LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid) Chapter 15

LEE SUNGMIN IS MY WIFE (Sequel of Lee Sungmin is my Maid)


Chapter 15



It was two in the morning. Hara’s wakes up from her slumber when she heard the doorbell of her condominium ringing nonstop


“Who the hell is disturbing me at this hour?”


Hara lazily get off from her soft bed. She went out of her room while yawning and opens the door without looking at the security monitor. Her eyes widened upon seeing her father wearing, wearing a cap that hides his face


“Appa, what are you doing here at this hour?”


Mr. Lee immediately went inside and closes the door


“Baby girl, you need to help me”


Hara stares at him blankly


“The police officers are haunting me”


“What? Why?”


“It’s because of your arrogant brother and your bastard brother in law. Hae found out that I’m abusing his mother. He went at the house yesterday and rescues that filthy woman. He wants to put me in jail and that bastard Cho Kyuhyun is helping him”


“Appa...Oppa already finds out the truth”


Mr. Lee’s eyes widened




Hara shook her head as an answer


“He just told me yesterday that he already know that I’m his step sister and probably he already knows that we’re planning to do something to make evil. I bet he already warn brother in law about it”


“This can’t be happening”


Mr. Lee frowns


“I won’t lose to them. They can never win against me again. I won’t let that happen. Do something about it Hara”


“Arasso Appa”


“You need to seduce that bastard man. Don’t ever give up on him. You’re my only hope”


“Don’t worry Appa. I already have a plan and I know exactly what to do”


Hara smiles at him


“You can stay here for the meantime, but you need to leave early later because I’m sure that the police officers will definitely go here and look for you. Don’t worry Appa because I’ll find a good place for you to hide. I won’t allow them to put you in jail. You’re my only family and they can’t take you away from me”


Mr. Lee smiles at her


“That’s my girl”


Hara flashes a bright smile while her father gives her a warm hug





Kibum was sitting at the dining room while yawning. He was patiently waiting for his breakfast


“Good morning honey”


Kibum stares at the owner of the voice. He stares at Kyuhyun who is smiling brightly at him while holding a big plate of pancakes on his left hand and a jar on his right hand. He carefully places it on the table and went out to get something at the kitchen. After a few minutes he goes back at the dining room with a bottle of fresh milk and a bowl of fresh fruits. He places in on the table and smile at his son


“Tada! That’s your breakfast my master”


Kyuhyun told him happily. Kibum stares at his father


“Daddy, you wake up so early today. Are you going in your office early and why are you wearing apron?”


Kibum asks his father curiously




Kyuhyun removes his apron and places it on the chair before sitting beside his son


“I really wake up early today to cook your breakfast and mommy’s breakfast”


“You know how to cook?”


“I only know how to cook pancakes”


“If you’re here...”


Kibum suddenly pouts at his father


“Daddy, I told you not to leave mommy alone when she’s sleeping. You need to watch over her”


“I know, but I need to prepare your breakfast honey”


“But our chef can do that”


Kyuhyun frowns at his son


“I just want to prepare your breakfast and mommy’s breakfast. What’s wrong with that? You don’t even appreciate it”


“Of course I do”


Kibum jumps off his seat and pushes his chair closer to his father’s chair. He climbs back and stands on the chair and gives his father a sweet kiss on his lips


“I just don’t want mommy to be alone. She’s going to be lonely when she wakes up because you’re not by her side”


“Don’t worry honey. Mommy will understand and I’m going to go back in our room when you already leave for school. I’ll bring her breakfast and feed her. So you need to eat now or else you’ll be late”


Kyuhyun puts some pancakes on his son’s plate. He opens the jar of orange-mango compote and puts it on the pancakes as its topping. Kibum sits on the chair


“Daddy, you don’t have work today?”


Kyuhyun answers him with a nod while feeding Kibum


“I’m not going to work today. I decided to take a day off so I can take care of mommy and watch over her”


Kibum smiles brightly while chewing his food carefully


“You need to finish everything ok? I also made you a bowl of fresh fruits and you also need to drink your bottle of fresh milk. You need to finish everything so you’ll have strength in school and it’s also for your brain to work. You need to have a lot of energy”


“Yes daddy. I’ll eat everything and drink your milk because you’re the one who prepares all of it for me”


“Was it delicious?”


Kibum nods happily


“After eating, I’m going to bathe you and dress you up. I’m going to be a volunteer nanny for today”


Kibum laughs softly


“Daddy, you’re so sweet and very caring”


“Of course I am honey. That’s why your mommy is falling in love with me from head to foot”


Kyuhyun told his son while flashing his proud smile


“Then mommy is so lucky because she found a man that loves her so much”


“Honey, I just want to correct you. I’m the one who is lucky to have a wife like your mommy. You see, she’s a very loving wife and mother. She’s so understanding, supportive, beautiful, y and above all, she always appreciates me and never fails to love me even though I’m not a perfect husband for her”


“I also want to have a wife like mommy when I grow up, so I’m going to be happy just like you. Mommy loves you so much and of course I also love you too so much. I also love mommy, my nannies, nanny ahjumma, my driver, your driver...”


Kibum takes a deep breath


“To make it shorter, I love everyone so much and of course my baby sibling. I’m really excited to see my baby sibling”


Kibum told Kyuhyun while giggling happily


“I’m going to announce it later to all my classmates and to Teacher Hyoyeon that I’m going to have a baby sibling soon”


“Do you really need to do that?”


“Yes daddy because I’m so proud to have a baby sibling that’s why I need to tell everyone about it”


“Why do you speak like an adult?”


Kyuhyun smiles at him


“Daddy, thank you for being my nanny today and for the delicious breakfast”


Kibum kissed his father’s lips


“You need to take care of mommy and my baby sibling while I’m in school. I promise to help you when I arrive and let’s play later ok?”


“Yes master”


Kyuhyun kissed Kibum’s lips


“Finish your breakfast now honey so you can already take a bath. We need to hurry or else you’ll be late in school and I need to go back in the room before mommy wakes up or else she’ll be sad if she wakes up without seeing me by her side”


“Yes daddy”


Kyuhyun ruffles his son’s hair and continue feeding him happily





Sungmin went out from the bathroom after throwing up


“Good morning baby”


Kyuhyun greeted his wife happily. Sungmin stares at her husband who is holding a tray of food


“Breakfast is ready”


He told Sungmin while smiling at her. Sungmin walks towards him and stares at her breakfast


“I cooked it for you”




Kyuhyun nods proudly


“It’s just a normal pancake. I only know how to cook pancake”


“It’s ok. Thank you”


Sungmin kissed her husband’s lips


“But I still don’t want to eat breakfast”


Kyuhyun frowns upon hearing his wife who is smiling at him


“Why? Was it because it’s just a pancake?”


“Of course not, I’m not yet in the mood to eat”


Sungmin told him before lying on the bed


“Come on Minnie. Stop being a hard headed”


Sungmin ignores him. Kyuhyun sighs and places the tray of food on top of the table at the footboard of their bed. Kyuhyun sits beside his wife


“Baby, please eat now ok”


Sungmin looks at him while lying on the bed


“Why are you still here?”


She asks Kyuhyun before looking at the desk clock


“It’s already ten in the morning. Are you not going to work today?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“I decided to take my day off today so I can take care of you”


Sungmin smiles at her husband and sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck


“You’re going to be my nanny for this day?”


Sungmin asks while smiling. Kyuhyun answers her with a nod


“So you need to eat your breakfast now baby girl”


Kyuhyun brushes his nose from hers


“But I still don’t want to eat”


“Why? Don’t make it hard for me ok. Stop being a hard headed girl. Just tell me what do you want for you to eat? I’ll give everything to you just eat your breakfast”


“You’re really going to give me what I want?”


Sungmin asks Kyuhyun while brushing her fingers on his soft lips. Kyuhyun look at his wife


“Minnie, why are you seducing me?”


“Baby, I want you”


“I’m yours, so what else do you want?”


“That’s not what I’m talking about”


Sungmin gently brushes her lips on his, teasing Kyuhyun


“What I’m trying to say is, I want you for my breakfast”




Sungmin starts laughing softly


“Minnie, I’m not playing on you”


“I’m also not playing on you. Baby...”


Sungmin flashes her seductive smile


“I really want you now”


She whispers on Kyuhyun’s ear, making his eyes widened. Sungmin starts brushing her lips on her husband’s neck, sending shivers on Kyuhyun’s body. She was about to kiss Kyuhyun’s lips, but Kyuhyun holds her lips to stop her


“Hey pregnant baby girl, stop being naughty ok”


“Baby, don’t worry because we can still make love even though I’m pregnant. It won’t harm the baby. I’ve read that in the internet”


“Why are you being so all of a sud—“


Sungmin kisses Kyuhyun’s lips to shut him up. She was about to remove her husband’s shirt, but Kyuhyun holds her hands, stopping her


“Minnie, what the hell are you doing? I told you to stop being naughty”


“Baby, please”




“But Kyu...”


“I said no. You need to behave before I get mad at you. Eat your breakfast now”


Sungmin pouts at him


“I didn’t tell you to pout. I’m telling you to eat, please follow baby girl”


“Yah! You told me that you’re going to give me everything that I want. I want to make love with you, but you don’t want it”


Sungmin told her husband while pouting hard. Kyuhyun sighs and holds his wife’s beautiful face between his hands




Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“Stop being crazy for awhile, arasso? This is not the right time to have ”


Tears start forming in Sungmin’s eyes while pouting like a kid to her husband


“I’m not crazy ok. You don’t find me attractive anymore because I’m pregnant and I’m growing big that’s why you don’t want it. You don’t love me”


“Who told you? Oh my goodness baby, please don’t torture me like this”


“I hate you”


Sungmin stands up and went out of their room, leaving Kyuhyun




Kyuhyun hits his forehead


“What is wrong with her? So moody, why is it so hard to take care of a pregnant woman? I can’t understand her mood. She’s torturing me”


Kyuhyun sighs. He grabs the tray of food on the table


“If she doesn’t want to eat then I’ll eat it alone”


Kyuhyun told his self while frowning. He grabs the fork and starts eating Sungmin’s breakfast






Hara was sitting at the living room while talking to her father


“Appa, I already take care of your case. You don’t need to worry anymore because the court already favors us”




Hara nods at her father happily


“I told you that I’m going to take care of it. I won’t allow them to put you in jail”


Hara smirks


“Money can change the court’s decision. I pay them to put the case on the trash bin and I did it. Everything can really be bought by money”


Hara told her father. Mr. Lee laughs while drinking a glass of wine


“Your siblings are really stupid as well as your brother in law. They really think that they will catch me easily. Of course I will not allow that thing to happen. I will kill them all before they catch me and throw me in jail. I’m wiser than them; they can never win against me”


“And I’m also not going to let them win, especially my sister. I’ll make sure that she will pay everything that she did to me, especially for cutting my beautiful hair. I won’t let her win. Cho Kyuhyun will be mine because I’m better than her”


“You’re always better than your sister. She’s just a brat, childish girl who always brings head ache. She’s not even smart and she never uses her brain. She only knows how to worship her bastard husband”


“I wonder what she will do if ever she finds out that her husband is cheating on her. I want to see her face when she caught her husband on act, making love with me. Lee Sungmin is going down. We need to celebrate for our success”


Hara told her father while smiling devilishly. Mr. Lee raises his glass before drinking his wine happily





Sungmin was eating fresh strawberries while playing happily on her husband’s iPad. Kyuhyun went out from the bathroom after taking a bath. He saw Sungmin playing like a little kid while sitting on the bed and eating fresh strawberries at the same time. Kyuhyun walks towards her while holding a towel to dry his hair. He sits beside Sungmin


“What are you playing?”


Kyuhyun asks his wife, but Sungmin ignores him. Kyuhyun was about to kiss her cheek, but Sungmin moves away. Kyuhyun bites his lips and snatches the iPad away from her


“I’m playing”


Sungmin pouts at Kyuhyun


“Are you still mad at me for rejecting you awhile ago?”


Kyuhyun asks Sungmin to because he notice his wife staring at his bare chest


“Yah! You supposed to get dress now before you catch cold”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun and start eating strawberries again. Kyuhyun move closer to her. He was about to kiss his wife, but Sungmin moves away, rejecting him for the second time. Kyuhyun smirks and moves closer to his wife, but this time Sungmin didn’t move away from him because she realizes that she’s already at the edge of the bed and if she moves a single muscle, she will surely fall down on the floor


“No way to go?”


Kyuhyun teases his wife


“Why are you moving so close to me?”


“Because that’s what I want, why are you moving away?”


Kyuhyun slowly brushes his lips from hers, teasing her while looking at her expression. He can see excitement on her eyes. Sungmin frowns when Kyuhyun moves away when she was about to kiss him


“Not so fast baby girl. You’re being naughty again”


“Why are you teasing me like this?”


“Because you’re so cute when you’re so eager to get what you want”


Sungmin pouts at him


“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Just go away! I hate you!”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun angrily. Kyuhyun smiles at her and moves closer to her. Sungmin stares at her husband’s soft lips. Kyuhyun can see her desire to kiss him. Kyuhyun smirks and kisses his wife. Sungmin responded to her husband’s kiss, opening slightly. Kyuhyun broke the kiss when he knows that Sungmin is already enjoying it. He did that on purpose to tease his wife


“You want me to go away, right?”


Kyuhyun asks Sungmin while smiling at her. Sungmin shook her head like a kid


“You hate me, so I need to go since you want me to go away”


Kyuhyun teases Sungmin. He stares at her eyes and notice the tears that are forming in her eyes


“Baby, I want you”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun


“Do you really want me that badly?”


Kyuhyun asks his wife while sliding one strap of Sungmin’s dress on her shoulder. Kyuhyun stares at her beautiful neckline. He moves towards his wife and gently brushes his lips from her shoulder


“We’re going to make this slowly ok?”


Sungmin nods at Kyuhyun. He starts kissing Sungmin’s neck, her skin gently while he ran his hands on her s. Kyuhyun starts caressing Sungmin’s s harder, but she holds her husband’s hands to stop him


“Baby, not so hard, my s feel so swollen because of my pregnancy. It’s actually painful when you touch it”




Kyuhyun was about to kiss Sungmin when she covers


“Baby, what’s wrong?”


“I think I need to go at the bathroom. I feel like throwing up”


Sungmin immediately gets off the bed and went straight at the bathroom. Kyuhyun sighs


“Aish! How can she leave me like this? Aigoo! Honestly, I really don’t get it. She wants us to make love then all of a sudden she will leave me and go to the bathroom to throw up. What the hell is that? Aigoo!”


Kyuhyun throws his pillow on the carpeted floor


“Pregnant woman is really hard to understand”


Kyuhyun stands up and was about to go inside his walk-in closet to dress up when he heard his mobile phone ringing. He grabs it on the bed and answers his call






“Yes Hae?”


“Have you talked to my lawyer?”


Kyuhyun nods


“I already talk to him and to my lawyer yesterday night. I went at the Grand Hyatt to meet them yesterday night. We already file a case against your father and I think the police officers will arrest him anytime”


Donghae sighs in relief


“Thank you Kyu. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I just can’t handle it alone because I have a lot of things to do and problems to solve”


“It’s ok. Your mother is my mother in law. Of course I want to save her from the abusive hands of that evil old man. Are you in the hospital right now?”


Donghae nods


“I’m with Hyukkie”


“How’s Umma?”


Donghae smiles


“She’s fine now. She already wakes up awhile ago. She’s actually looking for you and Minnie”


“Minnie and I will go there now”


“It’s ok Kyu. Just let Minnie take a rest for the baby. She’ll just stress herself. I already told Umma that she’s pregnant and she’s very happy to hear the good news. Just visit her when she already go out from the hospital next week. She’s going to stay at home”


“Umma can stay here. Minnie and I can take care of her”


“Kyu, Minnie is pregnant. She needs to rest a lot for the baby”


Kyuhyun frowns


“But Hae...”


“Kyu, just leave it to me. It’s alright. Just take care of my sister and the baby. Umma will just stay there if she’s already fine. She wants to take care of Minnie as well. No need to worry and please don’t tell it yet to Minnie. I don’t want her to think too much. It will be bad for her condition”


“Arasso. Just call me and always inform me about Umma’s condition. Kiss her for me”


“No problem”


Kyuhyun hangs up. He turns around and found his wife standing outside the bathroom while staring at him with teary eyes


“What happen to Umma?”


Sungmin asks Kyuhyun worriedly




“Why is she in the hospital? What did my evil father do to her?”


Sungmin walks towards her husband. She holds his face while staring at him with teary eyes


“Baby, please tell me everything. Don’t hide it from me. I heard you talking to Oppa. What happen to Umma?”


Kyuhyun stares at her sadly. He her hair gently


“Hae found Umma yesterday at your parents’ house lying on the floor unconscious. According to Umma’s nanny who gives Hae a call so he can rescue Umma at the house, your father locked her inside their room and abuse her


“That’s why Umma is wearing a long sleeve dress when Key and I visit the house when you’re in Switzerland. Why is Appa doing this?”


Kyuhyun calms his wife


“Baby, calm down. Hae told me that Umma is already fine and she already wake up awhile ago”


“Baby, let’s go at the hospital. I want to see Umma, please”


Sungmin begs her husband. Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“Arasso. We’re going there if you promise that you will not cry”


Sungmin nods at him


“You change your clothes now. I’m going to get dress so we can go at the hospital now”




Sungmin went inside her walk-in closet


“Hae will surely grill me alive, but what will I do? Minnie heard everything”


Kyuhyun holds his forehead and sighs. He went inside his walk-in closet to get dress









Donghae was sitting beside his mother, singing some lullaby for her, making her smile


“Thank you Hae”


Mrs. Lee told his son happily. Donghae flashes a wide smile


“It’s ok Umma”


Mrs. Lee holds his hand


“I’m sorry for everything that I did before. I’m sorry for going on your father’s side causing you and Minnie to hate me”


Donghae shook his head


“Umma, let’s not talk about it anymore. It’s already a past. Let’s forget about it and beside, you’re our mother. Minnie and I owe our life to you. Let’s just be happy that you’re safe now and that evil shameful father of mine will be going to jail soon”


Donghae notice his mother’s sad face


“Umma, I know that he’s still your husband. But what he did this time is really unforgivable. I just can’t understand how you managed living with that monster for a long time. He already cheated on you and...”


Mrs. Lee holds her son’s lips to stop him from talking


“Your father is my husband and I love him no matter what. I hold on into our marriage life not because I’m stupid or what, but because I have you and Minnie. I don’t want to give you and your sister a broken family. You should understand that. You should understand the hardship of being a woman, wife and mother. So...”


Mrs. Lee smiles brightly while staring at Hyuk Jae who is sitting at her other side. She holds Hyuk Jae’s face between her hands


“You should love your beautiful and caring wife sincerely and never make her cry because a girl’s tear is very precious. We may be a nagger and talkative during the fight, but deep inside we’re already hurt whenever our husband don’t explain something to us and treat us like an ordinary woman and not a wife”


Mrs. Lee kissed Hyuk Jae’s forehead


“Don’t hesitate to punch my son’s face if ever he hurts you, arasso?”


Hyuk Jae nods while smiling at her mother in law


“Umma, I never hurt my wife”


Donghae told his mother while pouting like a kid


“I know because you’re such a gentle boy”


Mrs. Lee told her son. She hugs her daughter in law tight


“I’m happy to see you. This is the first time that I’m going to meet you”


“I’m also happy to see you Umma”


“I suddenly want to see baby Minho”


“You need to follow your doctors so we can already go home and you can already see Minho”


Hyuk Jae told her mother in law happily. They were chatting happily when someone knocks on the room. They were shock to see Kyuhyun and Sungmin


“Baby girl”




Sungmin run towards her mother and hugs her tight. Kyuhyun just smile at Donghae who is looking at him, asking for an explanation


“Umma, I’m so worried about you. Are you ok?”


Mrs. Lee nods at her daughter while wiping her tears


“You’re crying like a kid again”


“I’m just scared. I thought we’re going to lose you. I don’t want that to happen”


Mrs. Lee hugs Sungmin, calming her


“Of course I’m not going to leave. I still need to see your second baby”


Mrs. Lee wipes Sungmin’s tears


“Stop crying my baby girl. It will be bad for your condition. Pregnant women are not allowed to cry. Too much emotion will affect the baby”


Sungmin nods at her while wiping her tears. Mrs. Lee smiles at her son in law who bows his head


“How are you Umma?”


Kyuhyun asks worriedly


“I’m fine now. I actually want to go out now, but I still need to stay here for the meantime”


“You can stay in our house when the doctors already allow you to go home”


Donghae suddenly raises his hand and looks at Kyuhyun


“Yah! Kyu, we already talk about it right? I told you that Umma will stay at home and then when she’s already fine, she can stay in your house because she wants to take care of Minnie”


“But Hae...”




Mrs. Lee raised her hand to stop them from arguing


“Ok. I’ll be the one who will decide. Let’s just put it this way...”


She stares at Kyuhyun then at Donghae


“I’ll stay at Hae’s house for one month then at Kyu’s house for one month and then I’m going to stay at Lee Hotel and Resort for the meantime”




Sungmin and Donghae shout in unison


“What? I’m just trying to be fair here so there won’t be misunderstanding. That’s my decision and it’s final. Don’t try to oppose me or you will never see me again, arasso?”


Sungmin and Donghae stare at each other and sigh




They reply in unison. Mrs. Lee smiles at them


“But of course, all of us will be celebrating Holiday together. So we need to plan for a good Holiday”


Mrs. Lee told them happily. They all nod at her while smiling brightly, but their smiles suddenly vanished when Mr. Lee went inside the room




Mr. Lee stares at them while smiling


“All of you are here. How come I’m not invited in the so-called gathering? I’m jealous”


He laughs softly. Donghae clenches his fist while staring at his father seriously. He was about to walk towards him, but Hyuk Jae holds his hand to stop him


“Honey, please”


Donghae sighs to calm his self


“What are you doing here? You supposed to be in jail right now”


“Me? In jail?”


Mr. Lee laughs at his son


“Are you ing kidding me? You’re making me laugh son”


Mr. Lee shoots him a deadly glare


“You don’t me so well son. I’m so happy to tell you and...”


He stares at Kyuhyun seriously


“Your bastard brother in law that the court throws the case that you guys file against me at the trash bin”




Kyuhyun and Donghae shout


“That’s because I’m innocent. You guys will never win against me”


Mr. Lee smiles at Kyuhyun and Donghae


“You’re just a bunch of stupid kids”


He starts laughing hard and stares at his wife


“You’re still mine. You can never escape from me”


Mrs. Lee smirks


“Then I’ll be the one who will divorce you”


“Oh...can you really do that?”


Mrs. Lee smiles at him


“Why can’t I? If you can pay the court just to prove you innocent then why can’t I pay them to process my divorce to you right away?”


“And where are you going to get money? You’re just a filthy woman”


“Filthy woman? Are you talking to me or you’re talking about your mistress? Don’t forget that I’m a CEO like you and I have my own money. I don’t mind wasting it just to pay the court for our divorce. I won’t go easy on you. It’s not our lost if you choose your illegitimate daughter. I’ll see you in court honey”


Mr. Lee gritted his teeth because of anger while staring at his wife seriously


“The game is not yet over. It’s just about to begin”


Mr. Lee told them


“And I just can’t wait to see you falling down”


Donghae told his father who laughs at him


“Then let’s see who will be going down this time son. Should I celebrate now because your company is going to die soon?”


Donghae smiles sarcastically


“Go ahead Mr. Lee, just celebrate as much as you want. I don’t care”


“I’m going to win this time”


Donghae just nods at him. Mr. Lee saw Sungmin who is hiding at Kyuhyun’s back. He set his eyes upon her and notices her tummy. He smiles at her and leaves the room while thinking of something. Donghae looks at Kyuhyun


“How can this happen? How can the court favors that evil man?”


Kyuhyun shook his head because he’s also confused of the situation


“I don’t know. Maybe he really pays the court to favors him”


“Damn it! I’m really going to kill that old man. Aish!”


Donghae sighs


“What now?”


He asks Kyuhyun


“I’ll see you tomorrow at Cho Corporation. Be in my office at nine in the morning”


“Are you sure about it?”


“Just try me ok? I will never allow that evil old man to kill your company completely. Trust my brain because that old man is not thinking. He just wants to have a lot of money. He will never read our strategy this time because I’m the genius CEO Cho Kyuhyun”


Kyuhyun proudly tell Donghae causing Sungmin to laugh


“Why are you laughing at me?”


Kyuhyun asks his wife while frowning at her. Sungmin just shook her head, still laughing


“Aigoo! What the hell is wrong with this girl?”




Donghae pats Kyuhyun’s head while smiling


“That’s life brother in law. It’s really hard to take care a pregnant wifey, especially if it’s honey dear. That girl is really crazy sometimes”


Donghae told Kyuhyun, controlling his laughter. He claps his hands


“Ok. Let’s just have some snacks since honey dear already ruin the serious atmosphere”


Donghae sighs while looking at his sister who is still laughing at the corner


“Let’s just forget that evil old man for the meantime. We’re just going to have wrinkles and I don’t want to be an ahjusshi early. Kyu and I will just buy some food. We’re going back later. Just have a girls’ bonding for the meantime while Kyu and I talk some business”


Donghae kissed his wife and immediately drags Kyuhyun outside before he can stop Sungmin from laughing





Sungmin and Kyuhyun arrive at home after eating dinner at the hospital with Mrs. Lee, Hyuk Jae and Donghae. They saw their adorable son at the living room with his nanny. They were doing Kibum’s scrapbook


“Mommy! Daddy!”


Kibum runs towards his parents. Kyuhyun carries him on his arms. Kibum kissed his father and mother’s lips


“I’m doing my project. It’s a scrapbook. I put all my pictures there and our family pictures”


“Are you done?”


Kibum shook his head


“Do you want me and mommy to help you?”




Kyuhyun went upstairs carrying his son. Sungmin follows them, bringing the materials for Kibum’s scrapbook inside their room. She sits on the bed, joining her husband and her son. Kibum opens his scrapbook and shows it happily to his mommy and daddy


“I can still remember the day that you were born”


Kyuhyun told Kibum while staring at his son’s baby pictures


“I was so happy at that day. I even jump because of happiness. I’m really happy to become a daddy and when I hold you in my arms, I just can’t help but to cry because of happiness”




Kibum looks at his father


“Yes honey?”


“Why is my nickname Key? I just find it to so weird because Key is way too far from Kibum”


Kibum asks his father curiously


“See this girl?”


Kyuhyun points his finger happily on the picture. Kibum stares at his parents’ wedding picture


“It’s mommy”


Kyuhyun nods and carries his son on his lap


“That girl is the only girl that I love most and the only girl in my heart. The girl that I love since I was eight until now and the girl that I will love until the end. Her name is Lee Sungmin and she’s the girl that holds the Key to my heart”


“How about my baby sibling? He’s also mommy’s key to your heart”


“Well...if that’s the case, since you’re the Key...maybe your baby sibling will be the lock”




Kyuhyun nods happily at his son


“I’m going to lock my heart so nobody can’t come in except mommy because she’s the only girl who has the key to my heart”


“If I’m Key then my baby sibling will be Lock? What a very ugly nickname”


“Ugly? Of course not, Key and Lock...that was so cool”


“But it sounds like a padlock”


“Then let’s make it Locky”


“Locky as in Lucky? It’s still ugly”


“How about Locker?”


Kibum and Kyuhyun suddenly laugh




Sungmin hits her husband’s arm


“Yah! Why are you giving the baby weird nicknames? I’ll be the one who will think of a good nickname”


“Then what nickname are you going to give the baby? Sweet pumpkin, pink princess or the pouting princess?”


Kyuhyun teases her


“Lock is still the best option, right Key?”


Kibum nods at his father and they give each other a high five, making Sungmin pouts


“Come on baby. What’s wrong with Lock? It sounds like Luck”


“It’s sound like a dog’s name”


Sungmin told Kyuhyun before lying on the bed


“Baby, don’t sleep. We’re still thinking about the baby’s nickname”


“Shhh, stop talking Kyu. I feel so sleepy and tired. Let’s just talk about it tomorrow. Just help your son finish his project”


“Arasso. Sleep tight baby. I love you”


“I love you too and of course Key”


Kyuhyun smiles at his son


“Let’s finish your scrapbook honey”


Kibum smiles at his father and they start working on the scrapbook happily while arguing about the baby’s nickname





Kibum was scanning his scrapbook. He finally finishes it with the help of his father


“I hope I can get good grade for my project because daddy and I really work on this”


Kibum whispers happily while staring at the pictures


“Daddy, thank you for...”


Kibum stops talking when he saw Kyuhyun lying beside Sungmin, embracing her into his arms. He smiles brightly while watching his parents sleeping peacefully beside each other


“Daddy falls asleep”


Kibum carefully jumps off the bed and went inside his father’s walk-in closet to look for a camera. He then return and happily climbs up the bed while holding a digital camera. He smiles brightly while capturing the sweet moment. He stares at the picture of his sleeping parents


“I’m going to ask nanny to print this for me. I’ll paste it at the last page of my scrapbook”


Kibum giggles happily. He carefully crawls towards his parents and kissed their lips


“I love you mommy and daddy. Thank you for giving Key and Lock a very happy family. We’re so lucky to have both of you as our parents”


He smiles at Kyuhyun and Sungmin


“Good night mommy and daddy and baby Lock. I love you all so much. Sleep tight”


Kibum covers his parents’ body with the blanket and carefully jumps off the bed. He quietly leaves the room with his scrapbook and the digital camera

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Hi Writer

Can you write a kyumin story, based on their childhoods story

Minh-Phungly #2
Chapter 27: Omg, i really love all of ur KyuMin Storys
Thx u so much author nim ;)
sooeunhae_15 #3
Chapter 27: Another good story unnie :)
i love the first part and this sequel :)
you're really good :)
kyumin99 #4
Chapter 27: Amazing sequel .....love this sequel so much.Hope you'll write more fics
Chapter 13: Im so scared to procced reading this fic .. afriaed of what will happen to them ... but ib the same time still want to know what will happen
Whats the father plan and what will happen to the mother the kyumin couple .. is anything going to happen to key .. i just had the feeling while reading ... how about hae .... i really hope nothing big and bad will happen to the good guys .. i really hate sad endings ... fighting to me cx
Chapter 2: This was verrrrry HOT ... xb
I really loved it so much xD
ayawani #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much Lee Donghae for beating Kyuhyun..as a reader i'm proud of you,such a great big brother you are..
ayawani #8
Chapter 19: Urrrgghhh..i just want to throwing colourfull cursing words so very much to Cho Fu*king Kyuhyun in this chapter..
Man still a man after all..aarrrghhh Kyuhyun..YOU!!..ARRGGGHHH..
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 27: Key, lock, chain.. OMG I don’t need kyu-brain-type of husband hahahaha it's so weird hahaha. I feel like watching a tele drama while reading thw whole story! I had my own casts too. Well except for those who are named. "If u kniw what I mean" hahahaha. I mean like Kyuhyun's mom, Sungmin's dad. Hahahah. I have been reading this for the first time in 3 days straight. And my eyes are all puffy with all the angst. (Hate u for that) hahaha joke. I love how kyu sticks to min til the end. I love how he tried hard to please her just to bring her back. Kyu and Min's character as husband and wife is soooooo realistic. (Yeah so that's why I kept on crying..) been there done that, hahaha. Anywaaay.. I so love ur story. I hope u don't mind giving me a soft copy? Well u know,,, hahaha I swear I will recommend this to my future son. I want him to be like hae. Like seriously... He's just an amazing brother. While reading the sequel my mind keeps on saying.. "ahhhh I need an older brother like hae..or a son like hae.." his character is just oh-so-perfect. Though I am not really used to him being on top. Hahaha. But this story is so daebaaak. I don’t know what to say anymore. Sure the plot is so predictable sometimes but it's all worth it. I don't mind reading it again.. boys especially husbands and older brothers should read this,. Or boooys, for future reference? Hahaha, I'm blabbing,
Thaaaanks for writing this. I enjoyed reading ur story., ^^ it's been on my reafing list for 4 mons and I just got a chance to read it now, I hope you'll write something like this again soon. ^^ you wonderfully wrote it til the end. ^^