my own casts too. Well except for those who are named. "If u kniw what I mean" hahahaha. I mean like Kyuhyun's mom, Sungmin's dad. Hahahah. I have been reading this for the first time in 3 days straight. And my eyes are all puffy with all the angst. (Hate u for that) hahaha joke. I love how kyu sticks to min til the end. I love how he tried hard to please her just to bring her back. Kyu and Min's character as husband and wife is soooooo realistic. (Yeah so that's why I kept on crying..) been there done that, hahaha. Anywaaay.. I so love ur story. I hope u don't mind giving me a soft copy? Well u know,,, hahaha I swear I will recommend this to my future son. I want him to be like hae. Like seriously... He's just an amazing brother. While reading the sequel my mind keeps on saying.. "ahhhh I need an older brother like hae..or a son like hae.." his character is just oh-so-perfect. Though I am not really used to him being on top. Hahaha. But this story is so daebaaak. I don’t know what to say anymore. Sure the plot is so predictable sometimes but it's all worth it. I don't mind reading it again.. boys especially husbands and older brothers should read this,. Or boooys, for future reference? Hahaha, I'm blabbing,
Thaaaanks for writing this. I enjoyed reading ur story., ^^ it's been on my reafing list for 4 mons and I just got a chance to read it now, I hope you'll write something like this again soon. ^^ you wonderfully wrote it til the end. ^^